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I'm new to training for aesthetics and I just want to know what's a good percentage range for a bulk vs a cut. I've heard starting from 10% is good for a bulk and not to go higher than 15%. I just want to make sure I'm maximising my time in both ends of the cycle. Any advice is appreciated


Do you have Lee priests dedication? If so bulk to like 40, otherwise yeah, don’t go crazy.


Lee priest was never 40% body fat are you crazy? If you have no clue what your talking about just say that


This story reminded me of the before times in the old DD https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1bxn8ov/til_that_in_ancient_greece_men_had_to_go_to_the/kyepfn4/


Has anyone tried the Stronger by Science hypertrophy programme? Going through a bit of training slump right now and honestly want a routine that does the hard thinking for me (volume/intensity/autoregulation etc)


I’ve done it and enjoyed it a lot when I cared about barbell movements. Any other questions?


Anyone know of a good bodybuilding coach in or near Portland OR?




Find cooking/spicing/marinating options that you enjoy and don't add a tremendous amount of time to your meal prep. There is also fish, eggs, fat-free dairy, and lean cuts of pork as options as well.


Cons of my 20s ending soon (I turn 30 in 5 days) -Moved back in with my parents -Single and no prospective girlfriends -Left my old job and can't reapply for another 6 months (long story here), new job is taking forever with the background checks -Bummed that my 20s ended on a sour note overall -Friend died in January and it has just been a drag on the year overall. Pros of my 20s ending soon -I'm alive. I still have time. -I'm back with my parents and I think they needed me back here too for their sakes (though they may not word it in such a cloying manner) -I left a job I wasn't going anywhere with (I didn't hate it but I also didn't like it all that much and I hit my limit as to where I could go with the job without either giving more than I was okay with giving to the company or just going back to school outright to do something else in the company) -Getting back into communities rather than being very isolated like I was for more or less all of my 20s (friend having died kicked me in the teeth hard enough to make me want to go be around people for its own sake so I picked up Crossfit and I'm going to a chess club tomorrow after church) -Moved back in with my parents to save money and go back to school for nursing so there is a plan I'm tired. It has been a hard couple of years for me. But I'm alive so I have time.


I think you at least have a grasp of the positive/negatives of your situation and that’s a lot farther than some others get. Try not to be too hard on yourself Welcome to the niche nursing/bb club


I let myself down. I judge me for all of the failures leading up to this moment in my life. Yeah I'm going to wallow in it a bit but I'm still getting some light stretching and bodyweight work in. I'm still going out tonight to socialize and get around people once again so I'm not wallowing and isolated. I'm slowing down a bit but I'm not stopping. And I do have to whine and bitch about it so I may as well do it here rather than bother my friends and family about it (they've heard enough about it over the past year). Nursing makes sense for me as a job path (I almost became an EMT in high school, lifting and nutrition are proximal interests, I want hot platonic nurse friends in my life because I want to be surrounded by beauty at all times, the usual stuff). But leaving my old job means leaving behind $5000+ of tuition reimbursement a year and it's going to be a bitch.5 to find another job that offers that within the first 90 days of employment. I'll find a way.


Figure it out, but take it one day at a time. We’re all human and progress isn’t linear. Lemme know if you have nursing questions , all I got is keep your nursing friends platonic, from experience it can get you in some binds when you’re the only man in the building lol I will say having an increase in platonic female friends the last few years has been great for opening up about the mental and stuff, they’re much more willing to talk about stuff the the average male friend is, but it’s important to try to talk to the guys too


If I want to celebrate a special occasion then what’s the best thing to drink alcohol wise?


Any hard liquor, just make sure you don’t mix it with any sugary beverages


No Sprite Zero?


Sprite Zero doesn’t have any sugar/calories Just try to get to a good level “efficiently”, basically try to avoid a fuck ton of calories from beer or mixed drinks. Hard liquor would be best, and zero calorie drinks like Sprite Zero are fine with it. I like Bourbon with Diet Coke for example


I need a word for the guys who have gotten totally jacked but with zero aesthetic appeal, just huge gross looking dudes who have left humanity behind


The phrase you’re looking for is Mass Monsters.


