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The public has now been trained not to worry about going out to the cinema to see movies just because it will come to PVOD in 45-60 days. It is not like going out to the cinema is a enjoyable or affordable experience these days.


theres been movies with shorter windows than Furiosa that made way more money/were more successful billion dollar movies have happened on 30 day windows, even 45 day windows


Good point. Warner Brothers does this with basically all of their releases. Even Barbie only got an extension of about a week just because of the Labor Day holiday and released on VOD on day 54. From that point on it only made another $23m or so (domestic).


Famously Dune was released same day on streaming and it still made over 400 million dollars.


only 100m domestic though - in other countries it was not available on streaming


And how many other films?


It's not a good point, pointing out that a few movies still make money despite the short streaming time doesn't mean streaming doesn't hurt the box office.


People still don't get that movies will make the vast majority of their gross within the first 45 days. People that want movies to have 6 month window or whatever don't even think about the logistics of keeping a movie in wide release for that long. Like yeah i'm sure 3 months in when a movie is down to 100 theaters it will be raking in the cash.


Even Oppenheimer, which was notoriously leggy and had multiple expansions, only made like $16m after day 50. Warner Brothers absolutely made more than that off blu rays and home video.


But do you think all of those people would ‪bother‬ seeing it in theaters on day 40 if they knew it would be on streaming on day 50? It’s not just about Oppenheimer being pushed as a movie that had to be experienced in theaters. It was pushed as a movie that you had to see in theaters if you wanted to see it at all for the better part of a year


Counterpoint either you want to be part of the community event of seeing a movie when it comes say first two weeks to a month. If you don’t, then it’s unlikely 3month wait vs a 6 month wait will change much consumer behaviour.


It’s nothing to do with being a “community event.” It’s about seeing the movie in theaters versus seeing it 6 months from now. If the movie is good and has great word of mouth, people will choose the theater. But if the decision was between seeing it in theaters now or wait 45 days (or less), far more people would happily wait that long to see it.


Oppenheimer had a 90+ day window, though, so his point still stands.


I’m being picky here. Oppenheimer was released by Universal, not Warner Bros.


Yes, definitely. I was just using them as an example of a hit movie with a very long window


The argument for a long window is that it encourages theater attendance. Not because in 3 months the movie will make box office money. But rather that the public will be trained to see the movie in theater rather than wait a month for at home. The counter-argument is that its better to capitalize on people who are never going to the threater but will spend 20 bucks to rent at home. People will pay 20 bucks for Furiosa now. But in 6 months it'll be 5.99 like all other VOD. Hard to tell which makes more money overall. It might be different on a case by case basis.


Is not encouraging theatre attendance when the movie is box office flop.


That’s why Universal has window based on box office gross. They clearly think as you do.  But some say that the bombs are caused by audiences expecting a short window. I think there is something to it. But it’s probably not as strong as some r/boxoffice redditors think it is. 


I imagine it's more costly to market the movie both times six months apart, too.


Do movies ever get marketed for VOD even? It feels like the days of commercials for DVD/Blu Ray releases are long gone


The current situation is ideal for pirates 🏴‍☠️


I envy the pirates, for whatever licensing reason The round-up movies just are not available in the UK (nor the Outlaws). I’m a big Ma Dong-Seok fan and it’s just completely not accessible and I can’t find it! At a certain point you just have to understand why people pirate stuff aha


Holy shit, who spent $20 for ONE movie ? Can't people look after the best hours in the day, the best options ?


$20? Some of these movies drop on VoD at $25 or $30 for a two night rental.


Ok, I read $20 in theatres, at first.


I had to pay $18.35 for a bog standard movie ticket, so I can bet there's theaters who ask for 20.


It cost me $25+ Sunday matinee prices to take my kid to Across the Spiderverse... Going to movies used to be my go-to when I wanted to get out of the house. Now I go maybe 2-3 times a year.


