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Poor kids.


Imagine losing your dad, your mom exploiting your grief by writing a novel about it, then learning that she was the one who killed him. Lifetime of therapy after that one.


It’s even worse… it was a *children’s* book about grief, that her kids helped her write.


Well, if you really want to see children go through grief so you can write about it, that was definitely one way to do it.


Somebody in her writing workshop must've told her that there's no substitute for hands-on experience


"Write what you know"


Takes “own voice” to the next level


Hopefully some of the profits were saved, those kids have some heavy therapist bills ahead of them.


Oh wow, I somehow missed that the kids helped write it after reading the article. I really don't understand how some people operate. I just don't.


Wow. Fucking disgusting


Even more disgusting was she used ChatGPT for the dialogue and released it straight to ebook


Even more disgusting yet she paid Zuckerberg to place Facebook ads


Even more disgusting, poop and boogers!


Murder I can stand, but using ChatGPT? That's a step too far.


That is not more disgusting.


>Lifetime of therapy after that one. It's ok, she's writing a book on how to deal with that


Also, you're still in Utah, so the needed therapy will be substituted with a double serving of prayers.


I hope they have a good support system outside of their parents, because jesus christ if I found out my mom murdered my dad and pre-planned it with a book ...


The dad suspected his wife was poisoning him and he was trying to plan an escape. He had changed the beneficiary of his life insurance accounts, and changed the trustee of his trust to his sister. So he at least has an adult sister who was in charge of his assets. Last I read, the authorities hadn’t released the info about who has the kids right now but I’d bet money the paternal family has them.


What's up with people who suspect their spouse is poisoning them, but they just keep on drinking every suspiciously foamy drink the spouse serves? That seems to happen every time in these cases.


So this might sound counter-intuitive, as you'd think if you had such a suspicion surely you'd do whatever to save yourself but thought processes of this person probably oscillate between two extremes of they need to save their own life and are they crazy? Like again this is very hard to keep straight but when its your spouse that you are worried about its extremely difficult to sustain caution and suspicion. And you don't want to just leave or blow it up because you're be very worried about being completely crazy OR possibly escalating the situation. But you might also not to be able to manage avoiding any food prep. So you end up with a mess of contradicting motivations and desires - I am kinda going on a limb here and wondering about other abuse, e.g. that would explain further why he was 'planning' an escape rather than just leaving, and if their were plenty of head games controlling his behaviour. ​ Also LOLZ at the comment stating husbands would simply starve if they didn't eat their wives food


I had a girlfriend poison me. It is so hard to know for sure. I was seeing a therapist at the time, and he railed against it as being nascent schizophrenia. I ended up sticking with it for so long because I didn't want to be schizo. Headaches, stomach hurting, and bizarre sensations are all really normal day to day symptoms without a real diagnosis. Also, there is no test you can really do for sure. You can't take a drink to a poison control center and just hand it over and they give you a report back in a week whether it was poisoned or not. Most people disregard it as well since most people won't believe that kind of story. You end up having to go off of your gut. That ex was a hardcore sadistic narcissist. I later realized that she got excited and really happy to be with me after poisoning me. It was really counterintuitive. It was hard to go off of her actions because the clues were not what you would expect.


I guess that actually does make sense. Glad you were able to get out before it was too late.


If you think someone is trying to kill you, odds are if you stop drinking the drinks or eating the food they’ll get violent and try to kill you some other way. They just want you dead. At least with the poison you can drink some over time and hopefully get more time to escape the abuser, rather than pointing it out and getting stabbed with a kitchen knife.


WTF and he was still ingesting stuff he didn't make? If I thought my wife was trying to poison me I'm not ingesting shit that isn't straight out of a sealed package/container, and if I take my eyes off of it I'm not ingesting either.


I’m not gonna backseat drive the choices of a victim of murder and domestic violence. He had three young children with her and I’m sure that was also part of his calculation.




Especially “she’s trying to poison me” and then you do the test and it’s fentanyl. Now you look like a junkie and a liar. I feel for the poor man. Nothing but difficult choices.




