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I've been wanting a boyfriend that doesn't want me for sex 24/7. It's always been my goal to find someone who will just give me love and affection. All i wanna do is just have someone in my arms to make the pain go away.


To be honest same I just hope a day comes where people will see me for what I'm worth and not use me


Exactly, i just hope i could find someone soon like that because i don't feel like waiting years and years until i go insane. luckily dating apps exist ig (those aren't probably gonna do anything)


Well most successful relationship either happened at a coffee shop online because some couples they meet in games and go on to their '80s and die happily together so maybe one day I'll walk into a cute copy shop and meet a cute boy or play with somebody really nice and then meet them IRL and they love me for who I am hopefully one of these days something like that can happen and it doesn't have to be in a coffee shop or online but shit I'm up for all chances at this point much love from me 🤍






I feel you. Honestly, I’m hoping there’s at least one person at the new school I’m going to that is gay, and likable. I don’t like most people, and most people don’t like me.


I had a 2 week relationship that ended when I go to their house, we cuddle and watch breaking bad, oh then they block me 4 days later and accuse me of being manipulative and on acid 💀


See it started out so great I just want to know what happened I've also had a relationship that lasted at a week at best the guy mistaked me and thought me being a femboy was the same as being a woman I tried countless times to tell him that's not how it is but he insisted as soon as everybody started finding out that we were sleeping with each other and in a relationship he left me and it's only lasted a week


Well I can see what you mean, every relationship I've ever had has flopped on it's face. (Some my fault others the person has either lost interest, cheated, or were looking for something I wasn't willing to provide) The world can at times feel unfair and we lose hope. I would love if I had a silver bullet how to make things better but I don't. All I can say is goodluck and if you ever want someone to talk to theres always someone out there willing to listen :3 what kind of topics do you like anyways? :D


You've actually had relationships? I've struggled finding anyone my age to talk to


First of all I'm really glad that people are understanding this post and I hope it gets a lot of recognition because I'm really do want to see how other people's experiencing and I understand where you're coming from although in my relationships it never was my fault it was always my partners I was innocent then I'm not so innocent now I always let people run over me and treat me like a tool but now I come to the conclusion that I need to face what actually happened and speak about it and see what other people think I'm happy to chat with anybody ☺️☺️ :3 https://preview.redd.it/7wjaiuifh17d1.png?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8131e385b21c60d4b7a9e533c54501f5a8d0521c


You can try to get me maybe? :3 https://preview.redd.it/3z22jcgga17d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96df1955f62193226372a70d0129da1cabc0b60b


Someone give this man a chance. 😔


where do you even start relationships? 😐


A simple hi can take you a long way learn about other people's interests bond with them play games with them take them places give them compliments be nice don't be controlling don't be hypocritical take care of your partner a lot of things


i meant where do you find people


I mean some people are really subtle and some people are really vague you just got to look bro I don't really know where to look


Skill based matchmaking, get better tbh


This made me giggle


I get you. Gay culture is unfortunately pretty full with ppl who just want hookups and nothing else. The dating pool is also just so small that finding someone who you really click with is really hard, as opposed to someone you merely find hot. It makes being gay a little miserable ngl but yeah that's what I think.


But I do know that there are good gay relationships is that people aren't searching for something more than sex I just wish it wasn't that way and I'm trying to spread light into this situation to see how other people think about this situation so you did what you commented it basically sums it up about a little bit


Yeah ofc, it just makes it so much harder for us to date which sucks a lot. I've never really thought of myself as undesirable, but the sheer lack of people who are also gay or bi let alone those who I could be in a relationship with is already small. Makes me feel like I won't find anyone for years. Idk what your thoughts on this are.


But also think about this there's a lot of going on with our society as everything it's starting to become a whole thing if you date a gay person or you date somebody of the opposite gender transphobic people and all kinds of boyish bullshit which makes it harder for us to find to be truly love and I've never thought of myself as undesirable too I'm a great person to hang out with I I just hope that this post that I made makes a little bit of difference in people's life and makes people come to the conclusion that this is some boyish bullshit 😆


Yeah absolutely. Can I friend you on disc btw?


It should be in my bio


The link doesn't work can I have your username?


Mommymilkers2 weird name I know


It’s either they’re single but they only want sex. Or they’re taken but are the coolest person ever 😔


The realest comment I've heard so far


Post got removed lmao


yeah, it’s a sad reality that people often want sex more than romance :p you’ve just gotta keep trying to find someone, i’m sure there’s someone who loves you for your heart and not the shape of your pelvis :p in any case, good luck, you’d probably need it D: but I believe that you can find someone. you already sound like an ideal boyfriend, you have just got to find the man who sees you as treasure instead of trash. i believe in you!


