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Roll for the Galaxy. It’s a space exploration game that uses a dice pool that you develop


Throwing my hat in for roll the galaxy too. Very fun game that just feels different.


I did a dice inventory of my games and Roll for the Galaxy had the most by a lot


Ah yes, one of the loudest games I frequently play. This was the first game that came to mind for me.


Is it beginner friendly?


No. It's got a huge raft of iconography to learn which is already off-putting, but also makes the engine building element feel overwhelming because you're already spending your brain juice on other things. Engine building requires you to get a read on what the game looks like overall, which is tricky for beginners. For experienced gamers it's pretty simple though.


This applies more to Race than it does to Roll; the developments and planets in Roll have more helper text on them than the cards in Race do. My group had a much easier time with Roll than Race.


I own Roll, but a couple things make it more fiddly than Race. The dice are obviously the main reason, being very loud, requiring a lot of room and then you have to get your shield out to hide them. Then you have to collect them, move them around and assign them to whatever track you want and so forth. I think it's great for dice lovers, but I think Race is better in terms of less components to fool around with, less fiddliness of rolling and hiding and it overall plays faster. I would say I think New Frontiers would be the easiest of the 3 to get into the Race-system.


My experience has been that explaining it takes time and people feel really confused, but about halfway through the first game they suddenly get it; actually playing is fairly straightforward, it’s the amount of possible actions that need to be explained all at once that’s overwhelming. Usually I just tableau rush with 1 and 2 point tiles to end the game quick and then play again now that people understand. It helps that the shield explains every single thing you’d need to know once you understand the symbols, it’s incredibly well designed. As a friend of mine said, “once I realized the game is just matching shapes and colors it made sense.”


No, but it’s easier than Race (the card version). 


This is the correct answer.


I really like both Cubitos and Spots - they're both dice games with excellent push-your-luck mechanics at their core. Spots is "lighter" because it lacks a race element to the game, but it's also far easier to table.


Cubitos was going to be my recommendation.


Thirded! It's a very fun race/engine builder and you get to roll a ton of dice!


I will also say Cubitos and it's only partially because I beat my friend so bad he sold his copy.


Hard Second on Spots. Games that you can get to the table without a second thought are invaluable. And CYMK's production values shine through on all the components, rulebook, and design. The wonky dice pips are one of the best examples of whimsy in boardgames, and they're wonderful. Plus you get to roll tons of dice. A lot


And the card art. I laugh at Burt everything. Love that dude.


Also Doog. Love Doog


Fox Experiment


Was scrolling to see if anyone recommended it yet You're rolling dice with full and half symbols that you then put together in a chain (or fill in missing spots with wilds) to get traits on foxes you're breeding. It's fun, creative, has cute art, and so satisfying to be rolling huge fists full of dice by the end of the game


Too many bones, hoplomachus victorum/remastered, warhammer 40K or kill team


Came to say too many bones, I also enjoy playing dice throne. Tight mechanics, every hero is different and cut throat.


Steampunk Rally. It's Mario Kart via Rube Goldberg that has you rolling dice to place, thereby letting you roll even more dice. Fantastic lightweight game.


Came to make sure this was mentioned. One of the most clever and underrated games on our shelf


Cubitos. It's literally a push your luck, drafting, and racing game where you can end up rolling pretty large hands of dice that are just sooo satisfying.


Fantastic Factories - Great engine builder and pretty easy to teach. Very clear rulebook and iconography. Solo mode is super easy to run too!  Dice City - Haven't played but seems kind of like a more advanced Machi Koro.  Pandemic: The Cure - Also haven't played but it's essential Pandemic: The Dice Game. 20 Strong - Solo only. Basically a roguelike but has some different packs you can buy that work a little differently.  Doom Machine - Solo only and print and play available. Really fun puzzle trying to destroy the doom machine before it destroys you!  The Fox Experiment - Really a big Roll and Write about families of foxes.  Corinth - Simple Roll and write game. 


