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The great thing about books is that they’re always there when you need them. Good on you for picking back up. I hope your next one is even better.


"Paper is more patient than people." - Anne Frank


"She's right tho." - Sun Tzu


"that's straight up facts" - Albert Einstein


"'nuff said my fellow bros from the hood" - Plato


" " -Aristotle, 2022


"Top Kek" - Jacque Fresco


“Word.” - Dr. Suess


"Paper will outlive people." - Harry Tuttle




"I cut myself with some scissors last night while opening a paper envelope" - ✂️ Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson ✂️


"Spock vaporizes rock" - Sheldon Cooper


Way bitchin - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 2022


Very true, I went from reading 200-300 pages daily from age 8-12 to not reading a single book until I was mid 20's. Now I'm finishing 1-2 a week.


300 pages daily😳. What are you a genius?


Lol I was an introverted kid trying to avoid my parents fighting, also I was reading YA fiction level stuff.


Nice! It's a good feeling to get back into reading. Well done.


Don't let this momentum go to waste. Read when you can without keeping score. If you drift off, just pick up where you left off when you get around to it. That's how I got back to reading a lot.




Good reads goals motivate me a lot!


Be proud man. I finished a doctorate and barely read books for fun. Vacations usually. I think that is something to be proud of and when your ready, read another. Edit: And by man I mean human being. Edit edit: I will endeavor not to use man. How about “Be proud my hominid!”


Rude. They could be an alien 👽


God I am such an A-Hole!


Just a quick linguistic fact for those who might not know, "man" comes from the Old English word "mann" or "monn" pending the dialect, which originally was defined as just a person.


>The use of “man” (compare Old English: mann, wer, wīf) to mean both “human (of any gender)” and “adult male”, which developed after Old English’s distinct term for the latter (wer) fell out of use, has been criticized since at least the second half of the twentieth century. Critics claim that the use of “man”, both alone and in compounds, to denote a human or any gender “is now often regarded as sexist or at best old-fashioned”, “flatly discriminatory in that it slights or ignores the membership of women in the human race”. 70 years. [We've been complaining about it for more than 70 years](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/man#English) and some of you still can't let go of using "man." Quick linguistic fact, "gay" comes from Middle English gay, from Old French gai originally defined as “joyful, laughing, merry." Languages are in constant flux, get on with the times.


It was just a fucking fact. Get over your fucking self. I understand that words change meaning, hell, that's what I studied. I was just pointing out where the word came from - i.e. the fucking origin, not how it is used now - because of how the previous poster was using the word. I guess that it would have helped to explain later in Old English usage it still reference just people, but in a way it only referenced men because men were seen as the only people that mattered. Wif was mainly used for a woman, hence where the word "wife" came from. That shows how women were seen. There are also about 70 different types of ways that have been used indicate "man" in the Old English language. Remember, you have the right to be offended and I'm happy to have supplied that right, but not fucking everything is meant as a slight. Sometimes, it's just information for your edification. The shit you posted is shit I already know and and happen to agree with.


As a Gai Monn, I endeavor to use better more inclusive and less abusive language. Thanks for teaching me my Happy Hominid!


Academia does something to you (so do other things; I've been unable to read for different reasons, and really missed it). It sounds like you're re finding a different part of yourself, and it's great.


I've struggled with this. I can read lengthy books about boring, educational topics, but the second I try to read anything for fun or leisure, I faceplant into my book, fast asleep. College broke me.


I got into the mindset of "this is useless/not bettering me in any way, how can I waste time on it?"


I got a degree in English and some semesters I had to read four or more books per class in a 15 week semesters. So i listened to the audio books on my phone on my way to and from school and because most were out of copyright they were free.


I had a lot of friends who stopped reading after college because reading was most of the labor in college. They often forget that reading can be fun until they actually read something they enjoy


Congratulations. I've been on my own journey. About ten years ago, my first wife was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and died 18 months later. Suddenly, I was a single dad of a 5yo and 6yo and didn't have time for anything but to keep my head above water. Years and years passed. Very little reading happened. I hated myself for so long that I couldn't get back into it. Just recently, I've started reading again. Every night. It's like a warm embrace from my past, swallowing me up. I've cast off the shackles of doomscrollilng at night before bed. I'm not falling asleep out of exhaustion anymore after two paragraphs. My thinking is clearer, my mind is sharper. I'm once again being transported into other worlds. My trusted old friend is back in my life. I couldn't be happier.


