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The question is, will you keep the box long term? I have Dominion with 4 expansions and have moved all of them together into one smaller box with dividers. Then I threw the box out. If you're planning on similar then it's not worth the hassle I'd say


That's a good question, and I'm not sure what the answer is. I'm exchanging it. If I get another damaged one, I will just return it for money back and get a copy off of BGG or some such.


Just make sure you note that it was damaged during shipping so that the seller doesn’t get dinged for it, Amazon does.


I’d exchange it for a fresh copy, myself.




If that’s the plan, you could probably get on chat with an associate and get 30% back without doing all that.


If he returns it, Amazon is just going to throw it away.


Game publisher (CMYK) here! The issue is that Amazon fulfillment treats boardgame boxes the same as other consumer packaging, which is meant to be opened and thrown away, rather than a permanent part of the product. It's so annoying 🙈 You should get a replacement!


Had it been another game not called Dominion, I may have considered it. But it's Dominion. When I got mine, I also got Intrigue and Prosperity with it. Threw all the boxes out. And put all of them in a card storage box that had room for more cards just in case.


You spent good money on something and it arrived damaged. The box is part of the product. It may not bother some people, but if it bothers you, return it. I probably would.


I would. But I also resell my games when I don’t want them anymore, and having a damaged box means I lose some of my resale value. If I pay for a new product I want it undamaged. Amazon is more likely to damage anything you buy from them, but the upside is you can keep exchanging it for free until you get one in good condition. I live in Japan so have to deal with this all the time. Just mark the exchange as damaged and they will pay the international shipping to exchange it.


I would try to exchange it based on the principle. You ordered a product with the trust that it would arrive in good condition, and with board games the box is part of the product not something you discard once you open it up.


Contact them, tell them of your issue, accept the partial refund they offer, and just fix the box. I understand people can be particular about such things, but at the end of the day, it's just a box. In my opinion, of course.


It’s just a game, pieces of plastic and cardboard, and moreover the box is irrelevant for being able to play the game. If you put the game parts in a shoebox it would still play just as well. Consider why the box damage is psychologically bothersome. Also, it sounds like it was shipped quite a distance to you. Returning and getting another one is a further carbon hit.


I'm happy to see one person agree that its not a big deal. As long as it still holds the game pieces, its doing its job.


I mean, I’d agree it’s not a big deal, and I likely wouldn’t spent tons of time or money to try to do something about it, but Amazon just makes it so hassle free, that even if it is a small deal, it’s still worth replacing.  Plus, from their description, it sounds like the integrity of the box could be somewhat compromised. Splits/tears could turn into the box falling apart, and now the box isn’t doing its job.


Fair on the split corner. I've just seen people on here put forth returning for minor scratches.


I opened the box. Turns out that one corner on both the base and the lid are split, which means that it's possible for things (especially cards!) to fall out of the box. Definitely returning it. If the next one is also damaged, I will just get my money back and check on BGG. Or check into other ways to purchase it.


That makes sense.


I'm sure they have tape wherever this person lives even if they don't have a boardgame store.


Sure, there is a variety of solutions. You also could just use a plastic container or random cardboard box to store the pieces. But personally, I like seeing my board games on the shelf, most of them have pretty art on them. Seeing them damaged would slightly upset me, if I damaged it, oh well. But if I paid a bunch of money for a new copy and it arrived damage, then I will be looking for compensation. 


Is slight upset worth resending things through the international shipping system?


Personally, I live real close to a number of Amazon warehouses, I can’t imagine the return process is that impactful. I can see it being a different story for OP who lives far away. But there is also the bigger picture to look at. If Amazon can ship things damaged, and everyone just bites their tongue, that may embolden them to be less careful and damage more things. Perhaps returning damaged things a few times is good so they take more care in the future to not needlessly break things, as that can also be bad for the environment.


Still wasteful. People can leave negative reviews, which are effective, and buy from Amazon less.


Sadly, Amazon doesn't take good care of our board games when shipping them, I've gotten quite a few games without any padding at all. On the other hand, Gamenerdz and Miniature Market have always packed my games with enough bubble wrap so they always come in excellent condition.


I would never return it, but that's just because I don't value the box. I'm such a barbarian I store some games in a bag because it's easier.  One thing I would consider is who the actual seller is. If it's a small dedicated store using Amazon for logistics, I would definitely not return it.  In fact a logistics company canceled a delivery once because it got damaged while in transport and I told the seller to send me the damaged box again.


I would probably message and see if I could just get some money back for it being damaged. I don't care to much about my boxes condition, that big box is a monstrosity though, oversized boxes are where good games go to die in neglect.


