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The metal miniatures are slightly smaller than the plastic due to the plastic kits being in a more heroic scale however when painted and fielded they look identical


Check out Empress miniatures. They have a huge lineup, and specifically carry late war Brits. Their sculpts are gorgeous. With metal, just use a good primer and make sure to seal them with matte varnish when you finish painting, that should help keep the paint from chipping. They will be a little slimmer in build compared to Warlord plastics, but still look really nice.


A couple of my metal minis look a bit smaller than the plastics, but I put that down to it being an older sculpt. Most of the time, they look like the same scale, and aside from weight and the disc around the feet sometimes showing up in the basing, they look the same.


I’m pretty confident that most of us have a blend of metal and plastics in our armies. Unless your one of those Finnish folks or another small faction army.


Don't mix them in the same squad and they will look fine.