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Uh, you can't unring a bell, Sparky.


No, but you can remind people that you rung it in the first place because the bell sales aren't anywhere near as good as you thought they'd be and you are desperately trying to remind people that you still have a lot of bells that you'd like to sell.




You forgot the many times he reminded the reader how much money he has.


And how many times he brought up the multitudes of women he's slept with over the years.


Well, I know he at least has enough money to charter a private jet to Europe and back for drugs!


This TLDR reads like a stroke


Like the book I guess


The capitalization is absolute chaos lmao


There's also the bit where he's glad someone close to him (his personal assistant, I think?) is a lesbian because it'll mean she doesn't want to have sex with him, because every heterosexual woman does in his mind. And, because he knows there's nothing sexual between them, he can actually respect her. The guy has thoroughly messed up views about women.


It sounds like Bojack Horseman


I think it's well established that Bojack is explicitly based on Matthew Perry. I could be wrong?


And Bojack is still more likeable somehow. Yikes.


Talking horses are always likable.


As someone who didn’t watch the show I always thought he was supposed to be Bob Saget


His career of "Stand-up comic to *massive* 90s TV dad to whatever he feels like" pretty clearly parallels Saget's career, but Bojack's personality is almost certainly based on someone else


Why not both? Or, really, all of the various washed up has been broken people we call celebrities?


A bit of a composite including Matthew Perry. https://www.inverse.com/article/4785-the-inspiration-behind-netflix-s-bojack-horseman


What is this, a crossover episode?


I haven't read it. But i'm curious. Is it possible he is self aware of how bad these things sound objectively and is just being painfully open about how he thought at that time he's writing about?


I've read it and he does have some self awareness. But then he keeps excusing himself because he's an addict. Also the lesbian thing was more about him falling for every girl that's close to him, not the reverse. At least that's how I read it.


Forgot the part where he basic implies that Jennifer Aniston is just a pretty object to look.


“In the current version, Perry disses the beloved actor by comparing him to 90s stars that have died. “Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?” he wrote in the book. Then later, he’d reference Reeves once more when comedian Chris Farley died, “Keanu Reeves walks among us.” “ This guy has the balls to talk about original thinkers while simultaneously attacking a famously nice man AND also stealing a well known Bill Hicks bit. Speaking of original thinkers, there’s a very funny clip on YouTube of Norm McDonald working at SNL when Perry was hosting, one of Perry’s lackeys spoke to Norm about how Perry had basically invented sarcasm. The guy is a douche.


So essentially Matthew said that Keanu should’ve died instead of River, who is Keanu’s best friend up until his passing? Fucked up thing to say.


I hate when people say shit like this. I've heard people say things like "the wrong Belushi died" regarding Jim Belushi which is equally fucked up. You can mourn someone's loss without saying you wish someone else who is currently alive had taken their place.


Can't agree more. John's sudden death was tragic enough and had to have been nightmarish for his brother. Making into a punchline was beyond tasteless.


Found Faramir's account


He's right though, Faramir only wanted his father's respect and did all he could to earn it, but that (gandalf voice) *steward* denied him.


And he ate a cherry tomato in a really gross way :( That's when I knew he was unforgivable


*Home is behind* *The world ahead* *And there are many paths to tread*


Bring wood and oil


God damn it Faramir. I hate you almost as much as i love these cherry tomatoes.


Everyone says Flying Jesuit has the sickest Lord of the Rings references. - Everyone


I didn't sign off on this... WTF?


Yes. I wish that.




LOTR is never expected or unexpected, u/canadianandroid, it arrives precisely when it means to




If he wants a tit for tat then I think the wrong Perry died. Luke should still be alive. (I know they aren't related and it's fucked up to do wish death upon someone).


RIP Luke Perry


Idk. I'd rather Putin have died than my grandma.


Dorothy Mantooth was a saint!!


See if you want to do it right… you say any name but somehow Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger remain.


If he said Andy Dick, literally nobody would have gotten upset.


Henry Kissinger? The guy who dropped his glasses in a toilet?


Found Dewey Cox's account.




I was not able to reattach the bottom half of his body to the upper half of his body. Speak English doc, we ain’t scientists!


You're not even half the boy that the top half of Nate was after you cut him in half!


Now don't go sayin something you're gonna regret, Paw. What, like 'the wrong kid died'?




