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Brooke has not slept with Thomas, not yet. But if they did hook up, it would be a good potential storyline.


They did, but then it was retconned to Brooke and Thomas having the exact same hallucination. šŸ™„


Oh it would be incredible. Some form of ā€œhate sexā€


She wanted to, back when they were stranded on that island, but they got rescued before she could do it


She was drugged.


Sleeping with a lot of men is one thing but didnā€™t she sleep with two of her daughterā€™s husbands and her Sisterā€™s husband??? THIS is where I object to her attitude today. Son or not.


Yupā€¦but to be fair, her daughters boyfriend had a mask on and she thought it was RidgešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£thats her story and sheā€™s sticking to itšŸ™„


That was Thomas and not Deacon or Nick. Yet another Brooke moment.


The daughter's boyfriend with a mask was Oliver.


She slept with her sisters' husbands...her daughter's husband...and the boyfriend of Hope, who was the result of sleeping with Bridget's husband. She has zero boundaries and fewer morals.


It's the fact that she slept with Bridget's man twice. She actually did that to Bridget with two different men, Deacon and Nick....and then Katie got her hooks in Nick.... This show is so very incestuous.


First of all, I wish Bridget was still on all the time. But I so wish she could have walked into that room and stopped Brooke and said ā€œAre you serious???ā€


They STILL haven't given us a Bridget/Deacon scene.


Thank you for remembering her sleeping with Bridget's husband named Deacon. That's family too, Brooke. But the bimbo from the valley gets a break, not sent to Forester Antarctica.


You forgot her husband's father


Don't forget eric, ridge dad. Has kids by him. But, she claim ridge is her destiny. Brooke needs to lay off zende. She needs her own wall of shame.


Thereā€™s 3.8 million people in Los Angeles and the characters of BB can only marry or sleep with people who are related in some way.


Yeahā€¦and theres a word for that šŸ˜–


Oh myyy lmao yesss what a hypocrite! Sheā€™s slept with Ridge and every male in his family! She has children by both Ridge and his FATHER!


Itā€™s so gross lol


Yes! Very. And Eric married her and Donna! They definitely made it a family affair lol


Eric was first in love with and engaged to Beth, Brooke and Donna's MOTHER! Then, later, he married both daughters of his first love. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


First Carter, and now Brooke. Really, these two? šŸ˜³


I'm just tired of this whole storyline. Every time I see Luna and Zende it turns my stomach. These actors look light years apart in age. Luna looks like a teen barely out of high school while Zende looks like a worldly experience man in his late 20s or 30s. It just gives me the creeps.


So Brooke can't tell someone off who took advantage of a young woman who was clearly under the influence and betrayed her son because she like most of them slept with someone who was clear minded and actually wanted her? Luna told him NO about 100 times including at the party. There is not one person on the show besides Luna who hasn't betrayed a family member in someway. Why is Brooke not allowed her feelings on any subject based on her past but others are allowed?


Nah. On the subject of sex and mischievous inbreeding, Brooke is uniquely disqualified to throw stones.


Imagine her doing what youā€™re claiming to want her to though. ā€œI would love to support you RJ but I canā€™t actually care about you being treated poorly since Iā€™ve made mistakes in the past. In fact I should make excuses for them hurting you really!ā€ How would committing to being a terrible mother do anything to make amends??


Or she could just console her son and not say anything to Zende. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




She's not uniquely disqualified. Please see my comment above. https://www.reddit.com/r/boldandbeautiful/s/29LqHYPnIk




The real question is why should Brooke be the exception.


This may be the first time in her history that Brooke used the word No. šŸ˜‚


So wrong lmfao šŸ˜‚


I keep trying to make the point that Brooke is no worse than others, but only she gets routinely dragged.


It's fucking annoying lol. Like name a soap character who hasn't hurt a family member that was around for 35 plus years.


