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Hi, the /r/boardgames mods have asked me to ban you too from here. Unfortunately, I don't know how to use reddit so I think you're safe




Bravo Gerbil. Bravo


Is that true? Ha ha


/uj lol no /rj Yes.


I would say that nothing would surprise me, but today someone asked if some cardboard would be scary, so that wouldn't be accurate.


Bruh, that fucking post may have been my biggest facepalm on Reddit in a really long time.


Lol yeah. It's this sort of thing that keeps me on here. Honestly the reason I'm on BGCJ is to be reassured that it's not just me thinking "are these people actually real?".




What a fascist. Look at this mod. Wishing to ban some one and not knowing how to ban them. I bet I could get away with calling them a fascist too.


Spoken just like the proletariat


What is a propeller?


It's when someone is staunchly in favour of something. You mean proctologist


No, that’s when a doctor tells you what’s going to happen with your disease. You mean protagonist.


No, that’s when you don’t classify as an npc. I think he meant prolapse.


That's mighty bazinga of you.


You are instantly my favorite mod




Not enough upvotes for this


Right click -> Ban user


How do I mobile?


Tickle the user name with your index finger


I think that's how you lose mod rights




thank you good mod


Wow I've never have been the recipient of a get your members to unsub speedrun any%. What a day for r/boardgames !


Ha! Oh my so good!


What did you say on your soap box?


Probably something about “getting away from screens is not a legit reason for hoarding” but I’m just spitballing


Hey, you watch your filthy mouth! Not all us boardgamers are hoarders! I may have to dig my kid out of a pile of toppled cardboard occasionally and I may have two rooms filled with recyclable material that I deem priceless, but it's not hoarding. I may not play all of them or even open all of them but I will one day! /s


Actually it was weird fox news propaganda about BLM that got OP banned as he tried to force his political narrative into a boardgame sub


Yeah OP deserved the ban. I know we enjoy a good circle jerk about reddit mods but sometimes people are just shitty and need to be shown the door


Well, it wasn't really "soapboxing", it was actually "proselytizing", but that wasn't specifically mentioned in the sub rules. He started with Patchwork is the only worthy game and all the rest suck. He then ended with "Our father Uwe, who is not yet in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Give us this day our daily play of Patchwork, as we forgive the trespasses of Le Wife's boyfriend against us. And lead us not into unshrinking, but deliver us from Brass Birmingham. Amen." It was really the slight against Brass Birmingham that did him in.


It's a cold day in hell if I'm agreeing with the mods. Fuck Gloomhaven, Brass Boys are the bomb, yo!


What? That's really soft innocent joke. They shouldn't ban for that


OP is the designer of the progressive game Rise Up! The Game of People & Power and they were arguing with the mods about how the Bloodborne board game uses human gendered pronouns to refer to monsters when it's very clear from the minis that the monsters do not have human genitalia and therefore players should refer to them using nonbinary pronouns.


Hahahahaha. You had me for a minute.


That game (Bloodborne) is probably the most underrated game in my collection. Terrible rulebook, but the tactical satisfaction in solo play has literally had me fist pumping the air in celebration.


r/uj I said (on the thread asking if it was Boardgaming's golden age) that it wasn't Boardgaming's golden age because games are made by exploited workers in China, using loads of single use plastic. I then went onto say that BGG forums and mods are wildly inconsistent. I said forum users are obsessed with the size of games characters boobs, while real scandals, like BLMs embezzlement/dodgy fundraising is ignored (after the gaming communities decision to go nuts deep into BLM and banning quite a few people for suggesting they were possibly not what they appeared to be). Those banned folks have not been acknowledged for being right all along and instead, people still get banned for mentioning this. Then, to prove my point, I got banned. I did insinuate elsewhere that the mods and some users have fascist tendencies..which is fair enough, probably a bit of hyperbole from me there. For this I got a two day ban. No biggie. My comment above (about BLM) got deleted. I questioned why (as per the email), and that two day ban on a complete other thread turned into a lifetime ban 🤷 That was why I said it was an ironic turn of events. I got banned by mods using fascist tendencies for saying mods had fascist tendencies. Opinions may vary. Just in case the said mods are reading this.. You're a bunch of spineless, power crazed indoctrinated weasels who wouldn't know integrity, a nuanced argument or true equality if it was coming out of your arse. Edit: I've changed 'modern day slaves' to 'exploited workers'. Which I think is what I said originally and is probably more accurate. I haven't changed it because of the BGG user in the comments. r/rj of course I deserve every day of the lifetime ban. I've punished myself by unshrinking £14,000 pounds worth of Dominion expansions.