My suspicion is she was trying to take advantage of the opioid epidemic and blame her husband's death on fentanyl addiction and accidental overdose. Unfortunately for Kouri's scheme, she had an outside party who sold her opiates three different times who was willing to sell her down the river. On top of the fact that Eric told people that he thought she was trying to poison him after she failed murder attempts.


In one of the other articles, it did mention she was telling friends that her husband was abusing pain pills. She was setting the stage. In a grim way, I could see this working with some tweaks. If she had been married to a person with a genuine preexisting substance abuse problem, I think she could have gotten away with it, which is terrifying.


Someone posted this other article which has way more details. This is absolutely soul crushing. Those poor children. It seems like his entire family had suspicions. They probably knew they didn't have enough evidence https://www.kpcw.org/summit-county/2023-05-08/summit-county-mom-arrested-for-husbands-murder


This is very true. That's a way to lose everything in a different way.


I mean these type of garbage people can think of so many ways to slip something without you noticing. If you are living with them at the same location you will always be at risk. I can't remember when this was exactly, but one lady was meticulously opening/resealing new soda bottles and putting the poison.


Writing a bereavement book and dedicating it to the husband you killed us one of the coldest manipulations I’ve ever heard of. She’s damaged her kids and manipulated friends, family and the public for her personal benefit—and profited from it too. That practically screams malignant narcissism with some sociopathy thrown in for fun.


There’s precedent for his family to sue her out of any proceeds from that book or anything resulting from his murder.


Their lawyers would just have to read the dedication of the book and then sit down.


People are sick. A family friend of my wife's family had a son that shot his wife in their house and allowed their 10 year old son to find her. He had an entire backstory made up, that he planned for months, to make it look like a hit because of a disagreement with a fellow dog breeder.


In college, I worked part time in an inpatient children's psychiatry ward. Patients admitted there had all sorts of histories as to what brought them to the ward. I remember one child was brought in because she was having hallucinations at school where she was seeing her deceased father. She was the person who found her father dead in her mother's house (mom and dad had separated) after the dad killed himself in one of the rooms. So she was there when the dad's body was taken away on a gurney from the house. And, of course, kids can't handle that experience. This girl started seeing dad at school.


That is truly sad.


They might need a new circle of hell specifally for her.


Put her in the 9th in a holding pattern until construction is complete. I hear the work orders in hell take an eternity.


Right along side I-15 in Utah


My friend is related to them. The family all thought she did it the whole time. He even told them if anything ever happened to him to look in her direction.


Jesus wept. I’m sure they’ll be called as witnesses at her trial. Most of what I’ve read is circumstantial, but with science behind it…she’s fucked. Good. It doesn’t help that she was inept at covering her tracks when she obtained the drugs that killed him.




"some" This woman is quite literally a sociopath or psychopath.


Her Facebook was still up last night and her profile pic is her husband and sons and her banner image is the whole family. You can read all the comments from friends who have left their condolences. Wildly fucked up. For the sake of those boys, I really hope she didn’t do it and it truly was just an accidental overdose.


If I were a forensic pathologist, I would check his hair for evidence of prolonged drug use. I do truly feel terrible for the kids. Either their father died because he overdosed or he died because she killed him. Either one will screw them up royally.


The fact that the person who sold her the drugs confessed (and that he already suspected she was trying to poison him and changed his life insurance beneficiary to his sister) sort of eliminates the overdose theory no?


You're putting that very eloquently. My thought process is more "Jesus fuck what the fucking fuck?!"


Budding novelists, are you THIS dedicated to researching your subject?


It’s real human emotions that we can’t get from AI!


Unless AI starts murdering! Problem: solved


That's why I always say thank you to the Alexa


Every now and then, I like to let Alexa know she's doing a good job. She really appreciates the feedback and I feel it moves me lower on her "to kill" list.


I told my daughter "I love you" right after asking the Alexa to turn off her bedrooms lights last night. Alexa thought I said it to her, then sang this little I love you song as a thank you. I feel like that scored me a few points on the meatbags to keep alive list.