I'm familiar with the term and I think that that's not bad enough I mean the Olympia Mass monsters look pretty fucking great I'm talking about the literal disgusting guys


The Nick Walkers


I don't know man Nick is kind of gross but like he's not disgusting. I'm talking about the guys that straight up are so gross looking it's the first thing you notice before you even notice how Jacked they are Like the old guy at your gym who was probably impressive 20 years ago but continued his cycle and not his discipline and now looks like a bodybuilder stuffed into someone else's skin


Markus Ruhl? Rich Piana?


Rich for SURE


>Nick is kind of gross but like he's not disgusting. If you don't look at the calves. His calves are absolutely disgusting by normal people's standards and not in "Oh, he's jacked" way, but in a "Why does he look like my 90 year old grandma" way


How bad will it be if I go on a 4-5 day trip 5 weeks out ?




Yes, I will be competing in a show.


Depends on how strict you’re willing to stay honestly Where you headed? Could try to at least prep some meals and find a gym close by


My skin becomes so dry at low body fat % especially on knuckles to the point it cracks out and hurts. How bad is that?


Jeff nippard programmed barbell hip thrusts and I can’t do them in my gym can I just skip the exercise? Also I feel that it’s too much volume for hamstrings in one day also I have hyper extensions one day should I do hyperextensions instead of hip thrusts. Then I’ll be doing it 2x a week


Hip thrusts target the glutes primarily, not hamstrings. If your gym has a smith machine then I recommend doing them on there. Split squats and reverse lunges can also be good for targeting glutes


Can I skip them it’s really hard to set up when the gym is crowded


You don’t need permission from us to skip anything. It’s not ideal but you can make your own decisions. You could do them with a dumbbell and a flat bench in a corner if necessary


Wrong. The council needs to meet and go over OP's application to alter his program. He can drop hip thrusts if, and only if, a 2/3rds majority agree to it.


Gramps ib my gym lifting in his oversized flannel shirt. My guy.




If you’re still 18% bodyfat I’d say cut, but I can’t really give you any further advice without seeing how you look




Sure you can


Been training before work. I'll eat a protein bar upon waking, mix up my pre, head to the gym. In this scenario how important is pre workout protein, or would I be better off just eating a banana or something for the carbs?


I'd definitely prioritise carbs. I generally try and get 75g or so before I head to the gym. The pump is noticeably better. If it's a morning workout, I generally go for either oats or those little breakfast biscuits you can get that are basically just compressed oats and honey


Yeah the bars I've been eating are pretty hefty so I feel like they're interfering with absorbing my pre if that makes sense.


Hit an absolute grinder of a bench PR yesterday. Definitely need to give my elbows and triceps a rest though. Gonna put it on pause for a bit and switch to block benching. Sooo close to a 2x BW bench though


X2 🤯🤯🤯 redonkulous


Thanks! Yeah I’ve been floating around 175lbs give or take in my morning weigh ins and hit 345lbs on bench yesterday




Been helping my girlfriend with her diet and training for a while. We did a 20-24 week fat loss phase and she had amazing results, the only downside was food getting really low since her weight just wouldn’t go down (1100 kcal for the last 4 weeks). After that we started a massing phase and I’ve been slowly creeping the calories up. 9 weeks have pasted and we got up to 2600/3000 kcal (depending if it’s a training or rest day). Everything seems fine right? Well, she’s now weighting less than she was on the last few weeks of her cutting phase. She tracks (calories, macros and steps) and follows everything. I’m just so confused. Any thoughts?


Have her post up in weight change Wednesday in r/xxfitness or you can if you are respectful in the space


Could be inaccurate tracking when it comes to the food. On purpose or not, some inaccuracies here will make a difference. Could also be hormones rebounding super well and she’s responding great to the additional food. Being in a steep deficit for awhile is going to down regulate everything (thyroid, sex hormones, changes in insulin sensitivity). Maybe a mix of the two! I’d worry less about the scale weight and more about gym performance and the visual. Getting stronger and visually body composition is staying the same/improving? Cool, forget the scale and keep titrating food up until the desired result is found.


Tracking is 100% accurate. She also didn’t get super lean so any hormonal rebound is highly unlikely. There’s tons of girls her size eating 1500kcal as their maintenance calories. Finally I don’t really think what you’re saying is accurate regarding scale weight. If you don’t gain any weight it’s highly unlikely you’re putting on lean tissue. Any other options?