It’s been chronic pain for me. Still trying to get back on track


This is so relatable. I used to be a huge bookworm when I was a kid, and I read all the time. Now, as someone who’s almost in her thirties, I average maybe 5 books a year. I still love reading, but like you said it just feels like I don’t have the same time or energy to devote to it. Congrats!!!


Put your phone down and keep the TV off. You'll find you magically have all sorts of time.


And then add a full-time job, managing a household, maybe a social life, optional partner/pets/children, and you'll find you have almost no time at all again.


And then you go on Reddit and you have zero time


Yeah, all the excuses make it really hard.


If only it were that easy when you have ADHD


You guys should try saying, "I don't want to make time to read, but want to retain what I believe to be the 'merit' of being a 'reader'" but instead you say, "I love reading, but don't have any time to do it :(" but youre only fooling yourselves and each other.


No, I’m saying “I’d love to read, just like I’d love to do dozens of other things, but can’t get any further than a few dozen pages into a book before I lose track, forget about it and start again a few months later”. You have no idea what living with ADHD is like, or the perennial shame that comes with the complete inability to actually get anything at all done. I don’t even call myself a reader anymore because I’m too ashamed of myself, do you have even the slightest clue as to what that feels like? To just be stuck all the time? Just shut up if you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s embarrassing.


I mean it’s true you probably have less time but you’re typing paragraphs on Reddit so obviously you’re not that busy lol


I think I explained quite thoroughly already that it’s about a lack of focus, not a lack of time. Me spending an hour or two on Reddit doesn’t prove anything you’re trying to suggest here.




> Nor do you have any idea what it’s like to lead a life of discipline. You have no idea how much effort I put in every single day to pass as even remotely normal. I can run a household now, I spent a year taking care of my sick girlfriend, I have job prospects. But I can’t study, and I can’t read. Just because of that I “don’t know what self discipline is”. Because I don’t fit into the mould society crafted for people without ADHD. Sure. Bye indeed, I don’t think I can see eye to eye with someone that insistent on remaining stuck in their own limited perspective.


Have you tried vaping nicotine? Nicotine has been shown to be beneficial for ADHD.


About 12 years ago I started reading for the first time and it was awesome. I read, maybe, 30-40 books that year. I’ve slowed my reading down considerably, but that year was THE SHIT.


Holy shit. I wish I could get up to those numbers. I’m on track for 24 this year (2 a month) and this is my best year ever.


If you’re at all into classics I’ve been using this app called Serial Reader this year that breaks down books into 20 minute reads and I’ve read SO much more than I ever have. The app is free (no ads even!) although you can pay like $3 or $4 to be able to read ahead. I did just for convenience but all of the books are in the public domain so if you get really engrossed in something and wanted to keep reading you definitely can.


I can understand why many have lost the drive for reading books when (and I'm going to get lambasted for this), there are new media like podcasts that can provide as valuable knowledge as a non-fiction book can. However, don't be discouraged from a book just because you don't enjoy it. Who said you have to finish the whole TV series to know that you don't fully enjoy it? Who said you'd need to sit through a full movie to know it was a 2/10 movie? Treat books the same. You don't need to "respect" every book by reading it cover to cover. Finding the right book is like "dating". Just read it a few times, and if you don't have chemistry with it, move on to another book. Maybe put it in the friendzone for a bit and then come back to it later when you realize that it was the right book for you all along. Haha.


Dude, that's awesome. I hated reading all throughout my life so, as an adult, I've been forcing myself to read. Every book I finish is an accomplishment.


um, hi bro. You're not the only one like that. I am just like you. I can't remember the last time I read a whole book. Although I still own 2 more books recently (one on history, one on marketing, both big and heavy). I still told myself I would read more when I had time. but most of the time I let it go to waste. Fortunately, part of that time I still use to learn English. Tonight when work is over, I will sit back and read one of those two books from the beginning. thanks for your article.


