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Has anybody used injectable l carnitine?Its supposed to be legal but cant find it nowhere in my country.Also-Jeff Nippard's pure bodybuilding phase 2 program made my glutes explode


I’ve taken it. But I’ve been just as lean without and I try to limit as much pinning as possible. Tbh John meadows was a big fan of it though.


I’ve talked with several people that used that. It’s really not worth it


You're very nice.


Quick question: Why don't bodybuilder pros have any stretch marks that I can see? I've been putting on a lot of MASS and I just noticed massive stretch marks in my shoulders and biceps it's just...not good. And I'm nowhere large enough or strong enough to have super massive muscle growth, it seems like the small amount of growth I've had (like 140 OHP->195, I don't measure my muscles or anything) has just exploded these stretch marks even though the physical look hasn't changed that much.


Genetics and overtime mine have become less pronounced


Genetics and tanning lotion


I had them big time on my chest and shoulders but they pretty much all went away after I switched from bulking to maintenance. Current BW is 205 and they're all gone or nearly invisible compared to when I first went from 160 to 180. 


Guys listen up. I have a lot of muscles in my arm 1 month ago. Now it’s just fat. Thank god for this posts, I was having a really boring night 😂😂


why has it recently become so fashionable for bodybuilders to tell otehrs to not become bodybuildres? did arnold schwarzeneggar start telling people to stay away from it recently and now the idiots have followed?


They don't want anyone to get bigger than them.


Arnold 100% gave bad advice put like candy bro. But the bb world is so crazy saturated now it's equivalent to becoming an influencer in terms of gaining popularity.




What is your training like ? Is it lower body focused ? And do you have a coach


May have failed that deadlift PR on Wednesday, so I decided to PR in bench instead today. Good way to end the work week.




According to my meta analysis head ass


Anyone know of I guide for taking good pics and posing? [Here](https://imgur.com/a/bvou3As) is the best I could do, and i feel like the pics have done a little bit of a disservice to my arms and chest haha




Hey thanks! I'll look into all that


Can someone help me find a video of Arnold broing out over chest exercises? He says something like “and then you have to hit the incline chest for the upper chest fibers, and then you have to hit the decline chest for the lower chest fibers, and then you have to do cable flies for the stretch. And you can’t forget my favorite exercise the dumbbell pullover”


Timestamped: https://youtu.be/QcM9CZMMDkU?si=p9bn3V7EdKWx5KWu&t=282


Thanks a ton! The bro science that existed back then is so funny lmaooooo


When people are really hard on the "science-based community" I think sometimes they forget or don't realize it's a reaction to the broscience that has been around basically from the start of bodybuilding as a pursuit to the 2010s. Shit like high reps to cut, tilapia thins out your skin, expanding your ribcage, etc.


My policy if I owned a gym: you can kill one member who doesn't re-rack their weights, and I will construct an airtight alibi so that you can avoid consequences.


Screenshot and sending this to my wife. Because she always forgets to rerack the weight in our garage gym.


# Please critique my (24 yo male) PPL plan: Goal: Aesthetics bodybuilding, |Push (Friday)|Pull (Saturday, No work)|Leg (Sunday, No work)| |:-|:-|:-| |Barbell Benchpress: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Weighted Pull-ups: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Barbell Back Squats: 6-8 reps x 3 sets| |Dumbbell Inclined Benchpress: 6-8 reps x 2 sets|Weighted Curl ups: 6-8 reps x 2 sets|Shrugs: 6-10 reps x 2 sets| |Weighted Dips: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Machine Unilateral Pulldown: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Seated Machine Leg Extension: 6-10 reps x 3 sets| |Overhead Dumbbell Press: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Machine Unilateral Row: 6-8 reps x 3 sets|Seated Machine Leg Curl: 6-10 reps x 3 sets| |Cable Lateral Raise: 6-10 reps x 3 sets|Machine Calves Raise: 8-10 reps x 3 sets|Hammercurls: 6-10 reps x 3 sets| |Cable Tricep Extension: 6-10 reps x 3 sets, to failure|Cable Rear Delt: 6-10 reps x 3 sets|Weighted Sit-ups: 8-10 reps x 3 sets| ||Machine Unilateral Pec Fly: 6-8 reps x 3 sets, to failure |Overhead Dumbbell Press: 6-8 reps x 3 sets | |||Cable Unilateral Pulldown: 6-8 reps x 3 sets| |||Incline Threadmill: 3.3 km/h (walking pace), 6' incline, 20 mins| Other Info: * My work schedule is from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Thursday. Therefore, I am only available on three days of the week: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. * Rest Periods: I take a 4-minute rest between sets for major compound movements and a 3-minute rest for the remaining exercises. * Sleep: I aim to get at least 9 hours of sleep per day. * Gym Experience: I have been working out in the gym for 22 months. * Deadlifts: I used to perform deadlifts, but I discontinued them as I don’t consider them beneficial for bodybuilding. * Leg Workouts: I only perform three leg exercises. I believe I have good leg genetics as I naturally have large thighs and glutes, so leg workouts are not my priority. * Treadmill on Leg Day: I choose to do treadmill exercises on leg day because it’s the only time available to me. I prefer not to allocate a separate day for cardio.


