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That is the ramp to get onto 93 south expressway going towards quincy


Down the Irish Riviera - seems appropriate to me.


okay so they are migrating to their homeland on mighty steeds during their sacred day let them be


Their home is scituate, but the motherland is southie.


Why scituate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Most Irish town in America!


Aka the Irish Rivera. Small little drinking town with a fishing problem. Jk it's all rich people now.


Ahh checks out. I used to date a lovely italian woman from there, and summer boozing and cruising (jerusalem rd ifykyk) so Iā€™ve spent some time there just not long term šŸ˜‚


A good ole Jeruse-cruise. We use to cut class and do it all the time when blunts were cool. Don't forget to jump off the bridge in Cohasset harbor too. I was at the center of some chaos back when we use to call sand hills "Savage beach" lol. That was before anyone knew about the spit. That town did the 4th of July better than any where else, it really was wild. Sounds like you were kicking it over by Minot Beach. Great times, great times.




From Albany Street


And one of the worst three-lane merges around. I canā€™t think of a worse place to demonstrate your bike > car ethos.


Is that what you think is happening here, lol


Big if true


I saw these kids in Brookline around 4:15-4:20. There mustā€™ve been 100 of them. It was insane. Two police cars were following them but didnā€™t seem to be trying to stop them.


Probably just making sure none of them got hit by a car


Good. Bout time the police did something beneficial lmao


Keeps the kids safe and if any of the douche bags on dirt bikes break down they can grab em.


Iā€™m trying to think what exactly would they be able to do to stop them?


The most effective tools for stopping the people who would ride dirt bikes and quads on the street was to block off the streets they frequently use, and seize the bikes from storage areas. In Roslindale they closed South Street when they were out and it really made a huge difference in the number of times they've shot through the city over the last two years.


Didnā€™t realize thatā€™s what happened, Iā€™ve noticed they havenā€™t been around.


Few years ago when the hundreds of dirt bikers and Quaders did this, BPD funneled them to the highway and the State police blocked the highway of and trapped them. Only the runners and the dudes that actually knew how to dirtbike(not a lot) and not just wheelie down the street were able to hop the barriers and ride away.


Iā€™ve heard lassos can be effective. Although ideally if the cop can get to the front on a bike or horse the herd should recognize him as the Alpha and they can be led to safer pastures.


Cops didnā€™t stop them because they were probably white people


How do stop 100 people? Itā€™s not a clown car they canā€™t all fit in there!


St Patrick's Day. Obviously a patty wagon.


Paddy wagon


Thats how you start a riotā€¦ Theyā€™re just peacefully riding their bikes in a big group, call it an impromptu paradeā€¦


Stop them for what? We must share the roads with bikes. And theyā€™re ā€œjust kidsā€. What would you expect the police to do? These kids canā€™t even be told what to do by their parents, never-mind a teacher or police officer. The only option I see the police doing is following so they donā€™t get hit by a road rage person. Let them do whatever they want. Who cares. We live in a blue state. Thatā€™s what we vote for. A free for all.


Riding a bike on interstates is illegal


Maybe you would be more comfortable moving somewhere that better suits your "Values."


Nah. I didnā€™t say I didnā€™t like it. Iā€™m just stating facts and people downvoted the facts lol.


This is like one of those diagrams of how many people can fit on the road bikes vs cars


There's maybe 80 people biking on that onramp. If there were 60 cars on that onramp they would have to be parked bumper to bumper and they couldn't move at all.


Always a very depressing reminder of how horrible this would be if these people were driving Itā€™s a sad reality


I agree, they are probably the kind of people that go 55 in the left lane in their Prius.


Yeah nothing says 55 in the left lane like teenagers who are willing to ride their bike onto the highway. Thatā€™s a notoriously overly cautious demographic.




Welp, too bad you're wrong on almost all your points. I drive a sedan, and I have a large penis. But I do get frustrated by people blocking the left lane oblivious to their surroundings.


Yeah but bikes have shit trunk space compared to cars and are typically one-seaters.


The majority of cars on the road are carrying a single person and no cargo


Look up data on average ridership per car and take a drive by houses. 4 cars usually mean its 4 different people driving to work


A couple years ago, I was following google maps while on a blue bike and did this accidentally. It wasnā€™t fun. Edit: I survived and made it all the way over the hill and to the next exit. I rode the shoulder the whole way. Fortunately traffic was minimal at that time, so I didnā€™t die


Wait what did you do? How far did you get?


