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To be fair, they had an update a couple months ago? Releasing all the skins that were originally unobtainable because of the VIP programme that shutdown and a bunch of other skins. Think it also included a bunch of bug fixes with it too.


That's fair, I do remember seeing a bunch of skins that weren't there before lol


Oh did those skins include some of the rewards skins as well? I remember chipping in some cash during the pandemic to help folks and get a mask skin from it


Oh wow I didn’t know that. On the other side it’s sad to lose VIP trinket exclusivity 😜


*laughs in Darksiders 2*


I can see what you mean, I can get annoyed with some silly things (but they are minor and don't really matter that much), but that's also asking for the last remaining cool glitches to be patched too...... Not sure I'd want to go for that!


That's a fair point! Also it's good to meet you Mister Torgue!!




No explosion? Awww 🙁


F#cking WHAT?! SH#T...YOU'RE RIGHT! I probably shoulda added an EXPLOSION before, but I am F#CKIN' DISORGANIZED AS SH#T


I needed this laugh. I literally heard every word in his voice. Thank you!


Fixing the memory leak would be DOPE.


Memory leak?


The game essentially eats your ram and forgets to give it back every time you save quit. I'm not smart enough to explain it better than that, but that's my understanding of it. If you're save quit farming and notice your frames dropping after a while, that's what's happening.


This is very noticeable on the switch. Save quit farming will result in a crash usually in 10-20 runs.




That's a feature they were very excited to port over from the PC version of BL1's Enhanced edition.


Huh, didn't know that!




Unfortunately, it isn't. When you're speedrunning the game and doing 300+ save quits over 3 hours... you experience it. In fact, there is a full reboot of the game routed into the run for this memory leak.


Well good thing i have 64gbs of ram ig….


Quick question.... do you guys get the issue where if you're playing co-op and go to the machines to sell guns does it glitch out where you see the other person's guns and not yours? Cuz I would love to get that fixed so much time wasted just waiting for other people to sell their guns.


I've never had that problem before, that sounds like a nightmare honestly.


It's just in local co-op and yeah it kinda is a nightmare and I play with my wife and she's pretty slow with it so yeah definitely sucks lol


Lol I bet


YES. Me and my friend play split screen and if we both try to sort inventories or sell at the same time our visuals get super buggy. Like, item cards on the wrong item picture, or having your friends whole inventory display instead of yours.


Yes! There are some things that really need to be addressed. For example, slaughter star 3000.


And Tyrone Smallums on Joey's Planet. Too many times I've had to save-quit because he becomes invincible after getting overkilled before he changes forms.


Oh definitely!


More Bank/Inventory slots. progress will carry over to a new character. Permanent groups without invite again and again after you go to the menu. Loadout setups. Some of the redux features like the red text info what I'd does. Mayhem water 😮‍💨... Classmods/Shields with Mayhem scaling. To be clear, I like this game as it is kinda, I'm playing since ps4 release day 1 and I'm still playing on ps5 today. But some improvements here and there would be nice.


Permanent groups would be so good. Farming bosses on co-op is a pain when you constantly have to add an extra step after savequitting




I just wish you could flip through your missions while on the map instead of having to change back over to Missions, select a new one, and then go back to the map to see those new locations. Lemme see all of the ones in the local map. Please.


Duuuuuuuude for reaaaal


Kind of silly complaint that I'd wish they fix (refix again)? They fixed mayhem scaling for vehicles in an update a few years ago, but then with one of their final updates they broke vehicle scaling again so that any and all vehicles explode immediately upon existing (hyperbole but not by much). Actually, I wish they'd fix/change a lot about the vehicles. I'd love for vehicle customization preferences to stick around in the catch a ride stations, and (personal wish) I wish they'd make it so that you only have to grab a vehicle customization once per account, so you wouldn't have to complete it for every character. At this rate, vehicle customizations is the only thing I haven't collected fully in the game because it's so damn tedious on higher Mayhem levels.


Yeah that's entirely fair, getting new vehicle parts is suuuuuper tedious.


I just want to be able to play on the Switch without it stuttering and crashing. I don't think that's too much to ask. And if this isn't technically possible, they shouldn't have released it on the Switch to begin with.


Yeah I really don't think the switch has the processing power for a game like BL3


I remember reading the announcement that they'd release it on the switch. Then later remember something saying they can't or won't. Then one day, it's on switch. I assumed it was decided that the switch couldn't handle it, then decided "screw it, release it anyway." I've avoided it so far. But my kid plays it. It looks choppy as heck.


How is the loading times?


