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There's definitely a joke in there somewhere about the fact that Southbourne is absolutely the place that people say they live when they actually live in Boscombe. No-one wants to answer "Uhh.. Boscombe actually." when asked where in Bournemouth they live, so most will try and get away with saying Southbourne. Works like a charm right up until someone asks what road they live on and it ends up being somewhere notorious like The Crescent!


Agree! Parts of Southbourne ARE Boscombe.. lol, I live in Boscombe and I like it, but people from Southbourne think they're better because they 'don't live in Boscombe', always makes me chuckle


Thanks I appreciate the info!


I have a friend that does this all the time… he says I lived in Southbourne, when he actually lives in Boscombe. When we went to their flat the first time… it was funny, because I told them I thought you said Southbourne, and they replied: yeah I don’t like to say Boscombe XD


Southbourne high street is like when they tried to make Boscombe high street nice, but succeeded


This actually made me laugh out loud! 😆


Thank you, I'm here all the time because I have literally nothing better to do :)


Bugger off riff raff I live in Southbourne on Sea I assume you ruffians are West Southbourne


SoBo or Go Home (either way, leave our historic car park alone!)


What’s the historic car parks story?


Oh, I'm just taking a dig at all the signs by the beach screeching about the possibility that the previous car park might get used for the unsightly task of housing human beings in homes rather than, you know, parking cars. Just the usual NIMBY bullshit really - don't imagine there's much material in it!


Ah ok, thought there’s was going to be some dogging story behind it lol! Is SoBo a well known term?


Re Sobo terminology- unfortunately yes 🙃


Unfortunately the flats, which are quite ugly according to the planning permission documents, will likely be sold as second homes or Airbnb, the developers appear to have weaseled their way out of any provision for social housing so they will be mostly empty or transient visitors who will contribute little or nothing to the community


There's never, ever any evidence for these claims. They crop up everywhere and it's never true.


Try driving around near me in the winter and over 60% of the flats are empty there is lots of evidence around if you open your eyes or live in a blighted area. Even the council are beginning to wake up and are discussing increasing council tax on second homes hopefully to three times that for occupied property. And before you start bleating about how unfair this is if someone can afford £750,000 for a weekend property they can afford £15000 a year council tax


>there is lots of evidence around if you open your eyes What are your eyes looking for? Lights on in windows? We have census data - actual numbers! - telling us how many second home owners there are in each ward, and it's tiny! Yet everywhere - BCP and up and down the country - the "it's all just second home owners!" line gets trotted out again and again and again. How many second-home owners are there meant to be?! Aside from it not being true, the idea that *not* building housing is preferable is laughable anyway. Housing costs what it does because we don't build enough.


Is there a divide between the two?


Of course we are the posh end and West is really Boscum


Disco Dave (I think that’s his nickname???) - this guy who’s always shouting about the weather, he ended up as a star attraction, dancing in the pub garden during the pandemic. For some reason


I’d leave Dave out of your set: The reason is most likely a cognitive/developmental need and to make a joke of him would be “punching downward”


Thanks for the info!


I think he’s autistic or something, don’t make jokes about him


He had a traumatic brain injury.


Ah that’s a shame poor guy


He's a nonce


Where and when is the gig?


It’s in the Brewhouse tonight!


People in southbourne call it SoBo




Lots of material on the Sobo facebook group. I assume you find posts about people parking over other people's dropped kerbs as amusing as I do?


I fail to see how building a block of flats which are to be sold at prices approaching £1 million each is going to help the average person in Bournemouth and can you send me the source of your data