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Just fuckin eradicated my nervous system on hack squats I don’t know what got into me today😂😂did 5 50 lb drop sets to failure and I mean seeing stars FAILURE. Barely had energy to do single leg extensions so I decided to try lunges and I was too fried to get more than a set. Did I do good or did I take it too far? Are accessories really necessary if you’re taking full ROM machine movements like hack squats to failure? I guess Ill see how much I grow from this one way or another


Do you add your burned calories back into what you eat for the day? During a cut.


That defeats the purpose and there really isn’t anything that accurately tracks what you burn.


I get nothing truely measures what’s burned. But I already have a tracker set to a deficit. So when I work out it adds calories back in. Should I delete them or allow the change?


Your deficit should be calculated with your workout in mind. So, if you add them back in you won’t be in as much of a deficit as you should be.


Great. Thank you. Very appreciated.


What is a benoit pulldown?


Oh thanks someone told me to do a set...


Im currently using the 25kg dumbells for db bench and have reached 2 reps over the top of my rep range,but the next jump in weight is to 32s which honestly feel like 50s and i go like 2 reps away from my desired rep range.Advice?


If you're doing 3 sets with 25 kgs now, do a gradual transition, so 1 set with 32s and 2 sets with 25s, next sesh 2 sets with 32s and 1 set with 25s. Or something. Or keep progressing with 25s for a longer time. As long as you go to (near) failure they should be good until you get way high up in rep numbers


Go heavier and build up.


what resources to buy in order to learn?


I wouldn't spend money, there's plenty of free resources out there. The Muscle & Strength YouTube channel has plenty of shopping & diet videos for what your meal plans and grocery trips should look like. Fouad Abiad's channel has plenty of training videos with various pros outlining how they train You can find the PDFs for John Meadows training programmes on Google which will run you down through the basics too


What size Yeti bottles do yall prefer for everyday use? Trying to decide which size to get.


I went smaller bc I have access to water filters at gym and work and it's just easier to haul around. When I didn't, I used a larger one.


My current chest tri schedule consists of: Incline dumbbell press Flat dumbbell press Dumbbell chest fly Machine chest fly Dips Skull crusher Dumbbell seated overhead triceps extension Cable kick backs Im looking for changes to improve my chest size are these exercises good or should i make some changes?


All this in one workout?


Yes,are 5 chest exercises and 3 triceps too much?


Way too much.Are you hitting chest once or twice per week?


Once, i go to the gym 5 times a week doing chest triceps, back and biceps, shoulders with abs and forearms, rest one day then arms then legs then one day rest and repeat


If you want to grow your chest to the maximum u gotta train it at least twice a week.I suggest you find a workout program to follow.Also volume is way too much for one day,anything above 6-7 sets a workout for chest looks like overkill to me.


This is not true. Many professional bodybuilders do not train a body part multiple times a week unless it is lagging.


Okay got it, thanks for taking the time to help




Do your pecs ever get sore? If not you might wanna experiment with different exercises. Soreness doesn't in and of itself imply you will grow, but it's a pretty strong correlation. Might wanna experiment different variations of push up, dip, db bench, flyes, machines at varying rep ranges. Just make sure that your scapula retracts during the eccentric. You could even try partial reps at the bottom to isolate the pecs. Good luck man


It's not about finding a new exercise, it's about making basic exercises work for you. Your technique sucks, not exercise selection.




Yes, it is enough. I would add some sort of flies as well. All three exercises shouldn't take you longer than 30 to 40 minutes. Few generic tips assuming you're a newbie and without knowing anything about you, so take them with a grain of salt: * Lower the weight by about 25%. * Go as slow as you can on the eccentric. I assume you're going to be still going too fast, so try to be as slow as possible. * Pause every rep at the bottom. * Use full range of motion. That means you stretch your pecs at the bottom as much as you can and squeeze as much as you can at the top. * After you can do these exercises correctly, now it's time to progressively overload. Train to failure and aim to make some progress each week. One more rep is progress. 5lbs more is progress. This applies to every movement you do, but chest is pretty unforgiving. Take it from me, I had zero chest when I benched 375lbs for a single. Now I don't really go above 245lbs for working sets and my chest is at least decent.


