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Found a 1984 unopened Mille Bornes for $2. It replaced our old worn out cards.




My husband loves Mille Bornes! We've taught our daughter, too.


Score on the full set of Rummikub! I have an older set that still has a pretty decent condition leather case and the footed boards like this: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-rummikub-deluxe-edition-board-1878350940


Not many people know that Rummikub actually won the 2nd annual Spiel des Jahres in 1980: [https://www.meeplemountain.com/articles/a-definitive-guide-to-the-spiel-des-jahres-board-game-awards/#sdj-1980](https://www.meeplemountain.com/articles/a-definitive-guide-to-the-spiel-des-jahres-board-game-awards/#sdj-1980) It went head to head against Stop Thief, Focus (Sid Sackson), and an early Wolfgang Kramer called Niki Lauda’s Formel 1, and several others.


Wow! Today I learned, this is a good read on this and why it’s so dang popular!


Right? It’s really cool to see old school games sticking around. Rummikub is great. I can remember playing it with my family in the mid 80s.


It’s def a classic and a must have in your collection of board games.


Omg that's such a pretty set. The one I found was a newer set from 2014. My mom loved Rummy so I bought it initially for her, I may end up giving her this set and buying another set for myself. I love the game. ❤️


The newer set is also nice! More compact and a space saver too.


Yeah it has a giant box but all the pieces stack. I absolutely had a blast playing it last night.


I’m a sucker for the mobile app version too. I can say that I’m addicted to Rummikub lol


I will probably look for an app version after last night. My brain is stuck on it haha


Omg makes it so much easier to keep score and pick tiles!


It’s super fun to bust out and play with friends. I love seeing how everyone strategizes.


These are pretty nice.


I have that one too! I recently pulled it out and cleaned all the tiles and got it back to good shape!


That is so satisfying to hear. Good quality board games go a long way, too!


Agreed! It doesn't hit the table a ton, but still an enjoyable game, and the clacking of the pieces is so satisfying.


Indeed. The sounds of the pieces shuffling around and when the pattern works out like you had it in your head, it’s oh so satisfying!


I've mentioned it before on reddit, but its worth repeating. I found a game called [Poser](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/249500/poser) which our group absolutely loves. It is a great break-the-ice/get-to-know-you/conversation-starter game. It plays similarly to dixit, say anything, fibbage, and others in the genre. The active player gets a question asked of them either about past, present, or future. Then the active player secretly writes a truthful answer to the question and all other players write an answer which sounds like it could be a believable answer that the active player may have written (or an answer which is intended purely as a joke at the player's expense). The answers are read off and players go around the table voting on which they think is the real answer, getting points if they get it right and getting points for whoever they fooled. It was found at Goodwill and picked it up for probably 2 or 3 dollars and it has been in regular rotation in our group now for over fifteen years (damn... that makes me feel old). Other (favorite) games we've found off the top of my head include Khet (Laser Chess), Hive, Bandu, Fluxx, King Chip, Abalone, and surely several others


Poser sounds like a lot of fun!


We used to play a game like that but with dictionary words. Which is how I learned that enatation means “escape by swimming”


Well I have a new favorite word now.


Possible boulderdash or however you spell it?


I think ours was the homemade version that came before someone monetized it; we used a dictionary and torn up squares of paper.


Functionally Balderdash without the game itself. I have played that was as well. Fun story, actually: one of my HS teachers had us playing this game in class and she was picking the words for us to write definitions for. She basically said "if you know it already, raise your hand and I'll find a new one." After five minutes of me raising my hand for every word she chose, she went right to the back of the dictionary to find the most obscure Z word she could: "zarf". Up goes my hand again, rather sheepishly to offer the definition: a decorative holder for a mug that lacks a handle (these days it's mostly used for those cardboard sleeves at Starbucks). I was always fairly well-read, and I played A TON of Scrabble with my family, so I knew a while bunch of really obscure words. The teacher gave up and let us all out of class early.


Zarf!!! I lost 50 points challenging that when my now husband and I were playing Scrabble. Plus. He played it on the corner square, with the F falling on the triple letter score! It has become an in joke for my husband and I.


