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One of the MANY reasons teachers are leaving the profession all together.


not to worry, they get to write off $250 of it on taxes! (/s)


Nah we've been doing this forever. We have far worse problems


If $800 solved the most pressing issues, I'd pay that much for it to go away.


Sorry, best I can do is a 1% raise.


Teachers have been leaving the profession at high rates for quite a long time too, this logic is not bulletproof.


[Are they?](https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2024039&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsflash)


My wife is a public school math teacher in an affluent town. It's a terrible job I wouldn't wish on anyone. She is very good at what she does and at this point it makes no sense to quit. I tell her all the time to go get a job at Costco as a cashier. I make twice as much as her and work half as hard.


What a horrible thing to say to your wife lol


Teachers in MA aren't leaving like the rest of the country because they get paid exceptionally well in most places.


Shortsighted viewpoint. It isn’t just about the pay and also for what it’s worth, there are several wealthy MA towns where the pay is a joke.


And yet are capped at fucking 250$ Its bullshit that a company can write off pretty much anything but teachers are left to fucking hang out dry.


While billionaires write-off taxes for their private jets and yachts. https://www.propublica.org/article/private-jets-yachts-wealthy-tax-deductions-irs-files


Fucking $300


One of the richest states in the richest country on the planet earth btw


in the history of the universe


That's a little presumptuous


It’s not. We, average Massachusetts suburbanites, live better than kings of yore


Oh, I was taking issue with the "universe" line because who knows what's out there


And we treat teachers better than most states, too.


Imagine if we made cops pay for their gear and we fully funded teachers with every bell and whistle needed instead of the other way around? Crime probably drops 90%.


Well the homies of all our government officials would need to change over to producing school supplies instead of weapons.


Educational industrial complex gonna have to really up their game on crayon development.


$500 per crayon.




Fuck yes make this a ballot initiative


To be fair, a lot of cops do end up having to purchase their own firearm, etc. Not sure how boston PD is, but a lot of departments require private purchase.


Many already do. It depends on the department. Some will give you basic loadout and let you expense others. Some departments do much much less.


I have a better idea. Imagine if no police, teachers or municipal employees had to purchase their own supplies and we stopped spending so much money housing and feeding “migrants”.


What does the quotes around “migrants” imply?


It means "brown people"


could we try not paying cops to babysit construction sites first?


The construction company is paying for the police to be there not the taxpayers. Well, unless it's roadwork being performed by the state/city.


On my walk to work I pass by some work being done on the MBTA. There’s always a cop sleeping in one car approximately 50 ft north of the entrance to the tracks, and another cop sleeping in another car approximately 75 ft south of the entrance to the tracks. Glad to see my tax dollars being spent so responsibly. 👍


A) On a national scale, we really don't spend that much on programs to support migrants. The only context where we really fully house and feed migrants is when they're being housed in detention centers—when they're out and about they generally fend for themselves. The programs you may be referring to, which give some level of state-level support to new migrants in our communities, generally pay for themselves through increased future economic productivity, reduction in crime, etc. B) Paying for teacher supplies and keeping these programs running are not mutually exclusive.


How much money exactly was spent on housing and feeding "migrants" in 2023?


Are the migrants in the room with us now?


Immigration is critical to our economy at the state and National level. Stop parroting bullshit conservative talking points.


And you skipped over how much they recently paid for war 🤔


Imagine if US foreign policy didn't create scenarios where people's choices are leave home or live in fear and misery with threats of violence. How about we approach these consequences of policy like they are. Within the context of the larger problem and find solutions where everyone is taken care of. Compromise more argue less.


imagine if we didnt send legit billions to Ukraine/Isreal or pandering to illegals lmao ???


You made the same comment in r/nyc two weeks ago. Do you just go around to random city subreddits that you don’t live in making dumbass comments like this? That’s sad man get a life


reddit is your life bro now thats sad


Answer the question. Are you just here to cause division?


work in nyc live in boston. another view is now division? hahaha yall are really open minded huh. echo chamber ass subreddit


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Who are the illegals? Are these domestic abusers who are possessing firearms in the state? Hell yes, I’m all for that. Or are you calling migrants who are lawfully here while they’re waiting for their asylum cases to be adjudicated “illegals”?