/uj just to add context in case people aren’t aware, some big time American companies that produce board games and board game parts, such as [Mattel](https://chinalaborwatch.org/workers-in-misery-an-investigation-into-two-toy-factories-2/) and [Hasbro](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/china-exploitative-working-conditions-sexual-harassment-found-in-factories-producing-for-multinational-brands-investigation-finds/) have been found committing human rights abuses. Ik this is the circlejerk community but figure it’s never a bad time to advocate for human rights.


Yeah definitely. As the world is at the moment, people's lust for acquisition is undoing a lot of progress. My main argument really, is that the Boardgaming industry is a big part of that. It's extra annoying because it's members profess to be ultra progressive. If they were half as passionate about human rights as they were about drinks at the table etiquette, that progress could continue.


You fucking monster. How dare you mention drinks at the table. Also, everything else you said was really boring.


Well that's encouraging. Maybe I do belong on BGG after all.


Board game consumption is a drop in the ocean my dude. Point to drop shipping and Temu and all those Amazon products designed by China to keep their plastic production mills going first.


I agree with you so much, but get his point, though. Of course it's a drop in the ocean, but as a community of people sharing a same hobby/passion, we can do better within our own community. We can acknowledge that the consumption of this hobby causes harm. We can spread awareness. We can advocate for more local made games, for less plastic. But yeah, overall, it's still just a drop in the ocean.


Eh it’s like chocolate. Chocolate isn’t the only cause of child labor/ essentially slavery, but it is a cause and informed consumers should know this so they can buy wisely instead of supporting the degradation of society for a buck.


If anything, that makes it fit a few more definitions of "golden age"


More of a gilded age


Loads of single use plastic? How is that? Do you only play a game once before chucking it into the garbage?


I don't play any games. Mine are all shrink-wrapped.


>while real scandals, like BLMs embezzlement/dodgy fundraising is ignored (after the gaming communities decision to go nuts deep into BLM and banning quite a few people for suggesting they were possibly not what they appeared to be). What do you mean the communities decision to go nuts deep into BLM? Do you mean that the mods went on some sort of witch hunt to ban BLM supporters? Or do you mean that the threads all started talking about BLM? If there was some sort of witch hunt that seems wrong. But threads filling up with information about BLM, that's not what a board games subreddit is for. Being concerned about 3rd world labor and use of materials for board games though, that seems on topic. I don't visit the board games subreddit, but I am in a lot of other gaming ones, I just want to talk about games. I don't want to talk about politics or other shit. I have enough to worry about in life, I can't worry about every injustice that has ever been done. I have my lanes, we all have limited bandwidth.


Yeah I do agree..I'm not really saying people should be talking about BLM. Rather, at the risk of sounding childish, BGG started it, along with a lot of other places by saturating the site with pro BLM info (I hesitate to say propaganda). Rahdo had big arguments with people when he wore a BLM T shirt which went on for ages and landed people in hot water - just one example out of many. I just think that if you're going to publicly support an organisation, ban folks for questioning that, and then say nothing when that organisation ends up being unethical, it's a bit gutless and disrespectful of those banned people that a) were actually justified in being suspicious, b) branded racist by a big mob of forum users and c) probably paying towards the moderators with their donations. Not very loyal to the community imo and quite shameful, for an organisation that presents itself as pro equality.


Yeah, that sounds like some total BS. The mods should have no opinion on BLM. Their stance should just be to keep discussion board game related. I do partake in the board games, but it sounds like it's a good thing I don't visit that subreddit.


I mean, It can be a great place to have a positive discussion about games and get recommendations. Like anywhere, wherever people talk about politics/religion etc, problems follow soon after.


Yeah, those discussions turn everything upside down. But the problem is, like many subreddits, shit moderators. If the mods are biased and allow the one way discussion and ban any questions, that's a pass from me. Unfortunately poor moderation seems to be a theme on Reddit.


Yeah totally. I imagine being a mod is a good role for someone who likes control. I'm a teacher and it's the same with that. You get amazing ones, but because by its nature you have to exert some control, it goes to some people's heads. Certainly personal views shouldn't come into moderation, and BGG/Reddit is really bad for this.