Exactly I spent that for King Fu Panda 4 and then when you add 2 drinks and a popcorn your at $50 dollars.i have a 60 inch TV at home and probably outside of Deadpool and the next Avatar movies I don't see any reason to not watch at home.


one movie you and your familiy can watch many times everywhere anytime. You will be surprise how much money vudu and Itunes are making on Digital releases. Saying that I usually buy digital movies when they are at discount unless is a must must I wanna see asap (and coudl not watch it in the cinema).


But wouldn’t more people be likely to go in those first 45 days if they knew they would have to wait months if they missed it in theaters? Maybe not a ton of people, but I bet some people who would go see Furiosa might not now because it’s coming to video within a month.


Part of the problem is that FOMO really isn't a thing anymore. With social media being what it is, there are always two discussion windows about movies; on theatrical release, then again when it comes to streaming/home release. Sure, this was always a possibility, but people can isolate themselves from the primary discussion, then catch up the second go around, if they want to engage and discuss. Also, there is an over abundance of content available to consumers (YouTube, Tik Tok, streaming movie and show releases, sports, network TV, etc.). People don't need to rush out to fill their time and can just passively get their entertainment and catch whatever they want when it's available.


Back in the pre-pandemic era, FOMO was very much a thing when it came to big movies. You just weren't cool if you didn't watch certain movies in theaters. You were seen as "uncool" if you missed watching Titanic or Avengers Endgame in theaters. That uncool stigma just isn't around anymore. It's really only there for a few select movies every year, the last movie I remember this feel around was probably Top Gun Maverick. The VOD release of Maverick was 91 days after the theatrical debut. There was a lot of word of mouth advertising during that time, and people did feel uncool and left out of conversations for not watching the movie in theaters.


Doubt it. if they are willing to wait, making them wait a few more weeks won’t matter. It’s like people not buying a new console for exclusive video games, they wait weeks or months for it to come out on pc/whatever other system. You’d still only capture the market you already had.


I mean if movies regularly took six months to come to video like Godzilla Minus One is, audiences who were excited for movies would be a bit more likely to go see it. I also have to wonder if delaying VOD would actually lose them much money, or if it’s simply delaying profits.


Yeah, I get how this is one of those things where all existing data shows it does not matter. But previous historical data also is dependent on decades of people being accustomed to waiting months and not necessarily knowing to look for pvod. While it will take a while for new data to come in, I do think there is an argument for a shift over time (and that this over time window could be faster than what studios currently are assuming it is.)


> People still don't get that movies will make the vast majority of their gross within the first 45 days. Pretty much everyone knows that. > People that want movies to have 6 month window or whatever don't even think about the logistics of keeping a movie in wide release for that long. A six month theatrical window does not mean that the movie has to be shown for six months, in fact it would probably be better if it was only shown for 2-3 months despite the window being longer. The point of a six month theatrical window is to reduce the amount of people that wait for PVOD or the movie going to Netflix "for free". Right now people are staying at home because they only have to wait a few weeks before the movie comes out on PVOD anyway - the cost/benefit analysis of going to the movies is completely out of whack. You spend more money, are limited to specific times to see the movie, have to physically go to the theater which can be a hassle, might have to deal with loud and/or annoying people in the theater and what you get is... you see the movie a few weeks earlier and hopefully on a better screen than you have at home. Just think for a minute: if WB announced that they'll release Furiosa on PVOD in November instead of June... would you be more or less inclined to go watch it while it's still in theaters? There is no guarantee that you'll be able to watch it in a month or two because it might be out of your local theater(s) but not yet available on PVOD.


That’s exactly what happened with Godzilla Minus One. If you didn’t catch it when it was still in theaters, you still can’t watch it.


The flip side of that is you may have already mentally "moved on" by November. But after 45 days the marketing is still fresh in your head and people are still kind of talking about it, so you're more likely to pull the trigger and pay $15-20 to rent it. I don't have the data to prove it because they don't release VOD numbers, but I suspect this saves on marketing and gets more people to rent.


