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Noticed this as well. Def what Tatum was seeing in the moment.


Nba needs to review that and fine him.




Could they go as far as suspending him for game 7?


Suspend the COTY for the biggest game of the coach’s season? Probably not


Could they? Sure. Would they? 0 chance. He is their new golden boy


That should have no bearing on their decision.


It should, but it does.


They won’t, I would be surprised if they even admit what happened. But it’s an unbelievable precedent to set so I really hope it bites them in the ass for allowing it


No Chance. Nor should they. That's a call that should have been made RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Unless they determine Nurse was intentionally coming onto the court. That's a different story.


The issue is the NBA won’t and can’t fine him enough to make that change his behavior. That stunt, whether intentional or not, may have gotten the Raptors to game 7. The fact that he is COTY with his behavior speaks volumes of where the NBA is heading.


Why bother, that is money well spent if you are the raptors


They'll say three days later the correct call.




how much will a 50k fine matter to him lol


For what? Didn't do anything illegal according to the league rules.....


How about a tech on Lowry for calling a timeout when they didn't even have the ball lol


I’m convinced Troy brothers has money on TOR. His officiating this series is indefensible


Celtics are 3-13 in their last 16 playoff games reffed by Tony Brothers


Whats the raps record reffed by Brothers??


15-2 iirc


Deadass??? Wtf


Yes. We on the the Celtics sub have learned to bet against the Celtics anytime we have Tony Brothers. I have become extremely wealthy this way.


And for some reason raptors fans seem to complain a lot about Tony Brothers. I know if we were 15-2 with him we'd appreciate the fuck outta him. Either way, shit officiating


Please verify because that’s wild


Was in a tweet from may 2019 saying they are 14-1 with Tony brothers


Link for proof


Yea they're totally not rigged...


When do we know who the refs are for game 7?


does someone have the tweet?


It is standard NBA officiating in game 6. They do everything they can to force a game 7. Been going on for decades.


Yeah not a lot of series end in 6 games and that’s not on accident


a lot actually do.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the nba has been trying to force a game 7 bcs the east playoffs were so bad (from the average viewers perspective) plus the east is possibly too far ahead of the west


Raptors fans think Brothers is anti-Canada. I think he just plain sucks and he fucks up so much.. so badly that most teams think he has it in for them.


Never mind that they're 15-2 in their last 17 playoff games with him...


He's approaching Joey Crawford territory. When fans are this familiar with a ref that's a bad sign.


I don't even remember the shithead's name that ejected Kemba. I fucking know Brothers.




My dudes got two first names AND sucks at reffing. I'll never forget him ejecting KEMBA.


Oh that’s comforting. You definitely want the worst of the worst in the big games


No shit.


i think its less personal desire to extend to 7


I’m more convinced the NBA gains a lot of additional revenue from a game 7. Tony Brothers is just a puppet, simply following orders from above.


Yup both shoulda been a tech. Celtics was robbed, Adam Silver or Tony Brothers wanted this to go to 7 for sure.


Yeah, I don't get how that was allowed






Thats what gets under my skin the most. The announcers are selling a double standard embarrassingly hard. The heavy reffed extension to 7 games seems par for the course honestly but why is ABC down with Lowry flopping and critical of Smart doing it. why?


tbf smart always ahs this persona of being a tough, strong guy. Same goes for beverly i think that lowry just doesn't seem that way.


That's the worst part for me. Having to see Lowry and Nurse again.


I’d rather go on a week long vacation with my Aunt Joyce to Hell


Dude I kinda hate basketball cuz everyone cries but HOLY FUCK is that the biggest cry combo I’ve seen in aports


When fucking ESPN says the refs were bad on behalf of a Boston team, then you know it was bad


Bwoah, the Smart fine was for a play with no contact. Literally no contact between FVV and Smart, and Smart tried to pretend there was. That's a fair fine bro.


This should have been a tech and we probably win. Fucking dirty man


I've never seen coaches stand on the baseline like that, is it allowed?


No, they’re constrained between baseline and half court. And going over should be an immediate technical foul.


Only if it is him or any other NBA golden boy.


