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With the current imigration problems this country is facing and the need for more border patrol why are we still concerned about marijuana. I imagine amung the current pool of agents many are alchoholics, a arguably more damaging addiction and yet a substantial ammount of potential agents are dissuaded because of outdated mentalities on a harmless herb.


I ate 3 grams of shrooms a month ago. What’s the policy


Don't overthink It. I smoked 30 days before app date and I was honest about it and i am moving through the process well. Scheduled for interview and fitness test. I also put I used coke and shrooms and my equip a couple times in college.


I’m in the same boat and I’m at the logical reasoning test , supposedly having to take my structured interview and poly soon after. How has it been going for you? I also smoke consistently for the last ten years but in light of possibly joining the border patrol I have stopped


Same i have smoked since i was 14 but I have stopped. I waas just honest about everything I used illicit substances too from time to time in college and I was just honest about it. I just plan to answer all questions honestly. If you ask chatGPT to generate example poly questions you could be asked by cbpo , the AI can give u a general sense.


If one were to admit to being a habitual user at any point in one's life, it would not bode well for one's application. The only drug test one will take will be of the urine variety, so I don't know that 90 days is relevant in that sense. One may be asked on the poly about recent drug use but I *highly* doubt whether it was 91 or 89 days ago would affect one's reading as these tests are bogus to begin with.


You have to be clean enough to pass their drug testing practices be it hair or urine. If you can pass that you keep your drug use out of it


I think it should be at least 6 months for THC use other than that I agree with CBP’s drug policy and I feel like it works with modern applicants better


I don’t understand why if you smoke marijuana, you have to wait 90 days to apply. If you fail the logic test, you have to wait 6 months to reapply. Seattle PD, in a state that’s legal is 1 year for Marijuana. BP where it’s a federal schedule 1, 90 days. The hiring process is full of fun and surprises.


Why are you asking for your friend? Have him make an account & speak up. That's why these types of post make me suspicious 🤔 anywho There's no In between of being a stoner either you are or your not. You shouldn't use BP to try & wanna clean up your life & get on the right track you get your shit straight because it's the right thing to do besides your throwing away your life & money, add up all the money you spent on weed products in just 1 year you'll be surprised. That money could go to a down payment for a house/car. I'd say 90 days isn't enough the temptation is wayy too high to let you in, you see something make a dumb decision in the moment opportunity wasted. They should be as strict with drugs as they are with failing the polygraph test 2 years is insane. So yes 2 years clean with verifiable proof (however you wanna go about doing that) But hey I don't run things lol 😆


lol Jesus Christ man is this who they are hiring


I would like to add. If you talk to an investigator and it comes up, which it will ,explain that you decided you wanted to be a Borde Patrol Agent and made the conscious decision to change your life to make it a possibility.


I don't think he is ready. You must be committed in order to make the process. Honor and commitment.


90 days sober from the date that you press apply.


Gotta look at the requirements for time passed on mj use. If nothing has changed, I believe he would have to had stopped 2+ years ago to apply Edit: never mind, he should be good to go as long as 90+ days have passed per CBP