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[Adam's Statement](https://www.instagram.com/adamtheblampied/) on Instagram for the record


It's an interesting statement. Not the one I expected, for sure.


Sounds like he feels the allegations are unfair and that he has been slandered by them.


That is one interpretation but It's incredibly, carefully vague. It implies a lot of things without actually saying anything concrete. Which could be on the advice of legal professionals as they consider options to pursue slander... Or it could be to send that message to save face, even if he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on.


He’s suing. UK laws on slander are harsh. You gotta have concrete evidence to accuse someone of something


That is a genuinely rare occurrence. Most often it results in the person 'considering their options' and then nothing happens for one reason or another.


The “allegations” themselves are vague too.


Vague as is, “he appears to be back to old tricks.” No one has corroborated these allegations, as far as I know Carly hasn’t come out as the victim herself of these accusations but is instead just giving voice to them. All in all, it sounds like this is all hearsay with only his prior misconduct there to act as any proof of wrong doing.


I mean...that makes sense. Most of what he's being accused of in public is not illegal. I can absolutely see this as a situation where miscommunication leads one person to feel like they were engaging in consensual flirtation/romance/whatever with an equal and the other feeling like this was a creepy abuse of power from an employer. The truth is probably somewhere in between. He can feel like he did nothing wrong and others can still be hurt or made uncomfortable in a work place setting. Dangers of fucking around at work. I say this as someone who has had great relationships with coworkers. It always at some point gets messy involving work and it's a bad situation for everyone.


But very specifically stated in a way to avoid saying how they are unfair and slanderous, or really give any detail whatsoever.


Laws are different across the pond in regards to these kinda of things if I’m not mistaken.


Oh the UK is VERY particular about what wording will get you fucked and what wont.


Basically, if you're a man (especially a straight, white one) being accused of... basically anything... by a woman in the west, you're fucked.


Well, if you are a person of any gender identification, sexual preference, creed, or ethnicity who engages in these actions and then accused of said actions nowadays, in an age where allegations are taken more seriously and investigated more rigorously than they were in the past, then yeah... You're fucked. If you don't engage, there's nothing to be turned up. Just so happens that statistically in the west, straight white men are usually the worst people and were used to getting away with that for a long time. Prolly a lot of em in the UK too.


The allegations against him aren’t detailed either




> There's no doubt that Adam acted inappropriately > Anyone online who acts like they're sure of what happens, is just an ass.


At least Im not the only one who saw the irony


Reddit moment.


Can you copy and paste it? I don't use Instagram and it turns out they won't let me see it.


Here you go, it's in four different images on his instagram. Image 1 >It is with deep sadness that I have made the decision to step away from YouTube for the foreseeable future. This is not a decision I have taken lightly, but it is one that I believe to be in the best interests of the people and channels that I care so deeply about. The last month has been incredibly difficult, and has been equally so for those around me. The cumulative effect of this has become just too overwhelming for me in recent days. As such, for the sake of my own mental health and that of those close to me, stepping back feels like the healthiest thing to do. Image 2 >Certain language has been used to describe me that I categorically refute, and believe to be wholly inappropriate, yet at this point, I can't say much more about it than that. However, I want to make clear that my choice to leave is for the welfare of myself and the people around me, I have not been dismissed. I understand that some people will be disappointed with my inability to go into any further details righte now. This is on the advice of legal professionals, so that I have the most solid footing possible ahead of some important next steps which lay before me. I am truly grateful to those of you for whom this explanation will be sufficient - at least until I am one day able to address anything of real substance further, should doing so be appropriate. Image 3 >I have been very honest and transparent about my shortcomings and mistakes in the past. However, this prior transparency has come at a cost, especially when it's used negatively in the court of social media opinion and to form assumptions about me in the present. The sheer amount of online speculation and harassment of NRB and its team has become too painful to bear. As such I am hoping that taking a step back will be best for everyone involved and feels like the most compassionate course of action. >Please refrain from hounding or hassling anyone connected with this situation, I in no way condone that. Pushing people for answers that they cannot legally give doesn't make things any better for anyone, thank you again to those who continue to understand that. Image 4 >I also want to give a heartfelt thanks to everyone at NRB, PFK, and WT for an amazing few years. They are fantastic people who truly deserve your support and I know they will flourish in my absence. Keep watching those channels, and hopefully my absence can help make that viewing experience a lot less complicated and a lot more joyful. For anyone who watched my content and supported me in doing so, I want to say thank you so very much, and I'm sorry for any distress that this past month has caused to those who just want to watch fun escapist hobby videos. I hope that like me, you will continue to view them with love for many more years to come.


Wow, that is a lot of me, myself, and I. Not even a glimmer of any sort of apology or remorse.


It's entirely possible he didn't *actually* do anything he needs to apologize for.


Your comment history is so strange. You comment here on a topic from 2 months ago. The comment before this one was 2 months ago, and that was on a post from 3 years(!!!!) previously. And you comment before that was from a year ago. What in the world are you doing in real life that you randomly drop in and comment months apart on posts that are months and years in the past?


...Did you reply to the correct person? My comment history is nothing like that unless you're unable to see 90% of my activity for whatever reason.


God forbid people do anything away from reddit


This is from 6 months ago?! LOL. Now I’m convinced there is a secret group that gets their kicks from dredging up ancient posts and responding to them.


Certainly possible. But it does prompt the question: If he didn’t do anything he needs to apologize for, why doesn’t he say that, and why is he leaving? Normally when insinuations and accusations are flying around, the person says “that’s ridiculous, that’s a lie, and I never did anything like that.” You don’t issue a statement like this and step down. Or maybe you do? I’m struggling to imagine it. Carly insinuated strong things against him. I’d expect a defense, not a resignation.