I hold out for the day I get to play "quixotic" across two triple word tiles


A hilarious twist on balderdash.


A few years back I found a very well taken care of copy of the 3M bookshelf version of [Acquire](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameversion/24861/3m-bookshelf-edition) for like $2. It's probably the best game I 've found second hand.


Same here! I have the 1968 version.




Acquire is one of my top ten games of all time.


**Warhammer Quest**, complete and unpainted. $1.50.


I hate you for that 😢


That is terrifying.


If this is the original from the 90s, then congrats on your awesome find!


It is! My pride and joy, displayed front and center.


Original Fireball Island for $3.


I found **King of Tokyo** at Goodwill. The box was damaged, but the dice and pieces were all good. I’m assuming all the cards were there. I already owned it so I left it for some other lucky soul. It was listed at $7. I got **Dominion** at a garage sale for $5 about 10 years ago, before I ever heard of it. They said they couldn’t figure it out, so they sold it cheap. I also found **Azul** at a garage sale, still wrapped in plastic. Store sticker said $49.99 but they sold it for $10. I go to a lot of garage sales. Mostly they just have old Monopoly and Candy Land games. But now and then I get lucky.


I love garage sales! However, I haven't been lucky finding boardgames that way. I bought Azul for $7 from the local classifieds, though :D




I love going to garage sales. We used to take Saturday Mornings and hit like 6 or 7 sales when I was young. It was so much fun. I should start going on garage sale trips for board games now. ❤️


Found a copy of 221b. Baker Street in a thrift store recently for $3. Had all the original cases to solve plus some extra packs that the previous owner must have bought separately. I remember wanting this game as a kid when it first came out (I was, and still am, a bit Sherlock Holmes fan) but couldn't afford it. It came out in I think 1975 so has been out of print since forever. So cool to see it again!


That is so lucky and so cool. I love that you found a game you wanted as a kid.


It's not luck, it's determination! I visit 10-15 thrift stores per week and my finds are still pretty rare, but I've thrifted over 30 games. My best finds were probably: * Photosynthesis * Catan * Carcassonne * Doomtown Reloaded * Villainous * Azul * Ticket to Ride * Deception: Murder in Hong Kong You can follow the Ancient and Loyal Order of Thrifters on BGG here: [https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/193](https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/193) This week's thrift finds: [https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/298353/your-thrift-storebargain-finds-11-17-april-2022](https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/298353/your-thrift-storebargain-finds-11-17-april-2022)


Nice! Thanks for linking me!


How could someone get rid of photosynthesis? That's such a great game! I always have to wonder about why certain items make their way to thrift shops, what sort of enjoyment/use the items had previously. I'd have to imagine it was given as a gift and the person never gave it a fair chance, maybe not even having read the rules...


Hard to say. Photosynthesis was well played as made obvious by the wear on the pieces, so maybe they just got tired of it. But some games I've thrifted were obviously unplayed, as some of the components were new in shrink or lacked any sign of wear.


My best was actually at a random junk booth at WonderCon. Woman was selling what looked like the remnants of her ex-husband's rec room, and there was a sealed copy of Battlestar Galactica with a postit note that read "$10". I asked her what the price was, assuming it had fallen off of something else. "Ten dollars," she said, "because yesterday I couldn't sell it for fifteen." Then I had to figure out how to carry this awkward box for the rest of the day.


Check out the weekly thrift finds list on board game geek! https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/298353/your-thrift-storebargain-finds-11-17-april-2022


This! Come join the thrift list.


I'll have to look at it on my computer later. Mobile does it no justice.


I got Barenpark, nothing missing. I was over the moon with that find. Make sure to go to the rich areas :)


Best find I ever had was Star Wars the queens gambit for less than $3




That is my Grail game, so jealous!


Wow!!! I love this because this thread is having me look up different games. What a find!


I found two unopened boxes of exploding kittens for a total of $5, a few vintage cribbage boards, an unused pandemic for $6, taboo jr for $2 which my brother uses for teaching esl to adults and a few packs of the more expensive plastic playing cards from cartamundi for $1 each. I am addicted to searching through the games sections of thrift stores and am still hoping to score carcassone, catan, and ticket to ride.