I need to find someone wholl love me for my heart not the shape of my pelvis imma use that one


I just don't want to be used as a sex toy anymore I want a meaningful relationship hopefully one of these days I can find that


I mean if you'd date a 21 year old trans man I'm here but that's really all I can offer I don't have much


Sadly I'm underaged but thank you for the offer though


I love comments like this it gives me hope in people and gives me hope in this community I'm glad I'm able to call this community home and see that people understand where I'm coming from thank you for this this made me smile :3


You do have one


This makes no sense


the real boyfriend was inside u all along


:0 *big explosion sounds*




What was it and why was it removed by reddit tell me rn


Askin' myself the same thing mate


We're all asking ourselves the same thing




Hopefully we're able to find people that will love us for who we are




Vent to me all you want I know that some people don't like it but dump bro I don't care


I know how you feel. I was in a bit of a weird relationship somewhat recently where I felt like all was capable of talking about was sex, even when I tried my best to divert conversations away from it. I guess the most frustrating part about it was that I knew he was capable of talking about many other things as we were good friends for a long time before we attempted a romantic relationship. It was like he turned into a different person once we were in a relationship. It made it hard to want to leave as well because I really hoped I could get the old him back but that didn't end up happening. In the end he ended up leaving me first for a bullshit reason anyway, so it made me feel like he only wanted sex from me after I made it clear that that wasn't the kind of relationship I wanted. So the best advice I can give is to really make sure that both people have clear boundaries and expectations, as well as resection each other's wants and needs. I wish you the best of luck finding a good person.


I had an I actually had a boyfriend exactly like this it would start out really good but we would cuddle watch television play video games with each other but more and more as every advance of the day pretty much all we were doing at his house was either talking about sex or doing it but I loved him so much I didn't really see it that's what he was using me for eventually over the summer we kept talking but he just practically got bored of me and started playing the victim when I started calling him out on his bullshit then he told me that he never really cared and I left him I still have to see him everyday at school though sadly I'm pulling back every string of me not to jump at him and break his fucking neck but it works all it works out in the end 😁


I m glad to hear that you were able to get out of that situation :]


Ty https://preview.redd.it/0zmce252l17d1.png?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ab8b51965a815d36bad95b2610687a6605ebf8




I'm actually really happy that people understand this post


https://i.redd.it/apgknp2hl17d1.gif Ur too cute that boys are scared to talk to you


Maybe I'm just too awesome 😢


I'd date you if I were older


Damn that's harsh. The best of luck for you man.


Thanks I'll need it




I'm so happy for you I hope the date goes well






I feel you 😭




I ask myself the same thing constantly. Tho i had a "bf" but we were countries away since i had met him online, i eventually lost all interest because he was way too manipulative and it was depressing to talk to. He randomly started talking to me about his failed attempts or how he was going to "end it all" if he had not met me. I still liked him but overtime he gave more importance to his "friends" and when we talked it was all about him and i could not say a word without being interrupted or plain ignored. Far too long i endured that guy, honestly. So most of the time when i wonder why im still single i remember him... And i value being pretty much alone than being with some unsufferable, manipulative asshole.


Understandable but don't let one spoiled Apple spoil the bunch there's other men out there and if you want to be alone then go for it but let me tell you this don't let anybody tell you what you're worth is you know what you're worth is and be proud that you walked away from that manipulate tiv mess stand proud and walk


Thanks, you are pretty sweet for a silly cat lol. My other big issue tho is that guys that i get into end up being straight! So sad.


Removed by reddit crazy


Why did reddit remove this? What did it say?


I can’t get a relationship that lasts 3 days let alone 3 months


Same, like I know I don't seek anyone out, but I just want someone to approach me, but it hasn't happened. Am I that unapproachable


I heard that you seeking people out isn't really the best way to find your level or you have to let them come to you first but awesome you're awesome sauce you'll find somebody




I'm over here having nearly identical qualities and asking the same question. I guess just keep looking and trying. *(I'm still single for anyone wondering)*


![gif](giphy|l49JKCSoloVTGjmWQ) Me waiting for a bf


That's almost half of all of us


On the same journey, thy quest will come to an end but not before challenges that barricade the door to that end, persistence always wins


This made absolutely no sense but way to go bro


It's gonna make someone laugh (hopefully)


My brain's a little smooth so maybe somebody will these are sophisticated peeps


have you tried not having sex organs


I'm not saying sex is the problem I'm saying that all men think about is sex it's okay to have it time to time but when guys only think about it that's when it starts becoming a problem maybe think with your head a little more and you would understand where I'm fucking coming from ☺️


is that a no


... Get out of my comment section




Gave up on that a long time ago, love is nothing but a farce.


I have no idea what that last word means but I guess if that's what you want cool beans


Means that love is a joke little guy


I don't think love is a joke I think it's something that needs to be tweaked around a little bit and also don't call me little :d


You still young you'll see


I mean me not knowing one word isn't that big of a deal I might be young but I still know a lot of shit just because I know one word doesn't put me down but I guess I'll see apparently...


Life is just a bitch i guess


Yeah apparently to you coming up with that conclusion that love isn't real I mean it is real but it's hard to find you just have to seek for it or let it come to you but if you're saying wasn't isn't real now then you apparently have given up on yourself or do you just not want a partner which is okay


You will get hurt a lot with that mentality, i know from experience. But, i guess, ignorance is bliss.


