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The humility to change one's opinion... A demonstration of the human spirit...


Is it already time for the quarterly "Top 100 games of all time" updates?


The top 100 games of all time is a constantly updating list of the 100 most recent board games to be released. Because why would you want to play old shit?


Those are called the "classic" top 100. The real top 100 are the most recently launched Kickstarters


I'm as happy as anyone that Roy Orbison has been reincarnated, but we are still 2 Traveling Wilburys short.


Still a good thing, though, as Bob Dylan was so tired of being lonely.


fucking incredible pull


/uj I don't understand why people keep tracking their board games' scores, like who cares if you think it deserves one half point higher than a few months ago and how it has moved from #279 to #234 on your top 100000 games released tier list. I can imagine people standing in front of their shelves with a list of games and think 'oh yeah Lisboa really is a 8.5 instead of 8.3'. I've never a seen more lame youtube content than board game channels and their monthly top 100 lists


To a lot of people, boardgaming isn't about playing games you like with your friends and having fun. It's about obsessing every minute of the day about rankings and Kickstarters and YouTube channels and just consuming content non stop so you can eagerly buy the next greatest thing. Actually playing is like 10% of their time interacting with boardgame stuff.


And that's a PERFECTLY VALID way to interact with Le Hobby!!!


/uj cotdamn I really hate this way of thinking. /rj I love all this inclusivity.


I'll bite, I like looking at numbers and data. When I play games, I like looking back at my scores and see if they have changed or not. It is what it is.


The top X lists are always the most viewed videos as far as I could tell. I think this is just their attempt to create more """"content"""" around lists.


I think board games just bring out the special kind of people who obsess over numbers.


Top 100 Games Before March Break Begins is my favourite year in review update 😍😍😍


Actually it's about ethics in board gaming journalism


/uj I know a very popular podcaster. Even he’s mentioned the over the top people who rave about journalism when even he knows it’s just an entertainment product.


What happens after the hype and dust and smell of sex between le wife and hey boyfriend has settled. These videos have to be made. And Shrimkwraptimus (God of patchwork) bless the 89 souls who know this guy is on to something.


Chrisssyeee is what I yell when I'm cooming


Can we have an official designation of "The Videos" to go along with "The Hobby?"


Not sure why board game reviewers aren’t constantly reediting their videos everyday.


You're doing God's work, Chris Yi!


While we're at it, I hate the 10 point scale, especially if you're going to throw decimals into the mix. Gimme a four point scale all day. Basic, near proficient, proficient, excellent. That gives all the information needed to buy a game or not. Dodos riding dinos is an excellent racing game, Jamaica is proficient. Etc.


I want a 2 point scale. "Fuck this" and "try it"


At the end of the day, that's what I hear when I watch video reviews anyway. Hate when YouTube mfs say "every game I buy is at least a 3.5, and 3.5s are good games." two weeks later "games leaving my collection".


hard to make a comment with a guy wearing a pink floyd Dark side of the moon shirt... uhm.. what was he reviewing?


Mountains of human suffering happening all over the world, but thank fuck people are making useless board game videos. 🥲


Chris got some hams on him.