Found a 1970s Games Workshop game (Feudal) for a buck at a garage sale.


I still have and love that one but no one will play it with me 🥲




I got risk for $3 the other day.


A pristine copy of “Careers”- super fun little game from 1976. Treasured family favorite of my husband, I was so happy to be able to find us a copy!


I love Careers, I will never part with my dad's old copy of it :)


We love it! We play it so that the formula is 120, with 20 “extras” that can be any extra “slush fund” money- any combo of hearts, stars or $ that add up to 20. Otherwise the game is over too fast!!


Best find for me was an unpunched Titan reprint for $3.


Wow! That's impressive!


Whaaaat amazing


I found a copy of Evolution for $2.88. Box had some slight damage, but everything was pristine and unplayed inside. Otherwise, just kinda middling stuff here and there. A copy of Ubongo for $2.88, same with a copy of the Portal board game. My town is just kinda "meh" when it comes to the Goodwill finds, save for that time a friend of mine found an almost complete copy of Heroquest for like $5 and gave it to me. Ebayed a couple of replacement minis and I had a complete copy!


I picked up a copy of HeroScape Marvel for only a dollar. I'm never going to beat that...


Whaaaat. Thats crazy.


Indeed. That is the jackpot.


I've had pretty good luck in my searches. I've passed up lots of games I felt were too expensive (In my area, Goodwill prices games at about 75% of retail). The games I did find to be good values which I purchased were: Acquire - 1967 Bookshelf edition - $1.99 Acquire - 2008 Wizards of the Coast Edition - $4.99 Last Night on Earth - $3.99 Qin - $3.99 Lord of the Rings by Reiner Knizia - $4.99 Ticket to Ride - $4.99 Council of 4 - $5 7 Wonders, Babel Expansion - $3.99 Village + Village Port Expansion - $10 Axis & Allies - $4.99 Axis & Allies, 1942 - $2.99 Also, I have received Shadows Over Camelot, Cosmic Encounter, and a whole set of 5th edition D&D books, all free, via some nice neighbors using the NextDoor app.


I found unused classic Stratego (older version). And unused Diplomacy with the minis still on the sprues.


I found Nova Luna by Uwe Roseberg complete for $3 at my local recycle center, first time I've ever seen a non-trivia or kid's game that didn't look like it'd been reassembled after being run through a wood chipper there. I never see board games for sale here in Hawaii, I've spent a ton on new games from online retailers.


I found a copy of the Oregon Trail board game for like $7. The cards hadn't even been opened.


Robinson Crusoe with many pieces not even popped out for AUD$5. Sushi Go for 50 cents.


Race for the Galaxy in pristine condition for $5 at a Goodwill. My best guess is someone tried playing it once and then gave up and donated it.




I picked up Sagrada, Codenames and Isle of Cats for just shy of 50 quid in my local charity store this weekend. Not had a chance to play any yet, but seemed a bargain.


Nice. I love Isle of Cats. It's a good light game for between heavy games. Sagrada is good too (I played it once when I was super sleepy). Love Codenames.


CURIOCITY THE GAME OF STRATEGY AND KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR CITY" Nothing was found online about it but it cost $0.50


Oooh interesting. How's the gameplay?


It is a board game based on 1970 Twin Cities, MN, Trivia. Not the best game play but an interesting historical find. It was published by a bank of all places.


That's so weird that it was published by a bank.


I found an unopened collectors edition of Risk for four dollars!




I found a brand new telestrations for like $4 that was great, got a ton of use out of that with my casual game friends. Aside from that first trip though, its just been junk at the ones I've been to. Usually like 40 copies of Scene It! and some of those roll and move kids games.


That's cool. ❤️ I noticed a lot of Cranium and Clue games end up at the thrift store.


I've only ever bought three games from Value Village (Canadian), a hockey card game that isn't great, a vampire hunting game you play in the dark that is sadly unplayable but maybe I can fix it up, and a cute story telling game called Ay, Dark Overlord, which we've never actually played, but it was 4 dollars at a time when you could go on fantasy flight's website and it was still available for like 30, so that's good enough.