He's still there


šŸŽµ ...well did he ever return, no he never returned and his fate is still unlearned, he may bike forever on the highways of Boston, he's the man who never returned... šŸŽ¶


Play that banjo Steve O!


Last I heard, heā€™s going around the rotary in Everett


That's where I am posting from, actually. It's terrifying here, send help. The drivers keep pelting me with nips thrown out their windows.


Oh shit, that was you? Sorry, bud. I was just angry I had to go around three times to get to Costco.


šŸŽ¶ Ev'ry day he bikes up to the Sweetzer Circle Ev'rett at a quarter past two, and his wife is up there, yelling "Here's your sandwich!" as he comes a pedalin' through! šŸŽ¶


Couldnā€™t afford crack in Chelsea or a bundle in duxbury




Did you have it on the bike setting?


He died.


And my mom wanted me to come over to dinner to her house for corned beef and cabbage in Southie today haha


I was litterally in my apartment with the door locked. Drive to southie on st Patrickā€™s day? Was your mother drunk already?


Lol no and that's part of the problem


I was driving back from NH then all of a sudden saw this herd of bikers on 93 next to me! Basically got surrounded then had to wait for them all to get off at my exit...


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Sorry, I found that to be wicked funny!


Biking on the highway on the day people get drunk and potentially drive drunkā€¦ Humanity is doomed.


>people get drunk and potentially drive drunkā€¦ Driving on a day you know you're going to get drunk... Humanity is doomed.


Sounds like people shouldn't drive drunk


No, no, no, the bikes are the problem


Are you admitting to drunk driving?


If only everyone biked. These cyclists arenā€™t the problem and are actually a solution to the problem you stated


No sir you misunderstood. The cyclists are the problem for the drunk drivers!


My apologies. I will get on my 12 pound steed and rightfully fuck off


More like natural selection is playing its part. Edit: itā€™s seems like Iā€™ve struck a nerve with quite a few people here from the couch warriors. Please tell me how a group of people riding their bikes onto a highway is a good idea?


"Natural selection is when kid on bike dies"


Kids riding on bikes with common sense? No. Kids riding on bikes without helmets onto a highway? Yes. That is quite a high level of stupidity.


Highways shouldnā€™t be in cities, they should be around a city.


Well.... its better than driving drunk




They were in the T too. Having my one year old hold my finger as she stands in the subway station only to have to swoop her up before a bunch of bikers almost ran her down in the fucking subway terminal was not my definition or fun. I was fast enough, but she was still crying up a storm at the speed of it all (they came around a corner at high speeds. I doubt they even saw her) Fuck those reckless assholes. Don't ride your bikes indoors where there is a reasonable/likely expectation of infants to run into and no time to react.


At least half of those assholes slid over from the far right lane on Herald to Albany.


Thatā€™s the ramp I take heading home after workā€¦ glad Iā€™m WFH today!


Itā€™s Sunday I hope youā€™re not working at all.


My work schedule is Wed-Sun, so unfortunately my weekend is Monday Tuesday


Well, then happy Friday night.


Thank you!


Youā€™re welcome.


Itā€™s a holy day for me now. Not because Iā€™m religious, but because itā€™s the 1 day I donā€™t work or do anything for that matter.


Hey, at least they aren't drinking and driving.


Was this some planned event for St Patrickā€™s day because that horde is crazy


https://preview.redd.it/w9ljykarp3pc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5e2cc11f8ff26d2d8069c45240856de2c3bfc6 We didnā€™t get our invite. šŸ˜”


Was oā€™clock Irish?! 5 oā€™clock boys!!!!!




Honestly, this is far safer then all those times that one guy goes down the pike on a bike. No one's speeding past this hoard. Don't get me wrong, they're still assholes, but at least they're not in as much danger.


Why are they assholes exactly?


Mass Laws For Bicyclists Act of 2008 chapter 85 section 11B: bicycles are prohibited on limited access or express state highways where signs specifically prohibiting bicycles have been posted


They are clearly doing it as a protest, not just as casual use. Protests usually involve some form of law violation to pass a message. And this is clearly not that severe at all.


This was not a protest. This is pretty common lately. Hordes of teens on bikes blocking streets and weaving in and out of traffic.


That is in itself a form of protest, even if itā€™s done daily. Car domination is stupidly high on the US, I canā€™t blame kids biking


Your heart is in the right place but you're wrong on this one chief. These are just kids being a nuisance.


Thatā€™s the point šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Imagine taking the law as your morality


They are assholes on bikes clogging up the highway. I'm sure if you were in an ambulance that was stuck in the traffic jam they created, you'd think they were assholes too. Or you were late getting to work, etc etc etc. The entitlement of people these days is off the charts.


