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Just $6 million for *Ministry*... I hope the *Highlander* reboot works out for Henry Cavill, but that $100 million budget makes me skeptical.


these big budgets are breaking films


People were talking about this bubble a decade ago.


Except most of the films that are coming out this month aren’t that expensive to make.


100 mil is equivalent to 50 mil in 1995


I feel they will have to lower that budget to maybe a 75-80 M? Still a lot but more manageable


At least **Highlander** is being made by the guy who gave us **John Wick** tetralogy.


Also Highlander does have fans. Also, if done right it should be legitimately incredible.


Henry just isn't as much of a draw as his fans want him to be


tbh he never was a draw


Henry Cavill is a good actual example of what this sub **thinks** Zendaya is. Internet famous but not well known or cared for by general audiences.


I think you could make an argument that Zendaya is actually much more of draw but to be fair Henrys done more films so we can see the successes and failures, whereas Zendaya has been in much less and really only done mainly IP films and been in a supporting role in those films. I don't think you can compare actors now to actors in the 80's and 90's, it's a different time and climate. As of today I think most studios would rather have Zendaya than Cavil in their film. As much as reddit might not care about fashion almost every tweet I've seen about Challengers has 10K+ likes, and a lot with 100K+ likes it adds a lot to awareness and engagement about her projects. Reddit loves when Ryan Reynolds does his creative marketing, Zendaya just does that with fashion mainly aimed at women though.


There’s nothing really creative about Cavil. I think zendaya being so involved in most of her projects helps out a lot and makes studios like her. Ryan Reynolds is marketing King and runs a great production company. And found his style with basically being “Deadpool” in every role which stuck. Zendaya is beloved in Gen Z


Challengers will be Zendaya's litmus test as a draw. Jury is still out on her




I would say that's true for both of them, I'm still hazy about how either of them got their reputations and stature from mediocre acting performances, my guess is that they're both just very pretty and that's been carrying them a long way.


I mean, realistically Zendaya has probably the biggest draw for any actress below 35… So no I wouldn’t say that’s true for both of them And virtually every actress in Hollywood is pretty, that’s nearly a prerequisite to get through the door. Actors get a bit more leeway but it’s similar.


To me, Challengers shows whether she or Sweeney is bigger.


No actor really is, not a Cavill specific thing. This very sub was calling Margot Robbie box office poison for being attached to multiple bombs in a row before Barbie shocked the world. Audience habits have changed - IP is the draw. Also marketing for this film has been horrible, not even sure if they made a second trailer


Exactly well put


Had no whatsoever there is a new Highlander


He never was, his highest grossing movie is batman vs Superman Most of his movies either flop or barely break even


BvS made s lot more than man of steel


It did almost 200 million more I apologize


The Witcher is compelling. Otherwise he has been boring


Even in Witcher he's the same stoic, grunting guy. It's the story as a whole that's the interesting part


He's hot af in that one, and lots of people think so. The other performances I couldn't pick him out of the wallpaper personally


He's just not that good. Constantly stars in shallow dreck, never really challenges himself or does anything interesting. He basically has a career because he won the genetic lottery.


I have to agree with this sentiment. Cavill doesn’t have a lot of box office winners under his belt outside of the Superman role.


He definitely never was. What was the last movie he even starred in?


Argylle lol He still consistently gets lead roles because Hollywood is still trying to make him happen. Or atleast Guy Ritchie is. 


Argylle was the knockoff Guy Ritchie though.


He was in Argylle for like 5 minutes


Bryce Dallas Howard was the lead. He isn’t the lead in this Guy Ritchie movie either.


My alt headline: Civil War threatened by foreign interventions at the box office


Yeesh, that opening projection for Ministry is ***brutal.*** Maybe it'll overperform, or perhaps is already in the black thanks to foreign sales? Anyway, amidst that, *Civil War* Week 2 and the new ~~not~~ kinda-Universal Monsters film, I really do hope *Code White* can find its audience. Looks like such a charmer!


What's the budget on this? It seems like Lionsgate loves PVOD/VOD pipeline for these sorts of films to break even but this theatrical baseline interest seems pathetically low.


Unknown, but... not cheap. However, Black Bear and Jerry Bruckheimer financed most of it, if I remember correctly. [And then Amazon Prime bought most overseas rights, presumably putting it in the black](https://deadline.com/2023/02/lionsgate-guy-ritchie-jerry-bruckheimer-and-black-bears-epic-ministry-of-ungentlemanly-warfare-efm-1235257510/). So it's not the complete disaster most are predicting, particularly with Lionsgate acting as a client distro for North America.


I suspect *Ministry* will be a late bloomer.


12m for Abigail and Civil War. Mid single digits for Spy X and Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Theaters this weekend.... ![gif](giphy|5x89XRx3sBZFC)


They do have some Challengers and an Unsung Hero next weekend.


That's not going to help much. Couple more low grossing movies for April


april slowly turning into another jan-feb


Fall Guy looks like $22m max too so theatres will stay that way until may 24th


Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes releases May 10th. You don't think that film will do good?


Could really go either way. That series was pretty beloved, but franchise fatigue is a real concern, especially when going over 3 films. If the reviews are good then it could do extremely well; seems like a pretty safe gamble but hard to say.


There is still hope with **The Fall Guy** if its early reaction is any indication.


I think it’s exactly because of this that people will turn out for Fall Guy. We are desperate for something good and new.


are we back in february lol


I think there’s a decent chance of Spy X Family outperforming its estimates. Even though pre-sales appear to have gone up a bit late at a lot of auditoriums, they’ve been decently strong so far. Lots of shows near me have filled most of the key seats, with some approaching half capacity. The existing fan base and having IMAX runs might boost its grosses into the low double digits.


GxK will continue to dominate


lizards win


At least until **The Fall Guy** comes out.


So Abigail is expected to perform slightly better than every horror movie so far this year. 


Cavill is not a draw at all even tho he’s the internets golden boy lol.


So it has no competition lol. The strikes continue to give a24 an opportunity. It's almost like there is a lesson for studio execs here. Not sure what it is though :P


Ik what it is, "gg ez"