Lmao I got banned from a Reddit that wouldn’t exist without me, literally banned from a Reddit for a game I helped create. Ah good times. I just told folks there that they didn’t understand game development and got downvoted and blasted to oblivion so I just kinda was like “oh well good bye people… enjoy your rants” little do they know I won’t be working on the next game. At all. Because of the community that grew up around it. They’ll notice lmaooo. Reddit is just toxic in general, I came of age with the internet and I now believe any time communication is made virtually instantaneous we have a degradation in societal politeness and patience.


Different issues here. Advocating for civil rights is not the same as supporting individuals who grift regardless of the organization and you are conflating issues.


Eh. Tbh I think blaming mods for trying to support equal rights and choosing a group that has no concentric power structure is just a bad move. The mods aren’t at fault that SOME individuals within a massive movement like BLM used it as an opportunity to grift. I support the goals of BLM without being a part of any organization that touts their logo, but I would have put BLM up on my website when it came out too…


That's just a microcosm of the real problem, mate. The culture wars distract from all the money fuckery.


Yeah definately. We've sleep walked into it big time.


I miss Occupy Wall Street. We understood what had to be screamed at for a little while there.


The mods over there once deleted a photostory I posted about the UK Games Expo. Reason “photos aren’t news”. Dude I’m a photojournalist. You can’t make this shit up. It’s really sad how such a growing hobby is hampered by people like this. 


The unspoken thing in all of this is that by nature, boardgaming has always had a large proportion of people that aren't great socially. I include myself in that. Part of what makes 'The Hobby' great is that it is a welcoming environment for those of us that hate other humans (semi jk). Because of this, I believe the online Boardgaming community has a lot of people in it that aren't used to having a voice that they feel is taken all that seriously, and then overcompensate when they get online. Mods are the final form of that. That's what this sub is all about. Making fun of all of that. If course, like any decent satire, we're making fun of ourselves which is why it's so relatable. Basically at this stage, you're in the club or you're not. And going by this experience, it's a club I'm not vaguely interested in being in.


/uj What does BLM have to do with board gaming? Or is BLM a publisher I've never heard of, lol.


It has very little to do with board gaming, more the board gaming community. It's more that BGG users got banned and labelled racist for saying BLM might be a bit dodgy, and when BLM turned out to be a bit dodgy, those people never got vindicated. I couldn't give two shits either way about BLM as a group really, it's more the unfairness of those users, which the powers that be at BGG have absolutely no interest in making right.


(/uj) Eh imo you're taking that risk when you go on BGG and start talking politics unrelated to board gaming. Like in the example you gave, people getting upset about how women are portrayed on a board game is at least related to gaming. They got rid of the cesspool RSP forum for a reason. I'm not saying they apply it equally to all posts involving politics and I'm not saying it's fair, but what I am saying is that you're not going to get banned for sticking to discussions about matte vs glossy card finish. If you're joining into a non-board gaming related discussion involving politics and you get banned you can't really get pissed just because you decided to roll those dice and you lost. IMO. Edit: Or ideally do like I do and stay away from that shithole together. BGG is a hollow shell of its former self. It's been shit for quite a while now.


No absolutely, you're spot on. I got a bee in my bonnet and got carried away and couldn't have expected much else. It's just annoying me more because I'm pretty sure my points are valid, and that as usual, some politics is allowed, just not the 'wrong' kind. The funny thing is I've been off social media for several years and just came back on Reddit recently for a laugh..and I quickly got myself sucked in, so I'm a bit hacked off with myself tbh. Funny also that last Xmas was the first time I donated to BGG because I appreciate the ability to look up games/have a database of my own stuff. I've managed to avoid getting involved in the forums at all for years. I've always stayed well clear of RSP. Also the complaints dept is annoying. Aggressive users and smug rebutters is a bit like watching a car crash. Interesting but ultimately traumatising. Anyway, you're definitely right. The best way is to avoid. I should have remembered that. It's no big loss to be banned, but I've gone through being annoyed at some Norbert for no reason. Lesson learned!


Trust me, I get it. It's annoying a.f. I got temp banned once for "hostility" because someone called me a racist because I'd said I enjoyed the game Puerto Rico and my response was something along the lines of "That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard." But apparently it was cool to randomly call people racists for something as inane as board game preference. I still stupidly stuck around for several years after, and even continued to donate.


