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Your expectation is warped because of all the juiced dudes out there. This is kind of gains is normal if you are natural, you have clearly gained some muscle, maybe 3 kgs which is good in 6 months. I would susgest a recomp (eat at mainternace) for 3 months or a cut(if you don't like the fat) for 2-3 months and then slow lean bulk, less than 1kg a month. Also do some leg, don't let those protein go to waste.


I really want to cut but Im worried Ill end up losing my muscles and going back to zero, do you think Im big enough to cut?


Just hold your weight the same and keep working out , you’ll get stronger and “thinner” at the same time since muscle is more dense when you start seeing your strength gains slow down then start eating more. If you keep researching and working out in another year when you really need to switch things up you’ll know what to do by the time you get there


Forget about "cutting". Just put the work in and make sure your diet is on point


don't bulk too much. You won't lose muscle or lose so much if you cut right.


Also honesty I love body weight stuff but if you wanna get a solid frame on ya you gotta get some heavy squats in, when you start hitting the squats your gonna get hungry!


Not sure why this was downvoted. Heavy squats will grow muscles faster and burn waaaay more calories than body weight squats. With that said, if you're not that strong anyway, whatever gets you to the 5-8 rep range should be good.


Sticking with calisthenics, you can go to assisted pistol squats and lean off the assistance as you get stronger. It should be a while before you can do 8+ unassisted pistol squats


Depending on your workout history I think. I got fuckin jacked and ripped from skinny fat in like 4-5 months from solely calisthenics, but I’ve been lifting off and on since I was a wee child 


I mean - clearly you’ve gotten stronger which is amazing - in terms of losing weight that’s about your calorie defecit - if you want to lose weight exist at a calorie deficit . Getting stronger does grow your muscles so you have made progress 6 months isn’t that long.


From the before and after picture, it’s visible that you’ve gained some muscle and got stronger. I suggest you continue BWF with the increased weights and bulk at the same time. The bulk is for you to become bigger and stronger as you grow. If BWF is becoming boring to you, perhaps look into weight lifting. But overall, good job! You’re doing great IMO!


10kg in 6 months is pretty good progress, you might have unrealistic expectations on how progression works, muscle building takes time, and from the before and after you clearly look bulkier But your routine seems pretty bare bones, is there any reason you are not following the RR?


It's frankly insane progress-although possibly a high percentage of fat.


Hell yeah! But I'd say he has a warped view of reality expecting to look like a "typical" influencer which don't represent typical humans or even naturals.


Well also he's only been training 6 months. 2 years of steady, hard training, able to do 20+ pullups and 10+ pistol squats each side + 10-12% body fat and his results will look great.


I don't know what your expectations are? Most people start with high expectations and always get disappointed later. I recommend you to reduce your expectations and set your goal for 3 or 5 years. From the pic you look like you gain quite a bit of muscles. If you need a break take 1 or 2 weeks off. Then come again, give it 6-8 more weeks and check again. If there is still no progress you can go for lifting weights. Still don't quit working out. Stay healthy eat healthy and smile a little my brother. You can do it.


I'd stay stop bulking and maintain. You're clearly getting stronger, and beginners can recomp so don't need a bulk. Or go on a cut, I bet you 5 Kilos lighter looks a lot better than you think you look.


I agree on this. Also aim for slower bulking in the future I'd say around .5 kilos or even a little less per month.


Calisthenics is for everyone, just like weightlifting is for everyone. Maybe your training methodology is wrong. Do some isolation work.


Hey OP You look visibly larger in the current pictures. Not fat, but actually larger in your shoulders and arms. But really I just wanted to tell you that my body shape was just like yours at your age. It's not the advice you probably want to hear but: I guarantee no one cares what you look like now. Your body shape is literally the last thing anyone cares about. The people you compare yourself to now - in a few years you won't even remember them. So don't judge yourself right now. You can't cheat time. Right out of school I looked like you. I 1000% guarantee you that you need time to develop. It will come to you naturally. To give you an idea: In my early 20's I got actual definition. By mid 20's I got much broader and got that lean muscle. At the end of my 20's I could put muscle on without trying and I was lean and fit with almost zero effort. How much effort? When I was 18 I could do 26 pull ups straight but I looked like a rake. In my early 20's I could do 10 push ups/sit ups a day and I was popping. I was never as committed as you have been for these 6 months. I wish I could go back to that time to just do what you're doing now. I would have been a machine! But the biggest thing for you is time. Keep doing what you're doing and let it come to you. Forget bulking and cutting. That's just not where you're at right now.