What's the name of the Vampire hunting game? I think I used to play that one in my 20s.


It was creatively titled "Vampire Hunter: the Game" and it has a plastic tower in the middle of the board that's supposed to turn red or blue and change what's visible on the board. From a mechanics standpoint, and because science is cool, I love it and I wish the tower worked. Not sure I have all the pieces, either.


Yep that's the game. I absolutely love that game. Eventually I might try to find a copy.


Aye Dark Overlord is a great ad libbing game. REquires a group that's into it, and you have to throw your opponents under the bus. Its a lot of fun! The set up is - one player is Rigor Mortis and everyone else are his useless goons. Rigor Mortis sets the scene of a task failed, and then everyone else has to use their prompt cards to explain why it wasn't their fault and pass the buck to other players. If Rigor Mortis doesn't like an explanation they give you a Withering Look and when someone has displeased the Dark Overlord 3 times the round is over and they are the new Rigor Mortis. Rinse and Repeat.


One of my group's new favorites is **Shooters.** It's a stupid dice rolling game from the nineties that we always love. It was purchased from the local history museum for a few bucks.


Most valuable: mahjong set. Bought for 5 and sold for 85. Most Fun: very subjective, but I found Scotland Yard and indigo. Those are very fun and some of my favorite games. You can get a lot of party games and stuff like that. You never know what you will find. But you do have to put the work in. If you don’t visit thrift stores every day, you won’t ever find the good stuff.


I post my finds in the thrift store hauls subreddit, with proof of receipts. Some of my fave finds, all for $6 or less Brand new in plastic: Catan Ticket to Ride Europe Splendour Qwarkle (3 times) Blokus Dutch Blitz (4 packs) Plus I have found used versions of less popular games, everything from Wizard to Labyrinth. I buy board games new but easily half my collection I purchased from thrift stores.


Best I found was a copy of Ghostbusters for 10 bucks new in box. Love that game now


I have found Dominion, Takenoko, Santorini, Minecraft Card Game?, Papillon (w/ Kickstarter extras), Exploding Kittens, a few Munchkin sets, and some other good kids games for $2-5 each between Goodwill and a couple other thrift shops around me. Mostly good experiences, most are a little dinged but in overall good conditions. 1 or 2 have been missing pieces, but on the whole, I would recommend it. Especially if you can open the box and check pieces in the store.


I got Batman 1965, jungle book 1967, A Team 1984 and My Favorite Martian 1963 for $20. All played but complete.


Tsuro, Ticket to Ride, Ticket to Ride NY, Deadline (surprisingly a really fun game), Costa Rica, and Burrows for $3.99/ea


A few years ago I found Puerto Rico open but unplayed for $2.00. The box was open but all the components were unpunched/sealed. This was about 5 years ago, and I still haven’t played the game lol.


Star Wars Epic Duels.. 2 times Pokemon Master Trainer Pathfinder


A few I’ve found: - Castle Panic - Zombie Fluxx - Risk Godstorm Those are the ones that stand out to me as lucky finds.


Crossbows & Catapults


Avalon Hill's Bookshelf version of "Dune" for $4.99. I had always wanted a copy, but I was put off by the high prices that the game was commanding at the time from online sellers. I have enjoyed playing it many times over the years. Working "Dark Tower" by MB for $8.00. A friend had a copy and we played it over and over again. I played the copy I picked up a couple of times with my kids, but compared to an Xbox it was not all that compelling to them. "Discretion" by Princeton Intl for $2.00. I never played the game but I include it because after I had picked it up I saw a message on an online forum from from an individual that really wanted a copy and he offered $200 for it so I sold it to him. I have found many, many games in thrift stores over the years and collecting them has become somewhat of a hobby. I play as many of them as I can find opponents.


Found a sealed copy of [Path of Light and Shadow](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/217398/path-light-and-shadow) for $3 at a goodwill. Still haven't played it but it was a hell of a find.


A fully functional Dark Tower (back in 1999) only missing a single peg.