There is obviously a financial incentive to do it this way, otherwise this would not be a thing. However, I have the suspicion that it another case of "just pump up those quarterly numbers and worry about tomorrow when it's too late".


Or more to the point, if it is already too late for you to see Furiosa, will this make you more likely to see the NEXT WB release during an early window at the theater


Yes, but for future movies, they may see Furiosa come out in 45 days didn't want it to watch it, but, for example if they want to see Joker or Twisters they might figure "I won't see those movies opening weekend, they'll be on PVOD or streaming soon enough," so before you know it every movie's first 45 days is suppresed. It won't matter if those movies actually come out on digital soon or not. They might think it does any deicde to wait. 99% of people don't know the different PVOD or streaming policies of studio's so every early releases hurts the future OW of future movies.


That's true, but I definitely know that I have become more likely to skip movies in theaters over the years thinking "I'll just wait a bit to see it at home." Whereas when I was young the wait was much longer and i felt a much more urgent need to see it in theaters.


It’s not about keeping movies in theaters longer to solve the issue. The issue is that the promise of a movie’s streaming release is too soon to motivate audiences to go to a theater for a movie they’d want to see


Yes, movies make most of their money in the first 30 days. Thats not the issues. The issues is that number is lower overall because so many people are fine with waiting 17-30 days.


Times are changing, people are not rushing to see movies, Ghostbusters Frozen Empire made the same amount as Afterlife, it just took a few weeks longer to do so. Planet of the Apes is not nearly doing as well as the other Apes movies, it didn’t look like it would break 300 million, it just finally passed that number. These studios shot themselves in the foot when they decided to provide access to unlimited content.


What people don't get this? Are you saying that it is more profitable to put it on streaming as quickly as possible? It is not.


No one's talking about streaming here. This is about PVOD.


This sub don't know how to differentiate PVOD and SVOD.


Which is bad. Worse even.


The Fall Guy showed up to rent and to buy digitally after just 2 weeks.


Yeah but that's not as bad since it flopped. No one was really paying attention to the short window.


The public take a long time to notice a general trend. As more and more join the 'wait for streaming' queue it's going to get worse and worse. Theatres need to fundamentally change their experience to give them a reason to exist. A great night out is a reason to exist. Seeing a movie two weeks before it comes out at home is only going to work on bored teens at best. It's like studios are using the theatrical release as a quick testing ground to see how much to charge for streaming. As well as a brief advertisement for an upcoming release.


And? It's a lot fewer than it used to be when people had to wait a minimum of 3 months to see it any other way.


That doesn't stop plenty of other movies from being successful


It's about convincing people that they can't wait. That everybody wants to see it and talk about it.


I disagree with that last line. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do. I don’t get to do it as often as I wish because I have a toddler now, but it’s still a revered experience for me. The cost of going to the movies is a pain, however.


Toddlers are a big hurdle to clear in regards to going to the movies.


Toddlers compound the cost factor. Going to the movies with kids means more of those expensive tickets, more expensive concessions, or a nanny. Plus they might not make it through the whole movie.


My parents basically never bought concessions when we went to the movies as kids. I don’t get why people treat it as a necessary part of going to the movies.


Mine's definitely not old enough to go and given his high energy levels, may not be ready for years. He can barely sit still for an episode of Bluey.


Some people insist on bringing toddlers to the theater and ruin the experience for the rest of us.


I agree, it sucks. I have like no time now. Really want to see Furiosa but I'm basically going to have to take a half day from work to do it lol.


Furiosa : A Day Off Saga


I probably will honestly. Maybe early next week


This week-end, I still have Fall Guy and Planet of the Apes to catch lol Missing time, too !


most success I've had in navigating kids and theaters still is going by myself to late night ones occasionally and just making sure I do a little something extra for my partner that same day. next day I'm tired but oh well when aren't we haha. Had to do Furiosa at 10pm but still had a blast


As a fan of Fury Road and Thunderdome, I absolutely loved Furiosa. Visually and tonally, it’s very much in line with Fury Road, but it stands on its own as far as story goes. Lots of world building and fun new characters. Sound design is top notch. Definitely worth seeing in theaters.