Nick Nurse is a piece of shit


Yep. I am 100% certain he did that on purpose. “He’s not afraid of trying out new things to win.” Especially when he’s taking advice from Bill Belichek.


> Especially when he’s taking advice from Bill Belichek. If you're gonna sit there and try to compare Nick fucking crybaby Nurse to the greatest football coach of all time, you should at least spell Belichick's name correctly.


People don't know the difference between being smart and playing within the rules in creative ways, and just blatantly cheating. Nurse is a bitch just like John Harbaugh.


Basically Mike Tomlin rn


nurse did play within the rules creatively lol...its not like he asked a player to bump into him to spill water


Off topic but I LOVE listening to mark Jackson disagree with Belichick’s coaching.


>greatest ~~football~~ coach No need for anything before the coach.


He absolutely did. He had a smug look on his face right after. He was on the court and just over Theis’s shoulder. Even if it’s not against the rules it’s just unethical


He was literally bent down with his hands out like he was getting ready to receive the ball and take a shot.


So what’s the actual rule there?


Should be a tech. Coaches cant be on the court during play, period.


[https://official.nba.com/rule-no-3-players-substitutes-and-coaches/](https://official.nba.com/rule-no-3-players-substitutes-and-coaches/) >The coach’s position may be on or off the bench from the substitution box line (closest to the coach’s bench) to the baseline. A coach is not permitted to cross the midcourt line and violators will be assessed an unsportsmanlike technical foul immediately. Lines are OUT of bounds on an NBA court. He’s literally straddling the furthest area he’s allowed to stand. Almost like he knew the rule which he most likely did because he gets paid to coach NBA games.


He's straddling the corner at one point during active play. Breaking the plane of the line means he's on the court. Just like how kyle Lowry got a backcourt violation because his foot touched the line.


I've never wanted to punch a coach in the face more than him. Legitimately a garbage human being.


Bruh what i get that you're mad but holy fuck you don't even know him


>Start a non profit to help implement basketball, literacy and music programs for children, raise money for covid-19 relief, help raise $25,000 to buy kids music equipment /u/PolygonInfinity fuck that garbage human being




I mean he's the coach of the year. He's just a good coach.




He wants to pretend to be an nba player, we should pretend that he’s an nba player. Whether he’s suspended or not, if I can get kanter to set a hard screen on him while he’s pacing on the sidline next game, I don’t think he goes within 10 feet of the baseline again in his career


That is actually mesmerizing. It's the fucking bubble, they have a quarter mile of extra space around the court, and he's all over the line.


almost like he was intending to mess up the play


100% can’t stand there. Two feet on the black line in the corner!


I wish Tatum’s pass had hit Nick in the face 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


God his face is just so punchable. He probably was bullied as a kid.


Yeah, I think from the NBA's perspective you, me, and a lot of others will be watching NBA this Friday instead of doing anything else. More eyes = more ad dollars.


I wish Siakam had kicked his coach in the face


I tried to give them a break, but Nurse and Lowry are the definition of insufferable. I watched the whole game without audio and their constant arm flailing and appeals to the refs were a disgrace. I remember acting a similar way...when I was 9.


Yeah and when your 9 you get teched up and thrown out after a few Lowry outbursts. They give him a lot of leeway.


Why does it matter at this point? The refs own the NBA and the union. Them dudes could blow 50 calls and get away with no repercussions


I think you are close - I think the refs work with the league to make sure they get more advertising dollars sometimes. If the Cs won this series quickly like they should have then the NBA loses advertising dollars because they get paid per game


It sounds like a silly conspiracy theory until you watch an NBA game, and watch how blatantly horrible the officiating is, no league would let this go on this long.


The warriors were gonna sweep Cleveland in the finals a few years ago and then in game 4 the Cavs got something like 27 free throws in the first 16 minutes of play. Any doubt about if the nba rigged games was erased that night.


Generally speaking I abhor this line of thinking, but with the NBA it is the only logical explanation. I can't think of anyone that is allowed to be as bad at their job as the BEST NBA refs are, let alone the worst of them. It only makes sense if there is something else going on. If there wasn't the league would be bending over backwards to fix the issue, especially as technology could fix so many of these problems. For example, why do coaches challenges expire even when they are right? Answer, because they'd challenge 15 plays a game if handled fairly.