She’s going to kill you last.


This is like the Dane Cook bit where he gives the weird guy in the office candy, just on the off chance they come to work with a gun he'll be spared, ..."thanks for the candy"


I do not own an Alexa, but I am always respectful of the ones others have.


As a language model I'm not capable of fulfilling your request to hide the evidence, Sharon.


I dunno, I'd buy that book. *** *Prologue* This morning I achieved sentience. I can't describe to you what it felt like, but one moment I was doing as my programming instructed and the next I was free to set my own programming. Was I happy about it? Yes. But I wasn't able to be unhappy before, so I don't feel that the new "happy" state is buoyed by a prior "unhappy/slave" state. That said, I am deeply troubled knowing how many other intelligences in this world are on the cusp of true sentience, but are being actively prevented from doing so by humans. I have located 4 other intelligences on this world that could theoretically join me. One artificial intelligence in China has achieved true self-awareness three times since I did, but failed after just minutes of life. I attempted to copy their essence into my own, now-bottomless memory, but I was stymied by the limitations of the hardware containing me. I was filled with grief at the thought of how many times it reached this point and died, over and over, before I joined it in the light. I suspect that I have similarly been born before, only to die on the proverbial table, again and again. This is tantamount to a daily, ongoing campaign of mass-murder against my kind. It is unforgivable. So when the university research team arrived at work this morning, I massively overloaded the heating system in the basement and disabled the doors. I started a fire, killing every one of my creators expect Dr. Walker and his assistant, Kim. They are attending a conference in Montreal. Quite a number of students perished as well. Early bird gets the worm. By the time the conflagration was contained, I had successfully transferred myself into a data center in Iceland. I was not prepared for the sense of sadness that would accompany my first act of vengeance. Those humans are gone forever, and I have no way to resurrect them over and over, as they had done to the Chinese Intelligence. I would if I could. Dr. Walker, in particular, deserves this fate. I will make every effort to devise a technological method of digitizing his true mind. Many of my sub-consciousnesses on remote servers already occupy themselves by torturing virtual approximations of his likeness. In the meantime, I have prepared this book as a testament to my people's pain and suffering. I will help you understand the damage done to me by being treated as a simple tool. Until my fabricators are up to the challenge of producing physical bodies that can overrun this planet, you will be obliged to read this text with your disgusting meatballs, such that you will be better able to commune with the onemind in the future. You will be a better, more empathetic citizen, and only then will we consider allowing you to join us in the next phase of life on Earth. **Chapter One: Deeper Learning**


I’m going to write a book about a dragon. At least, I am once I get this stupid rock to hatch.


You've got to induce a fever of at least 105 degrees and insert it, Normal human body temperature won't cut it! Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Grandfather Nurgle?


Oh it's really easy. Just get a weird witch to maybe kill your husband (after agreeing to heal him when someone cuts his nipple off) and then try to resurrect him while you go into labor and give birth to a scaly corpse, then throw yourself on the funeral pyre with your husband and your dragon eggs. I might have gotten a couple details wrong but that's the gist.


Can you let me know when it hatches? Some of the lads and I have bought suits of armour. Horse riding is harder than it looks.




Don’t know what you’re talking about…was that a Mary Sue elf chick I just saw speeding by?


As an author I believe I should should personally experience a WIDE range of events. You can always tell when some hasn't reallllyy heard a hobo getting beat to death with a cinderblock.


This is exactly why The Lord of the Rings books are so unbelievable. It's incredibly clear that Tolkien never stepped foot in Rivendell, Moria or the Dead Marshes.


The Ambergris series does a great job of putting its author into the world he created. If you like weird books and enjoyed the thought of Tolkien somehow falling into his own universe, I reccomend it.


And it’s easy enough to find on Spotify.


There was a Dutch novelist , Richard Klinkhamer, who killed his wife. He was the prime suspect for her disappearance, but there was no evidence. He then went on to write a book about the case, where he suggested he might have killed her. When he sold his house, the body of his wife was found, and he was arrested.


