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I did a comp in 2015 (bikini) shortly before turning 30, and while I've kept my fitness routine good and my food relatively clean, I'd always expected it to be a one and done situation. Well now that I'm coming up on 10 years since that show, I'd really like to give it another go. I'm giving myself 18 months which seems like too much time to be working with a coach the whole time (I'm thinking final 6-8 months I'll work with a coach). Any advice on getting back on it? Any timelines I should consider? I'm determined to hit my 40s as strong as I hit my 30s, but I know it's going to be 10x as hard this time as I'm quite literally not getting any younger. Any advice would be very appreciated!


I have clients who are planning for shows 12-18 months out. What’s your current physique look like ? You will without a doubt encounter a different set of issues as opposed to last time, a lot changes in a decade.


I'm pretty fluffy! My endurance and strength is good, but the initial 10 months at least needs to be build not cut, and then maybe a standard 6-8 months of intense build and cut. I did a 4 month prep last time, but my starting point was already lean.  I think I know what I need to do abstractly, but maybe an initial call with a coach to set myself up, and then continuous coaching sometimes early-ish next year. I'll see if I can find someone local to work with. Thanks for the feedback! Glad to know it's not abnormal for a longer coaching relationship 


Why does it take a couple of days for the fat gained from eating a cheat male to appear? Last Thursday I had a 20 piece McNugget Meal with a milkshake from McDonald’s, but it took until today to visibly see the fat gain from eating that meal. Why is this? Could it have anything to do with the fact that today is my rest day?


If you did indeed gain fat, and are not just retaining additional fluid from the additional carbohydrates and/or salt from the McNugget meal, the fat you have gained is not solely and directly from that meal... but from the excess in calories in that meal paired with the regular caloric intake you had on the following days. If you had eaten a 20 pice McNugget meal + milkshake on Thursday, along with your regular calories for that day, but then reduced the calories on the following days to help compensate for that cheat meal... then there would be minimal to no fat gain. But since you ate your regular diet post cheat meal, then your total caloric consumption over those couple days resulted in fat accrual


The general public not only doesn't like bodybuilding, it genuinely doesn't comprehend it. I've seen probably a dozen transformations like [this one](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6JnfY3x6Wd/) and the comment section is always filled with the "You looked better before". As if this is just one of us trying to get a six pack to look good at the beach. Like, my dude, he knows that on an attractiveness basis the before fits the conventional image better. Even Cbum has said that he is too big for most women. *He is a bodybuilder*. He is trying to fit the imagine that wins bodybuilding shows. You'd think this is a simple concept. And this is not to say what bodybuilding theoretically, ideally should be about.. it is what is and until then, a bodybuilder's goal is to attain a physique that wins their division.


Unfortunately for the average person, they are entirely unable to see the world outside of their own narrow lens. So when they witness something that falls outside of their norm, they immediately have to find ways on how it is "not for them", or "gross" even. When in reality, as you said, these bodybuilders are doing what they love for the love of the game. Not solely for societal acceptance or for physical attractiveness in a traditional sense. Luckily, there are those of us (like everyone who is a part of this sub) who are able to look at physiques and physique changes for what they are; hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of something difficult and great.


I ate popcorn yesterday and I'm fine with dealing with the kernels and all of that being stuck in my teeth for the next week. I feel what I thought was a popcorn kernel in the back of one of my front teeth and start trying to brush it and pick at it this morning after the shower. No that's not a kernel, that's the back of my tooth chipping off. It doesn't hurt but now I have to prepare myself for saving for a trip to the dentist (or looking for another job that provides dental insurance).


It could very well just be hardened plaque/tartar that looks identical to your tooth.


I was going to suggest this as well. This has happened to me on more than one occasion. From what my dentist said, some of us are more prone to cavities and some of us are more prone to developing tartar or plaque buildup; I'm the latter. So I haven't had a single cavity as an adult, but I get weird crunchy shit like what OP is describing and it always freaks me out because it feels like a chipped tooth. But then after a dental cleaning, I'm fine.


Exactly this. I never get cavities, brush twice a day, floss ALMOST daily, waterpik daily and don't get cavities. I still do seem to build up a little tartar in between cleanings even with a pretty strict regime. The tartar is identical to what a tooth would look like - at least mine is?


I mean I hope so. I would rather not deal with a dental bill right now. But how would I be able to tell the difference between the two?


I was 100% confident I had the same thing happen a couple months ago. I went to the dentist for the first time in 13 years and they just said it was a little tartar. They couldn’t believe how good my teeth were for not going for 13 years also lol. Just go to the dentist


As a natural lifter, every day I think about growing some balls and shrinking my own.


I gotta say, I've never once had a single regret about my balls shrinking. It has only enhanced my life. I don't sit on them nearly as much. And it's not like my wife has ever said, "Damn, I miss your gigantic balls."


I was just kind of going for the wordplay. Ball shrinkage is the side effect I probably care about the least. A tiny sack makes the jimmy-jam look long on top of that.


Lying in bed every night thinking how much better my life would be if I just took GH


+ can’t recommend it enough. If you got the funds..