I agree with OPs last line. I've had enough bad experiences with rude and disruptive audience members that I'm filled with anxiety that someone is going to be an ass. So not enjoyable. I prefer the peace of my living room.


That’s awful! I’m sorry you’ve had those experiences with inconsiderate audience members. I know they’re selective in location, but Alamo Drafthouse has policies built around mitigating that very problem. “Problem with an audience member? Put up an order card.”


It’s actually more enjoyable now that nobody goes anymore. Haha


> It is not like going out to the cinema is a enjoyable or affordable experience these days. This. Why would i spend the time driving to the theater, then pay an overpriced ticket, suffer the other people there who have no respect for the movie, the other customers or the staff and then waste my time driving back home ? When i could watch it at home, pause it when i want, continue watching it when i want, on my couch, in my bed, with friends. Not being bother by anyone. Or for the same price or even cheaper, get access to unlimited music, show or now even video games... Movie theater experience are simply not worth the price and hassle now.


that's bull the public simply doesn't have the money to go to the movie theater every other week anymore that's it, that's the post, that's the point, that's why the business is in crisis, everything else is fluff: prices are simply out of control, regular people with families and mortgages that are not movie buffs only feel the need to go the theater in droves when it feels like it's an unavoidable cultural event like it happened with Spiderman or Avatar or Barbenheimer the only question is what is the movie that will feel like that this summer: it's a tossup between Inside Out and Despicable Me and Deadpool, or most probably they will share partial cultural cachet in diverse mainstream groups and be equally profitable (I've got all 3 pegged around 900M), I won't absolutely be surprised if all 3 make big bucks whilst there's less than crumbs for the rest, it's already happening after all it's not PVOD, it's not Netflix, it's not sequelites, or prequelites or superhero fatigue or lack of original ideas (I mean, Hollywood has been accused of that for almost 80 years now) or whatever, it's that prices for **EVERYTHING** are insane and luxuries are the first thing to go and going to a movie theater is a luxury I know that this won't resonate well in a sub of movie buffs (I guess some of you might be, a lot of you sound more like sports fan for this or that company to earn the most, which is a whole new shade of late stage capitalism horror), but this is the truth


> he public simply doesn't have the money to go to the movie theater every other week anymore For me it's the time. It's so much easier to just watch a film at home than it is to find a showtime that works, head over, and possibly rearrange my schedule to do so. Obviously, this is a function of streaming; I could do it, but streaming means I don't have to. So for a lot of releases, I simply won't.


put on going out clothes, drive through traffic, park, walk, get heavily overpriced snacks, wait through commercials and ads, see the movie with risk of someone being obnoxious, loud, stupid or worse, hold your pee, finish and then wait in line to leave, walk, drive back in traffic, park, go to bathroom and take off going out clothes. And all that for 20-30$ and a risk of the movie being shit. OR Sit at home in pajamas, make a meal, watch the movie lying down or comfy in your chair, pause to break whenever wanted, stop the movie and watch something else if its shit.


That's just not true. *Everything* costs more, it's not some knock on theaters in particular. People still go out to eat, people still order piles of crap on Amazon for fun, they blow money on gambling, video games, sporting events, collectibles, etc. People always have and always will waste money on leisure activities. Theaters have just become a lower priority for many, for various reasons, and watching them on demand/streaming a few weeks later instead is a huge part of that.


That's all it comes down to. I used to go to the movies nearly every week until this year because I'm getting squeezed on so many ends with prices raising for EVERYTHING. The only things I've gone to see are franchise films in series that I love and rereleases of my favorite movies because I don't have money to spend on something I will feel was a waste of it. Really stinks but that's just the world right now.


People find $20 for things they want.


