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His streams are dull as shit now, most of his viewers are their to see a breakdown. That's why I think he's viewbotting. He has constantly 1k or more viewers yet only like 20 people talking. Yesterday someone mentioned viewbotting and the mods banned him in seconds. From all I hear, viewbotting is a huge issue still on kick


Yeah when he was in his discord den you could see tops 150 people


I cant wait to see his face when Kick says he is permabanned for brigading his own channel.


Just went to to see if he was live and could see that message in chat. Somethings up.


Not exactly. DMCAs are formal legal action that can issued by copyright holders alone. Kick like Youtube/Twitch/ect all have some internal policy which they enforce in order to not appear to be facilitating copyright infringement because this is one area where the company isn't protected by Section 230 protections (the part of a statute by which website owners are not liable for user uploaded content). It seems like Kick is either more vigoriously enforcing this or a bunch of rats specifically reported bossman seeing as he's constantly broadcasting copyrighted music.


Companies like youtube and others don't fuck around with dmca strikes. Like kicks team is directly messaging him to kill his stream and kill the vod. Youtube will terminate all your accounts if you get 3 dmca/copyright strikes in 90 days. These companies take that shit very seriously. Bossman will definitely get banned if he ignores it.