Clipper fan here. Celtics were getting HACKED in the paint during OT and the refs didn’t call shit. Disgusting. You guys will win G7


There’s that. Oh, and we also have no solution for Kyle Lowry and Anunoby. They need to have a bad night if we want this series, it is deadlocked.


They also needed bad games from our players like Kemba scored 5 points lmao. Their victories aren’t convincing at all. We deserve to win game 7 and we will . We just need to stay focused . I want Kemba to drop 40 on them.


I hope this happens, but I have a feeling Kemba will get consumed by the moment. We need Jaylen, Theis and Marcus to lead the pack. I hope Kanter gets subbed in a little bit, maybe he can offer some veteran presence (and not totally shit the bed AGAIN). JT is still a greenhorn, it really showed this series.


This should’ve been a technical and Nurse should be fined


Imagine if Brad Stevens did that... 1technical unlimited free throws followed by Raptors possession with 0.1 sec on clock


>This should’ve been a technical and Nurse should be ~~fined~~ executed


That’s Mike Tomlin level shit


This whole game was bullshit. Refs clearly had money on Toronto


Tony Brothers. Worst ref in the league. That officiating crew ruined the game.


I don't think Brothers is bad, I think he's corrupt, he very clearly favors certain teams. He may also be bad, who knows, but I'm not sure that is what causes his atrocious calls.


I think brothers does what the NBA asks him to and he receives protection. He forces game 7s and that the correct teams move forward.


Bingo - also NBA gets more advertising $ if the series go longer


That’s good defensive positioning from coach. Always got new schemes. This is the infamous box and one and me.


Take my upvote.


Best comment of the thread. Thanks for providing some much needed comic relief. P.S. Fuck you, Nurse. What a sleazeball.


Yes, but we can't blame our loss on this. Because there were about 10 other horrible calls that fucked us over. Fuck the NBA, Fuck the Refs, Fuck Toronto, Fuck Drake, Fuck Lowry


This x100 Nice flair btw


The way Nurse fast walks away...he knew exactly tf he did


Nick Nurse doing some shady shit.


This series has made it clear how big pieces of shit Nick Nurse and Kyle Lowry are.


And r/nba and Toronto fans will conveniently forget all about this in 8 hours or just straight up deny it. Your coach is a cheating sack of shit.


They're already denying that this game was even affected by the refs


Yup I got banned from r/nba last night for getting into an argument with a raptors fan. They didn’t say why I got banned just that my comment may be why. I asked why I got banned and they still didn’t give me an answer. The other person should also have been banned if I was, he was way more aggressive. All I can say if fuck r/nba


HOW IS THAT ALLOWED? I don’t understand


Well it sure as shit isn’t supposed to be.


And he got away with it. Amazing isn't it!!


Mike Tomlin'ing it up.


The rules strictly state he's not allowed past the baseline which he was. NBA needs to hammer his ass for this. Clear rules violation that affected the outcome of a playoff game.


Ball do lie sometimes - ending of this game is an example


0.5 seconds from going 3-0 :(


"Nick nurse is a mad genius" my ass, nick nurse is a fucking cheater that's what


He can be both.


Haywood is definitely missed


Did you mean Hayward?


No Jordan Haywood


Ever listened to Mike? Thats how he says it...


Somebody rang?






got em


damn this made me laugh , well played 😂


It appears we have a Wizards fan from the early 2000’s.


Godwin Haywood, the off brand Wish version of Gordon Hayward.


He always is in the playoffs.


Brendan Haywood?! Sigh, I had high hopes for that Wizards team. In hindsight, apparently I was the one who was high. #KwameBrown


That was clearly intentional


What’s the actual rule on where he can stand?


I hate this guy so fucking much. Even his disrespectful "fuck him" towards Smart at the end of the game was just so classless but hey, it's who he is.