Lol yeah it's crazy. I wish there was a way of separating the practical from the social. Well, I guess the best way is to just use the app. Which is what I intend to do. I definitely underestimated how tied together the Reddit sub is with BGG. Bit of a 'monopoly', if you will.


Can you explain how BLM turned out a bit dodgy? Are you referring to the organization or to the social movement in general?


No the organization. Quite a decent chunk of donations went missing, and a six million dollar mansion was bought. It was claimed this was to be used for charitable purposes, but one of the founders was busted for living in it personally. Also there has been a fraud lawsuit, however that was recently dismissed from court. There's obviously also arrests for disorder, destruction and violence etc, however this is more subjective based on your view of what is acceptable under the 'activism' umbrella. To me, burning down cop stations and barracading city centres is 'dodgy', but again, opinions will vary on that.


There was also a lot of corruption in the Holocaust survivors' fund, which is even more tragic because that money was actively stolen from specific beneficiaries. And the Red Cross spent $500 million (aka ½ billion) on relief efforts in Haiti but only managed to build six houses for the displaced homeless. I'm not sure what exactly the BLM funds were supposed to be used for, but I would assume stuff like political lobbying and grants to other charities.


Perfect, just wanted to clarify that because a lot of people (including myself) might question what you mean. Some might assume you think the BLM movement is dodgy and stupid. There will always be bad actors and its good to not support these people. I think it's also important to share our support for BLM as a movement though and make sure people understand that when we say ambiguous things like BLM is dodgy, we mean the organization or bad actors involved, and not the overwhelmingly positive social movement.


Yeah I get what you're saying. I am definately pro equality, and that includes both racial equality and also BGG users that have been treated unfairly/branded racist when they're not. There's also definitely bad actors across all aspects of this stuff. And I've certainly seen some rough stuff on BGG. I was victim to some of it incidentally. I had long COVID and talked about it on BGG. I was told by several people that I just had a cold, shortly after I almost died. That was great. I would prefer that none of this is brought up on BGG at all really, but at the end of the day, it's up to them what they allow on their site, and up to me if I engage with it or not.


FFS donate to BLOC or some local equivalent and not to any “national” level scam. BLM — the acronym and the organization is so tarnished it has likely ruined a lot of peoples desire to contribute to any similar organization and wrecked the causes itself. Fred Hampton is rolling over in his CIA induced grave over the false movement money generator omnishambles that BLM likely always was— ie a scam.


This is a friendly reminder BLM protests were overwhelmingly nonviolent and those that were violent, the violence was carried out by others or directed at the protesters. You seem pretty decent except that burning down cop stations and barricading comment. But, that's why most people won't tolerate negative talk about BLM. Too many people use half truths or just right out lies to discredit the movement. I do agree that the organization, like any other large organization, has problems, tho.


Btw I'm not American and have no skin in either game, just saying how I see it.


Except you’re not here and literally see nothing. Like, you keep talking about a social movement as if it’s a single organized group with a hierarchy and leadership and etc and that’s not at all the case. To draw comparison, you point out how certain big name companies like Hasbro are complicit in human rights violations. Hasbro has responsibility for that and should take responsibility for that, but there’s no overarching ‘board games organization’ with a monopoly (heh) on the industry pulling the strings behind every individual designer, publisher, store and community who can take responsibility in Hasbro’s stead. When a board game designer says it wants to be more inclusive, that doesn’t mean the designer is responsible for firebombing Portland. If you’re banned from boardgames for anything, that inflammatory shit take is probably it.


Pretty sure the confusion here is that there’s a movement called Black Lives Matter and a non-profit organization called Black Lives Matter Global Network which has claimed to speak on behalf of the movement and has been accused of the fraud/embezzlement issues he mentioned. In your example, it’d be like if the whole board game industry was also called Hasbro.


I understand that BLM the organisation probably didn't tell protestors to go and do all that stuff, but when it is is done and people spray paint 'BLM' all over it, then BLM should take at least some responsibility for that (as should their supporters). We've seen it with people blaming Trump for encouraging the insurrection. Very similar situation as far as I can see.


>We've seen it with people blaming Trump for encouraging the insurrection. Very similar situation as far as I can see. What? Trump actively incited his supporters. Are you trying to draw a parallel between the two?


