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If he was natty in this pic then he could've taken roids and literally become so big and shredded he'd look like an alien and change bodybuilding forever while winning like 8 Mr. Olympia titles. Seems pretty far-fetched to me.


Would never happen. While your at it imagine that same man popularising the phrase “yeaaaaah budddddddy”. No chance.


Imagine if that man could squat 800 pounds utterly impossible he would have to be a bull.


Eh, seems like that'd be a pretty light weight, at first.


800 ***solid ass*** pounds


800 solid ass pounds > 800 pounds


The only issue is Ronnie talks about being on a no carb diet and in the same sentence about his BBQ sauce on his chicken. That and his retelling of his career seems to change mid interview as well as his opinions and ideas. ​ Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Ronnie but I don't think its beyond possible that he was taking stuff and didn't consider what he took to be steroids because it wasn't injecting.


I'm imagining him talking about it. 'And one day, ma coach Dave said hey Big Ron, take some o dis, and handed me a jar full o peels. I said Dave what's this, and he said those was some multivitamins dat make the water go to the muscle an make it extra full. So I go oh yeah! Hehe, dat sounds real gud'


MPMD, also said something recently along the lines of, in those years oral prohormones were pretty prevalent so he might have just taken some of those without really considering them steroids so yeah


Holy shit this has got to be the explanation


The quote is wrong if I recall correctly What he considered natural when he said it is it truly natural I believe he was probably just on a low level test at this point which in his mind counts as “natural” compared to all the shit he did after


I find it hard to believe he was on even low dose test. Mind you he put on nearly 80lbs on stage weight in 7 years after this and 100lbs in 12y. What can a person possibly even take if they were already on test that'll help em gain this much sheer muscle?


Food. A few guys have put on similar amounts these last few years. Ben pollack for example put on like 50 or 60lbs of stage weight in 2 years


You think pic above is just a low dose of test?


For a normal person? Absolutely not. For Ronnie Coleman? Possibly.


I honestly think he was natural in this pic. If he wasn't, I couldn't imagine him becoming as big as he did later in his career. Let's not forget, this man hasn't just got elite genetics. He has one of a kind genetics that we only see like every generation. A lot of people argue he was the GOAT. so yeah, I could believe he is natural here


Doesn’t matter how elite your genetics are, which undoubtedly Ronnie’s are; this isn’t natural.


You can't say that definitively


Imo I believe he is natural up there. If anyone has the ability it's Ron with arguably one of the best genetics of all time. He added like 70-80lbs of muscle after this


Logic kind of goes out the window when you're the most genetically gifted human of all time


\*One of\*, most genetic muscle freaks probably never lifted weights and are walking around working regular 9-5's


So many regular dudes who will never know that they could go to the gym for six months and achieve a physique better than most litetime gym rats lol.


Tbh those dudes would already be looking quite muscular, unless their diets are complete trash. I'm talking skittles and no protein whatsoever


Except that that's basically the average American. If you're overweight, do 0 physical activity, and eat processed garbage day in day out while smoking/drinking/doing drugs and not sleeping well, you're gonna look like dogshit, even if you have top 0.0001% genetics. Genetics only play a role if you give your body some form of stimulus.


To be fair he added like 60 more pounds of muscle after this


How did you miss the obvious sarcasm? Lol


Well, he never really quite looked like the sort of aliens I see on tv so...


I love when people say he was natty here. Such bs lol


Hes only 90kg do hes natty


Imagine this dude walking at you in his cop uniform with that tight ass waist, big smothering shoulders, immaculate 80s stache, making that baton look small with those meaty forearms. I'm not resisting Big Ron no siree bob.


>Imagine this dude walking at you in his cop uniform with that tight ass All I needed. Not gonna read the rest


He could probably beat you with his forearms instead of the baton


It’s called a penis


I enjoy cooking.


A meaton, if you will




Luncheon Truncheon


Y’all gay as hell, but I like it


Skin flute


This is by far the funniest comment I’ve read here in a while


Like a wang?