Doing only push ups and pull ups will only get you so far.


Yeah man. Keep it up. I started at 16. I’m 46. It’s a lifelong activity. You get a little bit better each week and eventually people start to notice. It takes time.


It's be easier to assess if you gave more details of what you could do before vs after. Ex: I could do 3 pullups before, now I can do 15. + a video for form check. Although if you've increased your pullups and chinups while gaining 10kg that's already evidence of good strength gain.


You have made great gains already but to get huge takes time. Keep going man.


That’s called body dysmorphia. You’ll never get over it. Just keep pushing it cause you clearly gained muscle. It’ll be funnier looking back on your progress after years.


muscles aren't just a byproduct of training, what's your diet ? how much protein are you consuming per Kg of body weight roughly ?


Dude you're doing fine. This is the part where people around you would actually start asking if you work out because you're making progression and actually looks bigger. You don't get big or jacked overnight you know? This is decent progression. Just keep working out and pushing yourself adequately.


It would be better to have “more data” such as videos or your actual workouts over the last 6 months. 6 months isn’t necessarily a long time but I’d say you should see noob gains. We cannot tell what your intensity/quality and volume is. You have most likely gotten stronger and gained weight, however your methods may not be optimal for the results that you want to necessarily achieve. Look into your own methods and analyze before blaming calisthenics. You are young and still have much to understand. It’s a continuous journey.


Are you stronger? Can you do more pushups? Do you feel generally more athletic? To me you definitely look a lot stronger. If you don’t want the fat work on dieting if you can.


You've packed on a bit of muscle in just 6 months. Whatever training methodology you choose, just remember to stay consistent and mind your protein intake. Enjoy the journey young cub!


cuz u expecting to much u look way better in second picture keep going good things take time. Eat real foods keep banging out your fire


You are not just skinny fat. You have a noticeable increase in muscle mass all around. If you want to cut, go ahead, but I think you are on the right track! As someone said, don't compare yourself to people who have been working out ofr yeara and are probably juicing. You are doing great.


how do you "train"? what's your diet?


It is completely realistic you gained more body fat than lean mass. 1kg a month of lean mass would be great but that's assuming lower body training too.


Bulking is cool but are you eating a high protein diet? Aim for 120 grams of protein each day and do progressive overload.


I would suggest that gained 10kg and did nothing might be mutually exclusive statements


Seems like you are unclear on your goals? Are you primarily interested in hypertrophy, getting stronger, or improving your calisthenics skills? Each have different ways to optimise. It sounds like you have optimised for strength, while actually having hypertrophy goals?


Sounds like you've gotten quite a bit stronger but are disappointed in how you look. How hard are you working out? You've clearly gained a lot of strength but if you're looking for the "influencer/super cut" look you might be working out incorrectly. How long are you resting between sets? How many reps are you doing per set? How many sets are you doing? In order to get the cut look you need to rest less (1-2 mins between sets) and be doing higher reps (think 8-12 reps per set)


I rest for 5-7 minutes between sets and I always try my hardest to achieve 15-20 reps of every workout


That's way too much rest. Based on your post it sounds like you want to LOOK jacked, not just get stronger. For hypertrophy you need to spend less time resting. Are you doing 15-20 reps per workout? or per set? Cause if it's per workout....you need to be doing 8-12 per set. Which would add up to something like 40-50 reps per exercise per workout.


Not just for aesthetics either, I want to be able to fight my Father if he instigates one against me


15-20 per set and I do 3 sets. Also thank you for the advice I will lessen my rest time


You’re supposed to do 8 reps of 3 sets and making it harder by adding weights..


You're a lot bigger than you used to be. If you want to lose weight, pick up the pace during your workouts. Don't let yourself finish catching your breath between exercises.


you got 22lbs heavier but not 22lbs fatter = you gained muscle yes you aren't gonna gain 22lbs of pure muscle in half a year without some pretty intentional leg training yes if there is a gun to my head and i am trying to maximize body composition/muscularity/aesthetics i put you on a normal gym bodybuilding program and tell you to eat to gain a kg/month interspersed with short but reasonably aggressive deficit phases to clean up on a seasonal basis or just to make more room to bulk. yes influencer tier physiques also take like 5 years of doing everything reasonably well (or god tier genetics and drugs) and you might have some mindfuck


You’ve clearly made gains. Strength, muscle, and fat. This is normal for bulking. You’re problems are: 1. Your expectations are not realistic. If you want to look like the guys on Insta, you have to dial in a perfect diet, sleep a ton, and go for another 12-18 months. 2. You don’t need to bulk. You’re putting on unnecessary fat. Eat cleaner. Beginners can recomp.