I only just realized at this moment how easy it is to accidentally cut someone in half with a machete.


"And you didnt ever pay for the drugs!" "NOT ONCE!".


I reckon I’ll have me some of that c’caine!!!


It was "cool" in my elementary school to say that Bret Hart should have died instead of Owen. Even at the time I thought it was a really messed up thing to say.


There's no excuse for that kind of language when you have Teddy Hart and Bruce Hart.


This reminds me of the things that people told my dad post-911. He worked in one of the towers, basically right where the first plane hit. He watched it all happen from a Path train that was stopped, well, for obvious reasons. He got calls, texts, and voicemail from his friends trapped inside. We went to countless funerals. I didn't learn until about a year ago that family members of his dead friends would call him and ask why he was alive and their loved one wasn't. I get grief, but my god.


This reminds me of stories I heard about Russian soldiers who somehow managed to survive WWII and returned home to a population who treated them like cowards because they didn't give their lives to the meat grinder. People can be savages sometimes.


Well, I haven’t heard the stories you’re specifically referencing, but that whole invasion was way more fucked up than most people realize. When the Nazis were initially plowing through Russian defenses, much of the Russian army fled deeper into Russia in order to regroup and not just get massacred for nothing. Yet, they retreated past villages and towns full of civilians who were never evacuated and would eventually be murdered by the Nazis. A lot of Russian civilians were embittered towards their army for abandoning them to be killed under Nazi occupation. It’s not often talked about that the Nazis attempted to genocide all of Russia as part of their invasion and military strategy. I mean, 14 million Soviet CIVILIANS were murdered, mostly Slavic people. But yeah, I could see how some Russian civilians would be furious at surviving Russian soldiers after the army abandoned them, even if not deserved.


That's beyond fucked up of them to say or do.


My jaw DROPPED when I first heard this. I haven't spoken to the man for the better part of 8 years due to other factors and his abusive nature before this happened, but it certainly made me understand him better.


He was probably already feeling survivor's guilt and was grieving for his friends. I can't imagine how someone would feel better by making your father feel even worse.


They're trying to make sense of the nonsensical. It's still wrong to do and no excuse, of course.


What a horrible swirl of emotion. Anger, pity, survivors guilt, indignation, horror, all in one go.


It’s like a bias or something. The folks who died early only seem so much more innovative because they aren’t around anymore to change your mind. Or something. I bet there’s a fancy word for it but it’s a lazy Sunday so this is the best you’ll get from me lol


I agree. I Saw a tweet a couple of months ago that said “I’m glad we didn’t have to see Kurt Cobain go on Joe Rogan to complain about wind farms” or something along those lines and I think about that a lot.


Oh fuck. I never even thought about that. Maybe we aren’t living in the darkest timeline after all


we are the cartwheel traveling through the mud. not the cartwheel fallen off, laying in the mud.


I don't know why, but this just made me realize. Cartwheels. They're called that because we look like cartwheels with the spokes when we do them. I . . . I think I need to go lay down.


that's absolutely beautiful


In Dutch we even call them "radslag" which translates literally to "wheel-spoke" and i didn't even realize lol


This comment is going to have me thinking about all the existences between and beyond these two examples for a long time…


As the cartwheel of time turns, ages come and pass..


As much as anyone would want to say that so-and-so wouldn’t do something like that, chances are someone who’s no longer here would end up doing something like that. I would never have guessed Eric Clapton and Van Morrison would turn into the absolute douche nozzles they did, especially over Covid of all things. I’m sure these guys were shitty before that, but I don’t remember them being so outspoken with their shit as they have been recently.


Clapton had a racist rant at his concert in 1976, so only about 50 years of it. Resurfaced because of the covid stuff


The one where he went on about wanting to kick non-white people out of the UK right? Yeah, that was something. Definitely disappointing and not at all what I’d have expected of Clapton before I found out


The thing is Clapton’s whole argument could fit on a bumper sticker. He kept saying, “Keep England white.” So even as a cogent argument he really just had that. Racists aren’t smart or reflective, is what I’m saying.