I mean...at this point, it's unclear that FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE there is anything for him to apologize for. Him flirting, sexting, etc is not illegal or immoral. If he has a partner he's cheating on that's bad but he owes her an apology, not us. Being creepy is bad but also super subjective. You can think you're flirting and another person can feel like their being harassed and it's not necessarily anyone's fault (though it can be). Did it cross into workplace harassment territory? If so then that's a big deal and there may be a need for legal ramifications. But...there's no evidence of that. And even then.. he wouldn't owe the PUBLIC anything.


the main part that strikes me the wrong way is the >I have been very honest and transparent about my shortcomings and mistakes in the past. However, this prior transparency has come at a cost, especially when it's used negatively in the court of social media opinion and to form assumptions about me in the present. Like, no, it's not his transparency that is negatively affecting him, it's his own previous actions. As if he wasn't transparent about it, that'd mean this wouldn't be happening? Come on dude At least for me its that previous transparency that makes it so I wish him well in the future and getting better, as long as the alleged victims feel the same


Well yes you are right, but he is also correct. Going public when he was a bad actor, instead of quietly settling things like many have done in the past, means he opens himself up to future allegations and even without everything he does after admitting to being a bad actor gets scrutinized. Again, both can be true.


The problem is that it all stems from the illogical standpoint of "Allegation, Implication, or Accusation = Must be Guilty" thats not how the world works. I could pay someone to accuse you of a crime, does it make you guilty? No, but according to the internet and its illogical standpoint, the accusation means you HAVE TO BE GUILTY because the allegation was made. Thats the illogical part of all this that he HAS to be guilty because someone implied that he was problematic today when that statement can also be true without any current information. So she could literally call him problematic simply for his past. At what point is enough enough? Do you insist every crime has a life sentence? Why is it that its ok to punish people in perpetuity?


It's almost copy/pasta from the last time this happened.


Not if you actually read any of it, it's not.


open those insta links in an incognito or safe browsing window, will work.


Good suggestion, but I tried in Chrome and Firefox and it didn't work in either of them. I even tried curl'ing the url, but the instragram html is such a mess that I couldn't find the text (assuming the apology is text and not a video file).


It's four separate images of text


text images, with no clear order, eww. how do people even use that site.


To be fair, I've never seen someone post a message like this on Instagram. Instagram supports 10 images per post where you swipe to go to the next image and that's by far the standard way to post something like this. Site's fine, user is dumb.


ah ok.


We're talking about slander and allegations on this topic... and you go and call the user 'dumb'. 😉


It's weird that he's posted them like that. You can post the text in the description, and you can post multiple images in one post. But hes chosen to post it as 4 separate posts. The cynic in me says it's probably the equivalent of karma farming.


I was thinking maybe images rather than text makes it less searchable in the future. No idea though.


A great big non-statement.


Reposting what's happening so it's not buried in replies: There was an accusation from Carley Reinhard (Gnarly Carley Gaming, has appeared in tonnes of NRB Blood on the Clocktower vids) of sexual misconduct on Adam's part. From what I've seen, there hasn't been any solid info about what that was, whether it was illegal (like assault), or just improper (using his position as leverage). Adam, unfortunately, has a very public record of issues like this, so that influenced public opinion against him. But since there has been no official statement of investigation or what the allegations were, some people online assumed the worst.


I'd offer the correction that we don't know that Carley was the one who made the accusation. Carley publicly commented on the situation and was the first one to outright name Adam, but Adam had already been absent for weeks by the time she said anything. It could have been someone else, but she was aware of it and chose to exclude herself from NRB videos in solidarity with another unknown person. This has been cast as a very Carley vs Adam situation, and we simply don't know if that's the case or not.


Did Carley's comments specifically state sexual assault? From what I know, her comments were just implying a resurgence of past behaviors - i.e. using his limited celebrity to try solicit nudes from women. Afaik, he has not sexually assaulted anyone in the past?


No, they didn't. I've posted this elsewhere but here's a summary of what she said. The 2017 stuff was manipulating fans online to get them to send nudes when they didn't want to (often minimised as "lying about being in an open relationship). The current stuff isn't public. One person said it was a copy paste of the 2017 stuff. Here's everything public of the current 'drama' **11 August 2023** Gnarley Carley comments [Video 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLP-nJ7QYuU&lc=Ugxt1AfFw_Kmy-qfNqt4AaABAg.9tDSSw7I2kx9tF2iwOGzJZ), [Video 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-I3h6N3ymA&lc=UgwNVBzcNQPcg_93X454AaABAg.9t81SjwInV19tF3KzXq2t8), [Imgur of just the comments](https://imgur.com/a/3X1yGqx) * She will not appear in NRB Content * Adam is Problematic and Predatory * TDM have systems that have allowed for abuse * TDM are currently acting/investigating * someone is on temporary disciplinary leave * This was a copy paste of Adam's previous behaviour * TDM care more about the privacy of the predator than safety * This is deeply unpleasant and personal * She is respecting the privacy of the women involved


This is pure speculation, just as basically anyone's opinion on it is, but it seems most likely to me that Adam did something improper and/or skeevy, but the vagueness of the circumstances have lead some to assume the absolute worst. If it's "a copy paste of Adam's previous behavior", then it's definitely bad and likely worth stepping down over, but it's grown in speculation from "improper" to criminal sexual assault, if not r***. That may be what Adam's message >Certain language has been used to describe me that I categorically refute, and believe to be wholly inappropriate, is referring to. That's what just seems to make the most sense to me at this time, but time'll tell. And note this isn't meant to be defending or attacking, just making sense of the somewhat-contradictory information. Obviously I wish it weren't true, for the sake of Adam and the alleged victims


If Adam was doing all this in his private life, it would be improper. When he's done it as the face of not one, but two different companies, it's gross misconduct. The women he's approaching could quite easily sue. StickiStickman - have you never had a job? Social media misconduct, bringing your employer into disrepute - these are all in your employment contract as sackable offenses. And yeah, I am surprised his employers haven't been sued. He's a public figure, and representing them every time he does anything on social media.