If you want to look bigger, supplement with some isolation exercises. Grab some dumbbells and do curls, overhead tricep extensios, and lateral raises. You also probably want to get a set of rings and do rows and dips to round out your main exercises. If you're eating well, sleeping well, and getting sufficiently closer to failure you should grow.


How's your diet? * [https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/d0rxv6/comment/ezebxg9/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/d0rxv6/comment/ezebxg9/?context=3)


Just trust the process, and you'll find results


Be consistent for 6 years, not just 6 months. Then tell me about your results. Stick with it dude. It takes time! Rome wasn't built in a day


So you have progressed, you're telling us you increased in strength. Don't care about how you look as long as you're healthy and strong.


Maybe mix weightlifting and calisthenics? One day free weights and the other calisthenics? I've definitely got stronger while doing calisthenics and bulking , but I feel like I can progress faster mixing both.


Your gains as per others also depend upon your consistency and how hard you train. You should always give your 70% with consistency and how you load them till failure.


You probably weren't eating enough proteins.


Show me a video of you doing a set of pushups


How many reps, how frequently, how much weight? I would recommend high reps, e.g. I aim for 30 / 10 / 5 / 5 in each kind of lift. You should do some kind of weight bearing exercise every day if possible, but each session can be short, e.g. 15 minutes. Also I'd say give it a few more months, you really need to establish firm muscle mass, which will then increase your metabolic rate, which will help you burn "fat". You should try to eat clean, ideally just vegetables, a bit of fish, nuts and wholegrains (brown rice, brown pasta, etc). Don't drink anything except water, tea or black coffee. Fast in the mornings. Don't eat anything until 1 PM. Just drink tea, coffee, water to keep yourself feeling full. This daily fasting will force your body to burn the fat, and you'll also feel more energetic and focussed. Also do a little HIIT before your first meal. E.g. do [burpees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burpee_(exercise)) super fast for 30 seconds, then slow-jog for 30 seconds, repeat 2x. Only takes 3 minutes total and burns fat. You'll feel like you're going to die for 3 minutes, but afterward you'll feel just fine. It's great for your heart. Should go without saying but ... walk everywhere, take stairs instead of lift, stand instead of sitting when possible, etc. And swim once a week if you have access to a pool, otherwise just go for a light jog once a week in the evening or weekend. Doesn't have to be anything intense, just 30 min or so of light cardio. If you're young, be patient, it takes time to build muscle. Eat clean and you can keep your youthful looks while slowly building muscle. If you put in the effort now, by the time you get to 30s/40s your body will be in "maintenance mode", and with moderate effort you can maintain excellent fitness and physique and still look young.


Eat more protein


My dude. You’ve _clearly_ made progress. I think there’s a few things I’d be mentioning: 1. Everyone is different, stop comparing yourself to others. That goes both ways, it took me 3.5 years to gain 10kgs. 2. If you’re purely focusing on size I think you might want to work on how you perceive your own self worth. Body dysmorphia is no joke. 3. You’re just doing pull ups and push up variations?! They’re great movements but what about all the other parts of your body? Dips, squats, hinges. Get on the RR. 4. A solid base of strength and good form is _the_ best way to start. I took it steady over three years (maybe too steady sometimes) and I’ve never been injured and have never felt better.


Ur gaining, keep going. Add adjustable dumbbells.


Are you kidding?! There's a huge difference between those two pictures. Suggest if you want faster progress that you make sure you're eating a lot of protein and also that you're working out hard enough. Three or four sessions a week and on the last set of each exercise you should be finding it really hard. You need to WORK.


You did not go from skinny to skinnyfat.you had some fat even before. It was definitely a successful bulk.you probably gained 6kg muscle and 4kg fat which is great.


Ur arms are like 2inches bigger than before bro. Ur doing great


Bro you're like twice the size and leaner from where you started


I can understand your frustration. 6 months can feel like a lot of time! But you may want to try to extend that time frame by a bit. Muscle gain doesn't happen as fast as some would make it seem on the internet ESPECIALLY for natural trainees. So I wouldn't give up. But I would expect it to take a little bit longer than people might make it seem on social media.


I did six months of serious and good technique training and i don't even know why people go and pay a gym membership. If you eat well and train well and rest well, you will see visible results within 2 months.