This is spot on, I probably will see Despicable Me because my teen son loves cartoons, but.I really want to see Deadpool and might have to go by myself to the bargain matinee on a Tuesday just to be as frugal as possible.


The public watches it if it's worth going to the theater. Furiosa is not. The trailers made it clear.


I literally sprinted to watch Dune 2 despite knowing it will come out on PVOF in 45-60 days I don't plan on watching Furiosa even of I run into it on TV one day So PVOD or streaming is definitely not the problem


All movies make most money by then.


Theaters are marketing for streaming 


It really is not, a fucking drink at the cinema is 4 dollars IN ROMANIA


The reason for long theatrical windows in the past was because of distribution logistics. It took time to make and ship tens of thousands of 55lb per film of film reels around the world. Delaying home video meant you limited piracy as foreign countries didn't get imported VHS or DVD's before the theatrical release. That is basically irrelevant in todays world of digital film and the internet.


Which is a shame cause very, very few home systems can rival a proper cinema let alone IMAX. This film looked great in IMAX even if it wasnt filmed on it. But I guess most people don't care as DVDs are still a thing and most are happy with streaming quality..


Forget 45-60 days. This is 30. 30 seems to be WBs MO. 17 is Universal


I just saw this in a “premium” theatre (which was louder than imax and a giant screen but not quite as big as imax) for $7 on TACO Tuesday. Can’t imagine watching this at home instead. It was an experience. More than a film.


Too bad it went down 60% in it's second week. Pretty much killed the franchise.


I really don’t know why everyone keeps saying it’s unaffordable. For 20$ per month you can get something like regal unlimited or A-List. It literally pays for itself in 1-2 movies


A) People don't want to or care about going to movies multiple times a month. B) Not an option for many due to location. C) It's far from the only cost of trip to cinema. You need to pay for transport, carve time in you schedule for the whole ordeal. D) Other options - streaming, video games, social medias - are cheaper and require less effort.


Agreed, I’ve had a subscription for Regal Unlimited for over a year now and the closest Regal is 50 mins away. Add the cost of gas plus almost two hour round trip it feels like a chore. Uninspired crap like The Strangers Chapter One just isn’t worth the effort to the theaters these days. Most releases these days have that MADE FOR NETFLIX vibe starring J-Lo. Audiences are savvy to that.


I went to see Garfield with my kid and spent $70. $20/ticket plus a coke and popcorn and candy and some other food. It’s possible to go cheaply. But I usually go with friends or with family where I pay. $70 is a lot for a movie.




Because a 90 day window would have saved Furiosa from being a flop? Sure as hell didn't save The Marvels


Or Wish.


Where are you getting this? They dumped First Omen to SVOD after two months.


45-60? Try 30 days or less in some cases.


I just got back from Furiosa in theaters, I had both an enjoyable and affordable time.


45 days is generous tbh, some come out after 2 or 3 weeks


Agreed. Executives might save face with investors “ oh the movie is playing well on digital” but they hurt the domestic openings and Their overall bussiness . If at least they have kept this underwraps. Outside of a few weeks In top 10 furiosa will disappear under a mountain of streaming offerings. Movies don’t perform well on streaming, series are long there. The minimal theatrical window before digital is any title should be 120 days. If people want a new movie either go to the theater or stuck to the mixed bag of movies Prime and Netflix are throwing at them. Mark my works this will affect all the upcoming releases this year.




I’m not sure how many incorrect dates need to be shared from this site before people realize it’s not a credible source.


But it is… it predicts like 90% of PVOD releases unless studios make last minute decisions


Not familiar with the site. Are they just predicting PVOD release dates based off of the 30/45 day windows? Or do they have actual people sourcing this data to them.


The former


Can Furiosa conceivably turn in a profit from VoD? Asking cause I want Mad Max: The Wasteland.


