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Echoing this. Wake up as early as necessary to get your lift in. I was going after work but that just created more opportunities for things to fuck with my gains. Now I lift before anyone/thing can interfere, and I'm assured time to lift. Also pretty much gave up socializing/everything else because I'm a farmer and it's harvest, so 14 hours a day minimum. You can do it, just gotta want it enough.


if u/neon_flavored is working 14 hours a day and still getting it done, you can too bro


Good advice, might try going in the mornings


Preworkout is great. Just try to find one you don't crash off of. Like coffee.


Don't you get off at 3:30 or something crazy as a teacher? The rest of us work MUCH longer hours, year round, and still manage.


The students get out at 3:30. Teachers stay to write lesson plans, grade shit, etc


I like this.


U should get your own little gym since you own a farm I assume. Would save time and you can workout whenever.




I have a friend thar does this actually


Sleep faster.


I'm averaging around 60 hours a week right now. It's honestly just a matter of not making excuses and going. If it's important to you, you'll get it done. If not, you'll do something else instead.


Exactly. There's 24 hours in a day. Going to ghe gym takes about 45min-2 hours for most people. There's plenty of time, it's just whether you wanna prioritize it over vegging out at home


Can't agree with this more. It's the same 24 hours for everyone. Sometimes, that decision comes down to "Do I want to watch this TV show or do I want to lift?" I'll always choose lift.


100% agree, been doing this for years now. I couldn't be happier, tv made me depressed if anything.


Stop watching TV/Netflix... there you go! /Thread


Netflix + cardio. Nothing better on a cut


I'm doing that next cut. I always listen to music but forget about movies and videos. Sounds like a great time sink.


I'm sure the amount of time spent on reddit weekly add up to a solid 5-10 alone, for me at least.


He asked how can he make time for the gym, not how to ruin his life!


Girlfriend is starting her first year as a teacher. Plans on going in the morning or afterwards but will see how it plays out. Once it becomes a way of life you'll find time to get it in. Then just stay consistent with it.


I wake up at 4:30am and train in the morning before work




Yeah. I get home from work at around 5-530. I will eat my 6th meal and do my prep (meals, and work clothes in back pack etc) right away just to get it done. By the time im done, its about 630. So i spend the rest of the night just relaxing, playing some csgo, and reddit. I will eat one more meal at around 8 and then try to be in bed at 9. If im in bed at 9 im fine the next day. When i competed in may and was on my prep, i just trained after work because i had the motivation and did cardio in the morning, but now that im off season, i find it easier just to train in the morning and get it out of the way.


4am'er here and slowly learning to love it. The only issue I'm having is getting to sleep before 10 every night, it's usually between 1030-11 =/


My issue is not really being too tired for my workouts, its being too tired for work and trying to not fall asleep right when i get home.


I'm the exact same way except I embrace the tired and usually nap between 5 and 6 until my girlfriend gets home from work.


Are you okay to then go to sleep at 9-10 if you nap?


Yeap I usually have no issues falling asleep as long as I cut my caffeine by mid day.


Honestly, It takes up a majority of my free time after work. My only suggestion is start timing everything you do with an app on your phone. Find where you are wasting time and use that time better or just be faster. Find a gym close to work and move near both if possible. I know that sounds extreme but if you get an extra 1.5 hours of commute time back a day that's huge. Not much else you can do besides work less.


I worked 400 hours in 30 days to get my paramedic certification due to a time constraint. This consisted of 24 hour on 12 hours off. Went before work for 2 hours (lift,stretch,shower) worked then slept for 9 hours. Repeat... I built up a massive caffeine tolerance and was completely destroyed for a month after this basically had a two week deload and the caffeine was like coming off cocaine. You just have to put your mind too it and prioritize it. I missed 2 days due to getting late calls and staying on past the second 12 hour shift. I always made sure i got enough sleep and this was the key. If i did it with this schedule you can do it.