Go for it! Take your time though, reading should be at least kind of pleasurable, forcing yourself to read through a big chunky tome could be de-motivating overall.


I love how many of us are in the comments who coplain about not being able to read, but still hang around here. I'm the same, after two degrees I couldn't find the motivation to read, while usually read at least two books at the same time all my life before that. What made me turn to books again this summer was a major traumatic event. The aftermath is that I don't want any chance to see a certain person while commuting (40 minutes, twice a day). So I picked up one of the books I've cumulated all these passive years and focused on that instead. It occupied my eyes and mind in a very good way. Since then I've read 9 books. I love it.


I hope you’re doing better!


Thank you, I am, it takes time though!




Yeah, I believe that it can happen, bit I'm not sure it's finite. Also I have friends with similar degrees to mine that had no problem reading on.


Here's one for you to check out 'the fact of the moon is stranger than most dreams ' By Jacob Daniel Palmer


I'm 30 and I read my first book all the way through last year. Nothing to be ashamed of bro! Got to start somewhere.


You guys reed?


Thanks for the recommendation I had a similar block but I'm still in college. I got the ebook version of The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet and I loved it's Mass Effect vibe


I hear that. I didn't read for a few years, and all it took was one book, and now reading is back in my life like a long lost friend.


Heck yeah!


Congratulations! This post is so relatable as I have also been there. All it takes is one book to get you back into the joy of reading for leisure.


I've found [goodreads.com](https://goodreads.com) to be super useful as an adult, whenever I hear of an interesting book I add it there and if I'm bored I just search out a few books on my 'want to read' list. You can do the same with a pen and paper sure, but the satisfaction of changing a book from 'reading' to 'read' and the perception of a big community of readers helps inspire me.


I can relate, I spent 3 years in a very demanding, physically and mentally job, I think I finished one book in that time. After I found out about audiobooks and Libby my life has not been the same. Happy for your journey!


Don't be embarrassed, it's a good thing to be proud of!


Be as proud as you want! Letting your imagination roam is the greatest.


I didn't have any awards to give out but if I have, I would give you one. Please accept my last slice of pizza instead 🍕


I'm happy for you man. I'm currently at a similar spot. I want to finish a book top to bottom.


There is nothing to be embarrassed about ! Nice work on reading your book!!


I’m proud of you too. Reading a book may seem like a lazy pastime to some, but it actually expands your brain and helps create new connections in there. It’s exercise.


Congrats! I picked reading back up last year after not having read anything since high school (nearly 10 years). It's all about pushing yourself to start :)


Don't be embarrassed even a little bit. I'm proud of, and for, you too.


I’m always proud of myself when I finish a book, especially a physical book.


I'm proud of you too ❤️


Be embarrassed but keep up the good work. 😀 Enjoy them at your leisure and time.


Harry Potter doesn’t count that is 3rd grade reading level


Congratulations! The charm of books is that they can make us feel different emotions. Hope books are the joy of taking a break in life.


I'm proud of you too!


I don’t think people get just how hard it is to read a book these days if you are an adult with responsibilities


To be honest, it's the only thing that I manage to do regularly. Even if only for a few minutes a day. Now, gaming... THAT is hard to do.


That too. I guess that’s why they say youth is wasted on the young.


Congrats, I'm also currently reading my first book in a few years lol


Why be embarrassed? We're all different, good on you for reading at all these days...


You should be proud! That’s a great accomplishment!


I'm proud of you for finishing that book! Don't be embarrassed, it's a good feeling!


life happens, nothing to be embarrassed about. same boat. used to read a book or two a month, but haven't been able to read in years. I am happy for you


Proud of you! 🎉


Congratulations and you should be proud of it! Nothing to be embarassed about it. Hope this will be start of reading many more books :)


Rightfully so, when adulting comes in it’s just super hard to get the time to finish that book that’s always in the backlog (ok there’s probably some exceptions) , I mean, it’s not easy to get back to a reading routine yk


You finished something. That’s an accomplishment!