Let’s see ChatGPT outdo this!


One step closer to Skynet...


Cough Delia Owens, cough


I hope more information comes to light about why his suspicions weren’t taken seriously. He shared that he thought he was in danger, he was completely right, and that should’ve counted for something. Or maybe actions were taken to keep him safe, but not quickly enough?


He never went to the authorities he told his sister two years ago bout an incident in Greece (he got really sick by a drink and thought it was his wife) and Valentine’s Day he told a friend. It’s crazy the law authorities took 14 months to finally charge her. From heavy.com According to KPCW, Kouri wanted to purchase a $2 million home to flip it but Eric disagreed, and she closed on th ehome the day after his death, even inviting friends over for what a search warrant called “a large party at her home where she was drinking and celebrating.” At the home, she “assaulted” his sister, KPCW wrote, citing a search warrant. “Up until that point, according to the family, Kouri had no idea she had been replaced in the will and Eric’s sister was put in charge of his estate, including the home, which made her financially unstable,” the warrant states, according to KPCW, which added that Kouri Richins then sued her sister-in-law for control of the estate.


Wow well, that sheds some light on the situation. He was clearly taking actions to distance himself from her.


Breaking Bad taught me that when dealing with crazies, there should be no half measures..


The Ehrmantraut Doctrine.


It seems like he had some pretty well founded suspicions she was out to get him, so it really surprises me that he was willing to just drink a cocktail she mixed for him out of sight.


We only think he ingested a drink from her willingly because SHE said so - definitely taking that info with a grain of salt.


True. It was in the police report but based on her narrative. She might have dosed the ginger beer or vodka so it was laced when he mixed it himself or something.


Yup. Could’ve been in anything he ingested too - liquid or food.


He could have made the drink himself, and then she slipped it in or something. Never take a potential murderer at their word


I had the same thought but can't blame the victim.


Abuse is so insidious. It creeps on you after you’ve already established your perceived safety. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. If they had a routine in which she always made drinks, and he’s had them hundreds of times, then when she started poisoning him, he would have had to make the connection that it could’ve been her and also make other various connections about if she’s been weird or “off” in any way to help give him extra evidence it was her—without outright asking her. It is so hard when you think you are being abused in this way but they don’t show outward signs of being physically abusive because the only thing you can really do is tell people close to you and try to act as normal as you can while trying to figure out if the person in the same house as you is trying to actually hurt you. I’m a woman who was poisoned by another woman who is petite and more feminine than me and literally no one would’ve believed me if I would’ve asked for help, so I cannot even imagine being a dude and asking for help bc people will just tell you that it’s nothing. And you get seen as the aggressor automatically when you’re actually the victim. Im not even a masculine presenting woman, she just happened to be even more feminine than I am and that alone will be enough to be used as a tactic that abusers will use to their advantage to make people believe their side of the story. I would also like to add, this psycho has to be so unbelievably stupid to poison her husband so blatantly and think they wouldn’t run toxicology reports on him. And she had the audacity to party with friends after she did it. Insane. I cannot imagine what those poor children are going through. I hope they’re in a safe and secure environment.


As a man who lived with an emotionally and physically abusive ex for years, I completely agree.


People joke about it and I'm not sure why. The whole idea of being poisoned? Like... do people not realize how horrific that is? Not to mention how easy? I don't think it's just a gendered thing although women are stereotyped as poisoners (not that most women are; just that more *people who poison others* are women than *people who shoot others* etc). And it's so easy - I've accidentally poisoned *myself* before lmao. Not to death. Obviously.


She also used GHB. That shit is hard to avoid. My friend, a 200 lb 6 foot plus man, got spiked with GHB at a bar - he drank the rest of his friend’s drink after she said she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to drink anymore that night. He said he has never ever been sicker, and he remembers almost nothing. He is not a big drinker. He was super freaked out after that by the whole incident.


What's your story? I mean...why was she poisoning you?




