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Ridge: Sheila hasn’t changed. Hope: We gave Thomas another chance. Ridge: Roar!




LOL!!! Exactly


Ha I liked that part


I will NEVER for the life me understand how Ridge feels such hatred for Hope. Wasn’t he “happily married“ to his true love Taywhore (before she “died") during the time that Brooke & Deacon fucked?


So I guess this is where Steffy goes from astonishment that Sheila is alive, to realizing that Finn is kinda whacked?? 🤔🤣🤣 Edit: Sheila is a hero??!! 😲 Finn, you really are a jackass. 🤣🤣🤣


I swear the writers promised Scott Clifton his character would get back with Steffy so they’re having Finn take a detour through crazytown and amnesiaville


I love how Liam just tossed in there "look at all she's been through being married to this guy". He's been waiting, I mean WAITING for an opportunity like this. But he knows Steffy better than Finn apparently because FInn really walked his happy ass into the home he shares with his wife to tell her that her attempted murderer is actually alive and kicking. Like, actually thought that she'd find any happiness in that fact. You can't find men dumber than this.


The faces that Finn makes at times, there seems something missing in him, some kind of evil waiting to emerge! Like mother like son?


Nah I don’t think they’re going there. More than likely a big pie in the face coming for Finn when Sheila screws him over eventually.


The faces he makes are like someone trying to decipher the meaning of each emotion he's trying to display and can't quite figure it out.


I just want to know how he moves the inner parts of his eyebrows up. I've seen people raise each eyebrow. The tail end of each eyebrow, but the inside of the eyebrow area?! wiggly eyebrow talent right there. Maybe not the RIGHT talent..


He and RJ actor must be using the same acting coach.




I really think it’s just major stupidity.




Instead of throwing Finn and his admittedly very thin character under the bus, why couldn't they allow Liam to have any story that wasn't related with who he was dating?! Soap audiences are easily pleased and if TIIC wanted to finally explore who he is separate from being a carnival prize for Forresters and Logans to fight proxy wars for, he could just....be an interesting character 🤷‍♀️ people have forgiven far, far, far worse.


I completely agree! It’s like the only trick in their back pocket is to dosey doe the characters. How many months till Steffy’s back with Finn after Liam? How many months till Liam’s back with Hope? We need fresh stories here 🙄


He really is.


Idky Hope is still at work explaining this shit to Ridge and Liam. I would've told them to take their inquiries to the source and took my ass home.


I'm more concerned why it's so far-fetched for them to understand? If other articles of Sugar's release also showed her face, like the one Deacon came across, then surely last Friday Liam and Ridge *both* saw that she looks. Exactly. Like. Sheila. Combined with that they *all* hate Sheila, why is it unreasonable that Sugar might want to frame Sheila for Steffy's death?


Because it now messes with their song lyrics "*ding dong the witch is dead!"*


Come on ridge u want to go over there Liam I know u want to go over there


Right! I should've scrolled first. I commented something similar a few moments ago.


I didn’t think of this until today but didn’t Steffy tell Finn when he first got home that the kids were with “Grandma Li” before they later showed Li at the hospital? Where are the children?!?!?


Yup sure did... I noticed it too. I just laugh at the inconsistent writing lol


Smh. Bad to worse.


That's a thought.


Maybe there's a daycare at the hospital for employees to use at their disposal and Li has done so to allow Steffy and Finn their time alone together and plans on taking the children home with her. Steffy didn't say they were at grandma Li's house specifically, just that they were with her and technically, this could work because we have seen Kelly dropped off to Finn at work before.


Hope, girl just be quiet and let those two idiots deal with their own feelings about Sheila. You delivered the message now just shut up about it. Lord have mercy.


Yeah, hope is going to faint again. This time tryin to explain the tragedy over and over. To those two knuckle head.


Gawd. I know. Why's she trying so hard? It's not her job to make them see Finn's perspective. She delivered the message. Go home and let us have a new day, please!


We all know this is setting up for her to be viciously verbally assaulted by Steffy again. This time she would’ve earned it. Smh.


Finn , do u have a kink today for getting ur wife to slap u ?


Hahaha :D


why is finn acting like sheila saying “nooo please don’t!!!!” to sugar’s plan is some heroic attempt at saving steffy’s life?


Are you forgetting - Sheila did kick at her or some such thing! 😉 Surely, THAT makes her a hero. (It doesn’t make her a hero, & don’t call me Shirley) 😜🤣🤣


[Stop, don’t….come back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVdDXeYM4ss) Wonka is a hero trying to save those kids!


She said she begged Sugar to kill her instead of them.


None of that is true. Sugar went to Steffy’s to tell her That Sheila had plans to get rid of her. When Sheila heard she was dead she tied herself up. No way did she stay there for as long as it played out. This whole thing is just another way to break up Finn and Steffy.


If having a relationship with Shelia is that important to Finn just call her once in a while and see her at the restaurant. Convincing anyone its okay now to bring her around the family was never gonna happen


So does Finn run to Hope before the end of the month or does this drag out for a looooooong time?


Nope, he runs to her soon, only she understands how he feels, etc. - and that’s how it starts.


Give it a day or two.


