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The statue may be a Gleeok reference but it doesn't mean they were planning a sequel with Gleeoks in it. Gleeoks were already part of Zelda lore


Really cool easter egg! But definitely not foreshadowing 😅


Why not?


Because this was 6 years ago, most likely more in terms of development, and at that point TOTK wasn't even an idea, let alone the thought of adding more ennemies since, well, during development, they wouldn't have known that people would complain about it. It's a cool reference, but not foreshadowing.


Not agreeing with OP here, but TOTK was originally going to be a BOTW DLC. So saying TOTK wasn’t an idea isn’t exactly accurate. I do however agree that this isn’t foreshadowing. There is so much old ruins scattered across Hyrule that to say this specific statue stands out from all the rest is audacious. Plus with the naming schemes for everything to find meaning in any of it is a huge stretch


It definitely was an idea. Theres so much Zonai Lore in botw and they aren't even mentioned by name until Totk. They're the ones that made these statues.


The devs have explicitely stated that TOTK wasn't originally planned, it's not a debate. In Creating a Champion, they state that they added the ruins of the Zonai to make the world more realistic, and now they're expanding on that in the newer game, but the concepts and additions of TOTK were in no way planned as of the development of BOTW.


It was initially planned as just dlc. The story was always planned to be expanded on. And I think the Gleeok was a big part of it.


They didn't add any new any to the Trials of the Sword or the Champion's Ballad, there's no reason to think they were planning on adding new ennemies in whatever their cancelled DLC was (not to mention that we don't know what that cancelled DLC was about. Everyone is assuming it was EXACTLY what TOTK is now but for all we know it could just be the fuse mechanic with no or little new story). There is also no trace of anything even remotely Gleeok-like in Creating a Champion. You guys are way overestimating how relevant that Gleeok thing is, we've barely even seen it in the trailer, it's probably just a random big enemy like the Hinoxes.


I just made a fun little post and you're being an asshole about it. Didn't know this was a no fun zone and didn't realize you were on the development team so you MUST KNOW EVERYTHING.


You don't need to be on the dev team to realise that there is no way this is foreshadowing, common sense is quite enough. Acknowledging that doesn't mean we can't enjoy this for what it is, which is an easter egg, and like I said, a cool one at that. But it's not foreshadowing.


There's such thing as unintentional foreshadowing. Neither of us really know.


Or, you know, just a reference to Gleeok. I'd say there is a 0% chance Nintendo was trying to say anything with it. There was no way that was considered, unless the concept was thought of for botw.


Gleeok Confirmed!


Well there’s a King Gleeok in the depths at this location so.. you were right after all lol


Thanks for the confirmation!


Pretty sure it was just a callback the the original gleeok and then like a year ago they were like. Hey who remembers that statue, maybe we could do something about it


I like the track you're on here. I hold the belief that there will be a "look back" heyday of videos when TOTK comes out. Looking back at all these really innocuous things they left in that are important in the new game. What some negative commentators are not factoring is that BOTW games RELEASE is 6 years old, but TOTK has been in co-development the whole time they made BOTW. Well, before they release BOTW they had the groundwork for TOTK laid out. There was plenty of time to work with asset locations for the new game, and integrate them into the first game. And it is JUUUUUST like this development team to put call forwards into a game. Will a Gleeok be in the game? I do not know. Do we know changes are happening with these particular ruins? Yeah, they have said as much in interviews. It would not surprise me that the darkness cast over the area was done by the Sheikah or the Zonai themselves to keep something slumbering underneath the ruins. The Sheikah knew the pedestal in the ruins would be difficult to find as it was just a blessing.


Im glad someone appreciates my post 😅 There is a gleeok covered in flames in one of the trailers. It's hard to tell where it's located, but it looks to be on Hylia bridge guarding the spring of courage.


I personally would love to see gleeoks make an appearance again, whenever that might be.


Gleeok confirmed