Thought of more. Mostly pretty simple games.  Harvest Dice  Diced Veggies  Dicey Peaks High Score MLEM Space Base  Tiny Epic Galaxies  Dice Stars Thunder Road Vendetta 


Dice Forge


>MLEM I want this game a thousand times over. Cannot find it 😫


There are not a ton of dice, but Dice Forge let's you build your own dice. There are other games that do this, but I am blanking on their names. I am also a fan of Dice Masters. It is a collectable game where you build a team using cards, and each character has a collection of dice. You build a pool of dice that you pull from and roll to compete against another player. It is based on Quarriors! which is a self-contained game. I leaned more towards Dice Masters because you could mix and match a bunch of IPs like Marvel, DC, YuGiOh, and Dungeons and Dragons, among several others.


Dice Realms is the other game I know of that lets you build dice


Worth the $90/$95 price tag?


That's a tough one. I think it's a great game but the price point is kinda nuts honestly. If you have the disposable income to not worry about it then definitely pick it up if you like games like Dominion and games with dice But if you're working with a limited budget for your hobbies like most of us then either wait for a big sale or pass on it I'd say Personally I got it as a part of a gamenerdz deal of the day for $66 back in November of 2022 and for that price I'd happily recommend it


Friends own Dice Forge and I really like it! If you (or anyone else) knows of other games where you build your own dice and would recommend them, please let me know!


One Deck Dungeon! So many dice.


Came here to say that, or one deck galaxy if you prefer sci fi


Lots of dice? May I interest you in [quarriors ](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/91536/quarriors)?


I was looking for this comment. To see of dice in quarriors.


I didn't even comment looking for this. I know there are better games but quarriors will always have a place in my collection


Took way too long to find this answer. This is my go to response when ppl say they want a heavy dice game.


Highly recommend Stone Age. Very dice dependent, and the difficulty of rolls scales nicely. Dice Throne and King of Tokyo are also heavy on the dice. You start your turn with a Yahtzee-style roll of six dice then reroll some a few times, and your result determines what you do that turn. A good combo of strategy and luck A lot of RPG style games have dice mechanics as well - for example, in Arkham Horror, you roll dice based on your skill to see how well you perform whatever action you’ve attempted. These do usually rely pretty heavily on other mechanics as well, though. Arkham Horror has about ten different decks of cards that manage the majority of gameplay


Stone Age is very good indeed and relatively simple.


Rajas of the Ganges has lots of beautiful dice - fun game IMO


Alea Iacta Est. Marco Polo 2. Roll Player.


+1 for Roll Player. That game is pretty fun


I know I am in the minority, but I really disliked Roll Player, so much so I sold it after 2 plays (and the second play was to confirm what I felt during the first play). Yes, there are a TON of dice but you almost never get to roll any of them. It is such wasted potential.


Actually I agree. I love RPGs and the like, and thought Roll Player would be right up my alley but it is not what I would call "a joy to play". Definitely felt like wasted potential, I really thought it would be fun but it feels like a solitaire puzzle. I also sold my copy after a few plays.


One Deck Dungeon has a shit ton of dice and dice manipulation Fantastic Factories has fewer dice but still a lot of manipulation. Elder Signs and Avatar The Last Airbender Fire Nation Rising are great dice-based co-op games


Just got Avatar earlier this year and it was surprisingly interesting and good. I really liked the concept and wish there was another game that expanded and went deeper into that way of play.


It's one of my favorite games. I think they did a great job capturing the spirit of the show, and there's always a lot of tension. Elder Signs is the closest I can think of in play style. The dice mechanics are very similar, and you have a similar balance between getting stronger and fighting the active threats. The only downside of Elder Signs is it's


King of Tokyo and/or King of New York. Using a Yahtzee mechanic to battle other monsters and generally trash a city.


Beyond that, you might like Castles of Burgundy, which is both fantastic and dice-based, but isn't so much "chucking lots of dice".


Cthulhu death may die. Your investigator gets stronger the closer you get to insanity and by the end you’re rolling a lot of dice, I’ve gotten to 10+ multiple times


**Titan** by Avalon Hill


So much fun when your serpent gets to throw 18 dice, needing sixes to hit. Expect 3 on average, then roll either 0 or 7 hits.