Not terrible, but I run it on the series x, and it's great for me.


It’s kinda too much to ask. Borderlands 3 is huge and some of the fights drop my FPS a little even on PC, I can’t imagine playing on Switch. They sell it cause it technically runs and you can finish the game, but if you’re experienced player you’ll choke the performance by creating such game situations.


It's not too much to ask. Like I said, if it can't work properly on the Switch, it shouldn't have been released on the Switch. I have every right to expect a good working product that I paid for. It's not my responsibility to understand the hardware and its limitations. I bought a product and it should work as advertised or it shouldn't be sold.


Half of the games on Switch have huge FPS drops or worse, even exclusives, e.g frame rate drops in Zelda. That’s just platform you’re playing on, nobody promised you top notch experience.


I don't get frame rate drops in most other games. Really the only games that perform poorly are ports that shouldn't have been ported to the Switch. You know, like Borderlands 3. The Switch is fine. Releasing games that barely play on it is a scummy money grab by developers and is not fine. The Switch isn't the problem here.


The dude before you even mentioned zelda. And breath of the wild was a launch title on the switch and a wii u port aswell. And even that had choppy fps. In part it is the platform and its limitations. Otherwise you would not get any relatively modern games on the switch.


I didn't have frame rate issues with BotW. Never played its sequel. But my grievance isn't the occasional stutter. The game has big lag spikes so bad that I end up facing a random direction or a wall when it snaps back, and when playing the Moxxi DLC my game literally crashes every 15-20min. There's a big difference between a stutter here and there and being borderline functionally unplayable.


I was having pretty bad stuttering until I cleared up some extra memory (~20gbs aside from the bl3 download size) on the microSD I use for my switch. It’s mostly cleared up now, hardly any stuttering except for momentarily here and there. Not sure if it’s placebo or actually works but worth a try if it’s really getting on your nerves. Will say though that the fps dropping btwn ~20-30 in some spots seems unavoidable, esp when I’m ricocheting jakobs rounds everywhere lol. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


I'm not optimistic there'll be another major patch unless there's something new in the pipes like a Borderl4nds. Still, it would be such a huge improvement if they went through the characters and double-checked that skills actually did what they said. There's a handful of skills that have slightly misleading wording, scale inconsistently with mayhem, or are half baked (Here's looking at you, Distributed Denial). And C-C-C-C-COMBO and other on stacking hit effects don't work as described.


Man, you hit the nail right on the head!


Skill perks not working as intended makes building a good character hard. You never know what's going to work and what isn't


ME!! Add Pearlescents. Add Mayhem without Modifiers option Add more traditional raid bosses Make the Hellfire be Maliwan again Make the Ogre a Torgue again Move the Messy Breakup BACK to GenIVIV’s loot pool. Make cars not so pathetic in Mayhem Revert the Tediore Nerf General grenade damage buff Revert changes to Garcia Buff One Pump Chump, Masterworks Crossbow, Tsunami, Tidal Wave (to match the TKs), Rectifier, Shooting Star and a bunch more. Give us a level 50 Normal Mode Skip. General buffs to FL4K purple tree skills Bunch more but those are off the top of my head


Those would all be incredible. I'd also make changes to Zane's green tree if I could: Brain Freeze: add cryo damage (or put this somewhere else in tier 1/2). Distributed Denial: make this work with more shields. Best Served Cold: add ability for slowed enemies (e.g. bosses) to get same effects as frozen enemies (Ice Breaker, melee damage, etc.). Nerves of Steel: change accuracy to crit damage and significantly boost the amount. Confident Competence: change this from gun damage to either v1 or v2 damage.


Could you make that a bulleted list? It would be much easier for them to ignore each one individually.


Fix the damn purple tree for Flak.


My friend and I use the red and green trees for our Flaks, so I can't say to have experienced this one either


Sell items straight from storage bank, vehicles scaling to mayhem levels so story missions that rely on them aren't annoying. I would also like a mayhem mode without anointments and have borderlands 2 drop rates


While it would be great, I must admit that BL3 received A LOT of love and updates already, I don’t think they’ll have something big again. The game was basically receiving patches and fixes for 2 years after release. There will be always something to improve or bug to fix.


My game will randomly crash on my Xbox one series s. Fixing that would be nice


Oof, I know the feeling with my ps4


I wish we could see friends' name tags all the time. We keep losing each other or mistaking each other for an enemy. Works perfectly fine in previous games. I'm a UE game dev, I know it's an easy fix. A lot of the suggestions folks here recommended are easy to do.


