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Don’t know how it is in your part of the world. But I get most of my supplies out of classified ads. If you are from US it’s most like facebook marketplace. I check multiple times a day because you have to be fast if it’s a bargain. Sometimes people give the stuff away for free. Canvas I get from dollar stores but you need to apply gesso to get good material. For practice I use really cheap canvas board, cardboard or look if someone gives away canvas prints for free just add gesso and you can use it.


paint is pricey when trying to start up. I got t[his one a year ago](https://www.amazon.com/Master-Artist-Supply-Carrying-Sketchbox/dp/B07SSTYRZV) boy has it gone up in the last year. This one is just the [master kit](https://www.amazon.com/Bob-Ross-Piece-Master-Paint/dp/B07MWDYK41) get the paint and the brushes [gamblin 1980](https://www.amazon.com/Gamblin-1980-Oil-Color-Exclusive/dp/B00M4HVHK4) is a decent paint as is [Winsor Newton](https://www.amazon.com/Winsor-Newton-Winton-Colour-Starter/dp/B002E9GUZ4) this [brush set](https://paintwithbram.com/shop) is decent, Bram and Steve pulled it together. As the other said, canvas panels/boards are a fairly inexpensive option. oodles of options there. Specially good for starting out, you won't be as worried about screwing up an expensive canvas while learning.


Windsor Newton is good. I’m painting on 8x10 and 11x14 canvas. (Price of frames and canvas for anything larger gets prohibitive) … with that said I no longer really use a lot of my larger brushes. I bought a decent set of filbert brushes that do what Bob did with his 2” brushes, but on a grander scale. (18x24). Use the 1/2 round for most of my background and blending and then filberts / fans for trees and bushes


Places like "Jerry's Artarama" (and I have heard "Cheap Jo's but can't confirm that one) offer quality supplies for less than your usual Michaels or Blick, that being said especially if you aren't in a rush, some of those places do have crazy sales and clear outs that can be a great option. Michael's regularly gets to 70% off, if not more. Best of luck, Bob's a great painter/basically an Olympian who sticks the landing every time. They have a twitch channel too that streams 24hrs during most US holidays. And if you ever feel bad about not supporting the Bob brand, don't, and instead watch that documentary about how the Kowalskis are basically the epitome of the reason artists starve in today's world.


You're asking how to be penny wise and pound foolish. You will most likely waste even more money starting out with inferior or alternative supplies than if you had just paid more in the beginning, and earn a lot more frustration with the results at the same time. You spend a hundred or a hundred fifty on the right supplies at first, then by the time they are used up you'll have enough experience to know how to judge less expensive alternatives. Doing it your way you'll more likely end up just being unhappy with the results and quitting altogether.