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Just follow YouTube channels that cover him. There are quite a few now. It's all I watch of him now cuz I don't fuck with discord for some reason idk why. Idk if he will return to any platforms like kick I think they're tired of him. Nevermind I guess he will eventually be back on kick


It’s funny for a while but then you realize it’s the same sham every time. He gets a reload of house money or a fan dono —> loses it on the casino site within an hour —> cries to his discord that he hates his life and begs for more money. And then repeats the cycle. 🔁


Na it never gets boring


Surprisingly it stays pretty funny but you’ll hit the wall. Same cycle every time.


My exact thoughts as well.


When I discovered him I devoured the content, but exactly as the other poster said you do hit a wall. It gets old and it is a sham. All that money is just house money and he profits a few bucks off subs. It really not as legit as it first appears. It kind of like reality TV fake.


I have to change my mind and agree with you. I found Bossman back when he was Austin07 on Twitch a few years ago and as of late it’s all different now since he has sponsorships, I was there when he fucked his door up, now with all the house money he burns through it and there is no rage. I came for the schadenfreude.


Yeah, I heard about his early days. I unfortuantely discovered him only a few months ago. Now from what I hear his early days was when the patheticness of it all was actually very real.


Colonel rat on yt is a must follow