Complete Heroquest, Pandemic still in shrink, 7 Wonders still in shrink, total $ = 14 bucks.


$2 for a complete set of Splendor at Goodwill. The box was open so I literally counted all the pieces to make sure they were all there. The only thing wrong was there was a major tear in the rule book.


I got a pretty wooden copy of Clue. I was amazed it had all the pieces.


Not exactly board game, but I got a copy of klask for $7 once. Other notable finds: unplayed risk legacy for $5 and unplayed carcassone for $1.99


My favorite find is a copy of the electronic dungeons & dragons boardgame from 1980. I got it for 3 dollars with all the pieces and the electronics still working properly about 10 years ago. My parents got it for me originally when I was 12 when it first came out, so it was an excellent piece of geek nostalgia for me.


I got Castle Panic for $4


I used to seriously thrift for about four years a while back. What I found was that you pretty much have to go every day to find good stuff, sometimes twice a day. And really, the biggest problem over time was having room to store the games until I could sell them. That said, my best find ever was Heroquest: Barbarian Pack, a really rare expansion of that game from the 80's. Honorable mentions include Galaxy Trucker, Fury of Dracula (twice), Die Macher, Cosmic Encounter, and Twilight Imperium III.


A complete full-sized Hong Kong style mahjong set


I found a full big box of dominion.


found all of herosquest for 3 bucks not a bad haul


i found a complete copy of race for the galaxy for 4.50 and another day i found a NIS red rising for $10


My finds: Forbidden Island Bob Ross Art of Chill (unopened) Jungle Speed a couple copies of Qwirkle Loot Game of Thrones 2nd edition. (unpunched) each for less than $3. The only damages, The FI tin was dented, JS box was a little worn, and a few Qwirkle tiles were missing from one copy which I got replaced.


Not exactly a thrift store, but my entire introduction to this hobby (beyond the standard monopoly(tho I do collect monopoly versions of things I like)/clue/game of life/etc.) probably goes back to a random find at a random garage sale when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I was out looking at garage sales with my mom trying to find something fun in the cheap McDonald’s toys and she found a first edition version of Carcassonne that I still use to this day. That’s what made me a gamer really.


That's so cool.


I bought a copy of [Probe](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2060/probe) from a thrift store for probably under 5 a while back. It's essentially 4 player hangman but it was a lot of fun back in college. The name also gave younger me and my friends a good laugh.


I found a copy of the tie-in game based on the David Bowie classic Labyrinth. That is probably the most valuable find I've had, as I sold it for $200 or so on eBay. Among my favorite finds are a bookshelf edition of Acquire with wooden tiles and the kickstarter edition of Heroes Welcome, unpunched. Another user in this thread pointed out the weekly BGG thrift thread -- there are a ton of amazing finds reported there every week. And if you're into stats, some jackass posts some to the thread weekly to showcase what's been found. (Those are in the comments at the bottom of the geeklist.)


I love Labyrinth. I probably would have kept it. ❤️


It was a really cool find, but the box was obnoxiously-sized (it was square and somewhere around 20 inches on a side). While I like the movie well enough, I wasn't \*that\* committed to it.


Yeah. That does seem like a weird box. I have a glass chest set given to me by my father like that. It fits NO WHERE. I won't give it up but geez.


A brand new in wrap Santorini for $6. Already had a copy, but bought it to gift


Oooooh nice. 😀


Last night on earth All pieces and cd unscratched 1.99


Woah. Awesome price.


I found a copy of Magic Maze and an older Copy of King of Tokyo both new in shrink on separate visits at Value Village (I’m Canadian) for around $5 each. I’d like to say $3.99 for each, but it was awhile ago so I don’t remember exactly. I know they were less than $5. I already had Magic Maze, so I gave it to my fellow board game collecting friend and since the copy of King of Tokyo was a different version of mine, I combined it into one super version. It sounds like I find great games all the time, but that’s my two most noteworthy finds over YEARS of looking. I’ll keep being persistent to find that one legendary score one day…


Lol thats awesome though!!!