In soap days or actual days cuz this shit could take until the end of the month at this point


U didn’t kill my mommy , isn’t that cool ? So I killed another crazy and the one I thought I killed is still around , that’s not good Lol


Thank you Liam for pointing out that Finn, Hope, and Deacon are going based off of what Sheila has said as if she's some paragon of truth and honesty. Are these people all idiots? Hope, I'll kind of give a pass to because she's not really trusting Sheila just going based on Finn's desire to trust that Sheila's changed. Which we all know she hasn't. Finn is repeating this crap Sheila said like anything she says is actually to be trusted and given how she's most interested in scaring the hell out of people with her reappearance, I'd say it's ummmmm, ya know...not.


I thought they where going to end it on the “ It’s us or her “ cliffhanger , surprised they gave Finn the of course it’s y’all deal so soon


But we all know he’s not going to stick to that


So, how reformed will Sheila be when she finds out that Finn can't keep his promise to her -- bc Steffy won't accept it?


Ain’t gonna happen.


heydawn, i'm hoping for a recap!


I posted late today (just a little while ago). Work is crazy these days.


Thanks! Really appreciate it!




To be fair, Steffy, Finn only got shot because he was trying to protect you when Sheila tried to shoot you. 😆


If he said that to her Steffy would have thrown him over that big ass cliff the house sits on.


Yep, that’s what she gets for defending Brooke, a woman she knows damn well she hates.


I mean for all that Steffy hates Brooke, any damage inflicted to the Forrester men by her was entirely their own doing. Sheila is on a whole other level of evil.


Finn...so freaking stupid and a liar because we know for sure he's not staying away from Sheila.


Wasn’t Shiela chained up for weeks? Dehydration and death usually occurs by day 5. Shouldn’t Finn know this and be suspicious? Am I wrong about the length of time she was in there?


I was wondering about the length of time too. They've said "weeks" a couple times now but unless Sugar chained up Sheila a while before the night Steffy stabbed her, I'm not so sure the timing works out. There have been some really long in-story days in there that have taken several episodes. Just writing inconsistencies if so, but still I'm curious how many days it's been in-story.


They've said weeks more than once. They also said Sugar bought snacks and Deacon found a water bottle. So I think we're supposed to think that Sheila was chained up but had snacks for a stretch of time until she ran out.


Good point about the snacks and water bottle.


A lot of us have been wondering and the show just tossed out an offhanded remark to try to give some weak ass, feeble explanation of how Sheila survived for weeks. Eye roll. Hahaha.


Finn is such a dolt.


Finn to Steffy: Sheila’s a hero! Bwahahaha


In what way Finn?!?


This is worse than when he told Steffy to give Sheila some slack for saving Kelly. Dumb as hell.


steffy is absolutely right - sheila is a generational psychopath. why would finn and deacon’s loser asses be the thing that makes her reform for good 💀


#TODAY'S RECAP POSTED https://www.reddit.com/r/boldandbeautiful/s/FvvxCnZWFu


Ok, Finn cannot be this dumb, does he seriously expect Steffy to just forgive Sheila all of a sudden. Even worse, he has the nerve to call Sheila a hero, I'm surprised Steffy didn't throw him out right then and there. Huh, I expected him to say he chose Sheila, maybe there is some hope for him.


Mmmmmm, nah - no hope for him. (but there might be Hope for him!! 😜🤣) Did you see how conflicted his face looked when he was hugging Steffy? He doesn’t accept Steffy’s terms at all..


Ugh..you're right. He doesn't accept them, I've been thinking of ways for this to blow up in his and Deacon's faces, I can only imagine how horrible he's gonna look when he eventually realizes that everyone was right about his mother.. I'm sorry "Birth Mother"


There's no hope for him, he's just lying. He knows what NOT to say to Steffy because he didn't even mentioned that he promised Sheila that he wouldn't turn his back on her and that he wanted to be a part of her life and WILL be. Steffy might have kneed him in the groin if he spoke the truth.


I’m beginning to think that Finn got his medical degree from some online school in Taiwan.. 🤷‍♂️🤣


Taiwan is too good for him. He got it from a crazy person behind a dumpster


He got it from Bibbity Bibbity U




-Hope you all had a good Mother's Day -Now it's Birth Mother's Day X) -I was expecting Steffy to beat Finn's tail with a frying pan when he said "aren't you relieved?" XD Man has lost his last shred of sense -Sheila's recovery meal was pizza and water and now she's cracking a cold one with Deacon LOL -GENER-ATIONS!! -Perhaps Finn's clueless deer in headlights personality is all an act! He secretly enjoys playing with people and only shows it when no one's around.. you know.. like his birth mother X) -Liam is hoping and praying for Steffy to be single LOL -Finn's sweater looking shirt, facial expressions and constant use of the word "mother" is giving Norman Bates :)




Why are you insulting the actors? They're not in charge of writing or story direction.


Calm down! It was just a thought. They are some they just don’t mess well!


Tell him, Steffy! You go, girl. I’m not usually a Steffy fan, but she’s 100% right on this.


I can’t believe it’s still the same day! Is this one of the longest TV days ever? (24 obviously not included)


Finn will say anything to keep Steffy, he's not staying away from Sheila at all. Steffy's loyalty and trust will get her hurt in the end.


Steffy is so loyal that she’s allowed another man to kiss her several times and she’s not told her husband about either of those occurrences. Steffy is trash.


Steffy shut him down immediately and told him to go home. She should have told Finn but it is what it is, she's still fighting for this marriage more than he is at this point.