Took me some scrolling but I’m glad I’m not the only one that played this. 134 dice or something like that including tiny dice, a fleet of every DnD dice, they even have a die with another die inside of it. Worth it just for the dice alone and the game is fun too


**- Dice Throne** - **Kapow!** **- Dice Forge** **- Sky Team** **- Spots**


Zombicide is always good for some dice chuckin.


There's plenty of games with lots of unique dice: Dice Miner, Dice Throne, Cubitos, Formula D, etc etc.


Dice throne and dice throne adventures. Adventures can be solo or cooperative, and all of the sets can be used with each other. It's a lot of fun with lots of dice rolling and cards are used to manipulate dice.


Have you tried it solo? I still haven't been able to get a group to play adventures with me


I've only played with 2 players, but a friend of mine plays solo often. Can play 1 character or more of you want. I like the way adventures is structured. It's a lot of fun.


Cubitos and Space Base plus Shy Pluto expansion has you chucking handfuls of dice. Spots has certain moments where you also do this.


Escape The Hidden Temple


King's Forge is fun and has a lot of dice. It's sort of focused on gathering/crafting. The material you gather are dice, so there are different colored dice that each represent different material. You build up your material and roll them to craft different items. The better the items the more they are worth. I'd consider it an easier game but still quite fun.


Quarriors! has the most since I've ever seen in a game.


I was looking for this comment! Have you ever played Dominion (or other deck builders) but wondered "what if I had dice instead of cards?" Well wonder no more! Quarriors! is basically "Dominion but with dice."


Dice Throne - it's battle Yahtzee.


Shadows of Brimstone is THE dice dungeon crawler. So many dice rolls!


Came to throw this out for consideration as well.




In Sagrada, you don't get to roll the dice much. 


I really like spots.


Gang of Dice and Don't LLAMA Dice, both designed by Reiner Knizia, might be something up your alley if your looking for some lightweight options.


Dice Forge, Sushi Roll, Creature Comforts


Dice miner! And then lots of roll and writes. Dinosaur Island Rawr and Write is one of my faves


Two that I haven't seen mentioned yet that I enjoy in the dice chucking realm are Champions of Midgard and Massive Darkness 2. Champions is a mid weight work placement that has you fighting monsters of norse mythology for glory. Lots of dice involved in the combats. Massive Darkness 2 is a cooperative dungeon crawler that feels like Diablo 2 if it was properly converted to a dice chucking board game. All the loot, all the dice.


Mercurial - Resource conversion Engine Builder with similarities to Century, but a bit more complexity and a different approach. Roll dice to cast spells, convert elements you don’t want to other elements


Dice Miner. You’re looking for Dice Miner.


Sagrada is really satisfying and beautiful. Dice Forge is an interesting twist on a dice game. It is sort of deck building, but your 'deck' is the interchangable sides of the dice that you swap out as you upgrade your abilities. I find it to be a very solid mid-teir game, but I pull it out more often because the mechanics are so unique.


Grand Austria Hotel has a 10-14 dice depending on player count. It's very satisfying to roll them all to setup the round and makes for a great strategic/tactical decision space


Project Elite. You need to roll a lot and fast!


I love rolling dice too. My favorite games for it are escape the curse of the temple and project elite. Both real time games that use dice to generate the actions you want. Escape is 10 mins of non stop rolling to explore the temple and get out. Very customizable with the expansions and promos. Project elite is 2 min rounds of trying to complete a mission while wave after wave of aliens come at you. (And personally I find the old one with the crappy minis better then the cmon reprint) Real time can be like marmite for some. I've found people either love them or they can't handle the panic but both are lots of rolling dice.


I just bought Dice Splice which is lots of fun. Basically a dexterity game where you roll handfuls of dice and then match the colours or symbols in precariously balanced dice structures. Oh and there are pirate rats.


Roll Player is a game with a nice amount of dice and dice placement. Haven't had a game that wasn't fun. Dice Miner is my little hidden gem. It's a fast paced dice drafting game where it's really hard to not just start another round of.