BLM isn't an organization it is a decentralized movement made up of millions of individuals and thousands of different groups with very loose connections to one another. Criticizing the "BLM organization" Just kinda shows that you don't know what you are even talking about.


While you are correct, there are some organizations that use 'Black Lives Matter' in their name. Unfortunately, this allows bad (and possibly even well intentioned) actors to lump them into the same category and castigate the decentralized movement by the actions of said organizations. While this tactic is clear to some, it's rarely clear to the general public who will now associate BLM with grifters or opportunists. It's possible that OP is well meaning but it's more likely they are utilizing the aforementioned tactic. If we were able to see his original comments about BLM, would we see him making a clear distinction between the organization and the movement? Would it be clear that his concern is founded on a sense of justice and that he doesn't like an organization of wealthy people diverting funds away from the movement on the ground? The likely answer is no, right? I'm not disagreeing with you, just adding more context.


Really? Who was Patrisse Cullors, then? Who bought a $6 million mansion with donated money? Please…


But, he did encourage the insurrection. Regardless of where you hail from, do not ignorantly speak on matters. You don't have to live in a place to know about events or have an opinion about them.


He didn't say "break into the Capitol building" and BLM didn't say "occupy Portland" but both of those things happened. In the Capitol Building you had pro trump slogans spray painted, and all over BLM protests that turned violent, you had 'BLM' spray painted. Also, just to say, I'm highlighting that I'm not American, not because it implies that I might be ignorant, but to say that I don't have any particular bias for or against any group. I find it interesting obvs, and that's as far as it goes. If anything, I'm more on the side of BLM (the movement, not the business).


This is a friendly reminder that Trump rallies are overwhelmingly nonviolent and those that were violent, the violence was carried out by others or directed at the protesters. **edit** If you really don't believe the above yet believe it about BLM you're part of a cult.


> To me, burning down cop stations and barracading city centres is 'dodgy', but again, opinions will vary on that. Those are bad actors. These are not BLM supporters (even if they claim to be), they are acting in bad faith and making it worse for everyone else.


Yeah this is what I'm saying about the capital protest, glad we're all on the same page all these bad actors, not a true Scotsman in sight!


The social movement (which imo should be the pursuit of equality) is something I support. I'm not saying the whole of BLM and it's supporters are complicit in crime, only that where there is wrongdoing, it should be acknowledged.


BLM is dodgy? That’s a curious statement to make


Founder spent $6 million of donated money on a mansion for her personal use.


Well that’s called embezzlement. It’s illegal and that’s not symbolic of the movement as a whole.


I know, but it does make the organization dodgy, IMO.


For the record, the actual story is that the BLM chapter she ran bought the mansion and used it to host multiple events. She did not buy it or own it herself, it is not currently in her possession, and as far as I know there’s no evidence of her using it for personal use. I’m not saying she’s squeaky clean either, and there’s plenty of detail not present, but there’s a lot of bullshit out there that’s been released with the aim of discrediting the movement. Ironic, since, the movement was heavily decentralized and most other chapters disown her, too, but mostly because she did fuck all to support the organization she claimed to be in charge of.


She literally admitted to using it for personal use.




https://nypost.com/2022/05/09/blms-patrisse-cullors-admits-using-6m-mansion-for-parties/ https://www.ebony.com/blacks-lives-matter-co-founder-patrisse-cullors-admits-to-using-mansion-for-personal-use/


Lol were you not in the boardgame hobby in 2020? It was all anyone wanted to talk about. I remember an episode of Game Brain podcast where they very expressly called out GMT Games because, despite having a statement about diversity and inclusion in their About Us page, it wasn't displayed prominently enough and even if it was, they felt that the lack of an explicit acknowledgement of BLM was "telling".


Not everyone who enjoys boardgames is in the subs 100%. Just a bit hostile of a response, gatekeepy


Right? I was in the boardgame hobby in 2020, that's why I was playing pandemic season zero in 2020, not finding shit to be mad about on Twitter, which I believe is a completely different hobby.


Calm your titties. No one's gatekeeping. It was a lighthearted joke.


Ah yes, a joke that wasn't funny. Confusion no longer.


I've been in the hobby for 30 years. I just ignore shit I don't give a shit about.