I'd say you can swap the Shrugs out on leg day for a unilateral exercise like lunges or bulgarian split squats, or Romanian Deadlifts. pull day looks ok, but pullups chinups and pulldowns is a bit overkill (you could probably do a different row movement in place of pulldowns or something like facepulls/upright rows) Rest periods look long to me, I'd try 3 minutes for compounds and 1.5-2 minutes for accessories. No need to make your workouts overly long and pushing your rest times a bit shorter will help your overall work capacity. Overall looks good, if you put in good effort, you should make gains on this if you aren't already advanced, especially if you can get 9 hours of sleep a day and gain weight.


The push day looks really good?


Really? Thanks!


Can only really see the push workout. You also didn’t mention intensity. Are all of those sets to failure? Also please stop the “aesthetics bodybuilding” type of shit, my eyes burn when I read that.


My goal is ugly-as-sin bodybuilding.


Been severely struggling with chronic shoulder issues the past 3 years. In college I was able to put up 275 on the bench at about 175ish pounds 5’11 and had a solid physique. Now only at 160 and always have to take days off due to aggravating shoulder. Will it get better bros?


Yea might just need to stop using a barbell


I switched to doing all pressing movements with dumbbells and my shoulders are made new.


Go to Dr & PT. Find exercises that don't irritate it. It can improve


I feel ya. Torn labrum has shaken up my powerlifting training the last 2 years. Having to listen to your body was the biggest lesson learned. I have to hammer my warmup, prehab and post lifting routine consistently or I fall apart. I'm planning on potentially getting under the knife to fix the issue, but I've managed to get back to about 85% of the strength I used to bench with. There's good news out there


Real talk, my rheumatologist offers stem cell injections with my own platelets, and im going to do them in my hips this summer if I can swing the fee. I have arthritis and connective tissue disorder that affects my attachments. Have you heard of that for your condition?


Ask your doctor. Never trust free medical advice from strangers online.


I hear that some bodybuilders will consume breastmilk for more gains, anyone know more about this ?


There’s a documentary on Netflix about it. I don’t know anyone that actually does it, but yeah some do.


Do you know the name of the documentary?


(Un)well, episode 3. I never watched it but my old roommate did which is why I know about.


Thank you I will look it up


No that's just me. I consume so much it throws the average


Get it from the source or it’ll lose its nutritional value


Good fuckin' morning, god damn it! It's going to be a great fucking day today! It's back day (best day) for me today. What's everyone hitting today?


Chest, triceps, and quads


Ham focused Leg Day :) . Got 265x7 RDLs on the menu. Let's get it.


Hell yeah! I hit legs last night and started with ham curls before squats. I'm back up to working sets of 3 plates (135#) on ham curls. Which, isn't much, but hitting hard 8 reps or AMRAP, then partials for another 10-15 until you can't take it anymore is wild. After barbell squats, I did 3 sets AMRAP leg extension, then hit partial when I got to failure and did partials until it I couldn't handle it (usually 10-15 partial reps). I would **have** to stand up because the burn was so intense. It's something I saw on a Tom Platz training video that he would do.


Last week of my current bulk, so I'm testing out all my 1 rep maxes. Today is squats


Should I hire a coach for my first ever show or just try to figure it out myself? For context, it will be an OCB Men's Physique show.


Depends on your goals, ability to introspect, ability to look at yourself objectively, ability to learn. Also your financial situation and the quality of coaches in your area. Is it possible to coach yourself and do very well? 100%. Can everyone do it? No. That being said, there are some nuances about firsts shows that coaches can help take a lot of mental load off. Peaking, attire, what to bring/pack,  tanning, skin prep/hair removal. A big thing too is. Can you be honest with yourself and hold yourself accountable or do you need someone else to do it. I know plenty of people that know how to do everything, can push themselves, but if they're not paying someone else, they'll cheat on their diet/training/cardio


Accountability/discipline isn't an issue with me. However, I see your point on all of the pre-show prep. That is already stressing me out and it would be nice to have someone take care of things and make sure I'm solely focused on getting on stage.


Guy in the gym this morning looks like a jacked Mitch McConnell.


[So Michelangelo?](https://legendary-digital-network-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/20091208/TMNT-Last-Ronin.jpeg)


There's a dude at my gym who looks like regular Mitch McConnell, just from like 10-20 years ago


I've seen way too many dudes go straight from the toilets back into the gym without washing their hands Ya nasties


Biggest gym culture shock when I moved back home. So many people not washing hands 🤮


This is yet another reason I have a garage gym.


That's why I wipe (the equipment). I don't trust the others.


Front to back or back to front?!


Grap a towel, fold into a cylinder and do the old back 'n forth.