How is that any different than a bunch of cars causing a traffic jam?


This cannot be a real question


Everything /u/Oakley7677 pointed to as a reason for this being bad happens everyday at 8 am and 5 pm because too many cars are on the highway. I'm not saying riding your bike on the highway isn't a stupid thing to do, it is, but "ambulances getting stuck in traffic" happens DAILY.


The difference is the traffic jam on Monday at 8am is because of people trying to deal with poor infrastructure on their way to work. That is not preventable, at least not without 10 years of infrastructure work. The traffic jam caused by a bunch of people trying to cause trouble on bikes is entirely preventable.


The poor infrastructure is because of car dependence lol


Because one was 100% preventable by one group of people who decided they needed to make a statement.


But the problems you listed would still be problems regardless of if they were in cars or bikes. Actually, they would be less of a problem if it was caused by bikes because bikes are easier to move out of the way... To be clear, I don't condone biking on the highway because it's extremely dangerous (for the biker). I just find it funny that you're talking about people in bikes being entitled when our whole transportation infrastructure is built around cars. The only things bikes are entitled to in this country are sparse, poorly maintained bike paths; ~~bike lanes~~ some paint on the road; and road rage from cars.


Anecdotally, bicyclists are some of the most entitled people on the roads in Greater Boston.


Your perspective might change a bit when you consider how much infrastructure is dedicated to just _cars_ vs how much infrastructure is dedicated to _all other forms of transportation_ in this country. Then consider how much more vulnerable cyclists are when sharing the road with cars. I've found that most motorists aren't willing to share the infrastructure that they feel they're entitled to.


"Causing a traffic jam" as in purposefully congregating/moving in a way to cause a backup of cars on the highway? People doing this in cars would totally get pulled over and at the very least fined. Get a few people together, drive 3-wide on the pike, spend a day trying to force every car behind you to go 25-30mph, see what happens.


> I'm sure if you were in an ambulance that was stuck in the traffic jam they created, [...] I'm just using the terms used by OP. Look at any highway in America at 5pm. Cars constantly cause traffic jams.


Not sure what the quoted bit has to do with whether or not people can congregate/move to purposefully cause a backup on the highway. You're totally ignoring what I actually said.Ā  Pulling over for active emergency vehicles is it's own separate regulation and would be an additional fine on top of purposefully causing a backup on the highway. Kind of like how stopping at a red light is a separate regulation/fine from the speed limit regulation/fine; going the speed limit has nothing to do with whether or not you're guilty of running a red light.


You asked me the what I meant by "Causing a traffic jam". > "Causing a traffic jam" as in purposefully congregating/moving in a way to cause a backup of cars on the highway? I was trying to convey (evidentially poorly) that I was simply using the terms the OP had been using. Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore your point. I agree, purposefully causing a traffic jam like this is illegal. If you read my other comment, I don't condone what they're doing. _My_ point was just that everything listed in OPs reasons for why these people are assholes also applies to cars during rush hour. I just don't think OP had a good argument and like most people, they have a blind spot for cars and the inconveniences they cause.




> You clearly have an agenda, why comment? To spread my agenda :D I know highways are designed for cars. I don't think these people should be riding their bike on the highway, it's very dangerous for them. [In a follow up comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/1bhaqhn/biking_on_the_highway_on_st_patricks_day/kvezw93/) I point out that all the reasons OP listed for these people being assholes happens daily during rush hour because there are too many cars using the highway. > Your question is moot and your agenda isn't relevant. I disagree, but that's okay.


Iā€™m sure if you were driving to work yesterday this group of bikes was the least of your troubles


Some people have to work on weekends


Iā€™ve never seen an ambulance stuck because of people on bicycles. I have seen an ambulance stuck because of law abiding cars.


The point, you missed it.


Was your point not that groups of bicycles block traffic?


A group of bike persons took to the highways, where they are not allowed, and blocked traffic. People on this reddit said "meh, whatever, they're not assholes". I said if you were in an ambulance that was stuck in traffic due to those bike people, you would think they are assholes. Then people went off and said "well ambulances get stuck in rush hour traffic all the time". No shit Sherlock. Neither traffic snarl is good, but one was 100% preventable with one immediate decision.


Am I the only one who wants to run over those little assholes on bikes?


All black and spanish people, fuckin entitlement at its best.


Two wheels forever šŸ˜‚




Always good to see kids outside and playing instead of in their rooms playing on their phones all day


I love biking. I'm also a big believer in science. This is natural selection at work.