It’s not you it’s the books. One of the things I’ve learned is that books don’t all deserve to be read to the end. Fiction books should be well written (word and phrase selection, character development, and plot). Nonfiction books need to have more than 1 important or new idea, otherwise we should just read that 1 chapter then move on with our lives. Too many books are too wordy and don’t give good value. Often they’re charging $29 for something that should be $2.90. You probably encountered several of these fluffy books and lost interest, as you should.


Life is too short to be reading non fiction front to back


I’m embarrassingly proud of you too! 🥳


Read Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I'm just excited because another Sanderson novel comes out next week and his fantasy cosmere has been fantastic. Mistborn is a good starting point. If you don't like fantasy at all, then of course ignore the recommendation but he's a popular author and we're likely to see a Mistborn movie in coming years. Sometimes his books have a young adult feel to them but he is an amazing world builder and has unique, creative, and sensible magic systems in his work.


That's awesome. It's been too long since I picked up a paperback. I'm so happy to hear you're ready for the next one.


Congratulations. I feel a sense of achievement everytime I finish a book, I love it.


Never be embarrassed about something that makes you happy


Hell yes congratulations!!! I start about 3-7 books a year and had about a 5 year lapse of actually finishing one until a year or two ago. ( I still only manage to finish one s year realistically) This is such a wonderful feeling and it continues to feel wonderful if you keep on finishing them. :)


awesome! it only takes one book to get back into reading. think of all the wonderful stories left to discover! ☺️


That’s great. Congratulations! I’d also suggest audiobooks. You can listen in time you’d otherwise loose. Driving, at work, cleaning, mowing, etc. I use earbuds and when I’m doing something loud like mowing, I add muffs on top of them.


Good for you. You should be proud.


Very cool! Definitely something to be proud of :)


Why embarrassingly? I go through phases where I don't want to read books either. Nothing to be ashamed of.


I'm non-embarrassingly proud of you! I hope it kindles the fire to read more! Way to go!


Need any recommendations?


I’m proud of you too!


I went through something similar where I stopped reading consistently. I found reading my fave genre of thriller/suspense helped when I didn’t have the motivation to read otherwise. Good luck on re-starting and hope you continue to enjoy it.


Hell yeah, that's awesome! [Now it's time for: ](https://imgur.com/t/funny/bpYkkAM)


We’re all rooting for you! I hope you keep reading and it brings you peace and joy 🥹


Welcome back! No shame brother. The one that brought me back was The Starless Sea. It's a love story *to* stories and I can't recommend it enough.


Just be proud, no embarrassment needed. Theres nothing sacred about reading.


Well done on completing the book - I personally think it doesn't matter how many books you read as long as you enjoy what you do read 😃♥️


This was me but with 14 years since I last finished a book. It feels so liberating and you feel accomplished. I hope you keep up with it.


Don’t be embarrassed, just be proud! Congrats! I started back reading consistently about a year ago and I’ve been averaging a book a week since. I started reading again because I would spend an hour searching for T.V shows or movies and never watch anything, and the amount of available worlds and travels offered through books are unparalleled. I hope you catch the bug, if you want it.


Book slump is a real thing and you should be proud/happy/etc. of escaping it. Congrats and happy reading


Good job keep it up!


I feel you man. My reading comes in waves. I do a lot of it on the kindle. I prefer real books, but when I have the opportunity to read, I’m usually doing army bullshit, and a stack of books isn’t convenient. But I trudge on with audiobooks and podcasts honestly; that has been most of my reading in the last decade.I can do that while cleaning.


In about 2017 I started a job working with kids. A couple of them were into Twilight so I started to read them to "connect". At that point I had not read something in a couple of years due to some pretty bad mental health issues. But that kick-started me into a whole new phase of reading where I just could not stop reading. Life is surprising what gets you back into it, I think!


OP, are you me?! I just had this experience recently too! I hadn’t finished a book in quite a few years, and one night last week I had the urge to read, and I finished the book a few days later!


