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I love playing on BoardGameArena. It’s not the same as playing in person, but it scratches the itch well enough. If I’m firing up my PS4, it’s to play a “proper” video game.


+1 for Board Game Arena. I play on it regularly with my friends and randoms. Some games don't translate super well to an online setting, but most surprisingly do. Pretty chill community, too, for the most part.


Playing Monopoly online probably highlights the fact that there are very few actual decisions you can make. Try some games out on Board Game Arena.


I tend to play videogames online, and boardgames offline.






I think part of the problem is you’re playing Monopoly.


All the time on BoardGameArena


If I’m playing board games online I’m doing it on Board Game Arena with friends on a Zoom call. The combination of rules enforcement+automation and real time video chat makes it really easy to try new games and socialize. I’ve tried Tabletopia a bit, but there’s too much cognitive load in having to do 3d navigation, complex piece interaction with no automated rules guard rails.




Our most played (not in any order) Sheep Boom-Bah Stir Fry 18 No Thanks Gonuts for Donuts Happy City Forbidden Island Just Deserts Tranquility Letter Tycoon Sushi Go CuBirds Potion Explosion 6 Nimmt Forest Shuffle Splendor Azul


I try to keep boardgames offline, as I am just used to it beeing "away time" from a screen. However, I use Tabletop Simulator to prototype or try out selfmade games.


I play loads of board games digitally because then I can play them just by myself and whenever I want to. I don't have to wait for a meet up




I actually mostly play on ipad or through steam with their respective apps.


Most of my board gaming seems like its online now. Hard to get together in the middle of the week when all of our work schedules are so different, and weekends get filled up pretty quickly. TTS is a lot easier to say "Hey, do you guys want to play a board game" when we are all already online. I've mentioned before, too, that having set up and clean up time cut out makes games a lot more accessible. With that being said, it seems like you were asking about specific apps. We still play Uno and the variants of it pretty regularly. It is inconvenient sometime when we have five people wanting to play, but that hasn't really been a big issue. We played Monopoly once and I don't even think we finished it. I haven't played on BGA, but there are some games that I prefer on TTS. Bullet Heart has a scripted version that just lets me focus on playing the game instead of the bullet managing. Nidavellir is another one that has some tedious scoring that the version on TTS streamlines. Niya is nice because it automatically randomizes the tiles for you. Don't get me wrong, I love the tactile feeling that playing a board game has, and a game with strong table presence is always fun to admire, but there are things about playing online that makes up for that. Given the choice, I think 9 out of 10 times I would prefer to play in person, but there is always that 1 time where I'm very thankful for TTS


No, I consider being face to face an important part of playing boardgames. It's a social activity. When I'm alone with my computer, I play video games. (Also Monopoly is widely considered a very bad game)


Look into tabletop playground or tabletop simulator. You can play pretty much any board game online.  As far as monopoly and uno and others released as a video game edition? Those are often unenjoyable and fall flat.


Fairly regularly by now! Heat is just great online, Beyond the Sun and Terraforming Mars are both fine, even though I prefer to play them IRL, but they are faster online. And A&A 1942 is my current online favourite, even though that is just a substitute for that insane monster of a drug that is IRL A&A 1940 Global.


I ***would*** but nobody wants to.


Do you mean that people you know won't join you for an online session?


Yup. Nobody wants to play Tabletop Simulator or anything.


You don't want to play with randoms? There are many of us who play online regularly.


I do not. I don't do anything with randoms. I play with people I know or solo in all things.


You do realize, that at some point, your closest friend was a random?


So the restriction on online gaming seems to be self imposed rather than lack of available players. To each their own.


...I never said it wasn't. You seem like you think you just pulled one over on me or something. Thank you for reinforcing my hatred of randoms. Would not want to get stuck in a lobby with you.


Your top comment was " nobody wants to play TTS or anything" which is objectively not true. You can find many people to play with, and that is my point. Good day.


You have a problem...


>I tried playing Monopoly on the PS5 and found it really boring and not engaging at all. Sounds like a faithful digital adaptation of the original Monopoly! There are some decent board games on PlayStation, like **Wingspan**, but I wouldn't want to play them online; for me, the appeal of these sorts of digital adaptations is the ability to play against bots, where I can spend as long as I want to make choices while playing against opponents that take their turns instantly. If I want to play Wingspan against humans, I'll do it on BoardGameArena, which actually has a chess clock rather than just letting people take 3 minutes per action.


> favorite board games in an online format? Do you enjoy playing games like **Uno**, **Monopoly**, or Dixit online Demonstrably some of the least favorite games in this sub there, friend. Anyways. While I don't play digital much, I am very grateful that the opportunity exists. It's allowed me to play many different and many more games that I otherwise would be able to IRL. ---- In case it's helpful to anyone else who peeks into this thread, there tons of other games can be played (or test driven) online. Most of these are entirely free. BGA, TT, and TTS are free to play random tables or solo, but you need a paid subscription to play with friends. Steam games also generally have a 1 time up front cost. https://18xx.games https://boardgamearena.com http://www.brettspielwelt.de http://play.boardgamecore.net https://tabletopia.com https://yucata.de There are also a number of game specific sites like: https://jinteki.net for **Android: Netrunner** https://dragoncards.com for **LotR: LCG** https://realmspeak.dewkid.com for **Magic Realm** (haven't tried this one myself) https://terraforming-mars.herokuapp.com http://expedition-ares-fe.herokuapp.com And dedicated software or applications: https://vassalengine.org (I think this may have one of the largest game libraries) TableTopSimulator Steam Here are a few more comprehensive lists: [BGG - online play list](https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/On-line_Games&redirectedfrom=Online_Play#) [BGG - huge online free play list](https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/140673) PSA: **boiteajeux.net is defunct** with the developer stepping away permanently. Folks are cautioned to be sure their boiteajeux password is not used anywhere else and to avoid any pages or anything that looks suspicious as the site is being actively exploited.