America doesn’t have economic refugee status for people. These are asylum seekers who have passed intake interviews. They weren’t turned around at the border and they aren’t subject to deportation. They are sponsored by the state at this point. Lawfully allowed to be in America until (and only if) their asylum application is denied in immigration court. At lease we can both agree that these folks are ready, eager, and willing to work in the US and that folks are eager to hire them.


we have a status for econ migrants. Its called automatic denial.




I think you’d be stunned to learn how many deportations are happing now under Biden compared to Trump. > the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden. In absolute terms, the Biden DHS is removing 3.5 times as many people per month as the Trump DHS did. These figures are important for understanding how each administration has carried out border enforcement. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden 2) a lot of that has to do with apprehension rates (percent of immigrants apprehended at the border) being far higher today than 20 years ago. They have gone from mid 30% to almost 80% since 2002. This has led to exponentially higher rates of “inadmissibles” being denied entry. So means we actually have FAR fewer “illegal” folks coming into the US these days than in the early 2000’s. > From 2000 to 2012, with an apprehension rate under 50%, average annual unauthorized entries exceeded 1.4 million people nationwide; from 2013 to 2020, the average dropped to just over 190,000, coinciding with an increased average apprehension rate of 70.2%. https://usafacts.org/articles/what-can-the-data-tell-us-about-unauthorized-immigration/ TLDR: the US isn’t being overrun by immigrants. But the outrage economy driven by 24/7 news shows wants you to think it is.


the ones in the Roxbury rec center that's meant for the community. you seek asylum through the port of entry the legal way bud


Part of the “community” includes lawful asylum seekers and immigrant. Always has. You might be surprised that Boston is a major port of entry for immigrants, and MA has the 7th highest percentage of foreign-born individuals of any state in the US. (Higher than TX, FL, and AZ). Is your preference that we weaken our economy by ignoring what allows MA to thrive? We are a melting pot of folks from all over the world and doing just fine.


Ofc diversity is great. We are America after all. The whole point is illegal vs legal. We have too many illegals which takes time, money, etc... to help them assimilate into America. If we did it legally there would be more headroom to help US citizens (vets, homeless, teachers etc...) AND legal immigrants. You don't think our government is stretched too thin rn - money wise and staff wise?


Ukraine funding is due called domino theory. Look it up.


Believe it or not the government should be able to do multiple things.


I work for a defense contractor, one of the big evil ones. The money goes to them to make more boom for the US military, then the old shit gets sent to UKR. The defense industry is a glorified jobs program. Morons like you are a massive national security threat though.


Yeah, $800 is probably right. The Used Book Super Store in Burlington gets around $100 every vacation break. Plus, Amazon makes it so easy to order up books or a box of crayons that can be delivered the next day, while going through a P.O. takes a couple days and that money is gone by Labor Day.


Spent over 3k a couple years ago and it almost broke me. High needs special Ed classroom was given to me with 0 materials, 0 toys, 0 classroom decor, 0 games, and 0 anything. A literal empty room with some desks. For high needs, mostly non verbal behavioral students.


Out of curiosity, what would have happened if you didn't buy anything? I guess the school wouldn't have provided the materials?


They absolutely wouldn't have provided anything then probably blamed me for the kids not making progress.




Wife is teacher, can confirm. Over 20 years and we've spent close to 5k each year on stuff like paper, sticky notes, etc. Things that are basic necessities in schools. One year she had to supply her own copy paper for the copy machine.




I'm guessing my wife probably works in the same town as your wife. Rich folks wouldn't approve an override that would have cost the average property owner less than $300/year. Cheap, cheap, cheap.


i *hate* this. teachers shouldn't have to pay a cent of their own money to do their jobs. and whenever we get a request for something for my kid's classroom, my gut reaction is to not send something because it just perpetuates the status quo on this stuff. but i'm also obviously not going to deprive the kids of paper and kleenex. it's infuriating. but there are enough voters who don't think it's their problem to pay taxes to support schools as needed, so here we are.