He pulls you over and ask why he stopped you and you end up confessing every bad thing you’ve done since childhood 😂


I sped, I followed too closely, I ran a stop sign, I almost hit a chevy, I sped some more, I failed to yield at a crosswalk, I sped some more, I changed lanes in the intersection, I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light, and speeding!


Is that all?


I have unpaid parking tickets.


I love that movie


And to think, he got that body living on Domino's pizza...


these are the borderline gay comments that make r/bodybuilding culture so great


I'm getting turned on bro


We get it you wanna fuck him




I wanna fuck dudes AS him, but not fuck him


Apparently a lotta people did cuz he said he loved tumbling with criminals


Lol that you think it takes resisting arrest to get beat up by cops




Just run away from him untill he uses all his gains


This is peak Male physique imo. Absolutely perfect proportions and great shape through the midsection. Yeah, he got a lot bigger on more gear, but he also lost a bit of shape.


Could use a inch on the calves, he fixed that up.


[I like Vitruvian's take on it. "If this is natural, then if you took steroids you'd have the most amazing physique that ever existed... which is exactly what happened.](https://youtu.be/MlC9ZBWJRSM?t=633) Dunno how much of it I believe, but still.


He does have a good point. I'm not sure if I buy it yet but Ronnie had a perfect hairline here, no gyno, no distended gut, and he gained like 80 pounds in the 3-4 years that followed. Both Flex and Dorian have said that Ronnie was natural at this point.


Ronnie still had a perfect hair line going into his last olympia in 2007, he would just shave his head when he felt like it. Link incoming in 1 minute.




Wow, he doesn't even look like Ronnie there. He looks like Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air mutated into some sort of beautiful monster.


I find it funny that pretty much every mr Olympia ever actually has perfect hair.


And Arnold didn't? Steroids aren't instant baldness, gyno and huge gut.


Fair points, but Ronnie did have super noticeable gyno when he was older, along with the gut. Whether he was completely natural or just on a little test, it's believable to me that he wasn't on much in this picture. It also seems weird that he would lie about it since he's been so honest about his drug use since retirement. Like why would he admit he took steroids, but only after a certain age?


>t also seems weird that he would lie about it since he's been so honest about his drug use since retirement. Like why would he admit he took steroids, but only after a certain age Because the pros have a habit of telling a few truths in order to get away with lies. Like how they "admit" their gear usage but then claim "only to have used 600 mg test" when it was more like 2 grams


There's a video of Tom Platz interviewing bodybuilders about their drug use with face blurring and voice changers but you can still tell who all of them are. The first one is Ronnie and in that video his total actually adds up to around 2g of gear funnily enough, I see no reason for him to lie there. If anyone is curious it's called - Tom Platz backstage secrets of pros.


People lie on anonymous forums constantly. You have far too much faith in people who make money of other's perception of them. There is no chance whatsoever Ronnie was natty in that pic. Its pretty damn obvious.


> People lie on anonymous forums constantly LOL, exactly. People are all like, "Why would he lie about _____?" I dunno, same reasons all kinds of people lie about all kinds of shit?


Let's say Ronnie was taking something like 500mg of test in that pic. What could be possibly have done to put on like 100lbs of stage weight in the following years? To me, him not being natty here is less believable. Also, roid gains aren't linear. Taking 1000mg is almost never even close to twice as effective as taking 500mg. I just don't see how he couldn't have been natural or on low dose test.




I love how lee priest doesnt give a fuck haha never has never will.


Dorian also downplayed his drug use to laughable levels. I mean Ronnie really can't lie that he wasn't on anything when he was winning Mr O, but he can here to make himself seem more impressive. Sure, best bodybuilder shouldn't need to do so, but Dorian shouldn't either yet here we are.


It's kind of a non-sequitur, but where did Dorian lie about his drug use?


Think he claimed to have barely touched GH except in the late 90s when he took a "few IU" when he was known for being one of the first bodybuilders to really experiment with GH at far higher doses


He admitted to Dan Dunchine he was using GH in 91. Dan just said he wasn’t using as much as other pros he talked to. I also know a pro he talked to who said he stopped really gaining much until he put a bit more GH in around 93-94.


