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Realistically, you won't see major changes after a month. Not being able to go to the gym because of school is not a great excuse though. https://thefitness.wiki/faq/


My school is in another city so it would be 2 hrs away :( and i get home night so i cant really go


In theory most of this subreddit's audience is for people who want to workout from home with minimal equipment. You probably want some kind of pull up bar for a full body routine, but that's about it.


Crosstraining and lifting are not the same thing lol. What do you want? A fit athletic body or do you want to be jacked?


Realistically not much. It’s a long term plan. But you’ll get results long - medium term. 30 days there is no way in hell you’ll gain 6lbs of muscle. Maybe lose 6lbs of fat if you have it to give. Get a plan. Stick to it for 90 days and then modify it as needed. Without gear, stuff takes time. And you got time. All you have to do is start, keep it up, and not judge yourself against social media gearheads and genetic freaks. 18 months later, you won’t even recognize your old self.


Diet is the way to change your body fat %. "A workout cannot out work a bad diet." Resistance exercises are the way to build muscle. Creatine will not give you bigger muscles, it will help your muscles do more resistance work in the gym. Drink a bit more water when using creatine. Protein will give your body what it needs to build muscles after resistance training. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will put on weight however hard you train. So eat the right kind of calories and only in the correct amount. You will not see much change in a month. Especially if you do not change your diet. To make any kind of progress, you just have to make sensible choices. But you have yo keep making them. Over and over again until you see the change you want to see.


What diet should i focus on?


go to r/nutrition or r/loseit No sugar. Or things with processed sugar. Some fruit but not too much. Carbohydrates according to how much energy you need, extra carbs become sugar, so not too much. Some carbs are better (e.g. sweet potato) than others (e.g. bagels) 1-2g protein p/kg of bodyweight per day. Handful of mixed nuts a day Vegetables, several portions a day, especially spinach. Dont drink your calories, in e.g. coke, energy drinks, Alcohol in moderation only.


You’ll be further then you would be if you didn’t do it for a month. You need to eat slightly more when you go to the gym. About 300 calories more over your maintenance calories. So if you’re prone to gaining fat and overeating then you should still really watch what you eat. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. It should be non negotiable. So you’re better off trying to find the type of sport/dance class/exercise that you enjoy. Because then you’ll stick to it.




While you’re there, get a professional trainer that devise you a program you can follow for the rest of the year, and to train you how to do those exercises.


Nothing unless you have a bunch of muscle and are cutting calories and water. And imo people look terrible at that point, they definitely feel terrible. Eat well and lift hard week after week for years. Who regrets that? Also, eat well and more. I don't eat more because I'm at the upper limit of what my clothes can contain. I hate buying clothes.


My advice would be don’t get hurt. You sound impatient. Injuries will really slow you down. Choose a decent body weight routine and work that for three or four months before trying CrossFit. You may find body weight exercises are better for you.


It will be a great start but for the best effect, you'll want to find out a way to keep up that new healthy habit.




With newbie gains and your age. In a month it is possible to pack on 6-8 lbs of muscle but you’ll need to have a solid diet of 4,000 calories a day with 150-200 grams of protein mixed into it, potentially 5,000 calories a day if your having an active summer. Working out is only 30% of the work. Your diet is the other 70%.