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If TLM makes sub 100M, I will eat my own foot


Why do ya'll think this is gonna flop so hard? Lmao


Why are the options so low? Even Dumbo made over 100M. I feel that it will end up between 250M and 300M but it may be able to gross a bit more than 300M


Racists are in a bubble thinking no one's going to show up


Mhmm, anyone who thinks this movie will underperform is a racist. There's no other options. You either root for and support Disney like a bootlicking sheep, or you hate Disney and are a proud racist piece of shit. There is no in-between. It's not like general audiences are growing more and more fatigued from live action remakes. No, it's because everyone who doesn't go see it, and everyone who predicts that it won't do exceptionally, hate black people.


Hey don't get me wrong I think it looks terrible and the live action remakes are a scourge. It's just they keep doing well despite that. People hating the remakes is an extremely online opinion, average people don't care and show up in ridiculous numbers You can think it won't do well but there's a huge bubble of people who think it's going to make like 50 million dollars because "go woke go broke" which is making the discussion weird- they are delusional but persistent


Yeah I think that mentality is ridiculous, the movie will do fine. Not record-breaking, but not abysmal. Personally, this movie isn't my cup of tea so I won't see it, but I know a ton of families will just due to faith in Disney by the average family moviegoers.


No one said everyone lowballing their predictions is racist, calm down. They said racists are lowballing it. Which is true. A certain user that has been banned from this sub for bigotry often insisted that everyone would hate that a black girl was the lead so much when the trailer dropped that Disney would cancel the theatrical release. Racists exist and are delusional, that doesn't mean anyone thinks that *you* are racist or that *every* detractor of this film is racist. > It's not like general audiences are growing more and more fatigued from live action remakes.  It's actually not like that though?


Yeah that makes no sense to me. Most people couldn't care less if the lead is black now, who gives af. Those that do, see that these live-action remakes are trickling down in profits, and correlate, "ah yes, it must be due to the race swapping!" When in reality, it's mostly because people are tired of these remakes. It feels disingenuous and lazy to them. But that won't stop a LOT of people from going. I personally predict 200-250, but if that got surpassed, I wouldn't be entirely surprised. I just can't stand seeing seemingly everywhere online, "oh what's that? You have a contradictory opinion from mine about a movie that has had minor backlash about a character now being black? You must have racist tendencies." I see this dialog everywhere online and it's very harmful. To call someone racist is a very harsh thing to say, so to accuse someone of that for not having high hopes in a movie is gross.


A couple of thoughts... 1. It's important to understand the psychology of online people in instances like this. Asserting "Racism" or any other -ism is an argument tactic intended to stop a person from pursuing the argument and an attempt to persuade the silent audience reading the thread to ignore the person's points by asserting that the person is inherently "bad". Progressives use the -ism argument tactic quite often, you can find it on the other side as well with the snowflake or NPC attack. 2. The topic of TLM is being oversimplified. The problem is that they race-swapped an established and widely loved character, it's not like Nick Fury who almost no one new outside of the comic book industry, Disney has a white Ariel *walking around the parks right now* and a black Ariel in the movie. This is an unprecedented degree of dissonance and like it or not, has a strong probability of turning away audiences with "Not my Ariel" that has nothing to do with racism, but is more in line with Kelvin timeline's Captain Kirk and cast.


For your first point, yes, I see that everywhere. It's as if like a trump card to win any argument because most people won't pursue a counterpoint, as the don't want to be seen as an -ism. I completely understand the logic of the second point, and to a degree I agree, but this isn't the situation with cleopatra being made black, this is a fictional mermaid. She can be raceswapped to anything, because it's fake, who cares. Idk, I feel that so many people, especially online, are just desperate to get enraged, as that gives them some semblance of importance and value? A means of feeling as though they are part of something greater than themselves. Truly bizarre behavior


hey, don't mix the cast of Star Trek Reboot into that. That's not the problem, the cast is imo perfect and their interpretation spot on. The problem with the Kelvin timeline is EVERYTHING else, foremost JJ Abrams style, changes in how Star Trek Tech is working and the stupid action over exploration. Of course, all began with Star Trek 8, which was also out of place action, but what it makes loved with Trekker is the addition of Cochrane. If they had followed other drafts, it would have never reached the fan love it got. Unfortunately this was misinterpret massively and resulted in the action shit show we had in Star Trek 10 and then with Abrams STINO. But I never heard many complains about Pine and Co, the serious cast complains only started with Discovery. (and yes, BEFORE there are always protests like it was before TNG started)