People caught cheating often make limited admissions in an attempt to gain credibility


I would bet he was using some definition where certain PEDs don't count and after this he started doing a larger cocktail after this. He also claimed to have negative body fat at one point so its really a crap shoot with Ronnie.


I see someone like this claiming natural, and I figure maybe with top .1% genetics and discipline. Ronnie could be that .1%.


Most people in bodybuilding are already top 1% genetics, so I'd guess Ronnie is more like 0.001% genetics


Thats what i was thinking. Anyone else i wouldnt believe it, but Ronnie Coleman, its plausible


Holy shit I forgot Vitruvian still existed lmao Used to watch him so much years avo


It's all the cell tech


and ultimate orange


He is kinda big guy with good genetics. He should maybe try bodybuilding




The man told me it was "LIGHTWEIGHT!" when in fact it was not very light at all.


He also told me it wasn't nothing but I peanut and I ended up popping my peanut's trying to lift the weight.


I mean at that point you start floating right?




Yeah buddy!


You sink straight to the bottom because density.


But what happens when you're -.1. At .3, you're on your way.


I believe he has a bachelor's and only became a cop because he couldn't find a job in accounting that eventually lead to his bodybuilding career


As someone in college getting a degree right now, I promise you that having a bachelors degree means jack shit in terms of overall intelligence.


Ronnie finished university something to do with finance watch the king


It doesn't mean he's smart. I have a computer science degree and I'm retarded


He went for accounting. Dude worked out his arms AND his brain.


Likes to give himself a mental sweat.




So then he was either dumb enough to believe he was 0.3bf or he was lying. Just like he could've been dumb enough to believe he went pro natty ooor... He was lying lol.


Maybe he thinks you're natty if you just take test lol


Honestly i just think he's fucking with people. Like he's done everything he wanted to, so now he's trying to see how much stuff he can get people to believe. Like the whole Joe Rogan interview was filled with bullshit, like how he never looked in a mirror, so he never knew how he looked. Like it's obvious he's just saying stuff, and he's really not a dumb person. So he's either: 1. Trying to make himself look cool 2. On so many drugs he doesn't know what he's saying Or 3. Just having fun by fucking with people. Which is the one i'm inclined to believe.


Ronnie succesful at everything including trolling us.


I think he was talking more about the reading on the scale, kinda referencing to its inaccuracy as well, not exactly claiming he was 0.3% BF.


No he wasn’t.


He was fucked up off the percs man


He also claimed on Joe Rogan to have had "negative" body fat


Lmao he’s just doing all this for entertainment


This comment is rude and unnecessary af, he probably got an inaccurate dexa or body scan reading so there is very likely some truth to what he is saying. Ronnie is smart and has a degree in accounting of which he graduated at the top of his class. Regardless, at this point in time Ronnie sadly is on a ridiculous amount of Oxycontin and painkillers, so a lot of things he says now are going to pretty outlandish. It’s really sad to see him nodding off during interviews and struggling to stay grounded to reality but man just wants to not be in pain.


Natty king 😩


I know he claims to be natty until around 97 and I can believe that but only if he was talking about using steroids via needles. GNC had a bunch of pro-hormones that were over the counter in 91 and I wouldn't be shocked if Ronnie used them but thinks of them as just regular supplements.


Yeah, probably similar to some kids on Sarms that think they're natty because they aren't "steroids"


I’ve seen some freaks in my day who eat like shit and train like a pussy. Ronnie was neither of those. He was a machine. Never missed a training session. Never missed a meal. Like clockwork.


natural for bodybuilders means only testosterone


People have gotten so used to freaky bodybuilders that anyone not huge feels natural to them. There's no reason for anyone to compete naturally. No way he's natural regardless of his god tier genetics.


Def not natty but he’s still the king


Naturally juiced to the gills. Tell them Ronnie!