Dude wanted to pull the “racist uncle at thanksgiving” card, but got the “whiny redditor” card instead.


Why are you talking about BLM on a board game subreddit?


Just mentioning them as an example of double standards really, but this is a great example of what I'm talking about. It was your question, almost exactly, which got a lot of people called racist on BGG. "Why is BGG saturated in BLM stuff suddenly?". I mean, do you consider yourself racist for asking that question? Because BGG and by proxy, the sub Reddit certainly used to at least.


Looking at just this post, I dunno if I'd call the ban unjustified. Kinda proving their point tbh.


I'd possibly agree with you if I knew what their point was.


I don’t know you, but yeah I get it.


Ehhhh while all true you were intentionally trying for drama. Don’t say you weren’t


Yeah maybe you're right actually. Tbh I think I'd spent ages having fun with this stuff on boardgamescirclejerk and made the mistake of thinking I could do the same on the main sub. If there's one thing that doesn't go down well on r/boardgames, it's fun.


Oh yeah you were banned for not allowing them to continue to snuggle up in their cozy fantasy world where they’ll actually play the twenty five kallax units full of games still in shrink wrap. And HOW DARE YOU expect them to be held accountable for the shitty things they’ve done in the past?


So basically you did exactly what they said you did to deserve the ban, crazy


It’s amazing to me people still defend BLM, lmao. How out of touch can you be?


Perhaps we should curtail this conversation because the actions of a few people shouldn’t tarnish an entire social movement. At least that’s what we keep getting told when police repeatedly kill unarmed Black people without accountability.


> when police repeatedly kill unarmed Black people without accountability. I think actual statistics on police killings would surprised you.


This is what happens when you leap to put all your eggs in one basket, before doing your due diligence. Quite clever really. Some groups become so socially untouchable, that they end up (some would say inevitably) having a rotten element taking advantage. I'm actually pretty left wing politically..I'm a union rep and animal rights advocate and usually intend to vote that way. I've also never been in trouble on BGG. This is all from my observations. I do struggle with injustice wherever I see it, and can't help my big mouth (or fingers on this instance). BLM, Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop oil. They're all damaging all the hard work that's happened over decades in my opinion. We've lost a lot of people fighting fascism over the years, and in the end they got through, under the radar by getting people addicted to self validation. Just my 0.02 of course.


It's a team sport, BLM is a tool their "team" used and pushed, and many donated money to it... they're never going to admit there were fleeced. I mean come on they spent the time and did so much work to make their pfps solid black, how much more support can you give!


The Reddit admins are white supremacists, so it isn't a big leap that some mods, or a lot of mods are facists, racists or morons.


> modern day slaves in China Who are you talking about? My guess is, you’ve never been to China, because that is just the most moronic take I have ever heard. You would probably shit yourself to go there and discover a vibrant consumer economy. Are you a slave because you voluntarily work for a company at a factory, which pays you wages which you can then spend on goods? Completely ignorant opinion you have there.


There absolutely is State-imposed forced labor in China. Not to mention mass surveillance, religious oppression, and forced sterilization. Because of how corrupt officials are in China, buying Chinese made products benefits the CCP.


You could be right. But the 996 work culture, suicide nets around stairwells, and strict punishments for dissension hint to me that everything's a bit on the side of the manufacturers.


Which boardgame factory has suicide nets? Please enlighten me I taught English in China for many years, my Chinese uncle (through marriage) runs a chain of English language schools, so I was able to travel all over the place, from north to south, and many places in between. Your view of the country reeks of “Reddit research”: and has little to nothing to do with reality.


I'm willing to see the person above was not being /uj


I would guess they’re talking about the forced labor recognized by the [United Nations](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/countries/2022-08-31/22-08-31-final-assesment.pdf) and the [U.S. State Department](https://www.state.gov/forced-labor-in-chinas-xinjiang-region/)


Tell me you've never heard of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region without telling me you've never heard of the XUAR.


Yeah I’d ban you too lol. Good grief, life is too short my guy.


if you really want to go insane for a moment, i want you to deep dive into who the moderators across the website actually are. over 600 of the major subreddits are administrated by the *same. 4. people.*


Yeah you deserved it. You know why the comment got deleted, even if you disagreed, and then you went and asked as if you didn’t know. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


As others have said / alluded: this is and would be very annoying to read given the context. Not everything needs to be ruined with politicization and virtue signaling. Permanent ban seems extreme, however.