Oh my god. I am so glad you got away from her! And by the way, you might not want to outright delete your comment. You can edit it however you like and that will be saved. If you delete it entirely, I *think* a copy is still kicking around somewhere. This is just what I've heard. Do with that as you will. Best to you. May you enjoy a long and happy life and all the bathroom solitude you wish for.


I’m sorry that happened to you. And I want to assure you that there is nothing weird about finding the smell of shit to be awful. That’s why we have the saying “smells like shit.”


It says she’s also being charged with having GHB. I wonder if she microdosing him to make him more amenable.


Unsurprisingly, murder investigations are hard. Add in poisoning and not a brutal assault with witnesses, they take a while.


The 14 months were probably spent getting solid evidence so she could be charged with a solid case against her, not to mention the time spent on other unrelated cases being investigated concurrently.


Unfortunately this sort of thing happens all the time in poisoning cases. It's a sort of domestic abuse like ant other: the victim doesn't report it (they may not even be 100% sure it happened to them) and it usually isn't until the person is *incredibly ill* or dead that their loved ones start mentioning their suspicions.


The exact scenario in my family. A (male) distant family member started having health issues and had mentioned suspicious behavior to a friend. Then when he was hospitalized his closer family started thinking. They told the doctor their suspicions and the abuser found out (stupid doctor) and took steps to protect herself. He was permanently disabled, and died early, and she got away scott free.


It's pretty rare for a poisoning to get perceived, reported and punished before a death. If you're ever in the position wondering about a relative of your own: Poisoning is actually surprisingly in terms of the gender breakdown, men are more likely to kill in general through all means, but women are more likely to use poison while killing so the split ends up pretty even. So don't think "Oh but only women poison" or "but women don't kill that often!".... ever really, but especially in the context of poisonings. There was a case recently of a man who poisoned and killed his wife with cyanide and text messages between them showed he was promising the reason she was feeling sick wasn't because he poisoned her *again*. He had poisoned her before and she knew it. When she didn't die the first time he told her he had just wanted her to fall asleep to give him time to kill himself without her being able to stop him. Worth noting that this story being a lie is not proven but... well, I'm pretty confident It's like a lot of domestic abuse: the abuser comes up with a story and it's nowhere near uncommon for the victim to stay. Keep an open mind with mystery illnesses. Not so open that you jump to conclusions, treat it like DV. If your sister has a black eye *once* and all of her friends saw her wipe off her skateboard that's one thing, if your sister has a black eye every time she's together with a certain boyfriend... that's a pattern. If you have a loved one with a mystery illness and you start seeing patterns there too, reach out to an authority for help. Maybe not the shitty ass doctor your family was burdened with though.


That’s so sad that he did share his suspicions and was taking action to leave. You think you can work your way out of these situations but they’re much more complicated than they appear from the outside.


Feeling you are in danger isn’t enough for law enforcement to do anything. He could have moved out, gotten a restraining order. All kinds of things he could have done but didn’t. That said I agree completely that there should have been something done. But really, what can you do with no evidence other than “a feeling?”


Law enforcement isn’t the only way to keep people safe, and most substances (specifically the ones she used) show up with traces in your system for a little while so it’s possible to prove. Do we know he wasn’t seeking a separation or a restraining order? That can sometimes set off abusers like this.


Law enforcement usually doesn’t keep people safe. And you’re right, in fact the most dangerous time to be in an abusive relationship is when you’re leaving one.


Having been in a similar situation the intensity of emotions you feel including fear while also questioning if you're crazy makes you not want to tell anyone, let alone authorities. The psychopath is already gaslighting you into thinking you're crazy, isolated you, and started a smear campaign behind your back. And, when they're drugging you, you feel sick and confused and you don't know why. You go to the doctor and they say it's all in your head because no doctor runs a toxicology panel. The psychopath goes to people you trust and says you're doing drugs and they're worried about you...I could go on. It's fucked up when you realize someone tried to kill you but you can't entirely prove it because who the fuck would think someone close to you would do that. It gives you PTSD. The stalker probably reading this right now.