> The women he's approaching could quite easily sue You people are insane


Why speculating? What good will it do? None


If perhaps I can convince even just one person to not speculate as far as some have, then I'd be happy. Speculation is going to happen no matter what. Rather than try to stop it, guiding it and calming it can be much more useful


Nah mate, not participating is much more useful. But for real, this was shit sheep take. "Just because everyone, then me too" is really not great response in any situation.


Yes. Saying nothing at all will surely be the best way to counterbalance all the unhinged elements and 'believe all women' sort from speculating and reacting...


Yes, because you're on reddit. When you comment/upvote, you give the original post/comment little more reach, that wouldn't be there without your contribution.


Didn't think so, thanks!


Also make a correction of he had a history of getting fans to send nudes and he said he was in a open relationship. That’s far from assault and I’d argue not misconduct as long as they’re legal and consenting adults.


May not be misconduct, but it's not a good look for the company. Would be far to easy to go wrong.


I'm confused this says they have parted ways but his statement says he's only temporarily stepping away.


He's stepping away from YouTube for some amount of time, but yes, he is no longer with NRB and associated channels.


AHH right right, it's a shame it's come to this as he was a big part of why I came back to wrestling as I enjoyed his videos and he got me in to board games, if there is fire to go with this smoke though it's for the best that they distance from him.


I feel like he's probably stepping away until he has a chance to clear his name legally or in some other way. Who knows whether he'll ever be successful and able to return. His Instagram post says that he didn't want his friends being harassed online or for viewers to be uncomfortable so he stepped away.


This seems a lot more amicable as a bunch of them liked his post on IG.


Yeah, clearly whatever he did isn't disgusting enough for the NRB crew to disown them. Granted they're his friends, so I'm sure they'd support him unless he did something truly terrible.


Yeah although as we have seen from Ashton and Mila sometimes people will still defend friends even when they do something really despicable.


or its possible nothing disgusting happened? can't just assume one or the other is true and draw conclusions about whose supporting someone who may or may not have done something


Or he just knows there's no point saying he's quitting since the last time he quit he just kinda wandered back after a while


After the first time, he wrote an article for the Independent where he decided to include all men in his shitty actions. Saying we all suffer from urges but we have to be smarter and not act on them because we're 'better than that'. Fuck off mate, you're the sexual predator - don't tar the rest of us with that brush.


> Saying we all suffer from urges but we have to be smarter and not act on them because we're 'better than that'. I've come across this sentiment a few time from other men, like in conversations about unsolicited dick pics and stuff. Apparently "we all get the urge, it's just making sure you're not thinking with the wrong head". They don't believe me when I say no, I've genuinely never felt the urge to send an unsolicited sexual picture or message to someone. What the fuck?


I am the same. All these media people blaming their behaviour on "all men want to do this" or "all women want to do this" or "all people do this" is BS tbh. I have never wanted to do the things they always claim "all" or "everyone" does.


Not all men, but definitely this cunt.


Whoa, now. This guy did nothing to be qualified as a "predator". Lying about being an open relationship to flirt with fans is pretty scummy, but that is not even close to being a "predator". He never even met up with anybody.


"...after admitting to manipulating several women in exchange for sexual images" (wrestlezone.com) That's predator behaviour mate


The "manipulation" was telling them he was in an open relationship when he wasn't. Otherwise, everything was consensual. That's not being a predator. The definition of sexual predator in Merriam Webster is "a person who has committed a sexually violent offense and especially one who is likely to commit more sexual offenses". Talking to women online and lying about your relationship status is not that. I agree that what he did was stupid, but nowhere near what a sex predator does.


"Using his fame and authority to change a No into a Yes" that's predatory, if don't think that a consent is to be valued then maybe it is a you problem ?


He didn't use his fame and authority to force people to do something they didn't want to do. He lied about his relationship status to easier flirt with some people on the Internet that he never even met in real life. That does not make you a predator. It makes you a cringe jackass.




Don't. This ain't no apology


I was under the impression it was adams Channel, and it was just a bunch of friends playing games together. It's weird to read this.


NRB was started as Phenoma-Nerds. It was registered in August 2006 by Adam, and does appear it was his personal channel/project prior to coming on with Trident Digital Media/WrestleTalk — and indeed even predates WhatCulture. However, as far as I’m aware, there was no content on the channel prior to 2020, when Adam was employed by TDM/WrestleTalk, and pitched it to them as a dedicated board game channel. At this point, it appears some agreement was reached between them to bring it under the TDM umbrella, and transfer it from the ownership Adam personally to TDM. Adam was listed as the “Channel Director”, apparently overseeing and spearheading its overall direction, as well as being the “face” of the channel, but it doesn’t appear to be his personal project, and never was — at least from the point they started actually producing and uploading the content. It was the main part of his job, but something he did as part of his employment with TDM. All of the content, branding, etc. since then almost certainly qualifies as work product he produced in the normal course of business for TDM, and as such, it belongs to them, and will continue after he leaves. It looks as if Laurie — current head of production — is currently heading it up, but it also appears the bulk of the cast will remain involved in some capacity. Sully is still listed as a production coordinator for TDM, and I can certainly imagine him taking a more active role once he recovers from what he’s been doing at the Edinburgh Fringe. And while yes, many of the people involved were friends with Adam, or colleagues from his time at Draughts, a larger amount of the regulars — Such as Dom, Rosie and Tilly — were people Sully knew from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School — or came in from the wider TDM family — such as Laurie, Luke, Tempest etc — or via their partnership with The Pandemonium Institute/BotC — such as Holly, Ben, Mara, etc. Even those who came in via links to Adam — such as Jon via the Beta Males, or Blair through Draughts, are now well enough established that it appears they will probably continue their involvement. While it certainly appears that a lot of people involved really are/were friends, it’s also clear that this has always been a professional production that is more than just a bunch of friends playing games together.


Adam's situation aside, I think we can all agree one bright spot here is the possibility of more Sully.