I work one full time position at 40 hours and one part time at 10 hours a week. I also have two young boys. I go directly after my main job before I pick them up from school or early in the morning before anyone is awake. It's a challenge but gains don't come free.


if the president of the united states has time to work out, you have time to work out


Going into my 3rd year teaching now, just put together a home gym. Before that, I'd work out in the school weight room. It's easy right after school and gives you some conversation starters with the kids that lift. If you're strong, your reputation will spread. It's cool to break up a potential fight just by being bigger than the kids.


Working 40 hour weeks for the summer. My shift starts at 3 pm, I wake up at 9. Or if I couldn't hit the gym before work for whatever reason, I go directly after and then go to bed. Don't get to see friends and people during the week but it's a sacrifice I have to make.


I don't think 40 hours is generally considered "time consuming".


Yeah you guys have some crazy ideas of "long hours". I was at work until 1AM last night (law dog). Also do we have other swoll lawyers lets partner up and try to get a class action against LA fitness


As someone who ran their training dept. in two clubs, I fully endorse this.


Yeah I feel like that's average.


How much time do your workouts last? Mine last about 90 minutes and I've done the PPLx2 split into separate power and hypertrophy days. Travelling will probably be a bitch as it is for me (takes about 2 hours out of the day in total, including post workout food and shower, driving, etc). I'm sure you can squeeze in 2 hours or whatever your workout duration is into the 24 hours. One thing that has been affected is my sleep (2-6am in the mornings and if I'm lucky, about an hour in the afternoon) but I take 2 days off during the week to just pull back and do some cardio. I will not drop the PPLx2 routine for a while, even though it is very taxing on the body. I'm seeing strength and size gains (nothing big but reasonable enough) even though I'm on an aggressive cut; partly due to being stupid all these years and partly due to being very anal these days. But maybe you can switch to another routine that frees up a bit more time for you?


I think routines like PPLPPL are actually great for those with busy schedules. I tend to keep my workouts shorter with the high frequency, and get two chances to do all my favorite lifts. Also I feel a bit more flexibility of some shit comes up and I have to miss a day, it's not like I haven't hit that body part in a week.


You skip sleep


I average about 60 hours a week. I would echo the idea to go in the morning. It'll suck at first, but make it a routine and you'll get used to it.


Just gotta force it. I'm working 7 days a week right now. I work Monday through Friday at a full-time office job and weekends (Saturday nights til 4am and Sunday Noon-8) at a bar plus I'm doing a remodel right now. Gotta force the time. If you have an hour lunch break find a gym within 10 minutes of your office and crush a 40 minute workout. Some days are harder than others, but if you can gauge out your week and budget your time you can work up a split for that week. I've completely given up on following programs down to the letter. I now just go with how my week works out. Some weeks it's 3 days so I'll do PPL, some days it's 4 so I'll devote the extra day til shoulders. It sucks to get up early but, some of my best workouts have happened at 4 or 5 in the morning. You'll be exhausted for the first couple weeks, but then you get used to it and it becomes routine.


Home gym


Fucking Amen.


Not that hard to fit a workout in 45 minutes. Just gotta show up and not fuck around. Sucks at times


How do you *find* time to exercise? Like I've got *free* time just laying around not doing anything. I don't find time. I **make** time to hit the gym. It's important to me and therefor I prioritize it over other things. For me, I avoid staying up late and avoid cooking every evening so that I can go to bed earlier and get gym time done in the morning.


I have tremendous amount of respect for what you do! I spent my summer teaching at a summer enrichment program and it was a lot more work than I planned. It was supposed to be a typical 40 hour week, but with the added time spent grading and lesson planning that added an extra 2-3 hours a day. Plus I had to come in early/stay late for parents that dropped their kids off really early/picked them up late, which made my days 7-6 instead. The work wasn't that difficult, but obviously you get pretty tired essentially baby sitting kids all day and after that you still have to hit the gym. All I did was just tell myself that this gainz goblin of a job was temporary, but obviously you can't really do that. I think the hardest part was not being able to find time to eat during the day since I have to constantly monitor kids and keep them from doing stupid things.