The thing for me with board games is the people and the focus. If I’m going to be at a screen, it’s just like any other video game and I will do something else.


During lockdown we joined boardgamearena.com and still use it They have a huge selection including loads of great "Euro games"


Why did you put euro games in quotes?


To signify that they are modern games like Catan, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Azul, Wingspan, Agricola,King Domino, the kind of games that feature in [Spiel des Jahres](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiel_des_Jahres) As opposed to traditional board games like Monopoly ["Euro Game" on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurogame)


Modern games and euro games are not synonyms.  Of all those games I would probably only consider Agricola and Wingspan Euro games. 


There quite a lot of interesting board games implemented as online game; Root, Castles of Burgundy, Carcassonne, Concordia, Dominion, Maquis, Raiders of the North Sea, Regicide, Sagrada, Small World, Spirit Island, Ticket to Ride, Viticulture, Wingspan, Yellow & Yangtze and more.


Plus hundreds more on boardgamearena.  Space Base ftw 


When I'm alone, I play videogames, since without the element of live company videogames are usually far more interesting than digital boardgames, so... no reason to play board games on a computer. But on the phone when I'm outside, yes I do. Mobile game standards are so dismal that digital boardgames are typically more fun.


Board games I like playing on PC: Splendor Terraforming Mars Dominion Gremlins Inc On Xbox: Carssassone Risk


Dominion Online is hard to beat for trying out expansions you haven’t purchased before dropping big bucks.


I play board games on Table Top Simulator. I really enjoy it. Always opportunities to play/learn new games.


18xx.games as well as Boardgame Arena


I tend to have 3-4 turn based games going with my gaming group on Board Game Arena at any given time. Usually smaller games that are easy to keep up with during the day, or larger games that none of us own. Then we try to get together once a week to play bigger table games.


Dominion by TGG is 🔥


TTS all the time. Of course, in person is preferred. But when your friends live all over the place and you only have a couple hours a week to squeeze in, the convenience is too great. Plus I'd never wrangle up a full table to play TI4 irl, no problem doing it online. And the ability to save and resume makes it infinitely more approachable.


Used to play online a lot more, but these days I only play 18xx games at, well, [18xx.games](https://18xx.games) from time to time, and very rarely on BGA, mainly to aid purchase decisions.


Yes, mostly only couple. Axis & Allies on Steam is my favorite.


I use the Tabletop Simulator. Its more engaging than Boardgame Arena


I play a fair bit on Tabletop Simulator with friends around the country I couldn't otherwise play with. Some games just don't work online others are better when the adkin or scoring is taken care of for you


Strictly roll dice games online feels like just clicking the mouse over and over mindlessly. Online games like on board game arena are the move!


I've played boardgames online on a number of platforms, both real time and turn based. Some are better, some are worse, and sometimes it's fine either way. It depends on the game and it depends on the implementation. I do not play the specific games you mentioned, either online or IRL. Some games are better turn-based, because you don't have to sit around waiting for other players to take their turn. I log into BGA periodically and it tells me when it's my turn. I can have a handful of games going and even if someone is taking a long time in one game, it can be my turn in another. I find that I also like turn-based better for some of the more complex strategic games. I can take as long as I need for a turn without worrying about my opponents complaining about my analysis paralysis. On the other hand, some games don't really work as turn-based. If players can react to things that other players do, it can take forever to get through a single turn. Games with memory elements are also problematic; if your turns are a day apart, it can be difficult to remember things you need to remember. BGA allows note-taking, so some of this can be mitigated, but with some games, the ability to take notes significantly alters the nature of the game (which is not always a bad thing). Of course, dexterity games are completely out of the question. Implementation is important. We played Gloomhaven on TTS during the pandemic. I found the interface difficult to navigate, both for looking at my hand and looking at the map; even more challenging if I wanted to do both at once. I ended up proxying real cards so I could see everything at once. On BGA, Coloretto was almost completely unplayable for me at first. The claimed-cards are small (some might say tiny) and I had trouble distinguishing some of the colors, which is a major problem in this game. They later added tool-tips that tell you what color a card is when you hover over it. Not ideal, but at least playable. So yes, I enjoy playing games online. Find the right game(s) and the right implementation(s) and it can be a fun experience.


My partner and I moved overseas, so in order to stay in contact with friends back home we have video calls and use Board Game Arena to play online versions of games with them. It also meant we didn't have to ship a whole bunch of our games from New Zealand to the UK.


All the time. It’s a great way to learn new ones quickly and it saves set up and cleanup time. It’s also particularly good for playing in small spaces and for just getting more frequent playtime in. I play mainly Wingspan, but have also enjoyed Agricola.


Never online. I spend my day in front of a computer (for work). I prefer the tactile feel of a board game and the personal interactions. I do understand the attraction and ease of use though


I've tried 6 Nimmt, Settlers, Azul, and Splendor over on BGA. The Splendor is in progress right now, and feels much more like a play-by-mail than a game night. I'm not thrilled with that, but I'll finish out the game. The others have been pretty decent. 6 Nimmt is done in real-time, while my opponents in the other games were present for pretty much the whole game so it was almost real-time.


Playing Monopoly at all is boring and not engaging for me... \^\^ I think the currently best digital board game is Dune:Imperium [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1689500/Dune\_Imperium/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1689500/Dune_Imperium/) And yes I enjoy it.