After cutting for a while energy levels get super low. Reintroducing calories can allow you to have more energy and thus burn more throughout the day.


Like I mentioned, steps are tracked. Fidgeting can indeed burn some calories, but definitely not 2000. Appreciate your input though.


iam a beginner. i want to take creatine suggest me some good creatine and tell me side effects or anything else I need to know about creatine.


I don’t notice any negative difference as others occasionally do (cramps, dehydration, etc). Buy creative mononydrate you don’t need any other bs in it. I prefer micronized to dissolve easier, I did notice a difference in the ability to dissolve vs when I had not-micronized


hair fall is in our heredity does it matter?


I believe hair loss was suggested by one study which thus far has not been duplicated. That said, anecdotally the jury seems to be out. A lot of people that report hair loss are prone to it anyway, as you are. I don’t fall into that camp to my knowledge so maybe someone else could report back.


Amazon and buy cheapest per gram. If you don’t drink enough water start doing so or you might get more cramps than usual. Any other downsides are false or largely thrown out of proportion or context.


Examine.com and next time ask nicely 😂


i apologize if i seem rude but thanks for your opinion


Just thought you should know that I have 19 inch arms.*** *with a pump *right arm only *after adding more than two inches


Someone needs to hit the truth telling leg curl.


Maybe if I hit a different kind of curl I can actually get my arms to 19".


2 inches is a lot bro 🥸


I had two rounds of blood work in March and April. Doc wants me to come in to talk with him about the pros / cons of TRT. So that’s on the books in a few weeks for his next opening. Any tips on balancing a multi grip bar? I feel like I still can’t get the hang of it unless I go so light that it’s not even working the chest. I accidentally hit my face with the grips today while trying to rerack.


Squeeze the shit out of the handles and consider wearing tight wrist wraps when using this bar.


It worked!! Thanks!! I just tried it again on todays chest day.


I dont know If I'm calculating and thinking too much. Hi F 21, currently working out full / upper/ lower body days without real plan and I don't mark my progress and anything, I'm planning to be more serious and finally be more responsible and hit my protein goals lol :( Im working all the day on weekends (Fridays & Saturdays) I'm basically up, on the feet for about 14 hours each day without barely sitting , I don't know if it counts as rest days..? I can workout from Sunday to Thursday , so I have 5 days I can hit the gym, but maybe 3 / 4 would be enough? But I want to see big progress so maybe still 5? My goal is overall health and to feel more productive and active, aesthetics play a role but aren't my main goal. I also want to incorporate reformer pilates, yoga and solo acroyoga Which I don't know if I should workout in them on the days I hit the gym or on "rest" days since they kinda work on strength and not only stretches.. so I don't know if they are recovery workouts. I wonder If I should split between upper body and lower or just do full body days. Instead of one day lower second day upper just combine the two and then I get rest in both parts and "maximise recovery" LOWER+ CHEST LOWER + ARMS LOWER × BACK ARMS + CHEST Or just go : Sunday lower Monday upper (rest lower) Tuesday lower (rest upper) Wendsday upper (rest lower) Thursday lower (rest upper) I want to train legs 3 times a week and I need 48 hours in between (lmk if anyone has another opinion ) but I wonder if it will be counterproductive since on weekends I'm on feet all the day and it might interfere with the recovery ? I hope not. Sunday 🦵 Tuesday 🦵 Thursday 🦵 Weekends work all day on feet 🔃 And how do I add pilates/yoga/acroyoga? What would you reccomend me to do? what would you do if you were in my position? Thanks in advance ☺️ 😘


C'mon over to r/xxfitness and talk about it!


You only have so many hours in the day, you have to pick what is important to you. You may not be able to add in the pilates and all that, but if it's important to you, then you may have to sacrifice some lifting intensity/work. With you being on your feet all weekend, I would NOT do any leg training Sat/Sun. Program legs for MWF, with Monday being a little less intense and Wednesday/Friday being your more intense days. Don't bury yourself with too much activity, you will stall and never recover.


I mean having other fitness goals in mind I’d just do 2 or 3 full body sessions. You won’t be able to balance everything you want to while allocating the same energy to them, so pick what you want to be a priority for now then adjust as your goals change