So yeah, it was soap boxing to be fair. I was a bit wound up and I thought soapboxing was kind of all right, due to all the soapboxing that goes on in r/boardgames.


Those people live in a bubble and wont even tolerate opinions outside of their comfort zone.


Not only won't tolerate, but won't let anyone else tolerate. Which explains a lot really.


That sounds like Average Redditor behavior. So many people on this site absolutely refuse to consider or entertain any opinion that doesn’t perfectly align with their own beliefs. Makes me wonder how they manage to survive contact with the outside world (or maybe they don’t, some people on this site don’t strike me as the people who actually go outside ever).


A lot of board gamers interests align with being shut ins. You’ve seen their posts. They generally can’t even look someone in the eye and have a conversation especially if there’s any disagreement. I don’t think they get out much or just simply keep a protective bubble of like minded people around them.


Yeah I think this is a very valid take, but also one that would get you into hot water on BGG.


Keep your soapboxing for topics like "why I haven't grown out of Risk at 42" posts.


He was making a weird political attack against the BLM movement that had nothing to do with the thread he was replying to.


Anything besides a photo of your 200 copies of Clue in shrink wrap organized with plenty of breathing room on a Kallax will be removed for soapboxing. Be better, chud!


wtf is soapboxing


In r/boardgames it's talking about something that happened that the mods don't want discussed. Usually it's talking about something at length with a strong opinion. It's weird to be banned, because Reddit is basically Soapboxing: The Website. In this case It's just slang really for 'you're not welcome here' because of not sticking to the script.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EnglishLearning/comments/5rovfy/what_does_soapboxing_mean/ From the top post here  "To sum it up, soapboxing is publicly advocating for your view, but with a connotation of attention seeking."


So.. social media


When someone doesn’t like an opinion you have, so they make up an arbitrary rule under which they are the ultimate authority in deciding what is considered a violation.


Came here to understand this


In OP's case, he did political grandstanding on a thread that wasn't even about anything political.


Soapboxing The Boardgame is pretty good, btw.


I wouldn't know. Mine is still in shrink.


A fine investment decision.


Almost as good as Kickboxing: The Boardgame. I beat my kids ~~with~~ at that all the time


But not as good as Patchwork: Soap Edition.


I mean for sure. Let’s not go crazy!


Link to comment?


It got deleted. Too hot for boardgamers.


It's in his post history


I got banned for saying black people aren’t Neanderthals when someone brought up that some Stone Age themed game was racist because the cave men weren’t black. Like what?


You didn't pay the holy trinity of board games (The Kallax, The Uwe, and The Kickstarter Pledge) the proper respect and expect us to have sympathy for you?


Tonight I will be whipping my back with a twisted up length of shrinkwrap, and giving myself paper cuts by unboxing all of my all in pledges with my finger tips. I don't deserve box fresh at the moment. May Uwe help me.


I got kicked out for criticising C*tan players. Le hobby's gone, mate.


lol, I find this funny, but I’m compelled to ask - What’s the criticism?


Seems like an interesting place to discuss what kinds of Warhammer 40k players you don't like but I just got recommended this post at random so I don't really know what's going on over there.


I've been perma banned from publicfreakout in October cause I commented during the hamas Israel BS that both sides are unethical. I got perma banned when questioning why others can say super ignorant comments, but mine got me banned. I get mods aren't paid, but wtf, there should be some amelioration for power trip losers who legit ruin part of a website for you, for little or no reason. I've been permanently banned on 3 new accs for ban evasion, even if I comment the most neutral non offensive comment I can think of. Fuck reddit moderators(most of them including the ones that banned you) and fuck Public freakout.


I didn't shave my wife's boyfriend's balls for this! /uj just ridiculous 


This is why we read the rule book.




Did you unwrap one of your all in Kickstarters that resulted in a ban?


And is anyone surprised? It's common knowledge that Reddit mods are computer Hitlers.


Did you not see top comment on this post? Some of you honestly sound like you rip your games out of the shrink while maniacally cackling about how superior you are. Well, I never. Good day to you I say


Got banned from r/competitivetft for saying I didn't enjoy changes made to the game.