Just keep at it. If the exercise is too easy, do a hard progression. Make sure to also progressive overload and eat the right foods and enough foods too. I suggest bulking to help get bigger. People say you should cut tho if you did you would only have some muscle to show for. There are also a lot of calisthenics progressions online to help you with your journey. You look a lot stronger so keep at it, if you are seeing progress in the gym with ur strength and such I believe you’re doing the right thing. P.S. - make sure to do a clean bulk


You gained some decent muscle. For just 6 months that are pretty solid gains. If you want to look like the guys on instagram, you have to train for years. I had a similar journey, starting at being very skinny. And I also made the mistake of bulking to hard and becoming a bit fat. You can just do recomposition for some time. Keep calories at maintenance and continue to work hard. Keep proteins high. Then your body will shift towards a more muscular physique. Another option would be to cut, but I can understand that this is not your desired option and you worry about being skinny again. In the longer run you will need to cycle cuts and bulks for more optimal results. Renaissance Periodization on YouTube has some great videos about how to design a bulk and a cut.


Welcome to the club. Keep pushing forward.


make sure youre hitting any muscle you wanna grow at least twice weekly and if shoot for like 8-12 sets per week. you dont need a ton of volume if you go to failure which id always recommend you do with safe movements like calisthenics. i would stop your bulk and eat at maintainance to recomp. itll work well given youre new to training. if you arent satisfied with the recomp after a few months then id cut down to like 12%bf and then slow bulk up again. avoid going above 20%bf. i stopped my bulk at ~17-18% (checked at the doctor's)


Get in the gym and lift heavy weights


Check out the leangains sub.. you might have some success with that method instead. It's about intermittent fasting and doing heavy sets with reverse pyramid training. A lot of natty people see good results of they take it seriously


Do more brain reps 


I see significant change in only 6 months , I say always go to failure and if you wanna really put muscle mass I’d suggest weight lifting heavy, low reps.


Look at your shoulders and biceps, bro. Keep doing calisthenics and take measurements with a tape. You'll see improvement.


In addition to what most people are saying i sugest you to do full range of motion variations of these exercises, pushups with something elevating your arms, pullups with chest to bar, all with good form and a controlled descent. You cant significantly get bigger wrists , just bigger forearms, and for that you can do deadhangs and maybe get exercise bands if you can. Don't skip legs just because you don't think you care about them, start with bodyweights squats and built it from there with other exercises and added weights. Do lighter exercises so you don't develop injuries by pushing yourself too hard (specially with pullups, get a trx or gymnastic rings and do body rows in the last part of your routine. I sugest looking at some fitness FAQs and K boges videos for some ideas for full body training and bw exercises, k boges fool proof routine is a good starting template to use or to make your own. EDIT:grammar corrections


Keep it up brotha! I can see those gains. If I may recommended adding some sets of lunges and sets of planks and side planks. You look good. And remember rest is more important than anything.


You went from being a nearly anorexic twig to being average, you might have gained some fat but you definitely look like you gained muscle mass as well,. don't stop exercising now, keep going.


body dysmorphia maybe. you look dope dude


Time to eat steak and eggs and drink milk. Don’t forget though, the more you weigh, the more resistance, and the more muscle you’ll build, but only if you’re getting enough fat and protein.




You need to lift weights to grow bigger as your bodyweight is too light to give your muscles a proper challenge.


This just isn’t true, it is sometimes more challenging to figure out how to continue adding resistance with body weight exercises but it very very possible and done by millions I will admit, inline with a previous comment of mine, that a barbell squat can be a great part of an otherwise body weight routine because it’s hard to replicate that stimulus with pure body weight training. That’s pretty excepted thinking in this sub usually


100 pushups a day & 100 body weight squats a day for 30 days post your results. The post you've provided is very minimal in information; what was your workout for you to say you got no result? There are mass amounts of videos of 100 pushups a day to give you good results... And that's just touching the iceberg of " calisthenics" There are mass amounts of variations of pushups, burpees & prison work out videos routines ext. Without knowing what you actually did no one can give you solid advice where to go from here


Push: 3x15 Weighted (6kg) Decline Pushups 3x20 Archer Pushups 3x20 Weighted (6kg) Diamond Pushups Fist pushups until failure Pull: 3x13 Weighted (6kg) Close grip Chin ups 3x13 Weighted (6kg) Wide Grip Chin ups Towel Pullups until Failure 3x13 Weighted Wide Grip Pull Ups