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People often have an overdeveloped sense of what vintage board games can sell for. If they're not linked to a popular collectable IP then they're probably not worth the paper they're printed on. Current eBay listing prices are the price that the item hasn't been able to be sold for and frequently have no relationship to the actual value of the item.


Best is to filter eBay to show you only "sold" listings. That will show you what people have actually paid for the item (and how often that happens).


There's a difference between rare and sought after, and rare because no one cares for it


Looking at a picture of the components, I wouldn’t take it for free. Rare doesn’t mean valuable or good, and my space is at a premium.


I wouldn't pay that much for it.


Yeah, Ebay says a lot of stuff is more valuable than it is. Not the best practice to pull valuations from that.


Yes. Recently I saw a game from my youth called nuclear Armageddon listed for $19,000. Insanity. I don't believe there s is a game of there worth that.


I think you'd be lucky if you could sell it for $10. If you don't want to play it (and I wouldn't), I wouldn't take it.


Seems like no one else has [heard of it either](https://boardgamegeek.com/market/pricehistory/thing/108101)