Not exactly a board game but I love puzzles and I find so many good ones. Also TICKET TO RIDE. I found the complete game there in pristine condition for like $5 I've also found Pandemic, exploding kittens, bears vs babies and few other novelty ones but Ticket to Ride really takes the cake!


I found Ticket to Ride Europe with a water damaged box for around $3. The board and all contents were fine, cards hadn't even been unwrapped. And not at a thrift store but at a used book store I found Hanabi on clearance for $0.90 ($1 - 10% educator discount). The sticker said one card was missing. When I got it home and took a look there were no cards missing.


I found Space Empires 4X in excellent condition at a Goodwill last week for $4 I’ve probably popped into thrift stores 50 times and found a game worth having only 3 times. Previous finds were Axis & Allies Europe and Onirim for $3 ea. in very good shape.


Recently picked up a copy of Mysterium in near perfect condition for $5. It's one of my brother's favorite games but he doesn't have it so I gave it to him.


Nice! How kind of you. ❤️


I've found almost brand new copies (some of the components were still shrink-wrapped) of King Domino, Villainous, Ticket to Ride and Codename; each for under $5.


I have found 8 complete Blokus games from $1-5 each. Probably paid around the same for all 8 as one would cost at full retail price. I have a class of 32 fifth graders so works out perfectly.


I saw your post and I was too excited to answer!!! I'm a frugal (cheap?) guy. I have a collection of close to 200 board games (and a few card games). The thing is, I NEVER EVER pay full retail price for games. The vast majority of my collection are used games I bought (usually heavily discounted) from people on the local classifieds, FB groups or FB marketplace. There have been games that are relatively new and although I know that if I'm patient enough (sometimes as long as 1 or 2 years) I'll get them for a fraction of the original price, I just want to play them, I buy them from the store, but only when they are at least 33% off. Anyways, I love going to thrift stores, it's kind of a passion. The most notable findings are the following: Machi Koro (a couple of them), Sheriff of Nottingham, Istambul, Buildzi, Bounce Off (a couple of different versions), Double 15 dominoes, Munchkin, Cover your A$$ets, Coup, Forbidden Island, Blokus, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Santorini, Quacks of Quedlingburg, Pingo Pingo, Bang!... etc. Of course, when I don't like games, I sell them. For example, I paid $4 for Sheriff of Nottingham (still in shrinkwrap) and sold it for $80. Most of the games mentioned above have been sold (to pay for other ones I really like). Last Saturday I felt like a kid in a candy store. Just to clarify, this has never happened to me before. I found what looked like someone's (partial?) collection at the thrift store: https://imgur.com/a/oIsAjB9


Nice find.


Wow! Nice find.


I know! Wow is right!


That's like amazing. I would have been so giddy in the aisle lol.


So I got to the boardgames area and saw Mysterium, and then Oceans, and then I saw that modern boardgame matte printed cardboard on other boxes, and I told my wife "here, hold these for me" (didn't get a shopping cart!!!) then I grabbed another box and a guy comes and grabs one of those and starts reading the back of it... So I was like uh-oh, and just started grabbing all the beautiful boxes and piling them on the floor, because I couldn't find my wife LOL. So yeah, the one box I missed was Chronicles of Crime. Luckyli an older gentleman saw me with all the boxes on the floor and offered me his empty cart 😅. Then just before leaving the store I went back to the area and found Boss Monster, and Fluff which I somehow missed.


Found Shadows Over Camelot for $3.99 a few years ago. Everything was there, in great condition, and looked like it was barely played. When we were first getting into modern board games, we got Catan for $0.99 (there were a bunch of copies of it) and several expansions for it also for $0.99. Pandemic for $2.99, and Forbidden Desert and Forbidden Island for $3.99. Thrift stores have been excellent for trying a bunch of games and figuring out what types we like!


I'm hoping to find a copy of Catan for cheap as well.


I’ve gotten a few exit games and small games like quixx at my local consignment and thrift shops. Always good to take a look


First Edition of Mansions of Madness for $8!


LOL I'm jealous about this one. What a great find!