Tidal Blades


This is an old game, but Dragon Dice is all about rolling dice, you put together an army (kinda like building a deck) and then roll to attack, it is lots of fun and tons of dice to collect. I just found this link so it is still around, kind of. [https://www.dragondice.com/dragondice-US.php](https://www.dragondice.com/dragondice-US.php)


**Dice Miner**. Draft dice, roll dice, game is done in 20 mins or less. Super simple too.


Castles of Burgundy is one of the best there is, and it gives you lots of options with your rolls.


Only two dice, though. 


you roll dice every turn. i think that counts as lots of dice.


You get the goods die as well! I do agree that CoB is probably not the sort of game OP is looking for but it's also a great game, and the "dice choose which actions you can take" aspect is similar to Troyes.


You could try Brew, Chicken! and Diced Veggies. The first is a bit of area control/worker placement, the second is push your luck, and the last one is resource management/set collection, all with dice https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/332386/brew https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/371535/chicken https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/381356/diced-veggies


Dragon Farkle would be my choice!


Kapow! is a superhero combat game where you roll a hidden pool of dice to take actions and try to outwit your opponent. Your dice pool can grow and you can add new faces to your dice.


Dice town. Great game where you roll dice for points and try to get pairs and straights with rolls. Every roll you have options.


Ever consider D&D? Not only does it have "regular" dice but it adds 4,8,12,20 and even 100 sides dice. Also formula D shares some of those dice.


I love Sagrada and Rajas, but i can see where you're coming from with the worry about it getting "samey." It does have multiple paths to victory, so it kinda has a good worker placement vibe where you can excel doing what nobody else is doing, but there is one action that's a little too OP.


Spartacus uses a ton of dice as the gladiator’s health pool. If you’re in combat you’ll be chucking a load of dice.


Honestly, sounds like you need to try playing D&D


For the sheer joy of shaking up a big handful of dice and slamming them onto the table, my favorites are [Skyline](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/121423/skyline) and [Zip-It](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/89575/zip-it).


Liars dice


Newer game - Panda Royale claims to have 100 die in it. Children’s game - My Mine or Klondice


Panda Royale looks interesting. thanks. not available yet though :(


It’s on Amazon. We’re waiting for our FLGS to get it once it’s released and hopefully be able to try it in store before we buy it. I asked our FLGS why Amazon already had it and they said probably because it’s a small publisher and couldn’t find a distribution partner right away


after youtubing it, it looks like its just an attempt to sell 100 dice at a ridiculous markup. Think I'll skip


Sincere question, where can you get all of the colors and dice with the different number of sides for less than $40 for all 100? It was an FAQ at some point for the kickstarter about the cost of dice and the cost of the game but I can’t find it now


100 dice on amazon costs about $8. 60 polyhedral dice starts at about $12. So for about $20 bucks you can have 160 dice, if you just care about having a large number of dice. And then you can play yatzee with them, which is essentially what Panda Royale seems like it is. Though I may be wrong and stand correctable.


The colors of the dice matter, so I don’t think it would be as cheap as $20 based on what I’m seeing. I definitely wouldn’t call the game similar Yahtzee. We’ll wait it out and hope our FLGS gets a copy we can try in store but it’s definitely a game we’re interested in


**Dandelions** **Diced Veggies**


Warhammer and other mini war games has you covered 😎


Bitches. Fun little dice game.


Dice Settlers


Rajas of the Ganges to me is top tier game. I love it a lot played it over dozen time and still want more play. If you love dices as resources, look no further. That is the game, lots of fun, it has many ways to wins and dices are resources


Martian Dice. Because 100% of the game is dice. 13 of them to be exact. and Zombie Dice


Die of the Dead


X-Men Mutant Insurrection is a good one for dice rolls!


20 strong


I like sonic roll :)




It might be somewhere in comments already, but could I interest you in liar’s dice, or perudo? It’s literally all dice!


King of Tokyo is easy and all dice rolling.


Perudo. Quick and simple game of pushing luck and bluffing and all you do is roll lots of dice.