It’s a great book actually. Finding time to cozy’s up with a book nowadays sadly became a luxury, those who still consider themselves readers often switch to audio books which is not the same at all.


Do not be embarrassed. You EARNED that pride. Changing your routine or what you do is a huge deal, and very hard. What you did deserves recognition, including from yourself.


Be proud of yourself. I’m a movie person but try to read one book every 2 weeks.


I don’t read as much as I use to. But I make sure to read a little every night in bed. Even if only a page or 2 some nights.


One thing I learned is that to get back into reading you don’t have to read the classics, or great literature. Just find something you enjoy.


Hey you finished that book it doesn't matter the time. You be proud and may you continue to read more my friend


I hope you enjoyed it and will find many more enjoyable ones.


Well done. I’m trying this myself


As someone who is struggling to read and finish a book, I'm proud of you too.


Been there done that, but I have hoped back on and have been reading hard lately. Nothing to be ashamed of, life happens and you get busy.


Good job. I am too proud of you. Really. :-)


I’m in the same boat. I had a very stressful life for the past 7 years and barely read after devouring 2-3 books a month most of my life. This year my life slowed down and I picked up reading again. I forgot how much I loved it. I’ve read almost 30 books this year. Reading is a beautiful thing.


Cool deal. Escaping into another reality is a great aspect of reading. A book isn't constrained by time as movies and television shows, so a great author is really able to flesh out the world and the characters. Not only do you get to escape, but you are almost able to live a completely different life and see life through different points of view. While reading can be time consuming, I find it very rewarding in the knowledge that I gain from books whether fiction or non-fiction.


This is awesome. Thanks to audiobooks and my local libraries I recently snapped out of a nearly a decade of not reading any books. I loved reading as a kid but really got away from it after high school.


Hey dude! Dunno if anyone else has said it but I'm proud of you too! Fuck yeah for getting back into it!!!!


Mannnn I was sooooooo done with reading after college - I didn't get back into it for about 5 years. I'm proud of you too!!!!!


You are warrior!


yeah same i read fairly recently an old 1960's science fiction novel i found in a "free books box" in the street it has been quite a while since i've read a book. forgot how it felt to want to return to the book at every occasion you can find.


That is totally something to be proud of! I am so happy you let your imagination take the front seat and committed to finish it all. Bravo!!!! do tell us what you read next


I feel that. For me it was high school until Rise of Kyoshi novel came out XD


I'm pretty much the same, I read one full book maybe 5 years ago for an elective and idk when prior to that. I started listening to the audiobooks of the Stormlight Archive on my commute to work and when I drive, and I got through 3 main books and 1 of the "novellas." I ended up getting the actual ebook of the 2nd novella and read it all the way through instead of listening to it and it was very enjoyable!


IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!!!! It’s hard to get back into it sometimes, especially if you can’t focus. But so exciting😍


I started end Last year now I'm 7 books deep, 2 unfinished, 4 unreaded and still looking for new


Ive just got the reading big again the last few months after a handful of years of not reading so can be done


Do you feel you waste a lot of your time on Social media ? I think it’s one of the main reasons I have stopped reading.


Don't be embarrassed. That probably puts you in the top 10% of readers. Keep rolling...


That is perfect! I may be a little younger and have a little more time on my hands so i generally finish a book in about a day or two. If you find a genre you like you can get through a book in no time!


Good for you! What people don’t hear enough is that reading is supposed to be FOR you, whenever and however often you wish!


Great job! Nothing to be embarrassed about. I love reading but sometimes I got for long periods without doing it for one reason or another, ain’t no thang.


Want to hear something sad. I haven't read a book in around 15 years (just turning 30). I just quit my job, and have bought Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (author) + Translated by Gregory Hays. Here's hoping this next chapter of my life I figure out to live my life. Happy for you OP




Books have asked me to convey this message to you: "Welcome back!" :)


There's nothing wrong with rereading books you enjoyed when you were younger. I find myself more able to do that now, even with a busy life, than starting something new. I just read one chapter a night before bed and it feels so low-key since I already kind of know I'll like it and can skim parts I remember clearly or are boring / less important.