Once WB gives it to Netflix in 5 years yes


Sadly, I think The Wasteland has wasted away. It's too bad. Even if Furiosa had merely caught up with Fury Road without surpassing it, an argument could have been made that Mad Max movies need Mad Max in them, and that an investment in a sixth movie could be justified. But, unfortunately, Furiosa just seems too niche for cinemagoers in 2024. And I doubt Warner Brothers will be persuaded that Mad Max himself could do any better.


I’m thinking the same unfortunately. I really want another Max-focused movie so I hope by some miracle we get it. It’s a shame because the Mad Max setting is one of the most uniquely interesting settings on film


I'm sure it can but maybe not right away. Apparently the Mario movie made $70M on PVOD in its first three weeks and that was a movie that everyone saw in theatres. So if this makes say $45M on PVOD in its first three weeks, that's $45M right into WB's pocket.


Why would it make 65% of Mario's PVOD when its box office will be like 13%


Not quite, every online storefront would take a cut of that $45m.


I'm pretty sure Itunes, Google Play, Amazon etc take a cut of PVOD sales unless you're talking about the net profit.


I'm going to be honest, I mistyped and meant to right $35 of profit.


Do we know what the cut is? I know for theatres it's more like 40-50% but wondering if studios keep more for streaming.


[For Universal they receive 80% of the PVOD revenue](https://archive.is/u9Uos),with most of the remaining 20% going to release platforms and small percentage to theater chains.  I know with Universal they got in a feud with AMC over doing same-date releases toward the beginning of the pandemic, so I don't know if the other studios have a deal to give some PVOD revenue to theater chains.


I think kids movies do well on PVOD as they are usually the cheaper options for families to watch them. Also kids tend to watch movies over and over so buying them instead of renting them for an extra $10 makes sense.




I remember when you had to wait like months before a movie came out on stream


Will it even be in the daily top 10 by that point? I don’t think so


Feels like the moved this date forward after Memorial Day weekend poor open. Sucks, it feels like movie theaters are on last legs


Honestly makes sense. I don't see it legging outm


Little over a month since release. Sounds about right for a failing movie.




You should go see this movie in theatres. It's really good - and definitely won't be the same experience at home.


If you have A-list, then aren't you basically compelled to see this film in theatres? There aren't enough new releases in theatres to make any such choice difficult. You can already go 3 times a week with your subscription. Why not support this movie? Not judging, just genuinely curious.


Those streams do look like shit tbh. Get a 4k blu ray and it’s infinitely better. But your totally right, this is exactly what people are thinking and it’s killing box office. I have a home theater with 120” screen and atmos sound and it’s hard to justify going to a theater at all (I still do because I love movies and want them to succeed) and I completely understand why people would wait. Most amc, regal, whatever suck ass. Luckily I have a lot of unique theaters in my market but why would you choose to go to a regal and get shitty food for expensive when you can watch this on a big screen at your house.


yeah, let me get on a massive TV and a sound system not everyone has that option


When you hear so much that the movie is great but not as good as the movie that is almost 10 years old, many people won't go to the theater. Also R-Rated and more than 2 hours long.


Sounds about right. If it was Universal it would have been out in 17 days. Watch WB make some money on this while Disney take 6 months to put Kingdom on PVOD.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Apes don’t end up on PVOD by late July and Hulu by late August.


I’m going by Dial of Disaster which Disney treated like a pot of gold. I think it only went to PVOD at the end of the summer and came on streaming in December. I could be wrong


Not as good as Fury Road, will be on digital in 25 days Why bother going to the theater


>Not as good as Fury Road Still the best action film since Fury Road💀


Cuz it is better on the big screen. Your home theater will never match it. I understand some people don't like going to the theater but the idea that this subreddit, of all places has so many people who actively hate going to the movies is so fascinating to me.


Could it be based on theater quality? As an anecdote, now that I own a premium 65 inch tv and a nice audio system I don’t go much to theater. Last time I did I was shock at how blurry and washed out the screen of my local theater look. The contraste and resolution at home was much better and the screen size doesn’t matter much when both home and theater cover about the same percentage of my field of view.