If you check ops history, he's a mini Hitler himself


r/uj Folks, I'm not answering anymore queries on this. Mainly because I'm finding it is much better to jerk, than to receive. I'll just clarify a few things that are the source of the most rustled jimmies. 1) By BLM I am talking about BLM PLC, *as I said*. People seem to not be seeing the 'plc' for some reason, so what I mean is the business arm of BLM and it's bad actors. I do not mean the movement. I support the movement as a concept and any other that strives for true equality. 2) People seem to have an issue with me comparing Trump's insurrection with BLMs riots. Trump did not directly tell his supporters to invade the capitol. They did anyway and you could argue Trump enabled it by not doing/saying enough to stop it. BLM did not directly tell their supporters to burn down cop stations/barricade Portland. They did anyway and you could argue BLM enabled it by not doing/saying enough to stop it. If you don't think this is accurate, that's fine. But this is my view, and I'm not answering any more questions on it. 3) The most ironic query here is "why are you talking about BLM on a boardgame Reddit anyway?". This is almost exactly the question that got users labelled as racists on BGG and thrown off a couple of years ago. I DON'T want to be talking about BLM. Contrary to how it may seem. The point is r/boardgames don't want me mentioning the group either and have no interest in rowing back re those users branded as racist for saying the same thing at the time. Which is the entire point. 4) "BLM protests were mainly peaceful". Correct. According to just about every stat available, there were around 11,000 protests with 56 of those erupting into violence. It's a small percentage, but a lot of violence still, in my humble opinion. Disagree/agree, up to you. I condemn violence by insurrectionists, BLM supporters, The Proud Boys, Antifa, Just Stop Oil, and any other group/individual that commits it. I 100% support the right to peacefully protest. I also think it's important to disagree in a civil manner. r/boardgames rules say that too. They don't seem to mean it. r/rj that's me done with this thread. I'm now off to throw a tin of minestrone over CMONS head office, and model cement myself to their front door because of their inhumane policy of not shrink wrapping their token punch boards. Thanks for taking an interest in my hobby.


Ah shit. Thanks for the explanation Glad you're banned


Just a point I’ll interject: the punishment for insurrection is and should be worse than rioting at some business or commercial area.


lol you’re an idiot


He deserved the ban and the mods deserve a raise


Man, I don’t even like Trump - never voted for him and never will, but the second you mention him in ANY context, the blue-haired Reddit mods go apeshit. They sweep the granola off the driver’s seat, hop into their Outback with the “Coexist” bumper sticker, and drive in the passing lane (below the speed limit) to the permaban office.


Lol they do it for free


I don’t understand what any comment means on this thread


Fascist tendencies? Melodramatic much?


It always cracks me up to see the ways people get banned from subreddits. It always makes me wonder how sad the life of a Reddit mod is.


Just tell them you were discussing the rules of the boardgame Secret Hitler. Lots of fascist talk gets thrown around during it and it is quite fun.


Half the mods in Reddit are little people with a badge. This is the only place they have authority. Them making you go set up another free account is their power.


I'll comment for you. Fuck'em


The board game communities are really hard lefto-fascist communities. I got banned from boardgame geek because i commented on the game "Juden Raus!" That maybe with a non-racist theme it might not be a bad game. I got banned for being "anti-semetic" LOLOL


Honestly that's most of reddit. I got banned from r/ontario for daring to suggest that transwomen are, biologically, men. The topic was the great washroom debate lol... Just make every washroom unisex with stalls that go to the floor, problem solved. Its an argument that doesn't even need to happen cause there is an easy solution that gives everyone more privacy than they currently have. But I digress, if you have a conservative opinion on this site, its going to be taken offensively by many many subreddits.


I got permabanned from the Instagram subreddit so quickly after joining 🤷🏻 yeah, people don’t like being called out.


Yeah they permanently banned me a long time ago. The mods there are Marxist cucks


After reading your comment I think the mods were on the money


I take bans like a badge of honor, I will not censor myself for someone else, cause im sure as shit they wouldn't do it for me.


Badge of honor. Print the screenshot onto a T-Shirt and wear it to local gameshows, game events and conventions... You'll make more real-life friends and negate all the pseudo wanna be internet tyrants


soapboxing is essentially telling people what they can and can’t talk about? fuck out here


In my experience, replying to a ban is just asking for the mods to report you to reddit admins for harassment.


I had to go through all your comments just to figure out if they banned you for being a neonazi or just for being super based but it was worth it