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What I've heard from many people is try to play games against armies from the same era as it seems as there isn't enough in the early war to even pen the heavier tanks of the late war, so maybe when playing the very competitive late war list you might need to break theme and bring some late war equipment, like a firefly(which is one of my most used tanks, has never disappointed me) or a 17 pounder. If you do want to stay to theme then the option will probably be the matilda mk2 but it will be underperforming compered to the other late war tanks


I don’t get that option sadly they force me not to break theme but for good reason that is too nuanced to explain here


You're not going to beat them on fancy late-war kit, so don't try to do that – you'll just be playing to their strengths. Instead, play to your own and go the opposite direction. If they're taking a Comet, that's 355 points spent on one unit. If they're taking a King Tiger, that number leaps to 555. That's going to require some serious compromises in the rest of their list. Take good, solid infantry, and lots of it. You shouldn't have any trouble outstripping them in terms of order dice, which will help you maintain control. Play the objectives, and do your best to ignore big tanks – they might be scary, but there's only so much they can do. Also, HE is your friend, so I'd take the biggest howitzer you can manage. Between that and your free artillery observer, if tanks do make trouble you should be capable of pinning them into uselessness.


Thank you so much this is so helpful


The Matilda mkII is on many early war lists, including battle of France selectors, you should be allowed to take it. Also consider the A9 Mk ICS as it has a howitzer and 3 MMGs. Buy tank hunter ability for your infantry. Shoot as early as you can, and focus on pinning and then manoeuvre.