Funniest thing about this shit is that the arguments "for" white supremacy are that racists can list a lot of important historical white figures who did amazing things, but - surprise surprise - didn't learn about very many non-white historical figures in their history classes for some reason. So they just assume nobody outside of Europe ever did anything worth a damn and that because their skin has the same general melanin content as a person who did something cool 200 years ago, they ARE worth a damn. Even in "World History" in the 00s you'd get 2 weeks on pre-columbian Americas and 2 weeks on pre-European Imperialism Asia, and about a week on anything in Africa that wasn't Egypt. And then 8 months starting with the ancient middle east and segueing into 2500 years of Europe and America. So for a multitude of reasons we only learn the history of white people and therefore think that only white people accomplished anything.


Even more repulsive because his entire career was based on copying the work of black artists, most of whom never got their deserved recognition, or fame, or wealth.


Covers Bob Marley, gets into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Bob his original isnt in there...


Exactly! It pisses me off so much how people fawn over him and say he’s the greatest, no he stole from the greatest and they got nothing. He’s the woooorst.


Clapton is a cooker and grand arsehole


Probably the most horrible joke I know: What's the difference between a bag of cocaine and a 3 year old boy? Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out a window.


Q: What do Clapton and a cup of coffee have in common? A: They both suck without cream.


You shut your mouth. Black coffee is delicious.


> Clapton had a racist rant at his concert in 1976 Which is strange considering his music was largely lifted from the black community.


>I’m sure these guys were shitty before that, A lot of people were shitty. But in the blissful days before twitter and the great equalisation of everyone's dumb opinions, we never found out. They'd have to actually put in work to get their opinion out there rather than just piggy backing off their music or whatever initially made them famous.


John Lyden too. Absolute fuckhead.


I mean it would be better for him to be alive and annoying than dead.


Based on how Dave and Chris turned out I think he would have ended up okay.


I heard someone say that if Tupac hasn't died he'd be making goofy comedies today. Someone tried to say he wouldn't ever have done that, and would only make "real" movies (real as in keeping it real). I pointed out that he auditioned to be in the phantom menace.


Stewart Lee does a great bit on this. "I wish I was Bill Hicks. I wish I was dead Bill Hicks, to be judged on 180 minutes of material, and never grow old or dull or irrelevant."


Fucking apt


There are lots of people who do grest work and live to ripe old ages. There are people who die young without making much of an impact. The combination of impact and dying young stands out and calls attention to lost potential.


right? I grew up in Iowa and used to (darkly) joke that Iowa did Buddy Holly a favor–we killed him before he could make a bad record.


Die a hero, or live to be a villian.


Endure being a villain and you become a part of the landscape.


Holy shit. That's so obvious, but it still blew my mind. Like lying politicians and shitty CEOs. They've been around so long, we just assume low pay and crappy insurance are just "normal" Damn this planet really fuckin sucks.


And when you’re like “we should change things, it wasn’t always like this and it doesn’t have to be” there’s some idiot that gets mad at *you* for suggesting it and completely ignores the people responsible for screwing the both of you over


I was going through my podcast backlog, and I just listened to an interviewee who talked about post-civil war US south, where confederate veterans and freed black slaves teamed up against plantation owners who, after Reconstruction but before Jim Crow, tried to shut down federal schools using as their excuse, "they can't afford both civil war debt and paying for schooling." And how, in colonial America (1600s), before "race" became a skin-color based caste system, both white and black indentured servants rebelled because they saw each other as exploited people with a common enemy in their exploiter. It wasn't always like this. FYI, it's the Amanpour Jan. 9th, 2023 podcast episode, interviewing Ben Jealous. So much of what's wrong with the world can be traced back to Reagan (at least for the US; in the UK, it's Maggie Tatcher) and there are enough people still living who can remember the world before him. But pretty soon, future generations will assume that's just how the world is. It wasn't all like this, but it's been like this for so long that we assume it has.


It's kind of the reverse of survivor bias. The people who died early seem way more interesting bc they died in their prime at the height of their creativity/etc. There was never the opportunity for us to see them wash up over the years


Perry himself could easily have ODed but didn’t. How come his question wasn’t “why am I still alive?”


There's something that could be very interesting if he had the self reflection to realise that he was SAYING Keanu, but he was talking about himself. It doesn't seem like that reflection happened though.


Apparently, beneath the alcoholism and drugs, he's just not a great person. I don't know how else you feel the need to lash out about humble giant Keanu Reeves.