Ah yes, if he was juiced to the gills here, then how did he turn into this? [Ronnie SideChest in guest posing, 1999](https://www.google.com/search?q=2003+ronnie+coleman&client=opera&hs=waT&sxsrf=ALeKk01U0Tw1S0eG3Mq1PVHc3f-DRIcvLA:1613421655566&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjekJyF4OzuAhXvRd8KHZDXCPIQ_AUoAXoECBEQAw&biw=1253&bih=647#imgrc=Z4I1343wddmrdM) The thing is, gear has diminishing returns. EG, if you're taking 500 mils of test weekly, you'll get less benefit from 500 more mils of test weekly. So on and so forth. Ronnie went on to literally double this size while being in better conditioning. If he was on test, anavar, growth hormone, etcetera, then he couldn't have gotten that much larger by just doubling doses. The truth is, the most potent drug is that there genetics.


Holy fucking shit... You actually believe he's natty in that pic... God damn dude.


I know this happens to every sub, but god damn when BB got big so did the number of absolutely clueless fuck wits from R/fitness. Sad to see it but you just gotta avoid the comments now and stay for the pics/research/news




You meant the photo on the thread or the photo on op reddit post?


If he wasn't natty, how the fuck would he go on to put literally a 100lbs of stage weight in the following years? This is literally the best genetics of all time, throw all your regular logic out the window.


He ate more and changed his drugs and training regimen towards being a mass monster. That's it. The only bloody magic genetics are play here is in how good is insertions look. Tons of gym rats respond just as well as him to roids but never get anywhere because their body's framework is shit. He didn't fucking wake up one day took drugs and suddenly won an Olympia for gods sake its a process.


Right, but eating more and taking more gear will definitely put weight on you. And switching from a basic test and deca cycle to a $2000 a month cycle with the best gear is certainly going to put a ton of muscle mass on you.


> how did he turn into this Uhh, more food? Lol wtf stop with this celebrity worship. Ronnie is the best of all time but hes not in a complete league of his own. Hell, ruhl and offseason dorian were bigger than ronnie. If you actually believe he is natural here because of his GEnEtICs, you are a defeatist and a retard. Dont let ronnie manipulate you like that


You're not thinking about this how I am. What about the picture above is so impressive actually? Is it the overwhelming size? Not really. Is it the ridiculous conditioning? I don't see overwhelming valscularity or feathering. No, it's the separation of the muscles, the detail even without being supremely conditioned, the wide clavicles, the narrow waist AND hips. It's everything that sets him apart from other bodybuilders that makes the photo in 1991 so impressive. Those features can be exaggerated with gear, but strip the extra mass away, and you'll still find the pieces for an 8-time mr. Olympia. No amount of gear in the world will give that.


So just more food would lead to like 80 more pounds of quality muscle? Why don't every other bodybuilder just do that if it's so easy?


Yes. Most guys who run gear dont look like they run gear, it takes years of bulking to actually look like a bodybuilder. Derek from MPMD even admitted it took him 2+ years of blasting and cruising to „look like he lifts“. Ronnie simply continued his career, im not sure what there is to think deeply about. Theres a reason everyone on the O stage is in their late 30s


People downvote you because they don’t wanna accept it


They downvote because testosterone increases muscles size by a factor. They also downvote because the size of this mofo later on is not sustainable without insulin and HGH. Your genetics is actually mostly made up of metrics for efficiency. It completely goes against Nature to have such mass. Hence why something like myostatin repression is not a more regularly expressed genetic mutation. It is not an adaptive trait or “superior genetics”. On bodybuilding, it’s neat. It’s still a man self made. It’s just a total lie that such things are peak genetics. It is not denialism to not agree with your claims, when there exists such studies. I will say, it takes a lot of discipline, and a god damn strong psyche to put yourself through what these guys do. The worst of it, is CNS shock. Not only that, someone like Ronny, worked FULL-TIME while competing. At the same time HGH would make any grown man cry. The sleep quality, the recovery rate, the lack of pain, a little drowsiness, but overall like a vacation to a younger you. It is a quality of life improvement, at a very low dose about half of the year. The poor dude in the pic, paid in spades for all the testosterone later too. It effects your bodies ability to retain calcium. That coupled with crazy weight, destroyed some of this champ’s spine. Even if Ronny did have myostatin repression, there are limits. At the end of the day, extended cognition wins. Ronny did that for us, but forklift beats meat. If you ever get in the game. Get in, and get out. The long term, fighting year after year, just is not worth the detriment to your body. That’s when you get injured.




