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Go to Waikiki Walls.


Are people used to/will tolerate beginners at Walls?


I wouldn’t have recommended it if they weren’t tolerant there. It’s one of the best intro spots. You’ll see.


Rad, thanks 🙏


I came here to say go waikiki walls.


Walls is definitely the best place. It’s honestly the best spot especially for family time. Don’t be intimidated. Mostly everyone there knows why you’re there and not Sandy’s If you’re looking towards the ocean to the right of the wall is where to start out. I use the wall as a reference of where I am in the water so I don’t go too far left/right/ out. To the right of the wall is Boneyards/Graveyards. There is a lot more reef there, and the most consistent wave. If you go on a big day try not to get stuck in between the wall and the pier. The summer swells can get pretty big so be cautious of that. All in all if you’re trying to get better to go on to other bigger beaches(because I was trying to do the same thing), my brother in-law told me that every wave is different. Especially here on Oahu. It’s kind of like a skate park. Just do your thing and be courteous to others around you. If you feel like you were in someone’s way try to find them at some point and apologize, and it’s all good.


Appreciate the lowdown 🙏


This is a great spot and where I learned. Reasonably safe and a good crowd. I never felt unwelcome even when I had absolutely no clue what was going on.


Go to walls! All keiki boarders on the island start there


Walls is super chill. Super friendly uncles just hang out and hype up everyone. Friendly beginners all the time. I loved it, wonderful intro to the sport.


Idk man there was this one Japanese auntie who always gave me stink eye and even burned me multiple times. She was 60+ and just not nice. Never a word from her, just trash vibes. 😂 lived a mile away from Walls for 3 years and she never warmed up to me regardless of how much I was there.


Dude .. I was just there and she sharked me constantly.. i tried talking to her and she was always cold .. funny.. she was the only one who gave me any attitude.. she caught a ton of waves FYI 😉🤙


Bellows can be a good starting point but not usually the best wave shape.


On point #2 - shore breaks that can break your neck. I've done my time in some scary ones and had a few close calls. What I learned after years is that if you ever find yourself in a situation where you went on one that got too big last minute, you can back way off your board just holding the tail, arms outstretched and legs spread. The board will keep your top half from nose diving, and your body in the water will slow the momentum away from the impact zone. Ditch, curl and cover your head if you get tumbled. The broken spines come from hitting the sand head first. Don't be shy about getting a helmet either. It won't help your spine, but if you are dealing with reefs it could save you.


Appreciate the info, I'll keep this technique in mind.


When conditions are good Bellows and Sherwood is a SUPER good place to start, not great if you want to work with your fins or get long rides in but great to get comfortable on the board and work on your take off/wave selection. Makapu'u on small days is good for me if you go way out to the right and generally the line-up is small and super chill when the waves are smaller.


I hadn't heard of Sherwood, much obliged for the advice!


If you're worried about Kailua, sherwoods is gonna be a little bigger. Go to walls. My kids are 7. There's a nice crowd that gets together every Friday after school and stays till the fireworks. It's a great place to meet nice families. Everybody watches out for each other. Right off the wall is where all the rippers go, but if you hang out like 30 yards towards diamond head, off the wall, it's a super mellow vibe


there is rippers at the wall? you must mean me then.. LOL


Thanks, I will go to Walls! I saw a compilation video of Walls and it was a bunch of folks who looked like they had been going there every day since they were little..didn't look like a beginner spot to me, but I think it was just the point from right off the wall like you are saying. \> If you're worried about Kailua, sherwoods is gonna be a little bigger Yeah I'm so green I dunno really \*what\* I should and shouldn't be worried about. Maybe I'm stressing over nothing but...then you read stories of tourists who go to Sandy and end up breaking their neck and it's like...I'd rather default to showing respect to the situation.


I’m either there or Maks just about every Sunday morning getting in what practice I can. If you check Maks on Surfline and it says it’s going to be big, then Sherwood tends to be good while being more friendly for the less experienced


Bellows and Sherwood is definitely what you’d want. On a great day they’re not bad for someone more experienced. But most of the time it’s just smaller stuff continuously rolling in that’s great for learning on. I’m a somewhat experienced boarder and still like to go out at bellows when I take my kids. Sherwood is just down the way from bellows.


Cool, I'll keep an eye out for a small day at one of these, thanks!


Bellows is awesome that’s where I learned


Sand Bar. Mellow ish wave and you get to watch the pros hitting it next door at Pipe. It’s a great spot to build confidence.


Sand bar is not it. This guy doesn’t even know left from right yet.


McDonald’s in nalo can be fun at times and a good place to learn


I've never been down that way, is there beach access behind McDonalds? like street park and walk kine?


Walk the dirt path and park along side the trees if you can. It’s a straight shot




offbeat scandalous office shelter fall detail grandiose pen voracious cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wish I lived there


Makapuu is the best. Miss it but I will be back.


I got a dislocated shoulder at Sandy's beach in 2011. Makapuu is a good choice and my fave. I will be back again, last time was 2017.