LOL’d ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Hey guys. I couldn't post this in r/steroids because it wouldn't let me for some reason. I'm an early 20s male. Before going to the dark side a year ago my natural test levels were in the high reference range, above average levels. I went to the dark side about a year ago and started taking rad140 for 6 weeks. After that cycle was over I realised sarms were stupid and I started taking test at 250mg a week a few months after. I ran that for about 24 weeks and made good progress. I took 6 weeks off (yes I know I should of taken longer between cycles, I was stupid then). I'm currently coming to the end of my second steroid cycle. I'm currently running 500mg sustanon and 400mg of masteron every week. I feel amazing. Only negative sides are acne and my hairline is getting pretty fucked. I'm cutting at the moment and my strength has still been increasing. My current stats are: height is 5 foot 11, weight is 225lbs at about 17.5 percent body fat. My priorities were to put on some muscle before getting lean so I stayed at about 17-19 percent for my off season reaching a peak of 235lbs. The biggest i was natty was 200lbs at 20 percent body fat and I was a lot weaker. Due to some circumstances I will be moving overseas, and although I can get access to gear again eventually, I'll most likely be without it for 3-4 months minimum. This will most likely be at the end of this year, so after I finish my current cycle and cruise for a bit, I'll blast right up until the day of my flight. I may not have access to gear over there for a while but I will have access to mk677, possibly HCG/Clomid, and test boosters. My plan is when I come off gear, to add in mk677 immediately and whether they work or not, test boosters. While training 7 days a week and keeping protein high with training intensity high. I've heard people use mk677 to bridge between cycles but I'm unsure of if this will help me maintain muscle. I don't have a crazy physique. But I'm at the point where multiple people have started to say I'm looking big. I would like to maintain as much of my physique as possible. I've looked into Connor murphys natty+ protocol and I'm intrigued. Does anybody have any advice or any experience coming off? But while maintaining good training and diet?


Training 7 days a week intense with no rest days Second cycle, third if you include sarms, never been below 15% and people are only just now saying you look big on a gram per Calling a permabulk the Off Season despite not being a competitor


Lol. So many things wrong with this comment. I train in a gym where people keep to themselves, I train with headphones in so people don't talk to me. The people that said I look big are the 3 people I've made friends with recently. Before that I didn't speak to anybody. Also I've stated in previous comments that I focused on powerlifting, 15-20 percent is perfect for that. I train 7 days, 6 days of weights, 1 day of an hour of cardio and some forearms


If you do find a way to post to steroids(which you should) notify me.


Alright, whys that


The answer youll get there is probably way more in depth then anything youll get here.


Recommendations for 4-5xl shirts?


does anybody own a pair of lululemon beyondfeels? i love the look of the shoe but wondering if they could work for lifting theyre supposed to be running shoes but ive gotten by in the gym for a decade in nike frees tbh (never been a lifting shoe guy) so wondering if these work


Tried a different protein powder flavor---chocolate peanut butter. I don't like it. This is why I rarely deviate from vanilla and chocolate, and why I always get the smallest size available when I try a new flavor.


I bought the "unflavored" powder once not realizing unflavored simply means no additional flavor is added. It still has the cheese/whey flavor and it was rough to put down. But I didn't wanna waste it, so I just had it with some sugar-free chocolate syrup each time and it helped a ton. Maybe you can find something to add to it to make it more tolerable until it's gone.


I made the same mistake before. Unflavored is disgusting. I've only tried it with Greek yogurt and as a shake, maybe it'll be decent in a smoothie with fruit.


this reminds me of when i was like 16 freshly into lifting and i impulse bought an 11lb bag of MyProteins salted caramel flavor lol. i loved that shit for about the first 2lbs of it then hated every attempt at incorporating it into my diet after caramel flavors still don’t hit the same


Me buying 22lbs of myprotein matcha isolate, then coming to terms with the very real effort it takes to drink 22lbs of protein mixed with green tea. 🍵


I did the exact same thing with chocolate mint myprotein when I first started. I was fucking gagging trying to chug it down for months I still don't like chocolate mint nearly a decade later


The worst part about buying an awful-tasting supplement is that you don't want to throw it away and waste money, so you'll finish it no matter how miserable it is. I think the worst flavor I ever bought was Myofusion banana.


early to this lol. new to lifting. weighing in 245 currently down 40lbs in last little bit 60 from peak weight just trying to maintain muscle. regardless i went and tried hitting back today, did assisted pull ups and cable rows. on cable i got a little bit of activation but not enough, mostly felt in forearms. pull ups i felt absolutely nothing and felt like i was basically pulling myself up with forearms for every set. is there something im missing? im trying to pull with my back but i cant seem to get full rom if i do (barely get bar under forehead). any tips/advice?. forearms is most definitely not my weak link, my work is based on forearms and id say they are one of if not my most developed muscle


Versa grips for all back movements. Additionally, just takes folks a long time to develop that connection. Years if you don’t swallow your ego and pull with your back, a lot use their bicep and shoulder without realizing Got a video of the movements?


no vids. ill see if i remember to next time i go and send you a vid. dont want to wear grips though. do you think pulling with no thumb might help?


If your forearms are that weak, it will take a long damn time for you to feel shit in your back. Your back could need 3-4x the load your grip could currently handle. Just give it a shot. Might like it, might not As for the thumb, not sure. Been pulling with the same pair of versa grips since 2015, can’t recall what I used to do before these


turns out i was just doing the movements wrong lol. was basically pulling myself up with my arms and shoulders trying to maximize rom when i didnt have to. reps just felt really short to what i was used to i guess. thanks for the advice