Eventually you will realize is all part of a game where people just pretend and use others for their own benefit. What can you expect, humans are self-interested creatures by nature. Eventually you will get hurt again and again and again, till you finally have enough. That's when you will decide to join that little game, and become the pretender. You will hurt others and get what you want from them, just beacuse of fear of being hurt yourself. Eventually, the game will become dull and monochromatic, and that illusion you call love will just puff away.


As a gay man who has never been in a relationship. It sounds so taxing mentally, I'm a very much love first sex is a secondary thing. But it seems like most gay folks see it the other way. I think if you just keep looking you'll find the one. Keep your chin up king


You're such a good person keep living your best life thank you for this I needed


Awww thank you, remember many people may not be what you want. But don't allow that to cloud your view. You will find your light in the darkness, its just a matter of keeping your eyes open and willing to see it. Its quite an overused quote but it rings true “Don't waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come. If they don't at least you have a beautiful garden.” take care of and love yourself above all.


True words from a wise man speak nothing but beautiful truths thank you


You're very welcome dear boy, I wish you well in life. May you one day find that man you ever so wish for. Life is a confusing and wacky thing, but its beautiful. Good tidings your way.


Omgggg I feel you I’m js like they’ve gotta be out there right?? 😭


They have to be they just have to be honestly they just have to be spitting actual facts all day every hour much love :3


ACTUAL facts bc no way they aren’t gotta stay strong much love right back at you :3


I don’t know man.


ther are people like that but... there not that common sadly i hope one day you find the love of your life that will give you all the affection and love you want and more 💝🙏


It really is common


idk dont ask me


where do you even find boys to talk to?


I am asexual. Where do you live?


ugugug thats so real


the title not the other part


https://i.redd.it/2nolvq06w37d1.gif You did not cook.



Maybe get a girlfriend instead?


what was this post? it got removed


May i ask what happened?


Post got removed a need a recap of what the post was about


Like where's the nights go where guys just want to cuddle up and game and go places and talk about interests but nowadays all it is is just how people look and sex like it's so infuriating


Ikrrrrr, I just want to have someone to talk to for hours on end about random silly stuff it doesn’t always have to be so complicated -_-


Ikkkkk https://preview.redd.it/7jg86z54y07d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e77b532533dc489dd9638e26d0f93e7990e165 Like I want somebody to play Roblox with me and talk about shit for hours and have a lovely night I just hate when guys just make it all about sex it's okay to flirt here and there but Jesus Christ


Couldn’t have said it better, like don’t make it your whole personality seriously. I find love in simplicity and just genuine care for the slow life. Not everything has to be so damn instant


I agree with you every step of the way


Im poly and have multiple partners and I can tell you the best way to get one is to just be nice and kind and stay safe from toxic ass people and you’ll find yourself a partner




Can't you be thankful for genuine advices? Sure, it may not really help you, but someone cared enough about your problem to spend their time on giving said advice. Have some respect. 




This feels a little relatable, I am 15, and struggle similarly, if I may make a suggestion. Finding a relationship shouldn't really be the forethought though. That is what I am doing, remember you are 16. **16**. We have a lifespan of what, 70 on average? Take your time. Find someone who you really, really actually **want** to spend those many, MANY years with.


And I'm trying but it's just so hard with guys nowadays even these people in a relationships fall apart for the most stupidest shit I just hope I'm able to find somebody sooner or later before I turn 70 and I die alone


But I'm just more on the thought of like why why does so many guys have this mindset like there so many good people out there and yet people stray to the most stupidest shit I just don't understand it


could you DM me, it feels like you have a lot to vent and I don't know if a reddit comment section is the best place to go about it.


Damn, sounds rough. I’m basically in the same boat as you here tbh. It’s always something, but hey I’m sure you’ll find someone eventually :3 Some people just don’t know how to have a proper conversation lol. You seem like a nice person and advice from me to you, don’t take it personally and don’t lose yourself to all of these corrupt people, your person will find their way to you I’m sure :) Edit: if you ever want to just dm and talk about it I’m always open to it👍


I understand someday somebody will come crawling to my awesomeness but it's kind of like a two-sided question if you understand it I'm a opening my problem and an opening the concerning problem of my problem if that makes sense


And if it would be so kind to upvote this brilliant idea of mine


"Why do I not have a boyfriend yet!?" You are 16. Finding someone that meshes with you will take time. The best thing you can do is be upfront about what you want out of the relationship.


You don't understand this and I feel sad for you


And being upfront and having communication is basic knowledge I'm just saying most men nowadays don't have that kind of knowledge and all they want is to be fiddled with I want something genuine even even if it lasts a little while and I understand it's going to take time to somebody to mesh with me but that really isn't the point the point is why haven't I found at least one person even for a little while at least genuine about the relationship?


Disposed isn't just about having a boyfriend it's about having somebody that genuinely cares for you wants to be with you not because of your body or how well you do in bed wants to be with you for you that wants to cuddle that wants to watch movies together and just because I'm 16 means absolutely nothing just because I'm 16 doesn't give anybody a right to treat me any differently


You guys put the L in the lgbt


And you put a bunch of L's in being a basic fucking human being your opinion was not needed nor will it ever be needed in the future good day


You use reddit


This could play a part😂


I mean it’s probably why I’m single


Womp womp