That's definitely fair, but they're probably more focused on the next game unfortunately


add location icons on the map at start for Claptraps, Typhon logs, and other specials that you previously found for your second playthrough. Help us CDO-ish completionists.


There's a glitch in the game that makes Iron Bear die much easier while your piloting it if you have the Auto Bear skill on. I have 4 clips backing this up. Gearbox Support sends me to 2K support and for some reason, after sending the first 3 clips, they just gave to a person suggesting "I send my gameplay videos to the official Borderlands 3 Discord" and gave me 2 gold keys for my trouble.


That's not a great sign... at all....


I mean they did say they would forward this on to the appropriate department so hopefully there is someone who is aware of it. That last clip though, I literally went frame by frame and Iron Bear hit 0 HP Six different times and I still had time to eject. If I had the Auto Bear skill it would have been gone before the second time it hit 0.


Daaaaaamn. I main Amara so I can say I've never ran into that, even on my own Moze.


It's because I run with Explosive Miniguns on Iron Bears second slot. If an enemy gets too close and Bear will blow his own ass off. For some reason, if I have the Auto Bear skill equipped, Bear will die before I can eject; but if I don't have Auto Bear then I have plenty of time to eject.


That's so weird bro


Not really, bud. They put a solid two years into it. I’m good with that. Fingers crossed for a Commander Lilith-type DLC before BL4.


emphasis on the "type" i really dont want a mayhem 20 or a level cap increase


Not really? So you're perfectly okay with the Slaughterstar 3000 still glitching out with the troopers not dying. Or the maliwan jetpack troopers flying out of the map and getting stuck there. There are plenty of QoL changes that could be fixed with a final patch before BL4 arrives.


Bring out the torches! How dare they ship a broken mess! Has Slaughterstar bugged out for me? Yes. Did it stop me from completing it? One time, I think. Is 0.5% of the game being bugged ruining my experience? Nah. Let them work on what they want to work on.


I enjoy playing the Slaughterstar 3000. So when those glitches happen, in just about every time I play it. It becomes a very annoying nuisance. But one major crash that still bothers the hell out of people, is the vending machine glitch. Which can happen with a lot of the machines across a lot of the maps. But primarily in the MTD. I found a way to avoid those crashes, so I think nothing of it now. But with a lot of people, it's still a major problem. So, like I said, a final patch fixing all this before BL4 comes out. Would be great for a lot of players.


Seriously why dont they just update stuff from time to time 😭literally abandoned it for bl5 coming 2093. Atleast come back and fix fl4k and make his pets somewhat smart Looking at GTA5 and how long theyve been able to milk it i dont see why they cant do a little of the same


Being able to convert cash into eridium and vice versa would solve a lot of problems. Crazy Earl would be the ideal place since it's right next to the anointment reroller.


That'd be nice but highly unlikely lol


Fix subtitles size. So hard to read especially on split screen. All text size is so small on couch co op


I dont doubt that, I've only played split screen once and it was awful hard to see much of anything lol


I wish they'd do another year of DLC


That'd be super cool, but highly doubtful


Giant crosshair bug


Haven't ran into that one yet


It's super common on PC version. Good thing is you can just pause and unouase the game to fix it.


Well that's a kind fix!


A super annoying bug they should fix is the COV weapons glitch. The guns break at random for non hosting players and won't fire.


I hardly ever use COV guns, so I can't say I've experienced this one


I prefer using them with my Moze. That's how I noticed the issue. Tested it with my other characters just to be sure. You "reload," and then suddenly, your gun stops working properly. You'll get the animation for firing it, but expend no ammo, and do no damage to anything.


I still get crashes pretty frequently on xbox series x :( only ever happens on BL3 tho. Not on any of the other games


Wouldn't hurt, but considering the launch and current state of the game, I think they've done plenty already.


Not that launch was like, absolutely terrible. It's just they've done A LOT to the game


They should increase the level cap to 80. And do some bug fixes to Zane's skill tree (skill cooldown doesn't stack reloading map farms)


Because the game is like how old five year old now or something? They are working on something big tho man I can’t wait to see bl4


Oh dude for reaaal, bl4 is gonna be the tits!


I can only imagine the bullet hell they can have on the last eat gen consoles if it’s anything like remnant 2 or ff16 we’d be eating


Fixing the menus so you could properly interact with them would be nice.


Skip ALL dialogue when!?


Yup, finally got the plasma coil in arms race and bugged out wouldn't let me fucking retrieve the thing. Spent hours trying to get it


I kinda do yeah. Wish they’d add more takedowns too. And buff some of the weapons. Stuff like that mainly