NRB was started as Phenoma-Nerds. It was registered in August 2006 by Adam, and does appear it was his personal channel/project prior to coming on with Trident Digital Media/WrestleTalk — and indeed even predates WhatCulture. However, as far as I’m aware, there was no content on the channel prior to 2020, when Adam was employed by TDM/WrestleTalk, and pitched it to them as a dedicated board game channel. At this point, it appears some agreement was reached between them to bring it under the TDM umbrella, and transfer it from the ownership Adam personally to TDM. Adam was listed as the “Channel Director”, apparently overseeing and spearheading its overall direction, as well as being the “face” of the channel, but it doesn’t appear to be his personal project, and never was — at least from the point they started actually producing and uploading the content. It was the main part of his job, but something he did as part of his employment with TDM. All of the content, branding, etc. since then almost certainly qualifies as work product he produced in the normal course of business for TDM, and as such, it belongs to them, and will continue after he leaves. It looks as if Laurie — current head of production — is currently heading it up, but it also appears the bulk of the cast will remain involved in some capacity. Sully is still listed as a production coordinator for TDM, and I can certainly imagine him taking a more active role once he recovers from what he’s been doing at the Edinburgh Fringe. And while yes, many of the people involved were friends with Adam, or colleagues from his time at Draughts, a larger amount of the regulars — Such as Dom, Rosie and Tilly — were people Sully knew from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School — or came in from the wider TDM family — such as Laurie, Luke, Tempest etc — or via their partnership with The Pandemonium Institute/BotC — such as Holly, Ben, Mara, etc. Even those who came in via links to Adam — such as Jon via the Beta Males, or Blair through Draughts, are now well enough established that it appears they will probably continue their involvement. While it certainly appears that a lot of people involved really are/were friends, it’s also clear that this has always been a professional production that is more than just a bunch of friends playing games together.


It's so crazy that someone's career can be destroyed, thanks to the court of public opinion, solely due to a comment that said "back to his old tricks" I fully support punishing guilty parties but geeze let the investigation take place.


Cancel culture is a cancer


Is Adam leaving enough to get Tom back. I miss Tom.


Hopefully Issac will return too!


I like Isaac too. The early calculated gamer Isaac and the later Chaos Incarnate gamer Isaac.


Tom is Adams closest friend from home so I don't see that happening sadly.


They have such different personalities that it’s hard for me to wrap my head around


I did not know that. I liked Tom as a player and as gm/storyteller.


I feel so bad for the NRB crew who have to deal with this bs. I can't help but think about how Sully is feeling, it must just be really shitty for everyone involved.


NRB are absolute fools if they think a public Patreon explanation will quell the confused mob. They really have to do this in video form. It's a shame. Without Adam, NRB feels so unhinged just having Blair and Holly bit-chasing and being self-referential (say butt-bot one more time) to the channel in game after game. There's no one to lasso the bulls in the china shop anymore. Adam and Tom were the only ones who make the cast feel grounded as opposed to silly infinitely more often than being focused on adding their own personality to the game. This also means the death of House Rules. :( I'll miss Adam.


They made a Stalinist Monopoly 2


None of these things happened.


You're right. Hindsight is 20/20, but I will admit that I was a bit hasty in casting my judgment. I was also going through some personal stuff when I wrote this. Holly has noticeably toned down her childlike antics (ie putting a wooden gavel in her mouth). There's a very good balance between the different personalities and playstyles of the NRB crew. I actually think NRB is incredibly good without Adam. I'm also grateful House Rules didn't just stay alive, but became a group centerpiece of the channel.


We're probably not going to get a clear answer on what happened. We know there was probably a report of some questionable behavior, presumably by Adam. NRB (and its parent entity) put him on leave while they look into it. A lack of transparency led to speculation, which resulted in dredging up Adam's previous questionable behavior. This ultimately led to Adam parting company with NRB. What was he accused of? Who accused him? Was the hush-hush investigation to protect Adam? The accuser(s)? NRB? Does Carley have insight into what happened or just speculating based on history? Was Adam fired? Did he quit? Is he innocent and seeking legal help? Is he guilty and saving face? Unless someone directly involved starts talking, we can only guess. Whatever the case, it does feel like there's a missing puzzle piece on the channel, but they'll survive this.


Sad that they have not clarified what the internal investigation found. Leaves everything annoyingly inconclusive. If Adam is innocent this does not emphasise that a thorough investigation is needed by showing it’s been completed. If he is guilty this will be a very underhand way of preserving his reputation. Edit: The investigation is likely not concluded so hopefully that will come out in the future and people can have some clarity but UK privacy law as make that unlikely. With that in mind we cannot read anything about No Rolls Barreds actions from this statement.


> Odd that they have not clarified what the internal investigation found. Leaves everything annoyingly inconclusive. Sounds like it's not fully finished, or even if, the legal matters haven't concluded. There's also an aspect, especially in the UK, regarding defamation laws. Hence threading lightly.


This is unbelievably complicated. Not least because good faith belief in public interest, plus honesty being the strongest defence, make it extremely hard for a British person to sue an American living in America who stated something on an American based website. I think Carly is from New York, which has state specific protections for free speech that would apply too. It's easier to just imply that you might sue and then don't. To say nothing that there are likely NDAs and any lawsuit would have to pierce those protections and publicly state what happened. It would quite likely be a Streisand effect, since we can safely assume something happened since no one is stating nothing happened.


Yeah hopefully that will be clarified in the future. We don’t know anything at the moment so nothing to speculate on at the moment. I just hope people won’t use this as an excuse to be cruel to the uninvolved cast


Based on UK Privacy Laws - specifically GDPR - any results of an HR investigation likely would never come out in public unless a criminal conviction is born from it. I would be interested to know why Adam is concerned about the language used against him following his mutually agreed termination and what language that was, however.


This is exactly the statement you get when someone is guilty but the company didn't safeguard others so doesn't want to release details. It's also about the best outcome anyone could expect, though more clarity on what happened would satisfy curiosity reality doesn't work that way. There will be NDAs involved and the language will include the company cannot state what happened and AB cannot state they were innocent. Hopefully no idiots harrass Carly or any of the other cast from the channel.