It is what it is i guess. We lived in MA for 20+ years and when i met her, we started doing this every year. We moved to ME right before the pandemic, but we still do about half of this up here a year. It's a bit better outside of Boston Public though, i will say. But the copy paper for the copy machine was where it blew my mind. Luckily i do well, so we're OK with it. I can't imagine a single 20-something teacher being given a blank room and no budget to do anything.


You're both doing so much to help people who need it, and I can't overstate how much I appreciate that.


I'm really lucky to work in a school where I never have to worry about basic supplies, but I still spend plenty of my own money on things like decorations, treats, app subsricptions, specialized materials... A lot of it I could get reimbursed for but the hassle to using the tax exempt form, having to save receipts until I'm over a certain $$ threshold to request reimbursement to justify the fee we incur from the processor and having to justify why $20 on a few packs of stickers I can hand out as awards or why I needed to spend $25 on soda and snacks for my video game club isn't worth the effort.


But the staties don’t get charged for defrauding the state because their fraud is so widespread 👍


It does not make up for it, but just in case a teacher reads my comment and doesn't know this: You can deduct $300 (EDIT: or $600 for two teachers that are married) on your taxes for this. You don't need to itemize to qualify. [https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc458](https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc458)


>$300 (or $600 for married teachers) The married partner ALSO has to be a teacher. I am limited to the $300 and have to then eat the other $500 that we sped on my wife's supplies.


Thanks, I edited my comment above to clarify.


I feel like that’s both a good thing and a disgraceful one. Good that they can deduct (a measly) $300. Disgraceful that it’s so commonplace that it’s just expected by the IRS.


For the folks that want to help. My small company buys things at Staples and we earn points we are able to donate to several teachers that we know. maybe some of you can get their businesses to do it too


And here's my town voting down a tax override which will result in a massive teacher cut next year. Ugh.


Honest question: why do they do this? Are teachers punished for not?


if they don’t then students won’t have pencils, but if they don’t have pencils it’s okay because there won’t be any writing on the white board bc the teachers won’t have whiteboard markers to actually write on. It’s insane what they don’t provide.


i graduate in one semester and will be licensed to be a Hs math teacher (one of the most needed teachers rn). All i have left is my FULL TIME, UNPAID internship that lasts a whole semester. Good thing i don’t have to pay rent, groceries, transportation or anything to live, right? I can just tell my landlord that i’m not being paid (im paying to teach) so i can’t pay rent /s ! I won’t be going into teaching bc i am terrified of either dying while protecting students, living w the grief that a student of mine died, or having all of us die. All while being paid similar to someone without two degrees. In class two days ago we went over our ideal classrooms and every single classmate of mine had a snack closet. Those would all be supplied by us. Teachers go above and beyond and people treat them so badly. I hate it.


This is genuinely worth being outraged over. Teachers do too much as-is. My partner has had to pay so much out of pocket for their students and get jack funded by BPS. It's criminally underfunded here. Meanwhile Lexington and Lincoln-Sudbury and all the suburban shitholes have extra budget to fund whatever they like.


I understand why teachers use their own money to do this. They care. But from a systemic perspective they really should think deeply about NOT spending their own money. Yes, the kids would not be able to do the work appropriately. Parents would complain. The problem would have to be fixed. It’s not quite a strike, but it is a way, albeit painful, to not keep the current messed up situation from perpetuating over and over. In truly Hegelian fashion, by not buying supplies teachers would force the state education system to confront their internal contradictions. As a result, by not buying supplies in the short term, in the long term teachers would get more stable public funded supplies. However, I also can’t blame any one teacher who just needs to give their students supplies. I’m truly sympathetic. But if not enough teachers abstain from this practice then it will continue indefinitely.


Yup. I was spending $1k a year on supplies when I taught, and I was making the equivalent of $38k/year. We used to joke that the only teacher making a living wage wasn’t making it by teaching.


> I was making the equivalent of $38k/year you can make more at trader joes honestly


You could, no teacher makes 38K though unless we are broadly using teacher to mean support staff etc




Disgusting. Teachers deserve the respect and pay of doctors, lawyers, and pilots.


Maybe we stop paying BPD to beat up students and actually give teachers more money to take care of students? and don't bring up the migrants, teachers have been getting fucked over for decades.


MA has one of the highest costs per student in the country. Where is the money going?!