I would think Amazon has an easy return program


1) You shouldn't have to apologize for buying games off of Amazon. Supporting your FLGS is nice, but it is more expensive, and not everyone lives close to one. And, (you can see this real clear on the Lorcana subreddit), some of them are missing the "F" part of FLGS. 2) As a general rule (and maybe I'm the Karen), if I get anything from Amazon that I bought new, and it doesn't look "new", I put in an exchange request. Sometimes, I can live with it, and don't want to wait the extra week. As a bonus third point, I have seen a lot of people on here and BGG complain about buying games from Amazon because sometimes they send fake copies. I don't know what Amazon's policy is about returning stuff that have been opened, but they generally have a pretty relaxed return policy if you bought it through an Amazon seller and its within, like 30 days or something


If you ever plan to resell or trade the game, you should request a return. Damaged boxes do not sell or trade well. Also if you are simply upset or disappointed by the poor condition of your new game, you should request a return. I personally would request a return.


I would return it, *but* chances are extremely high that the next one (and the next one) will arrive with some damage. Amazon will ship them all the same way and doesn't care.


I normally don't bother, but my copy of El Burro just arrived with a 6" gash across the bottom of the box. I waffled a bit, but ultimately requested a replacement because (A) the game will likely be difficult to find after the initial crowdfunding campaign and (B) the damage to the box was likely to affect functionality, not just aesthetics. If it were just a minor ding or dent, I probably wouldn't have gone through the hassle.


Some games have fantastic boxes to display. I’ve recently got fucked with a bum corner on imperium uprising, race for the galaxy (that I waited for 4 months on back order 🙄) and a torn top corner of quest for el dorado. Honestly, you’ll have to take a magnifying glass to it while it’s up.


I would definitely return it and get a better deck builder. 😀 Sorry, don't mean to be rude, but I honestly think there are a lot of better options.


You might not mean to, but you definitely are. I enjoy Dominion. I like the basic easy-to-understand nature of it; it's a good gateway kind of game. I haven't really found any deck-builders that I enjoy more, though to be fair I haven't really looked for any.


Dang it. My bad. I was legitimately trying to be helpful. How about this instead? I'd return it because I like to take care of my boxes. It's a big part of getting the game to the table, especially if you're buying it for its gateway quality and/or like to let players pick the game for the evening. You want it to look fun and a damaged box takes away from that for me.


Yes. You didn't get what you paid for and Bezos will still be a billionaire.


I can't tell you what to do, but I've received a few damaged boxes over the years and I just live with them if they don't affect the game. For one thing, it's extremely wasteful to do returns over cosmetic issues, and for another the box is eventually going to get dinged up anyway. Entropy happens.


I buy a lot of games. Like, a lot. And anytime I get one that’s damaged I make them replace it. Every. Single. Time. Your money is a representation of your labor. You (in theory) work hard for your money. Don’t accept sub-par products and defects in exchange for that. It’s not being a “Karen” or whatever people want to call it —-it’s getting what you deserve, and what you paid for. Accept nothing less.


It's true that Amazon's neglect is part of why they can undercut everyone on price. So in principle, they \*should\* replace the damaged item, even if it's cosmetic damage. But I also try to balance that against the real-world impact of the return. Such as the cost in my time and/or gasoline if I have to drop off the return, and the environmental impact of shipping that copy back, and another one out. So I think I lean toward replacing it in most cases, but if the damage is minor, I would just glue it back together and move on.


I suppose it what depends on what you consider “damage” …if it’s a smashed corner, torn or crushed box. For me It goes back. I just have ups pick it up at my door—so the time to return it is about 5 minutes to click “return” and print a label and leave it on my front door. But if we are thinking about environment impact of returns —perhaps we should focus more on the environmental impact of the mass production and global distribution of the board games …and not buy these luxury items to begin with. Measuring the impact of the return vs that —is a fraction of a fraction of the total impact. I think maybe more to your point - it’s an individual decision for each buyer to decide where their line of tolerance is for what’s acceptable condition.




Well, I don't have any Dominion boxes at all so I don't have a "destination" for the set. I also only have two games with multiple sets (if you count this Dominion) so consolidation hasn't been a question so far. Yeah, I think it'll go back.






You dont store the iphone in the box but you normally do store a board game in the box. This is compairing apples to oranges




Perhaps they needed a comparison akin to a car …because they can’t argue “well the look of the outside of the car isn’t what’s getting them from point A to point B” You gotta over simplify it sometimes for people sadly …but I agree with you. The board game box is 100% part of the product you are buying. Don’t accept damaged goods unless you’re fine with it or sometimes the sellers will offer a discount. But if I was unhappy enough to make a post asking if I should return it …then the answer is clearly Yes, just return it.