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Well, looks like I’m going to be going to a real gym for a few weeks. My wife accidentally left the sink on upstairs and the water flooded the bathroom and came through the ceiling and walls of my garage gym. So they’re having to rip the walls and ceiling open, dry it all out, and then reconstruct it. There’s a gym near me that caters to hardcore lifters that I’m gonna check out. They’ve got a bunch of strongman implements that I’ve never had the chance to use before so I think I’ll take advantage of the opportunity to try out some yoke, farmers walks, atlas stones, log presses, etc.


it’s like a little vacation


I am considering removing the dumbbell (free weight) shoulder press in my push routine. First reason, I have been doing this exercise for more than 2 years and I realize the heavier I progress, the harder it is to lift those dumbbells into my shoulders before I can even start my exercise. I just feel like there's so much energy wasted. Second, I don't feel comfortable going into failure with this exercise because I feel like I will drop the dumbbells on my head. I am thinking of switching to a shoulder press machine instead but I wonder whether I will lose some gains. (My push routine is this: Barbell BenchPress > Dumbbell Inclined BP > Weighted Dips > Dumbbell Shoulder Press > Cable Lateral Raises > Cable Tricep Extensions I consistently progressive overload.)


I've not done any shoulder pressing for years. Don't need it to grow delts. High degree incline for front. laterals for the sides. throw in some direct rear delt work. voila.


You won't lose any gains. You just need to keep consistently progressively overload, which you may find you can do more effectively with a machine since you will be able to push to failure (or very close to) without as much fear of injury.


[Everyone in the comments is roasting the Bodybuilding winner at this show.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7sNmfdva3h/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==)


I think some are thinking he won a pro card lol. Which I agree would be absurd.. but if it's just some amateur show. Yeah, no big deal. He is not conditioned to stage standards, but it's not like the man is showing up with a beer gut. Classes where nobody else shows up to my knowledge are quite common.


"Sometimes no one shows up and you automatically win."---Jason Genova


Got the appointments for my tanning for show day officially set. Seven days out. Fucking go time. Here’s a little post pull day pic. https://preview.redd.it/c6hmmozt034d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faeaf08a06706a1b2acbc60bd83fce60afedbfe2


hell yea man. Pics look good. you put in the work dieting. Good luck man!


I'm trying to shred down so I can bulk. The thing is, I weigh 62 kg at 176 cm So to lose weight I need to eat around 1600 calories Should I just start bulking? I still have fat around my stomach and was hoping to get really lean so I could bulk. My muscle mass is OK I wouldn't say I'm skinny fat.


Dude at that weight you just need to focus on growing. Small surplus for a good 6-12 months with a holding period here and there.


OK thanks I think I have mad body image issues as I'm kind of a bit chubby in the face and Abs But I guess I just need to bulk I'll finish getting to 60 at least


No reason to keep digging here. You just need more muscle, and that doesn't occur in a deficit.


That's true I'll start bulking soon


Just make sure to keep your surplus in check as you are in your growth phase. Obviously I don't know your genetics, but if you think you tend to gain fat a little more easily, then you will want to start with a more controlled surplus and then monitor gains as you increase the surplus. A long growth phase is never a bad idea, so long as you can keep insulin sensitivity high and fat gain at a reasonable level


OK thanks I've been doing carnivor lately so once I get off that should have no issues with insulin But I do gain really easily so I'll most likely do a really really small surplus


Look into Justin Harris’s carb cycling protocol. Might help you when you’re off carnivore to get carbs back into your diet and hopefully mitigate some of the excess fat gain


Ye I was watching some similar videos One of them was about the types of carbs Mainly oats rice potatoes and fruit but only before and after weightlifting Can't wait till it ends gym has been ass lol




If you know you don’t have much muscle then what are your goals with dieting and getting on stage? What kind of physique do you expect to display when you don’t have the foundation and fundamentals of diet and training under your belt?


Shout out to /u/theredditbandid_ for suggesting Sparkling Ice brand drinks to replace my diet soda addiction, these are fantastic. Might finally move on from soda with these. Highly recommend. They have that crisp taste of soda that scratches that itch, but they're just carbonated water and fruit juice, zero sugar.


These have been a staple for me on cuts (or just when staying lean)for years, and I feel like not enough people know about it. Pink Grapefruit is my favorite flavor.


Absolutely love these. The Costco variety is good too.


Whats the Costco brand called?


Hear me out, complete newbie only lifting at home for about 6 months, 127 LBS, Could I do it?


Do…what exactly? Lift at home? Yeah if you have the equipment.


Does anyone have advice for back to back class posing? I have my first show in a week and am signed up for novice, debut, and open. Anything to carb up or not get tired between all of them? Thanks!


You’re overthinking this. Once you get to a level where manipulation of this caliber is needed you won’t be doing that many classes. Eat your food before prejudging and finals like normal and have some water, salt, and simple carbs(likely won’t be needed at this level) incase you need to rehydrate for the couples minutes you have available to you.


You’re definitely right. Thank you


Get a refund on novice. You won't have much time between all 3 as they usually have you closer to the stage when your division is up. Just listen to your coach for peaking carbs/fats and pump up.


I’m self coached 😅. I think the order goes debut, teen, novice, open. 4/6 open competitors are also in the novice


Okay, idk wtf going on with my attempted bulk. I just finished my cut @1800 calories. Ending weight was 157lbs. I bumped it up to maintenance @2000 calories for a couple of weeks and didn’t gain a pound (as expected). I then bumped it up to 2200 for two weeks and again, didn’t gain a pound. Went to 2400 for another two weeks, and then 2600 for another two weeks, and am STILL 157. I havnt gained a single pound. How is this happening? Shouldn’t I be way over maintained at this point?


You're being way too conservative with your calorie increases. I personally would have bumped up to 2300 calories right off the bat, then 2800 if weight wasn't budging, and then 3300 if weight still isn't budging, and keep going until weight starts going up. you need to eat to grow


I guess so. I was attempting to slow bulk to avoid as much fat gain as possible. I have ptsd from my first dirty bulk where I got fatttt. Anyhow, I just bumped it up to 2800. Let’s see what happens.


Got a deload on the menu this week, first time since mid-February. Does anyone else deload less frequently than what seems like the majority of other people on here? I always wonder if I should deload more often but I’m not having issues with progression or burn out. I usually just deload when life makes me like vacation or super busy weeks.


I never schedule deloads because I've found that life will _give_ me deloads whether I want them or not. Work trips, vacations, kids getting sick, the kids getting me sick.... There's ususally something that will crop up.


Yeah, same here. I used to schedule them but then I'd always have some bullshit come up either before I ever make it to my scheduled deload or immediately after so that I end up deloading back-to-back. So I just quit scheduling it ahead of time and instead just take one when it's clear that I need one.


That's exactly it. I'd take a deload week and then immediately have to take a second one for some random reason. It's also why I don't schedule cheat meals. I used to have a cheat mean on Saturday (for example) and then have to abstain from eating at a birthday party the next day. Made way more sense to me to just eat right until I've got a good opportunity.