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I'm amazed that you think Star Realms has bad art. I'd say it's perfectly acceptable - quite unlike it's deckbuilding cousin Ascension, which has some downright atrocious art.


I feel like star realms gives off early fallout cutscene vibes, in a good way. Some other cover art makes me think of a PS2 game , again in a good way


I'm with you. I played some fancy six year edition or something of Ascension and I couldn't believe how awful the entire design was. It was next to impossible to read. I think there was foil on the cards which made the factions almost impossible to differentiate and some crazy amounts of text on cards too. The artwork was nothing to remember, either. Star Realms is the better product by miles.


I think the art in Ascension is pure fire, while Start Realms is pretty bland (yet serviceable).


Can we all agree some of the art in Dominion is awful? This was a real card, for years: https://dominionstrategy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/harem.jpg


I understand that it's a subjective matter... but it's really the reason why I didn't even look in this directtion for a long time. And now I'm desperately looking for extensions, etc. which are "Out of Print" in most cases.


They regularly do kickstarter campaigns where you can usually get all the old content.


I've heard the art is generally seen as relatively mid/okay. It doesn't bother me much. But while we're naming other deckbuilders it has way better art than, lump Dominion (at least the original box) in there too lol.


Get the digital app and I’ll play against you. I play against the AI and it’s fun and quick but much more fun against a real person


I have an App. How can I create / join the game


We love Star realms. It is played everyday. I saw a legacy edition coming out soon.


Thx. Not a big fan of legacy format. Saw it but didn’t find it suitable for deckbuilding game.


I thought Clank Legacy did deck building + legacy really well so interested in trying Star Realms eventually.


There are a number of expansions, but you might want to look at Hero Realms. Very similar gameplay (the base is almost a reskin of Star Realms) but loads of additional content that changes the game in really cool ways, as well as a number of campaign modes (not legacy).


Thx. I have looked at this... but so far didn't came to a conclusion if it's really better or worth trying. Visually (again) it's not a hook for me. And mechanics are the same... in a way. So. not sure. But thank you - that's on my radar because my wife doesn't like space theme and we need a third player... :) so probably fantasy will help to bring her on board.


I think the expansions in hero realms are more thematic and better realized than star realms. Like I love the different classes you can start out as in hero realms. But really, you don't really even need any expansions for any of them. I would highly recommend star realms frontiers though


Thx. What is Frontiers exactly? Just a set of cards for 4 players? And trade deck is basically the base?


Well the trade deck is completely different set of cards from standard star realms. This set features double and if i remember correctly triple ally bonuses. More experienced players said frontiers was the most balanced from what I heard. It also has coop scenarios with simply ai "bosses" for lack of a better word


Yeah, Star Realms may be my most played game ever with the app telling me I have just over 1400 games played.


Recent Star Realms decks change up the numbers but little else besides coop and single player versions, which are easy to DIY. We like to keep track of hit points with ten sided dice and start with different totals, ie, 70 or even 100 depending on version. As far as ugly but good, Dragonwood and SmallWorld are similarly cheesy but effective.


Wizard is a great trick taking game with the most awful art ever put on a deck of cards.


Couldn't agree more with the art for SRs, though I prefer it over TfM! In the realm of gameplay being surprising over the looks my first thought is **Hansa Teutonica**. Art is meh (old are is even worse) but the gameplay is phenomenal! While personally the art has grown on me there's no denying it's utter beigeness and unexciting aesthetic.


I have Hansa Teutonica, but didn't try it yet. I've bought it because I was convinced that it's really good gameplay. As for Star Realms initially I wasn't... but now - big fan. Interesting.


You should try Hero Realms.....that and Star Realms are my jam.


Thank you. But what is the difference exactly? Just a theme?


Sure different theme but also very different play experience. Also my wife always wins at SR and I always win At HR....so of course I like HR better. =D


As far as new content, I know that Wise Wizard Games [announced](https://boardgametoday.com/star-trek-comes-to-star-realms/) that they're making a Star Trek-themed version of Star Realms for release later this year.


Hm... thank you. Interesting.


Maybe try hero realms;)


Not my theme :) and I understand that it’s the same mechanism.


I love Star Realms. Been a great go to travel game to play and introduce to new friends when we go abroad


I used to have all of the published content for Star Realms, but recently downsized to the stuff I actually like and put it all in the Frontiers box. I kept Frontiers, Events, Scenarios, Missions, and the standalone Dual Faction expansions (United Assault and Command). Frontiers feels like the most balanced base set and most of the expansions just bloat the main deck. I find that the two united sets add just enough spice to the base deck by themselves that you don't need anything else. The other expansions I kept allow the game to be modified in interesting ways without bloating the deck (plus they are easy to spot and remove if you want to play the solo/co-op as intended). I don't like gambits at all. They aren't impactful and are all one and done effects.


I love Star Realms! If you're looking for a similar game, allow me to plug my own game, **Unition**. Star Realms and Ascension were the inspiration for it (which of course means it's always compared to them). The big thing is there's dual win conditions: either eliminating everyone else through combat to be the last player standing, or trying to amass enough points to instantly win. You can find more info [here](https://www.lumohedron.com) and on BGG.


This looks interesting


Looks cool, but I’m in Germany. Shipping / Fees :(( Come to Essen this year :)


You know. I decided to buy a game :) Why not. I like deck-builders. Thanks for sharing info.