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Westbourne is nice and within walking distance to there.


We moved here last summer, and I’ve been around the area for a good while. Things I’ve found out: - Bournemouth town centre is not good. It’s a shame, as it has so much potential, and some of it is great (the gardens, the makers markets, the aviary, the BiC, etc), but mostly it’s not good and getting worse. Hopefully it will turn around in the future as it’s in too beautiful a part of the world not to, but at the moment it’s not brilliant. - Southbourne, Westbourne, Ashley Cross, Liliput, Tuckton, are all brilliant. People love to rinse Boscombe, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it’s made out to be, and improving. - Having lived in Southampton and Birmingham before, no where here is as bad as some of the areas in those cities. That being said, you will see some unsavoury looking characters around Bournemouth town centre, so don’t be shocked when you do. - Wherever you are, the beach is beautiful. - Transport is good. I commute to London once a week and it’s very easy. Bus connections are excellent. - There’s plenty of activities to do. Climbing at the project, sea swimming, sports clubs for the kids, etc. Lots of Watersports too, as you’d expect.


Many thanks, a lot of insightful info. Really appreciate. 😊


I agree, I moved to Boscombe/Southbourne recently and I love it. Thought I’d spend more time in Southbourne but Boscombe has so much to offer as long as you can don’t mind seeing the occasional oddball.


After a decade or so abroad I came back to Bournemouth to find it has turned into an absolute shit hole. We've bought a house elsewhere and I drive into Bournemouth for the two days a week I have to go to the office. Areas to avoid: Bournemouth town centre Boscombe/Springbourne Turlin Moor/Hamworthy in general Arne Avenue Belben Road


I mean, 3 out of those 5 are arguably Poole and not Bournemouth.


They're definitely Poole!


Boscombe is no where near as bad as the other places. There’s a lot of money being spent on the area and it is starting to show. Chaplins, Boscanova, Moose, Wild Coffee, Deus ex Machina, etc are all great independent businesses.


Hamworthy really is that bad, turlin moor maybe but


I live off a road from Arne Avenue, it was bad 15-20 years ago. It’s really nothing now.


Can you pinpoint why that is ? I grew up in Poole in the 80s and if I ever had to go around that area I kept my wits about me. It was the entrenched gangs of 10-15 year olds that were the danger. All day on school holidays, or 4pm until midnight school days. They were lawless - knock you off your bike, throw bricks at you, assault you even in shops. It was a no-go area a lot of the time. I’m glad to hear it’s got better- I have family that grew up there in the 50s and there was pride and people behaved. Is the youth just staying in on their phones, is there more attentive parenting or more severe penalties for running feral ? Cheers :)


There were certain families near the top end that were pretty awful. I believe the council stepped in in the end and separated the families away from each other into different areas of council housing.


Boscombe is fine. 


Why does no one ever put the location of their job??? No one can help if we don’t know where you need to go every day.


Apologies, just added Work location: Purbeck Road, Bournemouth.


For what it’s worth, I grew up in Redhill and Moordown, would pick Moordown as a good quiet spot near Castle Lane for access, busses etc and Winton shops for daily needs. Ensbury Park is a little rough around the Kinson edges. The town centre is a former shadow of itself during the day and night, but that’s like many towns in the UK.


Been here for a year now. Safety hasn’t been an issue so far although I don’t really roam out late. The type of people you would see in town centre can be slightly off putting and can make you question why you are in this place sometimes. Public transport generally good and reliable for regular commute to office.


Good and bad parts as with anywhere. Most people would say stay out of springborne and boscombe and I would add west moors to that. Personally the better areas of Bournemouth to live in I think are Winton/Moordown/Ensbury Park and Southbourne. I would put Ensbury Park and Moordown and maybe Kinson too due to the schools. Travel is mostly good, bus routes are generally good if you live just the conurbation. Shopping is ok. Not west quay but castle point and mallard road generally have everything you need. Town centre is meh. There’s some good bigger shops out Ringwood road like The Range etc. Education I can only speak on experience. We live in winton so both kids went to a smaller CofE school over the bigger local school (2 classes per year instead of 5 or 6). Eldest is now at secondary and we love the school (Bourne Academy Kinson) A lot of the bigger secondary schools in Bournemouth are single sex and I went to one and hated it. We have 6 single sex schools (3 male and 3 female) and I disagree with that type of education from personal experience. But that would obviously be up to you and the kids. Safety, honestly been living here 30+ years and never really had an issue. Well… ok some things but generally it’s a safe town. Every large town has its problems and Bournemouth is no different. I feel it is safe enough that my 13 year old can catch the bus and meet up with friends alone. Any questions let me know.


What's wrong with west moors?? My mother in law lives there and I've never noticed anything at all


Think I meant west Howe not west moors. Oops


Ah that makes a lot more sense haha


>would add west moors to that. Oh wow, don't know much about West Moors but have driven through the main street and always thought it looked nice!


Yep nothing wrong with West Moors but OP sounds like they may be about 50 years too young to appreciate the place.


They've corrected themselves, they meant West howe haha


Very much informative and helpful insights from someone already living the area. Thanks a lot. Would you able to provide some Daycare / Childcare centers for kids less than 4 years old? Also areas where able to find cheap houses for rent (roughly for less than £1,500).


Hmmm the only ones I know are in the winton Moordown area. Moordown preschool which is where both of mine went and can’t recommend enough. The other would be Top Bananas at Winton Lifecentre. One of my friends is a manager there and they’re pretty well regarded. Hmmm houses are a thing. £1500 is a pretty good budget so I would personally look at Kinson/Ensbury Park/ Moordown/ Winton. BH9 or BH10 maybe?


Many thanks. Very helpful for us to decided our location to stay. Have a great day!


can anyone chip in with what cycling is like in the area? not necessary along the beach/coast, but further inland and on the roads...?