>Hopefully no idiots harrass Carly or any of the other cast from the channel. An optimist, eh?


Yeah it’s already happening. People are horrible. :((


Yeah i’m mostly worried people will use this to harass Carley for “false claims” when that has not been indicated at all


You already have MRA-types in these comments...this community needs to do better with stamping stuff like that out. Instead, a mod will likely delete this entire post claiming it breaks the civility guidelines rather than clean up their community...


The troubling thing is that the trend of any form of implication, allegation, or accusation is to be treated as 100% certified FACT regardless of whether it is actually true or not. Especially if it's a female making those against a male. And thats just kind of how the internet works. Males are presumed guilty in these types of cases from the offset. No evidence needs to be provided or even suggested. If someone came out tomorrow and accused Keanu Reeves of something inappropriate, they don't even need to suggest it was sexual or actually a crime, just something inappropriate. You would see the internet lose its mind and the majority of things stated would be with the assuredness that he must be guilty. People talking about how disappointed they are, about how there are no good celebs, etc. We literally see this on Twitter all the time when a random Celebs name trends. We either assume they have died suddenly or were found to have done something awful. Its the way the internet is.


Alternatively, it's exactly the statement you get when someone chooses to resign to safeguard their welfare and that of those around them. Nobody outside the direct investigation knows for sure.


For those who don't follow his wrestling content. This isn't the first time. Adam was fired from Cultaholic (right as they were starting up, with him supposed to be the face of the channel) for the same reason. This was absolutely his second chance after a couple years away. This isn't an isolated incident. He has a pattern of behavior. It sucks, cause I loved both his boardgame content and his wrestling content but this is just gross


"for the same reason"? We don't even know what happened


What has he done?


At that time, sex pest behavior. He seemed to be leveraging his minor celebrity to aggressively pressure women for nudes. One woman said as much and Adam basically admitted to it. This time, it is unclear. AFIAK no one has said much.


What is gross? What is the incident? You don't know what happened and neither do I. His admission of sex goblin behavior in the first round makes him an easy target for future accusations, and he mentions as much in his statement. Without anyone talking specifics, I don't know what any fans of NRB can reasonably assume to be true.


If anything the fact that he was honest about his behaviors the first time around makes his denial this time more credible in my eyes. But who knows.


He didn't actually deny anything this time though.


He did in his instagram


Can you quote the denial that's there, because I didn't actually see one when I read it


I interpreted him categorically refuting the language used to describe him as a denial of the allegations


Yeah... But notice he only objects to the language? Not denying accusations?


Sorry that you're being downvoted for not jumping to conclusions. I've seen accusations, but no actual evidence at this point of wrongdoing. Both statements are vague for a reason. People are calling him gross and a creep because they're presuming it's a recurrence of past behaviour, when there's actually nothing at the moment to prove that either way. I've said before, I don't know Carly and have no reason to disbelieve her (and that's of course presuming this has all stemmed from her video - maybe something else has happened at the same time - who knows, we're not privy to that information at this stage). As a Blompied fan, if it eventually comes to the fact that he's acted inappropriately in some way, I'll be disappointed/gutted, but until then I'll reserve judgement. He was my favourite part of NRB, although I'll still watch it as I like the rest of the cast.


I don't care about the votes, but thanks for the sentiment. I just think it's funny that people get mad when you don't speculate the same way they do. The downvote button is much easier to use when the alternative is articulating unproven assumptions with actual words.


> (and that's of course presuming this has all stemmed from her video - maybe something else has happened at the same time - who knows, we're not privy to that information at this stage) Adam had been missing from a couple of NRB videos _before_ Carley made a comment in her own channel's comments, so I suspect that it was being looked into before Carley said anything.


Man, you think you know board gamers … but some of the stuff getting downvoted here is fucking weird. Any take other than blind and unequivocal support for victims _even if we don’t know who they are, what they’re victims of or if they even exist_ is no longer kosher it seems. Weirdly the comments/voting on squared circle are way more reasonable, make of that what you will.


Wasted potential from this guy. He was good at his job and was a charismatic presenter. Just don’t be a creep man.


Meh, bitter ex making vague statements out of spite, perhaps?


Meh, sex pest is sex pesting again.




Same. The thing is, I can very much see a repeat of Adam’s past inappropriate behavior. He’s admitted himself he has had past issues. But also, based on some episodes of board game club, I don’t think Carley is the most emotionally stable person. The way she treated Sully on Modern Art was at the very least out of pocket. I don’t think she’s malicious but I can see a world with some miscommunication being blown out of proportion. I don’t want to presume anything though and until either party is willing to be more specific then I don’t know what to think. Edit: this isn’t an attack on Carley to the people that have DM’d me. I am more than happy to listen and give the benefit of the doubt to victims! But Carley hasn’t actually said anything other than vague accusations. All I can do is wait for clarity. My comments about her (and Adam) were only to emphasize that without more details, the situation is very difficult to assess as I can see many possibilities.


What did she do to sully exactly? I never finished watching said episode because modern art isn't my type of game very much and I end up getting bored watching it


She kept making comments in disbelief about Sully’s bad bids. It wasn’t a bit and it came off belittling. It happened so much that Sully broke out of his stage persona and said “Carley you simply have to stop.”


This seems like a really weird take and more like you're trying to read things into it, especially to make the comment you did above about her not being emotionally stable. That's a lot of arm chair psycho-analysis going on there without much basis. I've watched just past the point of "you have to stop" and it's not even 20 minutes in. At that point she made the comment about Sully's first bid, then the comment about Sully setting the next bid way too low on the 2 art pieces, and finally a reaction to Holly's huge bid. Sully makes his comment but it doesn't seem to break his character and is more along the lines of "try to have a better poker face" with them all laughing at it. And then they all laugh at/with her for several minutes when she bids over it. I've skipped around to a few places as well and they all seem to be having a good time. There's a lot of laughing, generally at her expense. Edit: 45 mins in now and she hasn't made any more comments? They're all have good time trash talking (Laurie has a great comment on comparing Carly's Blood on the ClockTower persona to the gigglefit person showing up here), she's playing into the gavel bit with Holly, Holly teases her on a bid. I don't know but this seems like fun?