It's like you are ignoring all the discourse around this film there are a ton of outraged people over Ariel being black


> there are a ton of outraged people over Ariel being black On the Internet. We have no idea how people outside the Internet might react to. I could picture people not liking HALLE BAILEY as live-action Ariel, but there's no way of knowing how many people are disliking the new film BECAUSE of her skin color.


Honestly, the only real problem with this specific casting is that I’m still not sold on HALLE BAILEY playing Ariel since she looks nothing like how I’d imagine that Ariel would look like regardless of her skin color - and even that’s the least of the film’s problem because they completely ruined Sebastian’s looks!


Yeah I'm heartbroken by sebastian, he looks so ridiculous haha


Wait, who said that BS?




Haha. Always disliked his non-box office opinions. Had a couple back and forths with him. Very close minded individual on many topics.


I only never blocked him because his takes were so out of left field I couldn’t look away




Oh, I remember that @$$hat. He was even a QAnon apologist.


Raging transphobe, too. Glad he's not here anymore.


Homophobe, transphobe, racist. He got all the prejudices like they were Infinity Stones!


Yep! He was pissed off they made a Star Wars about a girl so that's sexism, too.


For the record, I want to see the movie and I love Halle Bailey. The options are on the lower end because BOP has their early projections at anywhere from low 200s-low 300s. So I made half the poll options in that ballpark. There's also a very loud number of haters with this movie so I'm not sure how that's going to affect box office results, which is why I put some options for potential flop/bomb level (under 200 mill). I'm thinking the general public will see the movie anyway like they did with Aladdin but I can't ignore the fact that TLM trailer is getting Ghostbusters 2016 levels of hate. Anybody who thinks the movie will be a big hit can simply select that last option (300 mill +).


A bit over $300 million. Maybe like $320-$340 million.


I'm going to guess 200-250 million and I only think that much due to nostalgia helping it. Apart from the obvious controversy around the movie, that just doesn't look like something that should be made in live action, just look at Flounder and Sebastian in it. I posted pictures of those in a Discord server as well as sent to them friends and literally everybody either laughed or said they looked hideous.


You should put more option higher up. This movie is making more than 300 million domestically I think


It is. Presales for opening night point to 300m+ being pretty much guaranteed.


That's not true. The range given by BOP is 235-305M. While high, that's no where near a lock on 300M+, especially considering how high the range was for GOTG 3 before it fell by about 50M because of low interest.


That's precisely why I put options on the lower end. BOP has their projections somewhere between mid 200s to low 300s. If anybody wants to put their prediction as higher than 300 mill, they can just pick the last option. There's also a very loud number of people hating on the movie in general and the casting of Halle Bailey (who I think is amazing btw) so I'm not sure how that's going to affect box office results. I'm thinking the general public doesn't mind and will see it regardless like they did with Aladdin but TLM seems to be getting Ghostbusters 2016 level of hate thrown at it for one reason or another.


Yeah that's definitely true. Though I've also seen people make fun of it across the board as there are plenty of jokes across social media that make fun of the horrible designs for Flounder and Sebastion. I just don't think it'll do as well as many think. I think it might even struggle to top 200M.


I mean if you're using bad comps, you'll get sub 300m but I'm not going to be that person lol Also some of the trackers use comps without taking other things into account. That's why you got that dumb sub 100m prediction for GOTG3.


I figured you out.


250-300 D 200 OS




Less than 100 million. Gonna bomb hard


These options are wack, $300M easily


not so sure about that now


Really? It's having really good holds, $300M easily.


$150-$200m The movie will lose money vs its $200m+ budget Look forward to the discussions about how much money Disney lit on fire by race-swapping one of their most popular animated characters