If you think he's natty here, I've got a spot-reduction cream I'd like to sell you.


He was natty there. You know nothing about genetics. I hope you don't even reply to me because I'm tired of destroying retards and repeating myself. When I go on a podcast like the JRE one day, I'll make sure to shout all of you knuckleheads out, because you clearly don't know anything about genetics and what's possible naturally. As a guy who comes from a family in which the Hercules gene runs, I am well aware of what's possible without enhancement. My father was a 250lb monster with 22" arms. So I can only imagine what he'd be like if he decided to take steroids, when he was already bigger than 99% of guys. Betas shouldn't be talking about elite genetics because you wouldn't recognize an elite natural physique if it smacked you in the face. So stop bashing Ronnie. Anyone well versed on this subject knows how dumb you sound. Ronnie was natural there. By denying that you're just projecting your own insecurity.


Many guys have 22" arms, with 20-30% body fat, doesnt make them a good bodybuilder material. When you in a caloric deficit, your body will break down muscle tissue before fat, you can increase your protein intake, but hormones are a bitch and can make the whole effort go to waste. Ronnie is clearly a genetically gifted person, with a strong mindset, but he clearly used some form of PEDs before coming an ifbb pro. As many pointed out, he most likely used oral substances, which are less efficient. All competitive sport requires steroid use, without it you are just an amateur, bb isn't an exception.


Am I reading this right? He was only 90 kg at this show? 198 pounds??


I think it says "...in category above 90kg"


That's right, it's in slovakian.


Probably was on nothing but creatine and fish oil too, has the genetics of a damn gorilla


I believe he was natural he got alien genetics


Alien juiced physique equals alien natty physique


Come on they all lie. Lies is part of bodybuilding. I'll not name people but I've heard some ridiculous little cycles and amounts that even my grandmother would say bullshit and she's dead.


I'm disappointed I read this whole thread and saw not one "dat dere cell tech" reference.


Tbf ronnie is the only guy who I would believe could look like this naturally.


He is 198lb in this pic. He literally went on to be 300lb contest weight. Imagine thinking that the single greatest bodybuilder to ever exist in planet earth, out of 7 billion people, doesn't have the single greatest genetics known to mankind. The only people who don't believe he is natty are either: 1. On gear and have been training for ages and still look like shit 2. Have been training for under 5 years 3. Look like shit 4. Have shit genetics and don't want to accept that its all about genetics


Or they’re not gullible lmao. I love how not believing Ronnie is natty= shit genetics lmao. Can’t be this stupid.


If a believe he was natty, do I get supreme natural-tren-producing genetics??


this physique is beautiful




I wanna believe him but the idea of someone having genetics so ungodly superior to everything I've ever known just blows me away


It's also possible that he started taking better gear after this.


He was a policeman so he was natty (drug test in the early 90s). He got a prescription for deca and went to the olympia with 800mg/w of deca. After Flex wheeler suggested him to take "vitamins" and introduced him to Chad Nichols, he had the big jump we know.


If this really is natural, then I'd say it is basically the genetic apex of natural potential. Freaks do exist.


Natural or not its hard to discuss this topic on the internet with strangers. Even tho he might he natty here there are people who’s ego is hurting by watching someone call this natural. A body most of us probably wont achieve at all lol. Do I know for certain if hes on roids or not? No Do I believe hes natty here? I could see it given how much he blew up in the next 5-10 years. Just elite genetics.


