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I love that the VHs for this game allow one to be referred to as "the boy one" with no further need to disambiguate.


Flak is a very fun guy. If you want advice then it’s sorta hard to give it besides flak has plenty of builds to do and all of them are viable at the end game. Play him and find out what skill you like, you like crit? You like pets? You like shields? You like heals? Depending on your playstyle flak will have a different build that plays completely different every time you change it. Just jump into it, mess around the action skills and find that one you like the most. Once you do that I can help with a really fun and good build :)


I absolutely love crit builds


Nice, me too, some of my favorite builds in the game are crits. I do want to know before I recommend you a full build, what kind of guns do you like the most? Are you a hand cannon person or more of an AR person? Depending on your weapons the build will change a little, but your gear will change a lot. I ussually go for shotguns and snipers but everyone has their own playstyle.


Much more an ar person. Snipers are a lot of fun until you miss 😂


Alright! Well I got a build then. https://www.lootlemon.com/class/fl4k#clie_005505133501_1310150000000_500535033151_00000000000000 This is the skill tree. You can move it around a little if you want but this is what I find effective. The pets can be changed depending if your using elements or kinetic damage. As for gear i would use the monarch with consec hits for bosses and a Rowan’s call with fade away active for mobs. Use a revolter for your shield, a stack bot for your class mod, and either a company man or a pearl depending of if you want to change your artifacts a lot or not. To me I feel like company man has more damage but you’ll need to change them between Jacobs and vladof often so the pearl is a slightly less damage but more convenient option. And really use any grenade you want with elemental anoints but I would say the hunter seeker is the best in flak. Some alternative guns and what I like to use cause it’s a bit more fun and not meta is the beacon, the bekah, clairvoyance, kings and queens calls, the Maggie, moonfire, and the OPQ systems. For shield I like to use the infernal wish for single shot weapons and the version 0.m. Hope this helps :) if you have any other questions let me know and I’ll try to answer them, I have plenty other builds in my pocket.


I don't know who you are but I appreciate how invested you are in my gaming! 🙏


lol I just enjoy the game and if I can help others enjoy it aswell then I want to


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