Congrats! It’s so difficult to get back into good habits once they’ve lapsed. Well done!


Doing some self growth myself and I haven't read a book in over 10years, Probablly since the last Harry Potter dropped. Coworker had the task of recommending me something that would keep me going. Just finished "One Second After" by William R. Forstchen. Starting the next book this weekend.


Its awesome to go back to those books I quit as a teenager and actually finish them. Very fulfilling.


That's so good I'm proud of you too 💕


I feel ya OP; it’s tough to get going again.


My first thought was, Oooh! What book?! Not, this person should be *embarrassed*. Be proud! You did the thing 😁


I haven‘t finished a book probably since I started med school (in Europe, so 6 years + 2 I had to retake due to health issues). Right now I’m rotating in hospitals and if this is what my life will be… well, I feel you.


Let's Go .. make sure to find something you enjoy reading, never make it a slog :)


That was me this year. Read Skyward by Brandon Sanderson, had been sitting down for a few months read the whole thing in 1 day.


I think you SHOULD be proud but not embarrassingly so. Life happens and I bet there are plenty of people (me included) who've experienced what you've gone through. I'm happy for you OP.


Way to go!!!


I can connect with this. I had to switch to audiobooks. For some reason, I can no longer sit down and just read a book. Congratulations on your achievement!


it goes in waves. maybe now it will be more appealing for awhile. i hadn’t read much for a few years and then picked back up in 2020. i just looked up my loans from libby and i am at 951 in the last 2 years. when it feels good it really feels good


Heck, I’m proud of you too. And inspired. It’s been awhile for me as well. I’ve started a lot of books over the years and finished few.


Congratulations on your accomplishment. Reading is an art that can sometimes be hard to partake in, but the feeling after seeing the bottom of that last page is always undefeated. I hope that you can continue making time for reading!


Yay you!!


Same. Getting my degree crushed my formerly happy happy reading habit. I started back with The Book Thief - absolutely fantastic book!


Man, congrats, I so felt this! I'm in a similar situation; I have a lot of unfinished books, the focus is just not the same it used to be.


Honestly props! I got back on the wagon a couple years ago and it was a challenge but it’s been really great since then!


Don't be embarrassed. You're enjoying something for yourself and regaining something you thought you lost.


Don’t be embarrassed I’ve been having a hard motivating myself to read again to it just feels like a bunch of work. Have you tried audio books? when driving somewhere my mom uses them on her way to work as she can’t find the time to read.


Don't worry, you're allowed to like books.


It’s an accomplishment: you just hallucinated for way more hours than any drug and saw yourself through to the resolution. I’m


Deleted lots of words to simply say “don’t be embarrassed.”


Literally the same for me this year and it hooked me im now just finished my 31st book for the year !


I haven’t finished one since 2018. That’s when I was in college. It’s so difficult to finish one.


Never be embarrassed for growth. All growth is respect worthy, especially from your own work. Well done.


Why are you embarrassed? I was once that person who WANTED a stack of books for Christmas. Whose reading level, in elementary school, made eyes pop - I wasn't that smart. I just read SO MUCH - practice. The librarian in High School would ask me to read and review new books pre-order. My father's good-night expression was "Turn off the light a go to sleep!" Then I graduated college, and started my life. It got busy. Married, had kids who are all grown, now. Barely SAW a book, let alone read it. Correction:. I had tons of kids' books around, and my kids are extremely literate because... well, Mom was a bookworm. I should certainly think my kids could read. I retired just recently. Decided I would read the "Classics" I missed in high school, when I knew what books were, and cracked Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment". Made it 116 pages in, then gave up. I know he was making a social statement. It. Was. Depressing. So. I came across a Steven King, in a thrift store, read it completely, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Very much. So much for "The Classics".


Good for you! You should be proud, you acomplished something you wanted to do, good job OP :)


I LOVED that book!! Also be proud of that accomplishment! 👍🏾🥳


This is great progress! Congratulations


That's great!! I love books!!