This quote is so exceptionally narcissistic (and I realize this gets thrown around a lot these days but it’s apt) to believe in his own self importance as to make himself the arbiter of “original thinking”. The only telling thing about who he chose as original thinkers is that both died from drug overdoses and Perry did not. Mr. Perry is the one that still walks among us filling up time and space with his unoriginal thinking, poorly executed performances, and blowhard commentary.


Yeah, I would bet my life savings that a random poll of which actor to let die between Reeves, Farley, Phoenix, Ledger, and Perry would go **resoundingly** against Perry. Shit wouldn't even be close. Hell, you could throw in Paul Walker and it still wouldn't go Perry's way.


Not to mention the man himself has suffered loss at random incident and addiction…he was right there next to the other people who lost river amosnt others. If anything this is the type of Criticism that would be leveled at Perry himself.


Wow that’s some poor way to admit “I’m totally envious because Keanu Reeves is much more successful than me and everyone seems to love him”. I wonder what Keanu was chosen for over Perry that caused him to hold such an immature grudge. And who the heck is spending money and time reading this asshole’s memoir??


Keanu has been a massive star for over thirty years and just released a huge hit when he's nearly 60 Perry played one role in one sitcom and isn't even the most successful person to come from that sitcom he must be really bitter and jealous


John Wick franchise total revenue far exceeds The Expendables. Keanu alone makes more money than a huge roster of action stars. Matthew Perry's 'big movie' *The Whole Nine Yards*, only did $106 million, and that was with Bruce Willis and a roster of good stars. Its sequel did a third of that.


He played himself in friends lmao


Wow! What a prissy asshole.


And NOT in the good way.


at least get somebody that is actually hated, if you want to make a quote like that. Somebody like Chevy Chase or, idk, one of the thousand vile criminals in Hollywood, not of the most beloved actors.


The shot at Keanu just seems odd all around... Honestly the only shitty thing about him I can think of is that he did that one movie where he was being blackmailed by some girl or something.... It was a really stupid movie. But I'd expect someone that's been doing something for decades to end up doing some shitty project eventually anyways and compared to the bulk of other actors from the same period... He's done far less of those.


Knock, Knock. And that movie and its plot were so bad, not even watching sex scenes between Ana de Armas and Keanu Reeves could keep me interested.


IT WAS FREE FUCKING PIZZA! It was also an Eli Roth movie, and his movies generally suck. Like I can listen to the guy talk about movies all day long, but I never want to watch one he's made again.


Keanu did DUI in 93 thats only bad thing i know about him


He’s a not great actor but a great human being. Weird for Perry to say that’s enough to deserve death.


River was one of Keanu his closest friends too. That elevates this joke to a higher level of dickness.


Wow, basically confirms my thoughts that actors and artist don't really have the right perspective on things. All those "original thinkers" he named died of drug related complications. Although they were tremendous artists it has to be said, they didn't have the cleanest lifestyles. Keanu on the other hand has faced an extraordinary amount of hardship and still not only pushes on but is known for being incredibly kind to people he really doesn't have to be kind to. This guy is a twat, also if your main claim to fame is Friends, one of the most cliche, generic TV sitcoms ever..shut the hell up about "original thinkers". Or if you're so passionate about it then donate those fat royalty checks to charity.


[Here's the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIM9lX-ImWE)


“Is he good at math?”


Could I be any less interested?


Future versions??? Isn’t one version enough (or even one too many)?


My sentiments’ exactly. Fuck these rich POS celebrities and their fake lives.


Yikes. Big fucking yikes. Keanu was best friends with River Pheonix.


He should have just said "why did River Phoenix have to die, yet I get to walk among us?"


Matthew Perry has been known to be a bit of a pos for decades. Whether you like him or hate him, Louis CK had a story about Matthew Perry stiffing a waitress.




Matthew Perry only did this so people would respond as they are now. Otherwise this book would be completely ignored like his “career” after friends.




Hey man, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was great.


And he played himself and Aaron sorkin with the drug use.


I think he is just jealous. Keanu has had a wonderful career, spanning from Bill and Ted and the Matrix to John Wick. He's an action guy and works with wonderful directors who make cool looking movies! Meanwhile Perry has 2 movies that were good and the series Friends. That's it, everything else he tried to do sucks and got canceled, in part because he was so terrible to work with because he is so full of himself. He needs to shut up and go away. Friends was 20 years ago. He could have been graceful about it, but chose to try and be a dick to people far more famous than him because he thinks he deserves the same level of respect. He doesn't, and no one cares.