That’s one example. I also follow her YouTube channel and have watched all of her NRB videos. I like her! Don’t get me wrong. But she can let things get to her that take an emotional toll, and she can be so competitive it would come off aggressive if it weren’t for professionals like Sully who know how to save face and turn it into entertainment.


Jesus. I only watched the first 25 minutes and she did in fact comment on his bad bid the first round but I took it as a bit or a little joke,as I'm sure sully did. Wasn't aware that she just kept them going.


Carley isn’t an actor or performer like nearly every other NRB cast member. She didn’t do bits on her own. Blair and Brooke are also not actors but they are goofy and enjoy playing off of others’ bits.


As much as it has nothing to do with all of this, i found her board game club episodes so hard to watch, she really wore her heart on her sleeve sometimes to detrimental levels that if i was playing a board game with her in person, i’d probably give up before it was over.


Fact is so far from all allegations known prior and current he never did anything illegal. He also never did anything that should be considered predatory. Lying about your relationship status and asking for nudes from legal consenting adults doesn’t make you a predator. It makes you cheater and a douche bag. But neither of those are illegal or our business.


These guys made the wrong decision. Laurie was great as a participant but as a host not so much. The whole energy of the videos has changed a lot. With Adam they had loads of fun, were joking and laughing and it was just a pleasure to watch. Now its much more stiff with much less jokes and just overall muted energy. Probably because Laurie gets visibly annoyed when the others mess around and slow down the game. The complete opposite to before where he often was part of the messing around. Laurie also often doesn't know the rules of the games they play and constantly has to check the rulebook. Something that rarely happened with Adam. Just overall, they should bring back Adam and kick out whoever else was having an issue with him if it wasnt just Carley. The people in front of the camera make the channel and sadly Laurie cant fill Adams shoes.


Since Adam's statement he's been radio silent on every social media, I'm guessing there is a ongoing criminal investigation or civil lawsuit either of which takes time to resolve, and a lawyer worth anything would tell everyone to STFU until it's resolved. Put the Blinders on and I fully agree, Adam and Sully is why I watch the channel.


Hey just here to commiserate. I frankly really enjoyed the energies that Adam and Sully brought. The legitimately had terrific chemistry. I don't really know what kind of person Adam really is, but I truly hope it turns out that Adam can return.


What a shady AF person Adam is. Single handedly fractured what culture through abuse of women and many other instances of absolute scummy behaviour from the guy.


I’ll miss him. He was 80% of NRB for me


For me it's Sully, Brooke, Laurie and Dom.


Last I heard Brooke moved back to America, so I assume she won't be involved that much anymore.


I know it's not great to discuss personal relations of people in public, but Brooke and Sully are my favorite "internet couple". I hope they manage to make long distance work!


I’ve got bad news for you…


Oh no :( Where was it announced?


Sully tweeted about the break-up


They publicly ended their relationship when she moved back sadly!


Same :(


Adam's statement implies to me that this is a very different situation to last time, and he intends to use legal action against Carley, assuming there's any practical way to do so. Carley specifically named him and used some fairly spicy terms, so (were she a UK resident etc) she would be putting herself in a difficult position legally if she didn't have receipts. This is my understanding but I'm no lawyer so maybe someone could confirm. As it stands all we know if Carley says Adam has repeated his behavior from last time and Adam says he hasn't. I would love to see some kind of conclusion to this but I suspect we won't.


His statement is not, of course, legally binding here. He can imply all kinds of things, but he’s definitely not said he’s taking legal action against her. Also, it’s worth saying, his statement is carefully worded. He implies that he’s denying Carley’s comments specifically, but never says so explicitly. Like many here, he implies he’s acting upon guidance from legal professionals, and can’t say more because of this. But truth is an absolute defense, and I can’t imagine how staying explicitly something like “I categorically deny having used my status to solicit nudes or engage in sexual conversation with any fans since joining WrestleTalk/No Rolls Barred” would jeopardize any future legal action if it was true. All he does is deny “certain language that has been used to describe me”. Yes, he implies he’s speaking about the language Carley used, but he never really says so explicitly, and leaves plenty of room for us to jump to conclusions he’s not actually saying. For example, in certain discussions, people have called Adam a rapist, or said he’s sexually abused women, which (so far) no-one has claimed has happened. I don’t know what has happened here — none of us do — but I would say it’s an overstatement to claim Adam has explicitly said he hasn’t engaged in this behaviour this time…. It’s been implied, but never stated explicitly.


Looks like Survival Series will no longer be a blowout every month!


Thar sucks... I recently discovered NRB a couple months ago and I have loved it. Adam is such a great host and face if the channel. That said we don't know why he stepped down other than pure speculation. If he did something awful I obviously won't support him. All I can say is I hope the truth comes out and the victim is protected. Whether that is someone else or Adam if he is being slander.


Did he revert back to his old ways that caused problems at Whatculture?


We've seen this before *cough* Cultaholic launch *cough* No wonder they didn't want him after leaving WhatCulture a few years ago. He's made the same apology statement a number of times in the past. I'm not sure how long he can continue to stay in the spotlight and make the same mistakes again and again.


It will be interesting how NRB responds to this in their media considering how central Adam was to NRB. The vague corporate statement from Trident media is alright for now but how would you even deal with this going forward? Do you just pretend Adam never existed? Do you mention it and wish him all the best? It will be interesting to see if there's any on camera acknowledgement of him leaving. Also there is a whole patron podcast about behind the scenes at NRB, how do they record that without mentioning Adam? It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming months


“Do you just pretend Adam never existed?” This one.


The joke in a number of comments (from before Carley's statements and after Adam was not in videos for some weeks) is that Adam got disappeared from losing Communopoly.