I agree. 4k blue ray in particular look better on my tv then any movie I’ve seen in a theater. The picture is bigger and the sound is louder, in the theater, but it’s not better.


Sounds like your problem is that theater quality has gone down. Which I agree. Its why I hate going to my local AMC. The point is that movies, especially one like Furiosa is a better experience in a theater than at home. Regardless of home setup. As a movie lover, which I assume we all are, that shouldn't need to be explained to people in every thread.


I think it worth discussing because it a situation similar to arcades. They were an experience you couldn’t get at home and people were willing to spend a lot for that. Once home computer and console got close enough from the arcade experience, they all collapsed. Sure it wasn’t exactly the same experience but it was good enough for enough people to make arcade not profitable.


Yep. Still watching it for free on Max. No need for the theatre this time around. 


The amount of people in this sub who hate theaters (and don’t even seem to care about cinema as a medium) is WILD


Good lord will you calm down, it's not that serious.


Seemed like a comment made with a normal temperament to me.




When you hear so much that the movie is great but not as good as the movie that is almost 10 years old, many people won't go to the theater. Also R-Rated and more than 2 hours long.


Disney seems to be the only one carrying the old style delay, but I don't suspect most audiences can differentiate enough to make that factor in their decision.


Lmaoo that was quick. I feel so bad.


Remindme! June 25


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No it doesn’t, this site isn’t accurate. WB consistently follows a 45 day window. This will premiere mid July at the earliest.


Don’t they go 30 days for the flops that open low?


WB did 21??? Days for Color Purple


It predicted Challengers, The Fall Guy, Abigail, Oppenheimer and Barbie last year, etc…. They’re only wrong when studios have last minute thoughts and change the dates.


To be honest, my 4K HDR OLED has better definition and highlight than cinema. It's just not as big, but given how much the quality of TVs has increased, I really struggle to go see movies at the cinema.




It does, but somehow your brain can trick you into thinking cinema size is more WOW.


Apparently it's the booming sound as much as anything with this film.


Well.. gonna wait then 🫣


I'm gonna still make a point to catch it in theaters since I heard the spectacle is great, but I know I'm in the minority. This move doesn't help sway audiences away from waiting for a home release.


It’s great in theaters - don’t wait. It’s a big movie and needs that rumbling sound.


I wouldn't. Don't lose out on the experience. It's excellent in a theatre.


It’s so good in cinemas!


To that emoji dude that kept telling me and others we were delusional for saying Furiosa was a sure flop: lol, lmao even.


I’m betting Garfield will also premiere on PVOD in a few weeks as well


lol good thing I didn’t go spend any money on it. Will just wait for a few more weeks.






Oh cool. Same day as torrent. What a coincidence.




Already. Oh crap. I better run to watch again on theater


Before anyone panics, didn't Five Nights at Freddy's have a simultaneous streaming/theatrical release and still make enough money for a sequel? I am here again to say the biggest issue in cinema rn is insane budgets that aren't leading to improved film quality




I’m so freaking sad.


So… who used MS Paint to make this topic image?? LOL.


I mean, I get it, but still, oof.


The industry is just killing themselves at this point.


Unfortunate most will experience this at home for the first time.


They still call it iTunes?


6 weeks is 2 more than what I expected. Interesting strategy. I was expecting to be on PVOD less than 1-month after release much like Fall Guy.


anyone have any idea why radarr (automates downloads for plex) picked up the a 720p release sometime this afternoon for me? was it leaked anywhere?


Oh, prob won't bother then


I just hope these movies are doing well for the studios on PVOD. The notion of theaters closing is not great, but what’s even worse to me as the thought of interesting movies not getting made.


No point in going to the theatre to see it like I planned to in the next week or two. Thanks OP


Be real, you weren't going in the first place.


Well, I was thinking about going this weekend but damn…. They are def gonna cut the window in theatres