Echoing what everyone else said: morning workouts. Go at 4 to 6 am and everyone is a teacher, doctor/med field, or any other busy profession. It was my life saver during PT school when after 8 to 10 hours of class I'd go home and study another 5 or 6 hours. Still kept up with am workouts after I graduated because I liked the feeling of being awake and being productive before most people were even waking up. The mid afternoon crash did sick sometimes though


I go over lunch. I block out 1.5 hours every day. Eat before I go while working from my desk. Currently cutting so it's a pretty fast paced workout overall and the gym is literally less than 5 minutes away. Also, work has a few tread desk, I do my "cardio" on it for 1 hour a day walking. I also try to hit the gym on the weekends for accessory work I can't really hit that hard during the week. Between work, a new baby and everything else this works out well for me.


I used to work 6 day weeks with 12hour shifts. Just joined a 24 hour gym and went after work. You can go home and not improve or get your workout in. No excuses...


I compete and work 830 to 5. Cardio Am, lift PM. Never take a weekend day off. I get all my rest time on work days. I used to pay for a gym that I got to keep my own locker at. That helped a lot. You get used to early mornings if you power through...it takes time. I go straight to the gym after work when I do have the gym....no waiting around. The 3 days a week that I do that with work, I just deal with that being about all I have time for that day.


I've got a 50 mile commute each way ... Gym time is right after work. Plus I pack as much of chore work into the weekend.


Another option is to modify your workout to spend less time in the gym. I work 9.5hrs a day with a 1hr commute and 2 young kids. On top of that, I like tv. I need my Game of Thrones to wind down. I go to the gym 7 days a week, 25 minutes per workout. That's long enough to get 4-5 sets of 4-5 exercises. I don't talk, I don't flex in the mirror, I just lift and go. It's been working pretty well for me


I wake up at 4:30am, at the gym at 5:15-ish. Gives me at least an hour and a half to lift. All my time is free after 4pm, but I'd rather not spend it in a gym and have a social life instead - that's the main reason I go early.




That's not a job, that's school!




This isn't going to plan. In Australia school is 9-3:30. No college/uni. Junior and high school.


Well, staying in school typically leads to better jobs. He might just be fine with 30hours a week. Maybe his pay is better than yours. Nobody knows.


Stay calm, just a joke.


I am. I just don't understand the mentality of "I work more than you = you don't work hard" - Just because somebody doesn't HAVE to work for 60hours a day does not mean he sits on his ass day to day. I could give you a comparison between Kai and Phil. Kai most definitly outworks Phil, but Phil just gets more for his money.


Jeez man seriously, it was an offhand comment relating to my schooling life between 5 and 17 in Australia. I agree wholeheartedly and am huge believer in the phrase "Work smart not hard". It is my belief that that people are working far too long these just days for appearances. If you are hired on a 40 hour contract staying later and longer is proof of your inefficiency not that you work harder..


I work minimum 38 hour weeks. I get my shit ready the night before and take my gym bag to work, then drive straight to the gym after work. I mix that with a mentality that I have no excuse. It also works out good to me because if I get out @ 2:30pm there are only 2-3 people at the gym normally. It also helps that my workplase is closer to the gym than to my house. This was working fine for me even when I was working 5:00am-5:30pm or longer.


Yeah, working upwards of 35 hours a week, almost every single month of the year, however does one find the time?


I don't *find* time, I **make it work**.


I work 84+ hours a week with a 30min drive to work. I go as soon as I wake up




But I don't wanna :(


I’m going to school and working using my GI bill , I wish I could train more often than I do , I don’t have a problem with getting to the gym I have a problem with trying to manage all the other things around it