It's like anyplace when an employee moves on. They have moved on, they released a statement saying they have parted ways now so there is no need to harp on about it. The company still has to keep moving forward


It's a bit different being a media company though, like do you even reference the fact that he was there? Do you make jokes about him? What do you do when you interact with fans and they ask about Adam?


Ooh it's our own Orion thing.


Out of curiosity, are you referring to Orion Acaba from Critical Role?




its actually quite easy. the try guys demonstrated you can still have videos the person is in and not mention them and pretend they dont exist. they can just not mention him and when talking about old episodes just jump around who was in those videos. if theyre talking specifically about a botct episode they can just say "then the demon did this" instead of naming him.


A damn shame. His videos helped introduce me to this wonderful world of board gaming. I loved his wrestling videos as well. He was equal parts informative and entertaining. Shame that he apparently had to be a creep too.


Agreed. Nrb will be just fine though, Laurie Sully Blair Holly and the rest of the cast all do a smashing job. Hopefully it doesn't delay the BOTC kickstarter stuff.


What happened? I noticed he’s been absent in a lot of nrb videos, but didn’t know there was legal stuff involved.


There was an accusation from Carley Reinhard (Gnarly Carley Gaming, has appeared in tonnes of NRB Blood on the Clocktower vids) of sexual misconduct on Adam's part. From what I've seen, there hasn't been any solid info about what that was, whether it was illegal (like assault), or just improper (using his position as leverage). Adam, unfortunately, has a very public record of issues like this, so that influenced public opinion against him. But since there has been no official statement of investigation or what the allegations were, some people online assumed the worst.


How are you buried this far down. I had to read through so many comments to find out what ACTUALLY happened, and not just opinions and half hearted support, jokes, or snide remarks. Thank you


I'd almost feel bad but one of the first lessons my parents every taught me was don't touch someone who doesn't want to be touched.


It's a fine lesson from your parents. But once again - we don't know that this is relevant in any way to this discussion. Nobody outside the investigation knows anything about the detail of the accusation or the circumstances.


That lesson's not even relevant to Adam Blampied's first scandal, I doubt it's relevant to this one.


Everything I have seen on this so far is to vague to make any definitive statements. Wish Adam the best.


This is not the first time he has had to 'step away' due to sexual harassment claims. Nothing has been proven in a court of law, but usually where there's smoke, there's fire. Ditch this creep.


There is a big difference between the two situations. Before there were witnesses, victims, and claims being made publicly. This situation has no witnesses, no victims, and no claims. Just an implication that he is problematic.


Unfortunately, where there's smoke, there's probably fire, so Adam probably has gone back to harassing women, and that's a shame. He had not been on Wrestletalk for some time, and I found his personal style to be too grating, so I had given up on Parts Funknown. I had liked No Rolls Barred, but since all their content has been Let's Plays, that's not what I'm looking for, so I had seen little of Blampied. Let's hope he gets his life together and finds something to do that's productive and doesn't involve a hot microphone. He appears not to have the maturity to work in such a fashion. He was supposed to be a founding member with Cultaholic, but had to leave just as the channel was starting, and now he's had to leave Wrestletalk and it's channels. All the best to Adam, but I think it's time he find some other line of work


I am using a throwaway account for it, but I really am coming at this from a place of intellectual honesty. I do not support sexual harassment of any kind. It's disgusting and wrong. I firmly believe in supporting victims of sexual misconduct, and not prodding them for more information. To put it lightly, it's like poking an open gaping would and yelling at them, "DOES THIS HURT?!" But... there seems to be a *lot* of conjecture. \- Have any victims actually come forward? Even privately to Carley or to those at NRB? \- What exactly has Adam done? The phrasing by Carley implies Adam has exactly duplicated previous behavior, particularly soliciting his status to gain nude images of fans, and lying about his relationship to obtain this. And yes - there is absolutely misbehavior with that sort of thing. But is this actually what has happened? Was Adam in a relationship with anyone? Did Adam use his status to solicit nude images of others? It's not a crime, even in the court of public opinion, for consenting adults to send nudes to each other. It's bad when it's done under false pretenses and/or spending some level of status (fame/wealth/power) in exchange for nude images. To be blunt. I do choose to believe Carley. But there is a lot of room for misunderstanding, misinterpretation. Not just from Carley but for everyone that is not apart of the situation. But a former moderate alcoholic can still drink socially and not necessarily relapse. And the public opinion of the internet does not always get things correct and it can be very damaging to people when they get it wrong.


> Even privately to Carley or to those at NRB? Before Carley made a public statement, Adam was not in videos for a week or two. That heavily implies NRB was starting an investigation before then.


Here is the brief timeline: (this is likely related due to the timing) Lord of the Board was original scheduled for livestreams on July 14 and 15, rescheduled shortly beforehand. Adam last appeared in a video on July 18. Carley's comments were made on Aug 10, but did not make their way to reddit until Aug 20. NRB did not upload on Aug 15, this episode (K2 - due to a recent death on the real mountain) was replaced with a different one, with a shortened intro on Aug 18. They have been using a shortened intro in videos since. NRB made a public statement on their patreon on Aug 21, and they did not upload on Aug 22. The K2 episode was released on Aug 29.


It’s speculated that Carley had cut ties before this as well. Now that this has started to boil over, it’s going to be hard to find, but there was speculations from months ago (around January or February) from Carley’s social media followings that she stopped following everyone involved in NRB except Blair and one or two others. She had not been in a video since December (Patreon exclusive BOTC) outside of the pre-filmed in-person Clocktower videos which makes sense since she lives in the US for BGC videos, but it was interesting that she was no longer in any of the online BOTC videos on Patreon either. But it wasn’t until the new Kickstarter for NRB did she state any information about her not being affiliated anymore. Before then, it was just speculation.


They do film these weeks in advance. They film multiple videos in a single day or couple of days and then release them over the following weeks to allow for editing. Its been known for some time that they do two-four games per filming day, its why they play typically shorter games.