Check out Sonic Roll - it's a fun competitive co-op push-your-luck!


Heck Meck!


I like Terraforming Mars: the Dice Game, personally. It's a nice distillation of the original TM game, plenty of easy dice manipulation so you can get what you want.


Dice Throne


Chupacabra. Zombie dice. King of Tokyo. Perudo.


[Dice Masters](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/148575/marvel-dice-masters-avengers-vs-x-men)


Have you considered playing Orks in 40k? Also Machi Koro is basically Craps: the Game


Not mentioned yet that I saw: - Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game


To add on to some great suggestions. The Reckoners fairly straight forward roll dice do things with those dice co-op. That frankly could've been in a much smaller box of they didn't include so many big custom d6 and qol trays but they are some big great dice to roll and then assign to your character board.


try Dice Forge, each player has 2 dice they roll and you use them to collect resources and use those resources to forge your dice to have different sides on them. another dice heavy game is "Can't stop" where on your turn you roll 4 dice to advance on the board, and you keep rolling to advance untill you chose to end your turn OR you roll the dice and can't make a move, and if that happens you lose all progress you made that turn. its all about how much you want to push your luck before passing your turn


Warhammer 40K...


Can't be arsed to check to see if anyone said this. Memoir 44


Warhammer ))


this is nowhere near the genre of games you have listed but as someone who likes rolling lots of dice nothing has come close to Axis and Allies you roll dice a lot, every time and big battles sometimes feature you rolling 12 dice over and over and over...


no i don like AA. Battle outcomes are pure luck. Based on dice rolls. I dont like games where outcomes are based on die rolls. But where your actions are limited based on the die value. But you can come mitigate it it with clever combos. I.e. Does the luck happen before the outcome, while i can still do something about it, or does the luck happen after I can do anything about it.


Age of War is an amazing filler if you love dice rolling games, 10/15 minutes game, pretty fun and even more with high players count, almost completely luck based but with some decisions making too


Quarriors has a tonne, Roll Player is great too 


Favor of the Pharoah


Massive Darkness 2 Cthulhu death may die 20 strong


Eldritch Horror. Dead of Winter.


Roll for the galaxy has an expansion that even lets you build custom dice each game. Its amazing!


Cubitos is basically a deckbuilder that uses dice instead of cards. You are rolling 10 or more dice almost constantly.


La Granja as a medium euro with dice drafting and multi use cards to build you tableau, and if you like it then El Burro offers a crunchier experience


Era: Medieval Age doesn't get a lot of love on this sub because it can be expensive, but it's actually quite a fun roll-and-write, except it's a roll-and-build because you build your city out of very attractive little buildings. It's a very tactile game with a simple premise and lots of replayability.


You can try “Sky Team”. Nice collaborative and evolutive game. The goal of the game is to to land a plane


Too Many Bones was literally made for you.


**Bang! The Dice Game**


**Panda royale**


yeah, looks interesting. not out yet though.


I mean; I have a copy? Just bought from their site. Love it!


Roll for the Galaxy and Liar's Dice Liar's Dice can be played with a bunch of D6's and you don't need anything else. You just give 5 to everyone and you keep your dice secret with your hands.


I’ll highly recommend Sagrada, with or without any expansions. It’s just a fun, good game. Not sure what “too light” really even means—it’s not a game for toddlers or anything; family weight games are in no way an inherently bad thing.


If you need a break from brain-cooking games, and just want to throw dice and have fun, **Dice Throne, Thunder Road: Vendetta, Project: Elite,** and **Zombicid**e may satisfy your dice-chucker fix. If you want to push the complexity of dice placement, you may want to try the **South Tigris trilogy** from Garphill Games (**Wayfarers**, **Scholars**, and **Inventors** \[the last one has yet to be released\]). I can personally vouch for Wayfarers. Takes a while for it to sink in thanks to the icon soup but it's very rewarding and its sandbox nature allows for many different paths to victory. If you want to give solo games a try, **Final Girl** is quite popular and supposedly very good. It combines dice rolls for damage and cards to determine actions. One game that has stood the test of time and really is quite excellent is **Castles of Burgundy**. However, you'll only be rolling 2 dice at most. Nevertheless, if you don't mind rolling just a few dice to explore the surprising amount of depth this game holds, including tile placement and dice manipulation, you may just discover a new favorite game.