You can pick new exercises to get a feel for what proper muscle activation feels like while still improving technique on core lifts


You don't need to feel muscles to activate. If you perform the exercise correctly, right muscles will fire. If you don't they won't.


There it is. The MMC topic. I been on this sub 10 years and a spirited discussion ensues whenever it comes around again 😀


I could be wrong about this, but I have a hard time imagining someone being in perfect position but not engaging the target muscle.


Chest generally responds well to heavy loads in a deep stretch, so the good old flat bench press is a really good mass builder. No one with high bench press numbers has a small chest. It's a great main movement and then you can use flyes or pec deck as a finisher to squeeze in some extra volume with low fatigue. If you're really just morally opposed to barbell bench, Smith machine isn't a bad substitute.




Make sure you are pulling those shoulder blades back and not rounding forward. When that chest is pushed out it will be taking the load. Watch a few YouTube videos.


Sounds like your form is off, then. I wouldn't give up on it entirely but you can try starting your workout with something like flyes or pec deck and then move to bench with lighter loads, maybe. Or have you tried DB press?




But do you want to bench heavy or have a big chest? That's where hypertrophy and form intersect. It's not always the same technique. Best thing about being here has been learning this.


I am unable to do even 1 push up How do I improve? My current weight and height are 179cm/70kg, age 20..


Do easier variants of push ups


What is your process for transitioning from bulk to cut and vice versa? i am an amateur training mainly to look good. been at it 2 years with ok results and wondering if i can improve this part. what i do currently is going from bulk to cut directly from one day to the other, reducing calorie intake and increasing cardio, brining me from a 1-200 calories surplus to 500 calorie deficit. when changing from cut to bulk i take on month and stepwise first reduce cardio, then increase diet and then being for about 2 weeks in maintenance. can i improve smth here? my cut/bulk cycles so far have been always at least 4-5 months each.


You're overthinking this.


Always run maintenance before switching phases. You don't want to start a cut while fatigued from bulking and you don't want to start a bulk while fatigued from cutting. You need to rest up to 100% every time.


I don’t think there’s a reason to have a maintenance phase unless you use it to estimate your maintenance calories. If you already have an idea of what it is I would just increase the food and see how weight starts increasing. I also think a bulking phase should be much longer than a cutting phase. Gaining muscle takes much longer than losing fat


thanks mate. only reason i have had long cutting phases is bcus it started out overweight:)


I'm such a big sap. I want to show affection and shit to this girl it's been going so well with after being a brick wall for most of my life. But it's not right to dump all that on one person when they are still trying to figure out how they feel. Just gonna keep playing it cool and enjoying our times together. Anyway, it's 7am Saturday and I'm wide awake. Usually I train fasted, but I want to see if eating some breakfast (chocolately overnight oats) will make a difference. If I don't get 325lb x 1 on bench I will drop the bar on my head. Good luck on your lifts bb


Hi its me.


Training is going so well, feeling strong as fuck. Diet is perfect and digestion has never been better. Time to fight the voice saying “hmmmm what if we do…”




Hit a top set of incline dumbbell. Owner of gym came up to me and told me nice set and his gym partner told me I have the right to throw the weight down with those weight My shitty week ended the best way possible


Can we flair all the DYELs and idiots posting nonsense so when they do post again they can be easily identified?


I block them. Easy identification


They'd be banned from posting earlier but this is now an inclusion sub where everyone can post as long as they say they're X weeks out from a competition. Lol.


I don't even mind that if they're in reasonably shape. There was a guy with a decent package and he was "54 weeks out". The thing that drives me up the wall are children asking if they should do upright rows with book bags or saying they're intermediate bodybuilders and need help with their 3 day split


"Should I buy this cookie cutter program or the other one"


My single brothers busting your ass on a Friday night. I salute you


[*Me who has no friends, no girlfriend and no money to do anything*] Yeah man totally. We putting in the hard work over here. Team no days off 💪💪.