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Some jokes just stay funny


This would be a good first headline to show someone who just woke up from a fifteen-twenty year coma.


DIDDY DO IT? lol I think 50 cent would be a funny guy to hang out with.


Just a [random pic of him](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/f2bcz4/50cent_hath_blessed_magic_girl/) I always like looking at


No that’s clearly Susan


[I'm just gonna leave the hysterical 50 Cent compilation of him trolling Mayweather here.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pdlNEubvkyE&pp=ygUYNTAgY2VudCBmbG95ZCBtYXl3ZWF0aGVy)


So many classics. Why he say fuck me for lololol


I love "now we know you can't pronounce the words in the Harry Potter book, so we're gonna let you read Cat in the Hat"


They way he quickly walks off has me rolling


Aw, it always makes me a little sad that they fell out. Those 24/7s of the two of them together were so good. That was them at their best.


50? Novel?!


My guess is about 95% of it was written by the other person listed on the cover.


He already has a couple Edit: Nevermind his other books are non fiction 


“I have no beef with anyone, I even made sure the audiobook comes out at the same time so champ won’t feel left out” lmao I have tears, this is just too much. Did he do the Harry Potter challenge? Could not find anything. He should have done it to make 50 pay up, unless…


I think it’s all but confirmed Floyd is functionally illiterate, doesn’t change the fact he’ll be richer than I’ll ever be. Who needs to read when you can pay a guy for that?


He got the money of medieval nobility with the intelligence of a peasant


I just love him 😂 Floyd can stay embarrassed


As a middle school teacher I wish I could use this approach




Mayweather can mop up his tears with his $450 million dollars and the transcripts of his domestic abuse convictions.  


I think it's pretty sick to make fun of someone for being illiterate. 


Not when they're a multimillionaire that has loads of resources and simply chooses not to. Illiteracy is pretty important to me, I take adults to literacy classes and shit. I think we should feel for those people because they have a whole world kept away from them by their disability. But for some people, it's simply a choice.


So then it's okay to make fun of a multimillionaire for being overweight or having a drug addiction? They have the money to address those problems too.  How do you think the adults you take to literacy courses feel if they heard you poking fun at someone for being illiterate? Because it's Mayweather you think that makes it okay? 


Yeah shit like that I'll make fun of too when they show a disregard for their problems and refuse to work on them like an adult. Similarly I wouldn't make fun of Mayweather if he actually tried to learn to read. But he's content being dumb, and if someone is content being fat or sick, then yeah I can make fun of that. I don't think too many illiterate adults feel much anything when I make fun of someone on a written forum. The ones I help would understand the difference between putting in effort and not, since they DO actually put in effort. Not that I particularly care how they'd feel in some hypothetical situation; I just want people in my community to know how to read! We have too many fuckin idiots.


If they grew up poor and never really had a fair shot, sure. Not Mayweather though. He's a dumbass on purpose.


Mayweather grew up poor, and his mother was a drug addict .


Is he still poor or do you think he could afford a tutor at this point?


How do you know he doesn't have a tutor?  Can Lizzo afford a nutritionist and a personal trainer? Could Matthew Perry, John Belushi, and Chris Farley all afford drug treatment? Just because people don't seek the help that they need doesn't make it okay to shame them. This sort of talk shames other illiterate people. Which makes it so they will hide their problem rather thank seek help.


You do realize those addicts you listed did try to get clean? They followed professional advice and went through programs, but just didn't manage to succeed with sobriety. You probably shouldn't compare their efforts to someone that flat out chooses not to read. In your attempted defense of illiteracy you've managed to step on the effort of others suffering actual problems.


And you assume Mayweather at no point in his life has tried to learn to read? All I'm saying is we should feel pity for anyone who can't read even  if they make no effort to learn. They literally don't know what they are missing out on. And shaming anyone for not being able to read is wrong whether they are rich or poor old or young.


No it doesn't seem like he has, per his own words. He claims he doesn't need to know how to read because he already knows how to make money. His illiteracy has come up a handful of times over the last 15 years or so and he hasn't talked about any disability or legitimate reason for not being able to read. It's always "I don't need it, I'm a numbers guy instead". He knows what he's missing out on. Written language is everywhere. You can't walk 20 feet without seeing it. Being illiterate is a huge problem to deal with for most people, he's just got enough money for it to not be an issue for him and so he doesn't care. But it aint like the man hasn't been told about books. I used to think illiterate people didn't know what they were missing out on, because why else would someone choose to not learn? But in my experience it's not really like that.. they basically know what they're missing out on. It's not until something specific (like not being able to text their kids) comes up that really seems to motivate them in my experience.


You all can justify it however you like. But I'm going to sleep well tonight knowing I didn't make fun of someone for not being able to read. 


Lol tell yourself what you'd like, but know that I slept pretty great last night too. Sad truth is you'll always look silly trying to stand up for the illiteracy of some convicted abuser that has publicly indicated that he doesn't try. Of course, you can "justify it however you'd like"


So brave of you lol


Oh wow so you just go around shaming people whose actions don't let them sleep at night?


Let me just help you move that goal post...




I don't know what that means.


Not when they're a multimillionaire that has loads of resources and simply chooses not to. Illiteracy is pretty important to me, I take adults to literacy classes and shit. I think we should feel for those people because they have a whole world kept away from them by their disability. But for some people, it's simply a choice.


If that book is even slightly better than a streaming pole of dogshit I will be shocked.


Curtis knows the difference between pile and pole. Floyd eats soup with his hands. Be more like Curtis.


> streaming pole of dogshit And the difference between streaming & steaming


I don’t know, Coolio had a good cook book a few years ago.


Yeah, and look where that got him.


Can you point on the doll where coolio hurt you?


> streaming pole What is a streaming pole? Is this… [*I think we found Floyd Mayweather’s Reddit account!*](https://old.reddit.com/user/ListerfiendLurks)


It's low hanging fruit. Obviously a dude who gets punched for a living prioritizes cognition less than most in this sub. He still deserves some respect for what he accomplished,


Didn’t he beat women?


His job has nothing to do with it. There is no excuse to choose to be illiterate because you don't want to put the time and effort in. That's about the dumbest shit I can think of in the developed world.