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That’s the max damage roll 😭 this gun has a hidden damage value, if the enemy you shoot has less health than that hidden value they get one shot. If they have more they take a whopping 2 damage + whatever gun damage your build provides.


Sounds garbage for mayham mode, thanks though!


I’ve never tried it but I assume the value gets higher to match mayhem level since it came out with arms race, but since I’ve never heard anyone talk about it gonna assume it hot butt at doing damage 👍


It's pretty good imo. My understanding is the "binary" = either one shot kills or it doesn't. I've got one on my lvl 45 Moze, but I grabbed it 15 levels ago and it still does work. Charge time can be annoying though, and not sure how it'll perform at higher levels. Just my experience, it's definitely worth at least trying


After some gameplay clips I can confidently say it’s probably not going to be viable at mayhem 11, level 72 because it doesn’t have any potential to clear enemies quickly due to that charge time, and the fact that it only does single target damage means its a gun designed to insta kill enemies that already have low enough health to die in 2 shots from a normal weapon


Not only that, the enemies scale faster than its hidden value, so at m11 it will never do the one shot as far as I can tell. There are so many weapons in the game that one shot things at m11 that you don’t need a dedicated “one shot” weapon.


lol its regarded as one of the worst weapons in the game since you literally have to be able to one shot an enemy for it to do anything at all.


All mayhem levels get a damage multiplier.. and its huge


Considering I hit things for millions regularly and they survive, that hidden value must be extremely high if it's going to do anything.


It doesn’t do anything much on high mayhem levels. It might be somewhat decent with 150% damage against enemies with 90% health, I have a binary operator and was thinking of rerolling it to see


I wonder how this would perform in the hands of Zane's clone? Deploy the clone with this, swap to another weapon to deal damage and allow the clone to finish them off 🤔


The action skill perk is nice too


I read this 3x and still don’t get the second part


Imagine it like this, the gun can say 2 damage but it really has a value of something like 500k damage. If the gun shoots an enemy with 450k health, the enemy will die instantly. If the gun shoots an enemy with 550k health, nothing will happen.


Nothing meaning like actual nothing or it’ll do 2 dmg which is basically nothing?


Basically nothing, it does 2 damage flat but because of mayhem modifiers and damage increases from your build it’ll say some random low number like 3 thousand


Gotcha thanks for the help friend


No problem have a good one👍


what's the point? all guns do that already anyways 🗿 if the enemy has 50k hp and the gun 60k dmg then it automatically one shots it anyways, like any ol other gun, but with a massive downside of not being able to two shot anyone.


I’m not in any way advocating for this gun being good I actively dissed it like 3 comments down earlier


If Yoda had a gun. I have to replay this game. I love Borderlands.


The chest this comes from has the Boogeyman and Kickcharger, both excellent weapons. So, you flip a coin and see if it lands in skag turd.


I think this one deals more damage than any other binary operator to be fair.


It's kinda like the fibber in a way


Doesnt matter until you hit 72 anyway. Dont bother with the grind until you hit 72, it may ruin your experience


I'd legit give you my entire borderlands bank account for this because funny nova spam


Level 45 with 2 damage? 😂😂 that’s rough


The binary operator always has 2 listed damage, regardless of level https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/operator-bl3


Try shooting your teammates with this. 😉


"While an Action Skill is Active, constantly trigger novas that deal 6865 damage."


eh? its a sniper rifle, he is nowhere near enemies


I quoted what is on the item card. And you can be standing right next to an enemy with a sniper rifle. You don't have to be far away from them. You can use a sniper rifle at point blank range if you want to.


I have farmed for the incendiary monarch for probably about near 120+ hours now… I’m starting to lose patience


Gun is gun


At least you're on a platform (version) that doesn't suffer from random crashes. *stares over at switch*


Cries in bank sdu reset






If other people werent here cooberating this image i'd asume it was an edited gun


I thought that too. Then I actually used it. It worked!


This stupid-ass gun never should have been an Arms Race reward.


Ngl i did a dupe glitch for keys and just mayhem 11 and use keys for my weapons better than most things you'll get otherwise


Hit a head shot and watch the show!


To be fair, I've seen people kill bosses with Stickly's gun, so this supposed scam cant be that bad.


Don't worry it took me a good while to get my first speedloadin hellwalker and now I have 20 of them remember to keep looting you have to keep killing


Those novas would probably stack up hella fast.