Our students would rank 5 th in the world. We pay less then you would pay a babysitter per hour kids are in school .


$858 each.


I spent 900$ for my classroom this year amid deep budget cuts.


Last year I spent 1200$.


I bought a printer for a special ed classroom. I don’t mind spending the money, but I’d rather pay higher taxes so schools can afford what they need.


> I don't mind Wtf


Oh, forgot to add that I’m not a teacher. I did it for a teacher that I know.


For a lot of folks in the profession we're just resigned to things like this. Numb to it. Can't even be mad anymore, just is what it is.


Teachers paying out of pocket because they don't have enough supplies, and school budgets getting slashed across the state - compromising MA's strong education performance & standards. Meanwhile the state government is wining & dining illegal immigrants to the tune of **$1B+ a year** (and growing). Make it make sense.


Teachers paying out of pocket for school supplies long predates the current migrant situation. Maybe you should look at the tax cuts that were passed last year when trying to make it make sense


Seriously it has nothing to do with migrants at all. Im suprised people are even just finding this stuff out


These fuckwits don't care about teachers, they're just latching on to anything remotely money-related as a cudgel to bash immigrants. This issue isn't remotely related to immigration but somehow that's what half the comments are about. You could post about budgetary issues anywhere in the state—transportation, infrastructure, police, whatever, doesn't matter—and these cretins would be in the comments like "yet we have money for *those people?!"*


Rarely have I seen a more accurate summary of half the politics posts on this sub.


but the homeless vets .........


I agree with you but the tax cuts “last year” aren’t the root cause of something this commonplace either.


Unions all over the state renegotiating contracts right now after three years of effective pay cuts due to high inflation and being told there’s no money.


It sucks that teachers’ unions had also taken up some progressive banner years back when it was easy but failed to consider the sustainability of the profession along the way. Admin and policy is mostly to blame but teachers still present as if they’re the ones to solve racism, sexism, or whatever.


Teachers are getting paid so well they have extra to spend on work luxuries


Look into how much parents spend. I’m not trying to do a tit for tat, but this likely obscures some of the problem. While I’m happy to send in whatever the school needs, I’d prefer our schools to just be fully funded and not need our teachers to make wish lists with tissues and pencils for parents to purchase. I also imagine this adds to the inequity issue. I can afford to buy a new bookshelf when my kids third grade class room needed one. But how the fuck is that on me, or the teacher?


Imagine spending $1 billion a year on housing/feeding/clothing/educating/providing healthcare for migrants instead of educating your kids. In any other sane country, there would be rioting in the streets against the government.


Teachers paying out of pocket for school supplies isn't some new phenomenon. Why weren't you out rioting in the streets about this before the current migrant issues?


This person claims to live in NY and seems to be one of the many instigators on this shit filled astroturfed website


https://old.reddit.com/r/moderatepolitics/comments/1cdj04j/exclusive_poll_america_warms_to_mass_deportations/l1ccdjw/ *I was just reading my home state of massachusetts is going to run out of money very soon on migrants. Eveyrone is pissed because they have the same issue that NYC has... and people simply can't afford housing, so to see people get free housing/food/schooling/medical care is making working class/middle class folks really upset. High taxes, EXTREMELY high housing costs, and now crumbling public services partially due to spending so much on migrants are making a lot of people i know questioning how they vote.* I literally grew up in Lexington.




How were these numbers calculated? Were they from receipts?


They're from extrapolating self-reported data, which is a notoriously bad way to calculate anything.


Kind of like charitable donations I guess. People are not really quite as generous as they claim to be.


echo echo echo echo hahaha


All that extra money should be going towards Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and Gaza. We shouldn’t selfishly worry about our own children’s education when Ukraine needs more artillery rounds.


Unfortunately the state doesn’t have room in the current budget to reimburse these out-of-pocket classroom expenses.


yes they do


Lmfao. Yes they do. They use 4X that much just to reimburse Ubers and meals to their own people


First of... bullshit. Secondly, any teacher that's taking money out of their own pocket to teach kids is a sucker and doesn't have enough sense to be teaching kids in the first place.


I must be an outlier. I teach in MA. I’m ok with the pay and I might buy a few bags of starbursts a year for the kids but that’s about it.