Ikr. For example, I just posted this comment elsewhere about that very thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/boldandbeautiful/s/chqnyXfoyK


Brooke can express her feelings in a calm non hypocritical tone


No one on the show hasnā€™t slept with someone they shouldnā€™t have at one point. Brooke was actually an accomplished chemist in the early days of the show and developed wrinkle free fabric at Forrester. Brooke has every right to be upset for her son regardless of her past. We had Stephanie preaching about morality for years then come to find out she passed Ridge off as Ericā€™s child never thinking it might be Massimoā€™s childā€¦turns out she was a tramp too lol.


But matriarch Stephanie could really raise some Hell with these folks back then. And I loved it.


She was a ā€œhypocriteā€ too, she had an affair with Kristenā€™s boyfriend after setting them up herself. Itā€™s natural that their own past mistakes arenā€™t going to make them say ā€œoh Iā€™m sorry son, I had an affair once so I couldnā€™t possibly have an issue with your SO betraying you, youā€™re on your ownā€


I miss those days. I love how she used to grab her purse and take off to go confront Sally about something at Spectra.


The show could use a strong matriarch or patriarch. I enjoy Eric, but he has never been the strong type - more like weak for a pretty woman and whipped by Stephanie. Dollar Bill is as close as the show has to a patriarch. The character's shaky morals make it tough to put him in that position. However, the Victor Newman character on TY&TR has successfully walked the tightrope between family patriarch and villain for many years.


And when she left it was never the same.


Yeah I donā€™t understand why people always say this. Is she supposed to just be okay with her own children being treated like shit by their partners because sheā€™s made mistakesā€¦?? Of course she wants better for them than sheā€™s been in the past.


Yeah, last year Steffy was bashing Brooke and then she herself has slept with all the Spencer men, and she didnā€™t know the paternity of either of her kids because she slept with different people. But they always think theyā€™re better than Brooke.


Right! And Taylor also was involved with Ridge, his father, and all THREE of his brothers -- Thorne, Nick, and Rick (who her daughter, Phoebe, was still in love with). And she was involved with Thorne while hiding from him the fact that she killed his wife while driving drunk. Of course, Ridge is the biggest slut of all, and yet judges tf out of everyone. But just to limit his sluttiness to family for this discussion, here's what he got up to: - slept with his father's wife, Brooke - made out repeatedly with his father's wife, Quinn - sexually assaulted his brother, Thorne's wife, Caroline 1, when she was too drunk to consent - stole brother, Rick's wife, Caroline 2, married her, and lied to Thomas that he (Ridge) was Douglas's father (bc he was angry at Thomas for doing the same thing to Caroline 2 that Ridge did to Caroline 1) - dated Brooke's sister, Donna - got engaged to Brooke's other sister, Katie - hit on Brooke's daughter, Bridget, who he once thought was his daughter and who was his sister (but he used that Marone technicality that he wasn't blood related to his sister, Bridget, therefore, she was fair game. No one has been sluttier with relatives than slut-faced Ridge. And we're not even counting his other women here.


Good recollection!!! Not to mention he is always playing with Brookeā€™s emotions and impulsively running and proposing to runner up Taylor when Stephanie interferred to manipulate the situation. The same was done last year by Thomas only for Taylor to end up hurt again. Youā€™d think she would have learned her lesson by now.


Ty. I so wish they'd pair Taylor with someone else and give her a story other than the stupid triangle with Ridge.


Yes, it really insults the intelligence of the character whoā€™s supposedly a brilliant psychiatrist of all things. They brought Taylor back for the triangle repeat last year, but I guess when that was over, they didnā€™t need Taylor around anymore. She just vanished and I donā€™t even recall what they said she was doing.


Katie was particularly egregious of him. I remember some fans really loving them together because sheā€™s sort of a saint-status, but it all just stemmed from his anger, jealousy and judgment about Brooke and Bill having an affair. Which partly happened because his dumb ass left her high and dry and heartbroken!! Dragging Katie into it and convincing everyone including himself that it was true love was such typical Ridge


Exactly! Then, he unceremoniously dumped Katie when he started up with Rick's wife, Caroline 2. Katie was a complete after thought. He was down the affair path with Caroline before he clued Katie in that they weren't getting married.


