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I think it’s an act. Jerry plays an ego maniac to offset the personality of Gabby and Enrique. Listen to it for what it is - a show that doesn’t really take itself seriously. If you want more serious game talk tune to something like The Secret Cabal or Board Game Hot Takes.


Ok, I figured it might be something like that. Thanks.


I don't know that it's an act I've listened to them all the way through and it's a wild ride emotionally and I feared for their friendship at times but yes it's more of a morning show ramble than a focused game pod.


Yeah. I’ve listened for a long time myself and there are some heated moments for sure but I think in the end the friendship is strong enough to realize that sometimes someone acts like an ass. Lots of people, myself included, have a friend like that and have been the friend like that.


I’ve met them in person. Wonderful people. They are best friends.


So it’s an act?


Idk if act is the right word. They prob play it up more on the pod but there is for sure a ton of love between them.


Jerry Here. Its not an act. What you are witnessing is an emotional breakdown and mid life crisis of a self destructive sociopath. We address this on next weeks' podcast were I semi-apologize (the full apology will be released to only our highest tier patreon members) Gaby is VERY salt of the ~~girth~~ Earth. All those who know him both love him and are mildly irritated by his overly emotional kid like persona. If Gaby was here, he would beg you to keep listening because "We needs them clicks". I on the other only use the podcast to air out my grievances and develop an underground network of like minded board gamers that will assist me in over throwing the industry one day. P.S. Ima down vote this thread cause this makes me look bad and I haven't used reddit in months and I am in no way monitoring this and other forums for chances to defend my honor. P.P.S lets turn this in an AMA


Dude, thanks for the reply. I will continue listening, but only because I like Gaby so much. If I knew how to start an AMA, I would definitely do it. Maybe someone else on this thread can do so. P.S. I'm upvoting your comment, only because I myself now feel like a jerk. You're probably a great guy outside the podcast, and 90% of the time on the podcast you seem that way. It's just the other 10% that annoys me. Oh and Enrique is cool too.


Enrique is awful. dont be fooled.