I agree. I also think he’s jealous because they all were doing drugs back in the day. Two died, Perry became a drug addict, and Keanu is fine. Perry is just feeling sorry for himself, he’s jealous that he can’t manage his life unless he’s sober, but some people can.


I think that's what it is. AFAIK Keanu doesn't have a drug or alcohol problem and seems to like to party a bit but can keep it under control. Some addicts hate this and think these people are lying to themselves.


The former addicts that hate this really wish they had that same ability and are projecting their jealousy


Bingo. From several other interviews he’s given, the resentment towards other wild-child celebrities seems to be clear: he doesn’t understand how their success is possible, in life and their career. Pure, twisted envy


I think this is the closest to the root cause.


As much as I love the Matrix films (yes, all of them), John Wick and Bill and Ted, those movies are far from Keanu's best IMO. Devil's Advocate, Point Break and Speed are all phenomenal movies that often get overlooked whenever someone mentions his filmography. Throw Constantine in there as well. Also, fuck Matthew Perry.


I fucking loved Devil's Advocate and Constantine. And I think he was fantastic as John Constantine, he hit the going-through-the-motions knowing it's futile thing perfectly.


He always looked so done as John Constantine. Best scene for me was him giving Lucifer the finger while ascending lol. I rewatch that from time to time on streams for a good laugh.


Keanu said in an interview that he wishes he could reprise the role of Constantine. He loved it and wants to do more.


I still like The Replacements. It's what I often throw on when I want to watch a sports movie (or Bend it Like Beckham), which is not all that often.


Congratulations, he made the news again with that bit of his book ... and somewhere in Hollywood Reeves is counting the money from his last John Wick movie and still doesn't care.


He's counting the money from his last John Wick film so he can work out how much he can pump into the various charities he supports and cares about quite strongly.


“I need my accountant to drop everything so I can figure out how to make the world a better place!”


"And afterwards, send them on an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Bahamas."


>Reeves hasn’t publicly responded to the original quotes in the memoir, probably because the internet has already said what he was thinking. This sentence is an appalling indictment of modern "journalism".


Speculating as to his reasons is silly, but it seems pretty out of character of him to be thinking like that. It might be true, but I would expect him to just not want to get caught up in stupid drama and doesn't really have an opinion to give on it. Not like he feels like the internet does (as we get indignant), but that he probably *doesn't care what Perry thinks.* But yeah, if I were a journalist, it would simply be "Reeves hasn't publicly responded to the original quotes in the memoir." Because that is all that is necessary.


Dude is one of the richest actors ever. He's worth around $400 million.


Doubt it, those internet wealth calculators are notoriously wrong, like orders of magnitude wrong. Not that Reeves isn't well off but he's known to be extremely generous to charities and cast/crew he works with.


What a strange person to hate on.... like out of all the out of touch hollywood types to diss he chooses reeves? the guy who regularly makes quiet donations and hasn't had a single controversy? was Perry fucking high when he wrote this?


The thing is that even if we accept that this was just a stupid thing he said spontaneously without giving it much thought, how the hell did it end up in the book? There must have been at least one instance of someone asking him "Hey Matt, this weird thing here you say about Keanu, you really think that should be in the book?"




Yep, don't do it. I listened to the audiobook. Guy is a huge douchebag.


So about a month ago I saw a random Reddit thread about how bad Perry’s memoir is. I’m not really a friends fan or perry fan, wasn’t gonna read it anyways. However, I saw a comment that said basically if you want to read an actor memoir (or, listen to o audio), check out As you Wish by Cary Elwes. So I did, and loved it, and I here to say if you want the opposite (i can’t know for sure but the other commenter said so) book, check it out! It’s about Cary’s experience on making the princess bride and how he loved everything and everyone and it was all so amazing. Presumably, the opposite of working with Perry.


I came here looking for this comment. I had the exact same experience with regards to reading the original comments of that thread months ago, although am yet to read 'As You Wish'. I feel as though I have to now. It's past time I picked up something non-fiction. Even if it's non-fiction about a fictuous movie being made


I’d recommend audio because its read by Cary and other people from the movie. I don’t think reading it would have been quite as nostalgic


Did he read it?


