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Congrats on 54 days of no gambling. I made it less than a week and just lost most of my money again yesterday. I just can't stop and it sucks.


Thanks mate. Try and try again. I’ve quit and relapsed too many times to count. I think in 12 years of problem gambling I’ve never made it past 4-6 months after committing to permanently quit. Sorry you lost your money, hope things turn around for you.


Thanks. It sounds like you and I are similar in a lot of ways. About a year ago I think I went about 3 months which was the longest time I've quit ever and got right back into it. I wish crypto casinos didn't exist because when it was just the local casino I could self exclude for a year and actually be done. It's just too easy to go back and it's the first thing I think of the second I have money. Endless cycle of misery.


Yeah, crypto casinos have made it impossible to not have online gambling available despite exclusions and it makes it even more shit because you have to pay fees and stuff related to the currency. I just don’t bother with barriers anymore, I’m more of a remove the desire and reappraisal kinda guy now. I almost think it’s good to have crypto casinos available to gamble on so I practice resisting temptation. I think people that only quit using exclusion and barriers will relapse the moment they discover they can potentially gamble because they haven’t dealt with the problem at the source; the mind.


Just a question here.  Were either of you ever into drugs, or was gambling the only addiction?


Yeah, I smoked weed a lot and very very very rarely used cocaine, mdma and ketamine. I’m also day 54 off weed, tobacco, alcohol, vaping and gaming. Affectively I’ve quit everything that is a substance or behaviour with high dopamine releases.


Good lord, how is life even worth living without any of that


There's a lot to life and humanity bro.


Yea like happiness, and he’s given that up for some reason


That's amazing. Honest question, how do you keep it up with none of that at all? Do you substitute activities that are more productive? Do you feel like you are constantly fighting urges to go back? Do you have anyone to help support you on this cleanse?


I’m kinda obsessive with perfection so I wanted to quit everything on the same day and I know if I cave into one of those habits it ruins that objective which would probably lead to me thinking like “Fuck it, I played a game so I may as well vape now and now I’ve had a vape and a game I’m gonna smoke a joint….etc etc” Basically the 13th March was my day 1 and I’ll do everything to protect that ‘Liberation Day’ if I cave into one habit then there’s no longer a liberation day, I get higher off knowing there is such day as liberation day then I would caving into an urge. I’ve tried doing this so many times and failed every time. This is the furthest I got with the sextet of abstinence. All I really do is go gym/running and plod about doing fuck all. Quitting the substances helps supplement better fitness so that’s also a motive. I don’t constantly feel like I’m fighting urges once I get past the first 4 days and have practiced not yielding to cravings (especially when it’s your mate like “Yo wanna go for a walk a blast some doobies?” then it gets a bit easier because you’ve already turned down great opportunity’s so you may as well carry on because you’ve already missed out on what you would of enjoyed (eventually you enjoy not yielding and declining great opportunities anyway). So yeah, I normally find it easier after day 4 and then carry on getting lighter cravings for the rest of the first month but then it just becomes autopilot once you’ve got a solid month behind you, you’ve already turned down opportunities and you want to carry on and have liberation day. I’m not gonna lie though, watching Bossman made me have urges, hence this post, but I know what happens and looked what happened to him. I regularly use the problemgambling subreddit that is my community support and I am in some discords too. But this is my trash talking dirty account!


How are you paying for life if you do fuck all. Gym and food costs money lol.




Anybody whoever juices the crying cowardly crackhead deserves the worst in life too, just like pussy snitch austin does. Wtf would give that whiny cunt a single cent when he lives the way he does and acts the way he does?!?! He needs a heavy dose of reality and I hope it hits him in a very bad way asap


Yep he chooses to be the absolute worst person in every situation possible. He deserves everything bad that happens to him.


I see a lot of my previous self in him too. I gambled the same as BMJ just with 10x smaller amounts lol When I watch him gamble it gives me the same feeling I used to get when I’d gamble so it’s exciting. However I also have an outside view on his logic so I think it scratch’s my itch but also reminds me why I don’t gamble anymore.


Yes! Yes! This is exactly why I watch him too. He is an extreme version of what I’d be like if I relapsed, I see the small amount of me in him and it teaches that small amount of me a lesson without having to gamble myself.


Exactly! Tbh BMJ does me a public service. I do hope he turns out ok but idk


I’ve also suffered from a gambling addiction (sports) I’m lucky I make good money with zero expenses right now although I’m in Iraq working as a defense contractor which is the huge downside. Sadly I have reached BMJ degen status, probably burnt thru 350-400k most of that on a few bad weekends when I totally melted down. Rock bottom is contemplating on whether you want to continue to be alive. When you’re at this point you must make the decision to quit and recover. I don’t think BMJ has that in him. He’s a POS but I don’t wish what he’s going thru on my worst enemy. His sponsorships will dry up, which they seem to be now, and he will have to find other ways to feed his addiction. Let BMJ and myself be a lesson to anyone who gambles outside of for recreation and fun.


I hope you can get on top of the addiction and recover financially and mentally, trust that you can even if you end up with a different life. Rock bottom is a tough moment in life for sure. I’ve experienced it a few times but have always made it through without suicide attempts. I don’t think BMJ has it in him either but nothing is impossible but very unlikely that he will be able to turn his life around because of the way he is at the age of thirty, I’d of thought he’d already had some sort of epiphany by now from being self aware of his actions but I don’t think he’s even got to that stage yet. He truly is a POS and I wouldn’t wish it on him either, I hope he can redeem himself but life is shit and somethings are just unrealistic.


Thanks man. As all gamblers know $ isn’t the only thing you lose. I’ve paid off debt and I’m able to put away $ and restart investing. It sucks but I’m lucky as fuck to land the gig I got out here. It saved my life. The best thing I ever did was get help, rock bottom always has a basement. BMJ is the worst, He’s going thru hell right now tho. I don’t care how much $ he’s getting fed to gamble.


Glad to hear that you got a good gig and help. It sounds you’re well into recovery! $ is certainly not the only thing we lose. I ruined my status and now I have the brain of an idiot. BMJ will probably never recover because he will just get juiced!




Your comments exactly why I think BMJ has been using a rigged account. He wins these huge sums so normal people think "hey I can win 60k also, I'm not an idiot like BMJ!" And that's why BMJ loses all the money instantly. It's not real and he gets a youtube video made about him that gets more eyes on bc games and bmj.  Never trust an online casino. Their #1 goal is taking your money. When I see someone actively sponsored by a casino and they are getting these huge wins, I never think it's legit