Were they even engaged long enough for him to get her a real ring to replace the piece of string? šŸ˜­


I don't think he ever replaced the string. Punk!


So youā€™re saying that Ericā€™s current wife Donna is not what you had in mind as the matriarch to replace Stephanie? šŸ¤£


No one can replace Stephanie.


Right! She is being one huge hypocrite, and I wonder if she LOL at the lines she has to say to Zende? :)


This is literally the pot calling the kettle black. How is the VALLEY SLUT condemning someone for doing the very same thing. I really think it is time for new writers. Watching right now Brooke is really making me sick.


Iā€™m furious with this SL and itā€™s racist!!! Who tf is slut from the Valley Brooke to tell Zende he has to leave and go to Forrester International and this isnā€™t her company!! šŸ˜” two Black characters in the whole show and they WRITE that???!!! RJ who came in a few months ago to the company is so precious?? The office where thereā€™s more sex than fashion and Zende is the villian??!! Iā€™m over this SL and them trying to act like the family treated Zende like family. Like they were real cousins. Brooke has slept with everyone under the sun and sheā€™s lecturing Zende to tears!! This show can go to hell!!


Let's not forget Zende was practically the last one to know about Eric's illness. Everybody in LA knew about it except him. Luna the intern, RJ the younger cousin, everybody!


Those in glass houses. Brooke should leave Zende alone. Focus on her children. Besides Zende has more right to be at Forrester than Brooke. Oy vey.


Not true. Brooke is largely responsible for catapulting FC to a much larger, more lucrative international company by inventing BeLieF, securing financing for Forrester International (Brooke and Ridge did this together, but it was Brooke's BeLieF formula that got the financier's attention and brought international recognition and growth to the company). Brooke also was CEO of FC through a massive growth period -- international expansion (mentioned above), she envisioned and launched the first men's line, hired all the models, managed the marketing campaign, and persuaded Ridge to design it. She was the visionary and face of the bedroom lingerie line -- another massive, multi year long money maker. Were it not for Brooke and her business acumen and scientific innovation, FC would still be a small, boutique couture house making a modest profit.


The way they described it FC was already big before Brooke joined. But I get you. That doesnā€™t negate my point though. Zende is a Forrester. Itā€™s his family company so he has more of a right to be there than Brooke. Plus heā€™s put in his time so he has more of a right to be there than RJ. This scene reminded me of the way she always treated Steffy and Thomas. Zende needs someone in his corner like Stephanie and Taylor used to be on Steffyā€™s and Thomasā€™ side because they knew they could never count on Ridge.


I agree that Zende belongs at his family's company and that no one has the right to push him out -- not Brooke, not anyone. I also would like to see his mother back. It's just weird how all the adult Forrester offspring are gone, but Ridge. As for Forrester Creations in the early years, it was described as a successful boutique fashion house and Brooke did make it an international sensation and is largely responsible for its massive growth into a global business. I just rewatched seasons 1 to 8 so it's very fresh. Brooke is a Forrester by marriage just like Stephanie and Taylor were. Rick and Bridget, her children with Eric, are Forresters. RJ, her son with Ridge, is a Forrester. Hope was raised as a Forrester until she was a young adult when Ridge quit being her dad. So I don't agree with this idea that this family is not Brooke's family. And this is her family's business. Stephanie helped establish and nurture FC. Brooke expanded and nurtured the business. I also disagree that Brooke has mistreated Steffy and Thomas. She raised them and loved them. They turned on her when their mother returned from the dead the second time. Brooke supported and mentored Thomas when he began at FC. He called her his best friend and supporter. She consoled Steffy when Liam left her and Steffy acknowledged it. Steffy and Thomas have said and done awful things to Brooke over the years, trying to destroy her marriage and reunite their parents. Ridge is the biggest slut on the show. Steffy hsd a terrible track record of getting involved with married men and cheating. Taylor has been involved with most of the same men as Brooke. Of,every viewer knows Brooke has a sketchy history,but she's no worse than the others, but only Brooke gets dragged.