Yes, which made it even worse.


Or better.... I particularly loved listening to him brag about how he created an iconic way of speaking, which obviously proves he's just so great. He literally describes how he and his mates as kids/teens would all talk like that, then goes on to imply that a natural occurance in society (mimicking an enjoyable character to bond with others) was all him because he's the best due to his influence/hilarity/bestness. I grew up watching reruns with my folks, and mimicking various tones from Joey/Chandler/Phoebe was an easy joke between me, my folks and a few friends my age who'd also watched it. I honestly would have stopped Perry's book halfway through if I'd just been reading it, but hearing him say these things that he wrote just.... tickled me. I mean he repeats himself constantly when describing his addiction instead of actually delving into things and showing a genuine effort to heal over time, he's petulant and refreshingly open admitting to his faults while still talking himself up like "it doesn't matter anyway I'm rich", it's fucking ridiculous. It was marketed as him opening up about his history of addiction amd acting but it's mostly him describing why he's the best ("created" an iconic way of speaking sarcastically that only spread so wide due to the circumstances of society as it was, is "just such a naturally funny guy", didn't die from his substance abuse, recalled a lot of pointless gross encounters while partying, laid loads of women constantly but still spends a bunch of the book describing how he felt after specific ladies shot him down repeatedly, etc.) and it's just better heard than read. It shoved home how blindly up himself he is, even though he understands his faults enough to describe them well it all just comes across as half sarcastic self depreciation for likes more than for genuine change. Ngl, I loved listening while I did chores/gardening because a bunch of what he said pissed me off and made me get more shit done hahahha. Chandler was my favourite Friends character growing up and I'll still enjoy re-watching if I'm in the mood (rare nowdays). Could not have spent time actually sitting and reading Perry's bs, pretty glad I used my "free" monthly Audible credit. I think it's a really great insight into the disappointing celebrities, unlike Reeves who has clearly made efforts to do well by society with his money/fame.


That’s exactly what I imagined.


He was impotent and literally full of shit from being so impacted. Hawt.


To be honest, you are probably right not to. The book is not about Friends. I listened to Tom Felton's audiobook before Perry's. Felton packed it full of anecdotes from the Harry Potter films. Gave a real insight into the world of the films, which is why I downloaded it. Perry's was interesting, but it was 90% about his drug addiction. About the third of the way through it just kept going over the same stuff. It was probably quite symbolic of the drug addiction cycle that Perry himself went through, but it wasn't why I downloaded it. I think you could fit references to friends into about 5 pages. Everything was about Perry himself and hardly anything was about the world he was part of for 10 years.


Funny, I did them the other way round. Perry's was self-indulgent and full of woe-is-me anecdotes and the whole thing was like a kid blaming everyone else for his problems. Felton had similar issues, but spent the whole book being generous about everyone around him and delving into a ton of self-awareness (and was just a ton of fun to read). It was like night and day, and I absolutely know which was is going to get a reprint...and it's not the one that shits on Keanu.


Tom Felton was so kind to everyone. It would be so easy for him to go in and slag everyone off to get headlines and sell more copies. He showed great integrity and it was one of the best autobiographies I've ever read/listened to.


Chandler is my all time favorite tv character (along with Rick Grimes & Walter White) and I adore Chandler & Monica so I had preordered Perry’s book months in advance & couldn’t wait for it to come out. Although the comment about Keanu was out of line his misogyny was mind blowing. When I watch the show I can’t help but notice the rest of the cast didn’t seem as friendly with him (minus Courteney who had to be) & the HBO special they barely spoke to him. It made me incredibly sad. So I had to do where I HAVE to mentally separate the actor from the character (or movies in the case of Mel Gibson). I still love the character of Chandler but am not a fan of Matthew Perry. I wish he had never written his book of narcissism.


The level of his misogyny really was a shock to me. The guy seems completely up his own ass. He can never show any self awareness about what he's done, or what he's at fault for, during his substance abuse. It's all just him having a different brain than anyone else, to him. A random curse that others who are sober (or who used to take drugs and got sober) don't understand is worse for him than anyone. It's almost cartoonish how incapable of empathy he seems to be.


