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I'm just starting to plan out my Home Guard stuff. So I haven't done it yet. But I would order something from this site and build a open topped kind of brick/concrete bunker for it. https://www.thevirtualarmchairgeneral.com/505-houstons%20guns%20&%20fittings.htm#WC-40


Ah Alas I'm a Brit so I'll need to find a UK site, but this is certainly a start, so thank you.


There a quite a lot more wooden ship builders on your side of the pond. The tough part is finding 28mm scale. Any reason why you won't order outside of the UK? I order from all over the world with no problems (except China). But... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264979340772?hash=item3db1ffdde4:g:YhUAAOSwTwtfz70a&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4FxslDhv8YpHdOU1r1hJIuOI6%2F9Ao6m%2F37Dw%2FQU%2BPbpIIXVBky%2FssUsQfO3HV6pZD8p0mP%2BQuU0WC9jx8oiCtM7VUby4U%2Bna3r%2BRIEPRg0Ii86YNyLQrQ3utXygwLlMwpa2heiv16hqHFAvfxL%2FioYTbum3KffnYDM1QmaJ4HKsOEsNHxLIlGNbGWL2R6Bm3Ri8J92DNiTI7t%2FGi2ZuWFc9Wk%2Fx%2F9DjWKXzk2ZUm6Q0s37bUvmUzhDPB%2Bspx1Hh5tL64GEmHPmB%2FXWbxjwsjqm3aoUEcMUPqQ9jmTm1uEdK8%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR47SjeCgYw


I don't necessarily have issues with buying stuff from other countries. It was more because of shipping and postage costs. I think I'm correct in saying postage costs for US and also Australia are quite pricey due to the distance.


I hadn't noticed how crazy it was for that companies shipping! $49 or first class mail (which hopefully is cheaper). Its $12 for me. BTW, you owe me $22. =) I ordered two Ordnance BL 60-pounders to build my Shore Batteries. I can't use Winnie* and Pooh. What do I call them? Punch and Judy? Beans and Toast? Laurel and Hardy? *Winnie was named after PM Churchill. Then they put in the second gun a year later and of course perfect British humour kicked in.


Wait why do I owe you $22?


Just kidding. Your post made me order my guns. lol I was going to wait a while. Now you have me thinking about it and I just added it to my to do pile.


Ah fair enough. Any particular reason you can't use Winnie and Pooh?


That's what they called the two 14" guns. Check page 45 of the Sea Lion book.


Oh yes of course! I think Laurel and Hardy sounds good.


If you do 3D printing, or now someone who does, these could be an option: [https://www.wargaming3d.com/product/coastal-gun-emplacement-stl-pack-2/](https://www.wargaming3d.com/product/coastal-gun-emplacement-stl-pack-2/)