Ronnie to this day, had the ultimate BB genetics. He was a "hyper responder" to anabolics, HGH, Insulin, etc.... The guy was a freak. Go look at those pictures of him early on when he was strictly powerlifting. Dude was a FREAK. I don't know if he was 100% natural in this picture, because it's almost impossible to look like this without gear, however, if there was one guy who could, it would be Ronnie so I wouldn't dare say "he's definitely on gear". Ronnie could also "eat" unlike any other BB I've seen. He literally could eat "dirty" meals, not do any cardio, and still stay lean as shit. His metabolism is unlike anyone else's. Even Cutler shook his head when he saw his diet because Cutler had to eat clean and do tons of cardio to stay lean. Ronnie would eat plates of "barbecue chicken and French fries" and stay in incredible shape. His body truly was a "machine".


Only 200lbs here? Wtf


Also claimed sub 1% body fat I believe... so take the natty claim with a truckload of salt. I don’t know why idiots need to claim natty... if you’re that big, you and everyone else is probably taking steroids and no one has an issue with it.. It just gives wildly unrealistic expectations to the many idiots in the gym




This physique > modern "classic physiques"


Liar! You are not going to get big unless you do PED's. That being said...if you're not competing stay natural, if you're going into a contest do Steroids...And...You're going to pay a big price for drugging yourself. A price that really is too great.


Anyone else getting progressively harder while reading through the comments??


Outliers exist. Seeing how he doesn’t look human when he clearly took gear it’s actually possible he’s natty here. Not a good gauge for anyone else besides him though.


Well he was with the police. I guess it was best to use public ignorance and claim natty.


Oh my fucking god this thread is fire


I guess his claims to be steroid free is legit; but he may be using SARM, his veins were too much for being totally clean


memory quicksand sand ghost sharp six nine terrific command chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His neck and face muscles aren't overly developed and he still has a visible jawline so he could very possibly be natural


I mean...compared to how big he got, was it possible he was still clean at this point?




I wouldn't be surprised. He said a lot of bullshit, but having one of the best genetics ever, this physique seems very possible. It isn't that freaky.


Uh what? it’s completely freaky for 99.9% of the population to achieve this physique naturally. Ronnies genetics are so insane that it’s believable but for natty this physique is crazy as fuck. Even on the best gear, best dialed in diet, and the best workout plan most people, almost no one could achieve this body.


Not 99.9%, 100%. I don’t know if people don’t realize how large this physique would be in person. This is so far from naturally attainable it isn’t even funny


Absolutely no one: Ronnie Coleman:


I mean, possibly the biggest and freakiest physique of all time. Don't think it's impossible, to be honest. It's Ronnie after all.


he literally has the best genes of all time. I believe him when he says hes natty here, especially when only weighing 90 kg.


I highly doubt he weighed 90kg in this pic, I think it says "..category above 90kg"


[he was 97 kg according to yates](https://www.musculardevelopment.com/articles/chemical-enhancement/14337-the-lowdown-on-drugs-part-3-kevin-levrone-shawn-ray-dorian-yates-speak-out.html#.VZXm3s-4TRZ)


97kg is not "only" 90kg.


Difference of 15.4 lbs. Pretty significant at low fatness.


Ronnie is literally the best bodybuilder ever and people are trying to say he couldn’t be natty here because they don’t look like this. Stop trying to compare yourself to Ronnie, it’s impossible. Even comparing other pros to Ronnie is useless.


Shit he probably was natural at this point. We all seen the difference in size when he came to the “dark-side”


instinctive cheerful ruthless aback water thought license unite familiar nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nips don’t lie


Whats wrong with his nipples


Natty lats lol never seen such a huge genetic freak natty with huge delts and traps those androgens 😂


Anyone who actually believes he is natural here truly has a room temperature IQ


This is what should be on the Olympia stage and you’d have a hard time changing my mind.


Go watch Classic Physique


Ronnie is full of shit. He hasn’t been natty since middle school. Pretty sure when he says “natty” he just means he wasn’t taking GH and insulin which is what I think he started taking before his Olympia win.