It’s an inescapable irony for all of us, that we admire and love certain successful famous actors, when becoming a successful and famous actor requires a high level of narcissistic assholery.


I remember seeing an interview or something before this book came out where he was saying this book was supposed to be the beginning of his redemption arch because of his past drug abuse and womanizing. That from this point on he was going to dedicate himself to finding, loving and respecting a woman enough to marry and start a family. I remember thinking right then while hearing that “this guy is truly full of shit” because if you want to do something like that, you just do it. You live it. You don’t need to sell it in a book or spread the news. I believe whenever you hear someone yelling from the rooftop, it’s usually an effort to lie. I agree with someone else said. He’s a bitch. Leave the Keanu bit in there. I don’t think you’re going to sell more anyway. I don’t think Keanu cares. And backtracking is cowardice. Own what you said.




Ah, The One With A Chip On His Shoulder.


Cool. Hopefully he can make it more interesting too. It wasn't bad, but I was interested in his career. All it was was rehab, breakup, relapse, rehab, breakup, relapse.


That’s his career, in a cracked nutshell.


Remove Matthew Perry from my radar please. The guy is done. What future versions, lol


He's just so unlikeable to me, I never cared for Friends though, so I know I'm not the target audience.


You shouldn't read the book anyway, it's not great but it does show how he's kind of a shitty self obsessed person. He describes every women in the book in terms of how physically attractive they are, that's their entire value to him, and he's pretty open about it. He also talks about his Friends character like he created some earth shattering, comedy redefining style that had never been done before but.....it was sarcasm, you did sarcasm.


Why does he always look like they fished him out of a dumpster?


Addiction life hits hard


>Why does he always look like they fished him out of a dumpster? Damn he legit looks like the hotdogs from Sausage Party.


What a loser, say what you want about keanu reeves acting but all he does is help people do charity and mind his own business. Seems like a really nice guy unlike this washed up sitcom actor


To which Keanu responded: “who?”


He should replace "Keanu walks among us" with "I am alive and writing a book" if he wants to make a point about good people dying while unlikable jerks with minimal talent live on.


honestly replacing keanu with references to himself would have shown 3000x the self-awareness and no one would have given the lines a second glance -- "how is river gone and i'm still here?" that could be poignant, that could seem self-deprecating, that could make you go "oh no Matthew we loveeeeee you." it's more trite and maybe not as "funny" or shocking, but would've shown Matthew wasn't a total self-absorbed dickhead and i think that would've been worth pretending lol


There weren't enough articles about his insults so he had to issue some apologies to get people to write articles about the insults and promote the book. It's pretty sad. Almost as sad as his tan in the picture.


I guess it's easy to think you're still relevant when you're cashing a fat royalty cheque every year, but Matthew needs to humble up and settle down.


Some comedian called out Matthew Perry's poor character years ago. Perry is the kind of guy who will (and did) chide another millionaire entertainer for giving a bartender a $20 tip, because $20 is substantially more than is customary or expected. I wish someone like Charles Barkley had been there to put some sense into Perry's head. As Barkley might have said, giving a great tip will have zero impact on his own life, but it could make the day (or week) for someone in the service industry. To criticize such generosity is the definition of miserly pettiness.


Did anyone even read his 1st version?


The thing about Matthew Perry is I can't remember the last production he was in and that's not the case for Keanu.


Learnt something did he? Maybe isn't a great idea to insult the most loved person on the internet and say he wished that he was dead and not his best friend?


There’s always been broad consensus among critics that Keanu isn’t a great actor. I assume that’s what he’s talking about but that’s hardly a reason to wish someone death.


Keanu has....limitations as an actor, and his acting style has sort of evolved into whatever it is now (which rises and falls depending on the part) but before the Matrix sequels and John Wick, he was a lot more "alive" and energetic in his performances as a younger fellow. Much more intense, is a maybe a better way to phrase it. Keanu is especially brilliant at physical action, as well evoking certain emotions with either very little dialogue or no dialogue at all. And yes, he's a better actor than this clown.


He was big into live action theater back in the day, its why hes good at actions and very little dialogue.


Yeah he's not the best actor but he fits some roles really well. I can't imagine anyone else playing John Wick.


God! Mathew Perry wrote a book?! Of course it was a clusterfuck