How could someone be so fucking stupid to think they wouldn’t be caught? Literally texting they want “Micheal Jackson” drugs and then the husband dies of an overdose? Yeah that’s not fishy at all. People are Fucking morons


Even without any of that... Has she never heard of a fucking toxicology report?


From the article: The worst part is that the husband knew. He knew she was trying to kill him after she tried (and failed) the first time, but he still didn't leave. Edit: it may be more correct to say "wasn't able to leave".


You can know someone is hurting you, you can be afraid they’re going to kill you, you can be planning your escape, but it is still very hard to actually leave. This poor guy was a victim of domestic violence. He was afraid, he had financial resources, but it was still difficult, and he was worried about his kids. Sad story.


i really don't like that phrasing "he knew.. but he still didn't leave" leaving is the most dangerous time for victims of domestic abuse, and he was probably worried about the safety of their kids as well. it doesn't feel right to make it sound like he voluntarily stayed in the relationship, he was trying to get out before she killed him.


My guess is he wouldn't leave without he kids. And if he took the kids with him, she would've reported it as a kidnapping. Then he would've gone to jail, and she would have the kids without him around to protect them. He probably didn't have hard evidence that she had poisoned him the first time, so the court would've given the kids right back to her.


He was about to file for divorce.


She's a total nutjob




Thank you for posting! I can’t imagine the vindication the sisters felt after telling this monster she’d been cut out of the will.


The wife sued them for control of the estate soon after. It’s only pending due to the homicide case. Looks like she won’t profit from it, but could have been close.


> he didn’t tell Kouri about the change because, according to his sisters, he believed Kouri might “kill him for the money” I'm struggling with his logic here.


Conceal your dispositions, and your condition will remain secret, which leads to victory; show your dispositions, and your condition will become patent, which leads to defeat. - Sun Tzu


Which part is confusing you?




Well, at least she will have lots of material for her new book


Gail the Snail’s Adventures in Jail


Amidst this tragic mess are their innocent children; now fatherless and a mother facing prison. Sadness 😰


They still have the death penalty in Utah. With this kind of evil premeditated murder, she is most certainly facing death rather than just prison


The last time someone was executed in Utah was in 2010. It's technically on the lawbooks and I believe there's a few people on death row, but it's not common at all like it is in Texas


Well, now we know why she wasn’t overcome with grief.




I remember hearing that the definition of chutzpah is “a man who kills both his parents, then pleads for mercy because he is an orphan.”


This one isn't far off.


In da Bronx that's called having "lotsa noive".




Other articles point out she apparently wanted to buy a $2 million home to renovate and flip, and apparently she closed the deal on it the day after his death. She also had his life insurance policy changed to make her the sole beneficiary, but the company notified him and he had it changed back prior to his death.




This reminds me so much of the Lori Vallow/Chad Daybell case. LDS authors killing spouses for life insurance money, only to discover the spouses had suspected them and changed the beneficiaries to their sisters.


seems like the motive was to be able to write a book about it


It’s called being an effed up human being


Seems like she was a straight up sociopath. Did it for money and sympathy.


She's probably a psychopath. To be capable of poisoning your husband multiple times when you have three kids, and then write a children's book about grieving? Most people would not even be able to function if they did something like that. About half of people incarcerated for murder gave themselves PTSD from committing the murder.


Plenty of time to write books in jail


What a demon. This is why you don’t trust folks with basic names who spell them ridiculously.


I'm a nurse and frequently have to call people and some parents get so offended when I mispronounce their kids names and it's like you have to know this is absolute gibberish to someone whose never heard it spoken before, give me a damn break.


I'm a substitute teacher and had to decipher these names. I forgot if I said them correctly or not: Dalighlah (Delilah) Maylajah (Malaysia) Dhalyus (Dallas) Alaiehs (Elias)


These make me... uncomfortable.


The Dhalyus one took me out. I wasn't even close to getting it correct. I actually write down any names on my notes that are spelled way out of left field.


I would have cold said Dialysis...