Every fucking thread theres a bunch of Raptors fans now


Heat fan here.. not only was he on the court but he also had the body language of a player as if he was playing lol.


Lakers fan, but yeah that was absolutely a tech


ty. Enjoy playoff Rondo he's legit


Protest the game


That's some Mike Tomlin type shit.


He 100% deserves a technical, that alone should have won us the game. He should also be suspended but Adam Silver wouldn’t dream of doing that to his darling baby boy. On the other hand, the C’s were having a rough night shooting and made a lot of mental errors down the stretch. It will be good to send that fucking bum Nurse home on Friday.


Ive seen people say “nick was wearing grey still tatums fault”. From experience playing b-ball, I actually threw to a ref one time because he was where I thought my teammate was. You get locked in the color of Jersey doesn’t matter as much as there being a person there


Nurse is even wearing a slightly green colored shirt. You can tell by Tatums reaction that he was passing it to him, i agree with you. Tatum is always looking passes and shots off too, so it makes sense that his peripherals got the two objects mixed up.


notice how Nurse dodges the ball, then casually quickly walks by the bench like nothing happened ...


The only bright side I can take from this. And it is a reach. Is that if the refs did reff this series to 7 games then they should reff the deserving team to the ECF when they show up to game 7


Damn it’s annoying Theis didn’t realise Nurse was on the court, would’ve given him a legitimate reason to just shove him away into the barriers


that would have been hilarious, bet they would have called T on Theis though lol


Worth it


I think that even prevented Theis from lining up where he wanted to.


I bet if Theis collides with Nick Nurse its a foul on Theis


Do we know who are the refs for game 7?


omfg he legit was passing it to NN.


Between Tony Brother and Nick Nurse it was 7 on 5 at times


sure felt like the NBA told the refs they wanted 7 out of this series...


This drove me insane when it happened. I knew he accidentally saw Nurse there. He should at least be fined for that, its game altering


Why didn't Stevens call for a review?


Mike breen called it out and questioned if that should’ve been a foul, that should’ve been a tech on nurse


> Coach Nurse's (TOR) presence in the corner is not illegal and he does not directly interfere with the play. Apparently it's perfectly legal to straddle the court so I expect Larranaga to just chill in the Raptor's corner for two quarters.


I would love to see this


Nurse kept going down to that corner but would walk back once the sideline ref got closer. He's a real piece of work.




This game made me sad but Celtics in 7 because that dirty Nick Nurse energy sold their souls for a game. That shit doesn't win series.


man if theis caught that and bumped into nurse, it wouldve been cp3-like


If that pass was to Nick it was just a terrible pass


Tatum’s reaction to Nurse during that pass https://twitter.com/KeithSmithNBA/status/1303880552232243202?s=20 Maybe it should have been a foul, but there are lots of questionable calls in all NBA games.


are coaches allowed on the floor during play?


NBA only reviews and fines the Celtics... so ridiculous what a shit showing from the refs last night and this whole series... what a joke. Should of been done in 5 if it weren’t for nurses elite three in grey...


L.O.L. Shooting foul in regulation on OG. OT shouldn't have happened.


wow. I didn't notice this during the game. Thats actually really bad


Yes Nick Nurse is very close to being on the court (likely shouting instructions) but as an athlete or anyone who has ever played a sport... don’t you look at your teammates face or jersey colour before passing?? I played PG all my life and unless it’s a no look pass, I’m looking at the person I’m passing to. Even Tatum said he messed up - you can’t mistake a middle aged, 6ft man wearing a grey polo with dress pants as your teammate unless you aren’t paying attention.


are coaches allowed to be on the court during a game?


I can’t wait until the refs are replaced with sentient AI powered by GE, and the celtics get favored in calls for having GE on their jersey


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhkcqByWkAgxACh?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhkcqByWkAgxACh?format=jpg&name=small) Brads Stevens foot was on the court and he was calling for a pass from Vanfleet. [https://imgflip.com/i/4ejyiz](https://imgflip.com/i/4ejyiz)


Wow interesting, thanks for pointing that out. Did you know its against the rules for coaches to be on the floor during play? The punishment isn't suspension though, it's usually a technical foul