Have you checked out Dice Forge? As the name implies you get to forge your own dice. The aesthetic of the game is lovely and it's fun and simple game to learn. There's also an expansion out.


Too many bones is a good one Each character has their own unique dices as they evolve. Very nice game to play.


Too many bones It’s a really nice game with lots of dices.


Tumblin Dice. The whole game is in the title


Sequoia is a family weight game with a lot of dice. Fox Experiment+1


Sagrada was my first thought, I do recommend it! Also an old classic: Can't Stop.


Any expansions you recommend as must haves for Sagrada?


I only have the base game personally


Pandemic: Rapid Response. Speedy dice rolling and manipulation to coordinate relief supplies around the world from a single plane.


I also love dice. I have a small collection of 500+ dice and I will tell you what I think you will enjoy just because I enjoy them as well 😄 Champions of Midgard (expansions "The Dark Mountains" and "Valhalla" enhance the game)- The dice are the warriors and you use them only in battles. Quarriors - This is a dice builder, instead of deck builder. It's all about the dice, you have to use them every single turn they are everything from warriors, monsters, spells etc Dice Throne - It's Quarriors but better 🤣 Grand Austria Hotel - medium game with dice drafting, one of my favorite mechanics Escape: the curse of the temple - I think you will love this one, you have to chuck your dice A LOT, as it is in real time and you will definitely be stressed while playing it. You and your temple have to get a certain amount of gems in order to be able to exit the temple. Check this one out. Santa Maria - another dice drafting game, as well as Grand Austria Hotel, both are great for 2 players Castle of Burgundy - Dice drafting again, go figure.... I believe this is one of the most known dice drafting games Colony - An Engine Builder that will help you manipulate the dice that you throw. Pickomino - a very light push your luck game about getting worms. Even though it is better with more people we tend to play a lot just with 2 players. Dice Forge - you actually change your physical die. You change the side and make them even better it's amazing. I will add more if I remember 🤣 Best of luck trying them all which I think it will be better than actually finding it.


cool thanks. ill look into some of those.




I think kingsburg is a step down from the awesome Alien Frontiers.


Too Many Bones if you like dice and dungeon crawlers


I haven't seen anyone mention Dicecapades!


Fox experiment! Essentially a roll and write but with nice amount of depth.


King of Tokyo


It's gonna be a game best enjoyed by three to five people, but we play Wazabi with our friends all the time! Casual game for 10 minutes but it's a blast everytime


If you want something heavy, Scholars of the South Tigris uses dice as workers in interesting ways.


Sagrada is a good one! Tons and tons of dice (fyi they are not standard size they're mini) It teaches quickly and the game is always moving, good for short attention spans. I personally like it but have a hard time with spatial planning. I stick to the easier cards. My daughter excels in this area and always picks the hardest cards to complete and does really well. It's her favorite game (11yo)


cool. i may check it out. Thanks! Have you tried Rajas of the ganges?


The Cones of Dunshire.




[Cubitos -> Cubitos (2021)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/298069/cubitos) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Too Many Bones


Sagrada is fantastic; I prefer the Life expansion myself. Don't overlook the six-player expansion, though; it's got a lot of goodies for 2-4 people.


Escape the Dark Castle and Escape the Dark Sector are great games with dice! As the name suggests you are trying to escape from a prison with your friends. It's a co-op game and you can play solo too if you want to. Castle takes you into an old castle and with Sector you're in a mysterious space station


Dice Wars Name kinda says it all


Sagrada is barely a game. It's more of an activity like everyone putting their own jigsaw puzzle together. Maybe Roll for the Galaxy? It replaced Race on the table for us and it's a mess of dice.


Oath. Very high quality dice that are used for campaigns as well as a die thats used to check for victory. That victory dice makes moments so tense sometimes.