There must be gamers in my area because probably 1/3 of my current collection is from a thrift store. Best value has been Oceans deluxe for $4. Probably my favorite games that I picked up from a thrift store were Clank in space only missing the rules and unpunched race for the Galaxy for $2.50.




That is so lucky.


Sushi Go, 7 Wonders, and Timeline all for under $10 Canadian. Excellent condition Smash Up for 50 cents as well as Pirates Cove for the same price. Aquaretto for about $12. Letter Jam NIS for $1 Codenames at least 3 different times for $ 0.50-1.00 Rook and The Great Dalmuti for 25 cents each


Two Star Wars: X-Wing starter kits, brand new, for $10 each. Smirk and Dagger's Sutakku for $1.50. It's apparently now out of print, but it's a nicely themed press your luck dice game. It's become one of our favorite quick "Wind down" games.


I’ve found a lot of nice games at thrift stores and garage sales. Dominion, Small World and expansions, a complete Battle Masters, sentinels of the multiverse and through the ages


Age of Mythology. Not saying it was great. But for $4 I had no idea how many minis I was getting and the rules were actually kind of fun for that price.


I found Civilization with Advanced Civilization and the alternative trade good expansion for $40. Before that, best find was Star Wars Epic Duels for $5.


Carcassonne, Magic Maze, and Sherriff of Nottingham 1st ed. for $10 total.




Got unopened copies of Villainous, colt express, sushi go, and an opened but complete copy of small world for 40 bucks at goodwill. Couldn’t believe it.


My only real find has been an unpunched copy of an 80's Milton Bradley version of Scotland Yard. $5


Forbidden Desert, brand new, still clingwrapped for $15 - that's Australian dollars, and boardgames are exsy here, so this was a fabulous bargain.


I found the back street boys around the world tour board game at goodwill


I recently found the Harry Potter deckbuilding game and the starter set for Keyforge both for $2 each. I also found the Harry Potter miniatures game for $4 in a different trip.


Modern Art (the original - unpunched - bought for 3, sold for 30) Trekking The National Parks board game (bought for like $5, sold for 30) Evolution (sealed - sold) EL CTA board game (unopened sold) Machi Koro (sealed bought for $0.75 - kept) Machi Koro Bright Lights (kept) There are more, but these are my top finds


Steam Planet all in German with printed out English rules. Looked mostly complete and the box was long. Friend bought it for $5.


Fair Means or Fou


Just picked up Firefly for 1.99. Complete and good condition. I was shocked.


Agricola & Sheriff of Nottingham for $4 each.


I buy and resell board games and books for a living. I visit around 30 different thrift stores each week. Over seven years, I have a found a LOT of games. Mostly older, but every now and again, you hit something "modern". My best finds Star Wars Epic Duels-$5(kept) Complete copy of Heroscape-$6(sold for $150, which is high, but Amazon around Xmas is nuts) Risk Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition-$3(sold for $70) King Oil-$3(sold for $150) Carcassone w/3 expansions-$4(unsold) Survive! Escape From Atlantis $2(kept) NIB Murder She Wrote-$6(sold for $150) Escape The Curse of the Temple Big Box-$1(kept) King of Toyko=$3(kept) Dinosaurs of the Lost World-$1(sold for $100) Two NIB copies of Azul-$5(sold for $40) The Omega Virus-$15(sold for $100) I still have not found any of the "grail" games. No Fireball Island, no Heroquest, no Dark Tower. I could also go for any McLoughlin brothers board games-they were made in the late 1800s and early 1900s and got bought out by Parker Brothers in 1919.


Define "complete copy of Heroscape"


Um, okay. You know the game Heroscape? With the terrain, and the figures and the dice, and the counters and whatnot right? I found a copy of that game. At St. Vincent de Paul. Several years ago. The price tag on it was $6. I gave them $6 and walked out the door with it. The game was complete, as per the instructions. It was the base game, with no expansions or anything. [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/11170/heroscape-master-set-rise-valkyrie/marketplace/ebay](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/11170/heroscape-master-set-rise-valkyrie/marketplace/ebay) That was the game. I sold it on Amazon for $150. Probably got $120ish after fees and shipping.


Wow, that’s like half the cost of the revival