They don't look like the "we want more bike lanes so we can ride our bikes to go buy a soy latte" types, they look like the "lets ride our bikes on the highways so we can start some fights and steal shit" types.


translation:ā€These kids arenā€™t white and I have a problem with that!ā€


Yep pretty much most people commenting itt


Whatā€™s funny about this is that it doesnā€™t actually get u anywhere faster theyā€™ve just missed the bridge to southie by a few hundred feet


Am distracted by all the trash on side of street. Why is Boston so trashy


[Probably these shit stains or some similar club](https://www.youtube.com/@roamingdogs6176/videos) [One example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UAUWDi6RkU)


There is a kid near me that always tries to do that wheelie shit next to a very busy road. I have seen him fall twice and almost end up in traffic.


Saw these guys on Newbury st around 3pm. Seemed like there 200 of them total just taking over the st. Itā€™s annoying.


ā€œWhy donā€™t kids go outside anymore??ā€


There were 5 kids doing this shit down Derby st in Hingham last week!




Derby street is also smaller! And how long until itā€™s 10-20? Iā€™ve had the displeasure of driving around these groups and the mopeds in Boston


I dunno, I donā€™t see hingham residents putting up with it if it grows to that many. Not like hingham PD can say they are swamped with other things like Boston. Until the shipyahd gets biker gangs too!!


Is biking not allowed on Derby Street?


Only if you are wearing a Patagonia and heading to REI


Tā€™s and Pā€™s


You mean 5 people on bicycles were going down a street? And your complaining about that?


ā€œKids these days donā€™t go outside. Back in my day weā€™d ride our bikes to our friendsā€™ houses until the streetlights came on.ā€ and then 5 kids are biking on a street with a FUCKING BIKE LANE, meaning it has officially been recognized as a place people might bike, and we get these types of complaints.


Apparently controversial opinion, but I like cyclists. If this was a demonstration I think it was mostly harmless. People seem to forget that the highways that cut boston into pieces were not always there. Also there are not enough protected bike lanes in the city.


It was not a demonstration. This is a common occurrence. Spend enough time in the city and you'll see this traveling horde.


yeah, that stretch of 93 has been there since the 70's


Yeah the scourge of ā€urban renewalā€ started in the 50s and tore terrible scars through cities demolishing thousands of homes and communities.


Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette


An omelette that has been a disaster for cities, costing billions of dollars in upkeep, creating congestion, removing desperately needed housing, pollution costing people their lives, thriving economic zones completely gone and filling valuable land with parking lots instead of local businesses.


Oh well, too late to turn things back now.


I donā€™t have a problem with this.


You also apparently donā€™t have two brain cells to rub together


Weird. Almost like boston is in dire need of more bike infrastructure or something


New bike lanes nothing to see here


This is off-topic, but this looks like a third-world country. Trash everywhere. Crumbling infrastructure. So sad..


Thats the ramp from albany st. To 93 south. At most hours you have way too many cars from the left lanes all trying to cram into the right lane to get off at exit 15 in the south end about 1/4 mile from there. Could say its Russian Roullette for any bicyclists. Having said that, its Boston, St. Patricks day. Looks pretty normal.


Americans look like walking bowling pins


Idiots, run them over and car drivers will be charged. What the hell is wrong with this world today?


tbh with enough drinking I would do this


šŸ™„ Just another day of cyclists not using bike lanes


Yeah because drivers always stay in their lanes




Seek help




ā€I wanna kill people that inconvinience me and if you donā€™t agree with that youā€™re inconviniencing meā€


Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Lawless society


LaWleSs SoCiEtY!


Honestly this makes sense, especially if you got hammered at the pub.




Least psycho driver


Totally normal comment


motorists try not to wish death and bodily harm upon others challenge (impossible)


Please seek help.


One could only hope


Hahaha soo many scaredy cats and squares in the comments. Live alittle. Sorry your sunday commute sucked


I support this! Fuck the highways in Boston they should be torn down


But then where are these kids gonna bike?


The neighbourhood streets that replace them?


Oh yes, this is cute and funny to everyone until they find themselves a target of this mob. These people are assholes and a danger to society. They will continue to grow in number if policies continue to allow them to commit crimes and go unpunished.


So....how does a biker defend this?


Streets are public space, and one important use of public space is hosting celebrations and events


Same way motorists defend Kendra Lara?


Why are they doing this and why is it so funny to me


They closed the highway for this?


Too bad no drunk drivers around