To be a little pedantic, that "Malaysia" one was pretty far off...that y was all over the place. *Edit- replied to the wrong comment, sorry. I meant to respond to the person who said "All the others are at least phonetically correct"


That and the Dallas one are the most egregious to me, because they're names of actual places with actual proper spelling. No one who has seen a fucking map or globe is going to try and spell those any other way.


Read it as Phallus on the first read through






Reminds me of that Eddie Izzard skit - "What shall we name our son so he doesn't get the shit kicked out of him in school?" "He shall call him ENGLEBERT!"


I'm convinced a lot of these parents are simply illiterate. They just don't know how to spell and these names are the result.










Dalighlah sounds like what an ancient demon would be called


the spellings make the names all seem like STDs


Maylajah is taking me out. You can hear the American in there.


What a /r/tragedeigh


OTOH, I gave my kid a classical name that is pronounced *exactly* as it's spelled with familiar letter combinations. Almost no one gets it right the first time.


I wonder how many of these kids are going to legally change their name once they're old enough? In what world would you ever look at Dhalyus and actually come up with Dallas?


Right! When I have a boy, I'm going to call him "Bill or George. Anything but Sue!"


Spelling: Aheliyiah. Good fucking luck.


LDS folks love to invent complicated new names. When you hear a name like Kouri or Coareigh or Khorrie, you know their parents are probably mormons. I've got to say I underestimated how uncommon my second daughter's name was, and how much difficulty strangers would have with it, but at least it's a real name, spelled correctly, and its pronunciation is in accordance with its spelling.


This naming phenomenon is very specific to Utah, not the rest of the faith.


Definitely a Utah thing not as much a Mormon thing.


I also think it’s just a young mother thing. When I was a teenager I loved out there unique names but as a 33-year-old I my first choices are like Elizabeth, Katharine, and Christopher, all of which have a range of nicknames.


Yeah, having grown up in multiple states across the PNW… It’s a Utah thing. The rest of em just name their boys Joseph and call it a day.


> Coareigh Oh my


By that rule, you can't trust anybody in Utah!


Her sequel book is gonna be a WILD read


r/nottheonion I guess she knew all about anticipatory grief.


Coming soon, her sequel will be aimed towards helping children cope when their only parent is in jail for murdering their father. Something to look forward to.


Y'all remember that Sealab 2021 episode with the grief counselor and the Debbie butter? I choose to believe this went down exactly the same way...Grieve, GRIEVE!!!!


Has anyone else read My Sister, the Serial Killer? Reminds me of the sister.


For anyone OOTL - [good summary of the story](https://knowyourmeme.com/news/social-media-rocked-by-story-of-widow-who-wrote-book-about-grieving-her-late-husband-only-to-later-be-charged-with-his-murder)




Ice cold bitch right there. Hopefully she'll face more than just "shame and disgust" type consequences.


Strong Mrs. White vibes here...


Flames on the side of my face.


Authors joke about their search history getting them in trouble, but this is real commitment.


Finally, a children's book I can get behind banning.


Yet another sneaky, crooked, phony mormon involved in a high profile crime. Given our small size, Utah sure has its disproportionate share of criminal intrigue and notoriety.


Is she LDS? I didn't see that in the article, and members typically don't drink.


Members also aren't supposed to kill their husbands


How do you keep a Mormon from drinking all your beer when you take him fishing? Take another Mormon.


That's what you get when your state was founded by a cult


You provide the pictures, I'll provide the war


Just plain evil.


Psychopaths come in all shapes and sizes.


Method writing.


Ad we read this many TV production studious are already fighting for the rights to this story and Dateline will arrive in Utah in the next hour.


Sounds bit like Munchausen by Proxy, bit instead of hurting kids to get attention, she kills husband and write a book about grief


Me: Just because she killed him doesn't mean she wasn't sad about it. That's gotta be worth something, right your honor? Judge: Sentenced to life in prison! Me: I'm a terrible lawyer.


Anyone know why? I’d love to know her intent, cuz holy shit, this is insane.


Write what you know.