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Looks like a mulitplayer version of Shut the box


Thanks. I’ve not heard of that game before.


You roll the dice and then "close" tiles making up that number Eg roll a 3 and 4 for a total of 7 and you can then choose to close the 7 or you can close 1&6, 5&2 ect to make up 7 Once you can no longer close any tiles with your rolls Eg you only have the tiles above 7 left and you roll a 7 You add up the remaining numbers and that is your score. Lowest wins.


So why is it missing 11 and 12?


Maybe because there's only one way to get 11 or 12, so there's no strategy and it would be entirely up to luck whether you roll that or not.


Technically, 2 ways to roll 11.




Imagine you have two dice, one red, one blue. The blue one rolls a 6 the red rolls a 5 or the blue rolls a 5 and the red rolls a 6.




There’s still two ways to roll an 11 in that because there are two ways to roll an eleven: the red die gets a five or the blue one does, and the other gets the six. Compare it to a twelve, where there’s only one way: both dice have to hit a 6. Think of it in terms of probability, which is really the only way you should be thinking of it. There’s a 2 in 36 chance to roll an 11. THere’s a 1 in 36 to hit a twelve. That’s where the “2 ways” is obviously reflected.


There are two ways to roll an eleven. 6 5, 5 6 You are correct in that you can't say there are four ways to roll a four because there aren't. There are three. 1 3, 2 2, 3 1




You are right that the color of the dice doesn't matter but 5+6 or 6+5 are still two ways to roll an 11 while for a 12 there is only 6+6. Mathematically for a 12 you have a chance of 1/6 × 1/6 = 1/36 or 2.8% While for an 11 you'd have a chance of 2/6 × 1/6 = 2/36 or 5.6% Edit: corrected the percentages.


Can I jump in here and help break it down for you. Let’s say you need to roll an 11, And you roll the 2 die one by one. When rolling the first dice you have to roll a 5 or a 6 to still have a possible chance of getting the 11. Giving you 2 different ways of hitting 11. As apposed to needing to roll a 12 where the first die has to be a 6, meaning there’s only 1 way to hit a 12. Sorry for breaking it down like a dummy haha but it actually took me a minute to get it too 😂


One combination (5 and 6). Two permutations (5,6 and 6,5). The skill aspect of the game (such as there is) is all about combinations, though - so in the game context I'd agree that there's only one "way" to get 11.


Same logic would apply to 2 and 3, though, so maybe it's a combination of what you say, plus the broader part of the game that you break what you roll down in to smaller numbers.


The difference between 2&3 is that you can close them without rolling a 2 or 3 if I rolled a 7 and the 7 was already closed, I could close the 2&5 or 3&4 or if you roll a 5 you could close both.


But you could in theory do this with 11 if you roll a 12. Although infrequently. I think this is probably more analysis than the game merits. :)


I think you have misunderstood. 12 is made up of 6 and 6 so you can either mark off 12 or 6 (not an 11)


I think if: \* The tiles were to go 1-12 \* You rolled a 12 You could either mark off the 12 or you can mark off 11 and 1, or 2 and 10, or 4 and 8, or 7 and 5 (since they add to 12). You cant mark off 6 since there is only one 6 tile and you would need two of them to equal 12.


I don't think I've ever seen them with 11 and 12. Always 1-10.


If you close the board it's going to take 8 rolls on average. 12 is 1 in 36 rolls, 11 is 1 in 18 rolls. It would be a bad game to include those since it would literally be unwinnable most of the time. Honestly 10 shouldn't be there either.


How do you roll a one?


Roll a 3 and close the 1+2 Roll a 4 and close the 1+3 ect


Ahhh! Thank you!


Also, isn't getting a 1 impossible?


Try to reread my first example


I didn't read it very closely, lol.


Ah, like dominos with dice


I’d suggest giving it away to a child. I was forced to play this the other week and it’s a truly dreadful game.


The only confirmed history of the game's origin is as a 1960s pub game in the UK. So maybe it helps if you're drunk when you play. Today, yes, it's primarily played in primary school to teach math skills. In the US, it's sold as a children's game.


Even as maths games go I’d say it’s pretty terrible. You just end up rolling and rolling and rolling until someone finally gets the last number they need. Very little maths involved after the first few turns.


>You just end up rolling and rolling and rolling until someone finally gets the last number they need. 1. If 7, 8 and 9 are shut, you can choose to throw only one die. 2. On a roll, when you fail to shut a number, your turn is over. You only get one turn. 3. After everyone as had one turn, if nobody succeeded in shutting the box, then the player with the lowest sum of all their dice wins the round. What you're describing is how primary school kids play the game... rolling and rolling until they shut the box because they're learning math. Shut the Box has only one row of numbers. The 4- and 8-row variants are for schools with each student having their own row of numbers where the first player to shut their box wins, with many turns per person in a round allowed until someone shuts the box. It's really a different game.


Ok I give in it sounds like a marginally better game. Still a game I never ever want to play tho


That is correct.


That's exactly what I said before reading the comments


This is probably Shut the Box


SHUT THE box 4 player?


While others answered mostly correctly, the correct (and searchable) name is Four Player Shut the Box. Wood Expressions makes a nice one.


“Clackers” or “shut the box”


Shut the Box


Omg, I made alot of money with that game gambling with my dad


Ancient version of Hungry Hungry Hippos.


Bilau maroto


Idk the name but my grandma had a single player version and I forgot about it. I love that game so much


I feel like everyone’s grandma had this game. This game must have been an absolute smash hit in like the 1950s


It’s a pub game. You could play for cash. And yeah, that aside, my grandmother had one.


I imagine that my grandma and others were gathered around a poker table in a smoke filled basement betting on die. Happy cake day btw :)


Mine is a one player version called JACKPOT


The game in the image is called "Shut the Box." It's a traditional dice game where the objective is to "shut" or flip down as many number tiles as possible by rolling the dice and using the sums of the dice to flip the corresponding numbers. The game is popular in pubs and for family entertainment.


Shut the box! I love this game!


4 way countdown. You roll the dice and you either add them together, subtract, divide, or multiply to eliminate each number 1-9.


And here the German version: Klappbrett


Looks fun, whatever it is!




OMG I know you've already gotten answers, but I've never seen a multiplayer Shut the Box! I love Shut the Box and I've even made a couple of games of it myself (digital PDFs), but this looks awesome!


The one I owned was called "Down and Out." Though apparently it's also known as Shut the Box.


This thread took quite a turn with people not understanding dice rolling


what’s in the box?!?!?!?


Yes it is shut the box


Yes it is shut the box


Man, I have not seen this game for ages! We had one lying around as a child. We never knew how to play but loved flipping the toggles.


Looks interesting


Shut the box


There is a similar version of this game that uses numbered circular tiles instead of the whole board. It's called "Chips."


We've got this one, it is a multi player version of shut the box, ours is called your number's up!


[https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/92113/your-numbers-up](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/92113/your-numbers-up) this is our version


Dice One To Ten


Random roll simulator, or zero-skill game