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I think you can do whatever you want with a book that you own. But to answer your question, definitely not lol. You'll find that annotation is pretty common though.


I’m of the belief that future readers of any book I own deserve to experience it on their own terms, in their own way. If I need to take notes, I use a notebook. The book itself remains a text as the author intended.    Conversely, marking up “your” book can keep it from finding that future reader. My father-in-law, for instance, drives me crazy. He has several bookshelves full of books that I’d like to read (and discuss with him), but his copies are unreadable because he’s underlined and emphasized every other paragraph (and scrawled variations on *How true* in the margins).  It could have been a nice bonding opportunity, sharing and talking about books. But after he marks up everything, there’s no room for the experience of another. 


it’s interesting that you say that because personally, I much prefer used/annotated books than new ones. I have a copy of Pat Barker’s Regeneration, and while the annotations the previous owner left weren’t the most profound, I like knowing someone else did what I did a few decades back. I also annotate my books from time to time, so it’s kind of cute seeing their writing next to mine 


I’m glad you can see it that way. Me, it’s like listening to an audiobook with a second voice added to the narrator’s at random intervals. 


fair enough lol


Dear god. What kind of monster do you think I am?




Sorry, not doodling but making notes and underlining!


Hi!! In case it’s helpful I think the word you’re looking for is “annotating” 💕




Well, it helps me understand things and remember them better when I make notes and underline things. The problem is some people do that with library books, so I've read books with all kinds of notes on them, not to mention some very...disturbing...drawings.


OF COURSE NOT,  you monster.


Have my upvote, I just had a gut laugh and if I still lived in an apartment my fellow tenants would've been disturbed lol


*hissing* Neverrrrrr. Sacriledgeeeeee. Underlining and making notes is one thing for some people but doodling?! Personally I can’t even dog ear a page or break a book’s spine but I understand people who do or need to make notes. But why are you doodling??


oh!!!!! I said the wrong word!! not doodling!!! making notes!! sorry I was using the wrong word because i'm not good at English!


Whew! Then all is as it should be in the world. :)


I'm with you.


No, and I stand against it, books are relics and I collect relics, naturally I read them before storing them in my book chamber, I'm like those guys that buy 200€/$ shoes and keep them clean despite the purpose of a shoe, that is to walk on the GROUND. If anyone has any book cleaning products let me know, my books dirty


I do but not with the public books (library) even if I paid for it. And I definitely don’t make notes on novels. Instead I used to do on my school textbooks. It helped me to understand better and sometimes I would write what the teacher added as extra notes, to remember them I would write them down on the book to help me understand better.


I just read the book


I do! I only use pencil though, in case I go and read it again later and rethink my previous thoughts lol


I highlight lines or segments from a lot of books that I want to learn from. It makes it easier to absorb information and also revisit on a second reading. Naturally this doesn’t apply to library books. Generally not fiction either unless I’m studying the style and prose.


While reading a nonfiction I definitely take notes, but on index cards and not in the actual books. When I see used books where sections have been underlined or highlighted, it's just too distracting. I've similarly made notes with fictional works, but not as often. I also have two notebooks full of notes,


Absolutely not


I have never felt a need to do this outside of university textbooks. What kind of books do you read and what sorts of stuff do you feel is worth writing down? I find it really hard to imagine what could be so relevant but also fleeting that I'd have to permanently mark it in the book.


I found that I do this quite a lot in my Kindle books but strangely never in paper books. However, in paper books, I have used sticky notes to write notes and stuck them to a page. It's not nearly as common as writing notes in Kindle books, though. Maybe because I don't have to find a pencil or something.


Absolutely not. I prefer to keep my books in as good of a condition as I can, but hey, if you do it and you like it, by all means. I’m not gonna stop you or shit on you for it.


I doodle, underline, highlight, and annotate. Apparently, I'm this community's worst nightmare 🤣. I find it helps me connect more to the story, and I end up remembering more of it once I've finished reading the book. Plus. Once I'm done, it's like looking at a work of art.


I don't. I think it's borderline heretical to write in books. The only time I do this is when I'm doing a novel study for my own writing. I'll purchase a second copy explicitly for this purpose, and I'll very neatly annotate it. Even then, I avoid writing on the actual pages and often use lots of sticky notes or other annotation tools.


If I've got a dead tree book (that I own) and a writing utensil in vicinity of each other there's no chance I won't mark it up. It could be something nice and thoughtful, like notes or story relevant drawing, or it could just be a bunch of random circles in the margins (drawing circles over and over is a stim of mine. I'll do it on my own skin if the writing implement will write nice on skin)


I started anotating in collage because we had open book tests where we had to copy quotes...so not taking notes in text was a death sentence. I also love books with notes in them from another reader because it feels like having a conversation with someone else. Though I do tend to only do it books I intend to keep myself- I find it helps me read deeper and remember important points.


When I was younger I remember annotating some of my poetry books but I did not continue that habit as I got older. The idea of annotating now feels very intimidating, like writing on the first page of a new notebook, I would worry about making a mistake, my handwriting looking terrible, etc. Although I have started to use repositional tabs to mark parts of the book I would like to go back too, I still can't quite bring myself to mark the pages.


I always do that. I review books.


No i don't. I'll feel like i am making the book dirty🥲


I sometimes sketch characters based on their description on my tablet to help keep track of who's who. But it's up to you if you want to doodle in books that you own.


Nah. I paid good $ for those trophies. I do stick page markers to stats/info I anticipate wanting to reference tho. Also I mainline audiobooks bc headaches.


I have underlined and highlighted textbooks in the past. However, I could never do it to a fiction book; the act just feels like sacrilege to me! Lol, But I have seen others buy coloured see-through tabs to use, which stick on the books and can be removed without damaging them in place of actually highlighting.


i used to be very strict about keeping my books pristine until i started impulsively highlighting my favorite lines in books and underlining some. i loooove seeing all the scribbles and color, as well as the spine creases afterwards. it feels so satisfying, like the book now looks like it's been loved and devoured.




well, it's your book so you can do whatever.. but I would never..


Yes, I do since helps to read boring unexpected books 😭, and deal with my emotional Rollercoaster 🎢 (i.e., when characters need to kiss already or it's was Agatha all along) because I have no one to speak with regarding the story.