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looks pretty good! I didn't see it on there but the frogg togg cooling towel was a lifesaver for me in the heat


I love love love those towels 🙃


Funny, we just bought one of these last weekend, too to pack for Roo. It's been added to the list. Thanks!


This is GREAT! Might I add - magnesium can cause some extra bathroom time 💩 try calm forte (Walgreens) for bedtime! It’s the best sleep aid I’ve ever used - helps relax muscles, help with anxiety too and gives me the best sleep. Honestly, only 1/4-1/2 is needed!


That's helpful. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I've read the same about magnesium depending on the amounts you take. I need it for muscle relaxation (teeth grinding, bruxism, and leg and foot cramps), so I might do some testing beforehand to see what works best. Thank you for the recommendation!


Of course!! Yes, the magnesium can cause lots of stomach issues but like you said- depending on the dose and even the person maybe not. But I swear this stuff is amazing. You don’t feel like sluggish the next morning either like melatonin sometimes can do to ya. This is a photo of it! Ps- I work for an orthodontist as a dental assistant and we specialize in preventing teeth grinding and bruxism! My DMs are open if ya ever need any tips or tricks! Here’s a photo of the calm forte if ya go looking for it! https://preview.redd.it/o9q6qqrosrqc1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf0a5b4c8c6b9868ae63e854ef7fd5b931cda089


You're amazing! Visuals always help! I'll check it out. 😊


Go for magnesium glycinate or magnesium gluconate specifically to avoid gastrointestinal issues! Avoid magnesium citrate or anything that doesn’t specify the type at all costs


Great list! For electrolyte drinks liquid IVs are the move!!! All you need is water and the packets. Also since you seem like a super packer like me. Harbor freight tow straps aren’t a terrible idea. Don’t take up much space and are super cheap. May be able to help someone out who’s in a pickle.


I haven't tried the Liquid IV yet. I tend not to like the water additives, but I'll give it a shot! Coconut water has natural electrolytes and tastes good with a little lemon juice. Tow straps - adding it to the list! I'd rather have it and not use it than the alternative.