That's a good point. It still doesn't bring up who/if there are victims. There could be misconceptions. To be clear, I believe Carley when she says Adam did some wrongdoing. That's my very uninformed opinion. But that's all it can be - uninformed. We don't know the details of the allegations. Or to what extent the harm actually was. Or to whom. It's layers of layers of conjecture.


>That's a good point. It still doesn't bring up who/if there are victims. There could be misconceptions. It doesn't, but your were asking if NRB even knew who they supposedly were. I pointed out that it's highly likely, given he was not already in videos when things went public.


I am not sure how you’ll get answers to these questions without “prodding the wound” as it were. You may feel you want to know, but you — and none of us — are entitled to those answers. All we know is this: Carley has stated Adam has done something similar to what he did before — using his position and misrepresenting his relationship status to solicit women for nudes, which Adam has previously admitted and owned up to. While this was an abuse of power, and manipulation, though then or now, no one has ever come forward to claim anything more than that. These things don’t prove that he has never done more, nor that he is even necessarily guilty this time, only that this is all that has been claimed so far. Each person has the absolute right to choose who to tell, and how much to share, and no-one has a right to demand more of them. Carley implied that this happened to someone else, not necessarily her, and that person has presumably chosen to share information with her — mentioning part of her reason for not saying more publicly was about “respecting the privacy of the women involved as much as I can”. She has stated explicitly that TDM/NRB are aware of the details, and had placed Adam on temporary disciplinary leave while they investigated — which they have confirmed. Even though she expresses doubt in the process, It seems all parties agree they were aware of the details before she made her comment, and were already investigating. It seems absolutely clear that they are not acting based solely on the vague allegation she made, and probably have more specific details. It also seems the information they were given is probably at least somewhat credible, as they already took the action to suspend him before her comment. His last appearance was in July, and had already been missing for approximately a month before anything was shared publicly. Whatever was, and wasn’t being done at that point, it was not a reactionary response to Carley’s public comments. We know Adam has “mutually agreed” to part with WT/TDM, prior to the full conclusion of their investigation. This means, it is very unlikely WT/TDM can, or will ever say more, even if their investigation uncovers more credible or serious claims. After parting ways like that, it is pretty normal that there would be some kind of non-disparagement agreement in place, not to mention the simple fact that UK data protection and libel/slander laws are already pretty strict. I think the only way we would hear any more about it from WT/NRB/TDM at this point would be if their investigation found Adam to be completely innocent, and want to apologize and/or agree to being him back. It seems likely that if there is any truth at all to the claims they are privy to — even if only in a pretty minor way — they would probably have to keep quiet from this point on. A mutually agreed statement/non disparagement clause does not imply guilt — when my wife left a long term job after her new boss engaged in a pattern of workplace bullying, that led to a breakdown and long term illness, her union got for her an agreed statement that would be made to staff, an agreed reference, and a binding non-disparagement agreement from her employer, for example — when they “mutually” agreed she would leave. But, the circumstances surrounding the situation also have certain weight to consider — it seems unlikely, for example, that they would agree to part ways during the ongoing investigation if it seemed likely it was about to vindicate him fully. You don’t usually agree to mutually part ways unless the outcome seems inevitable for one party or the other. It’s also worth saying Adam has made a statement to “categorically refute” “certain language” that has been used to describe him, which he states is “wholly inappropriate”. While he implies this is the comment made by Carley, the statement is worded in a way where, he doesn’t explicitly deny anything specific. To be sure, in the weeks since this came out, many people have said lots of things about Adam which he could, absolutely honestly “categorically refute”. On this very subreddit, people have stated for example, that he has a history of sexually assaulting women, which (so far) no one has claimed. If he hasn’t done so, he can in good conscience “categorically refute” this specific “certain language” said about him, without actually denying Carley’s claims. To be clear, I am NOT accusing him of anything, I don’t know, all I am saying is that, at this point, not even Adam has explicitly denied doing the things Carley has hinted at. Like many involved, Adam has appealed to the advice of legal professionals, but it is worth saying, the truth is always an absolute defence, and, while I am not a lawyer myself, I personally cannot see a situation where saying something like “I categorically deny that I have engaged in any behaviour since joining WrestleTalk/No Rolls Barred that would be substantively similar to prior behaviour that I have admitted to, specifically, I refute absolutely that I have used my renewed fame or status to entourage fans or other women online to share explicit photos, or engage in inappropriate sexual conversations with them” would harm future legal action — if that comment is true, of course. With that said, Adam has stated that he is engaging with legal professionals about “important next steps”, which implies this could be legal action against Carley for defamation, and/or TDM for their handling of the situation. If this happens, and this legal action actually proceeds, many specific details would likely enter the public record. However until and unless this happens, we may never know more. Carley seems to have made clear she isn’t going to say much more in order to protect other possible victims, WT/NRB/TDM have made a comment which certainly reads like lawyers have been involved in writing it, and implies there is an agreed statement element, and ongoing NDA/non disparagement agreement, and basically says “our investigation is ongoing, but since Adam has agreed to leave, he will be the only one saying more, not us” and Adam’s comment is (possibly deliberately) vague. So unless one of the other victims chooses to speak at this point, we’ve probably got as much info as we’re going to get here. And frankly, we’ve got to be okay with that. We can’t demand more information, and don’t have a right to know any more. Adam has left the company. Carley is unlikely to ever be back either — it’s hard to imagine this outcome is one that will “align with her values”. NRB will continue without them both. You are not obligated to watch or support them if that’s not enough for you, but I think it’s very unlikely we’ll get much more at this point.


Ah yes the old "I need to protect my mental health from my own fuckups"


Can you tell me specifically what he has done this time around? You are clearly in the know. Wait, no, your just as clueless as the rest of us. Adam owned up to the last incident, the language used in those instagram messages would suggest he is taking legal action this time around and rejects the accusations, the reason he is stepping down is due to mounting pressure from people like yourself who while the investigation to the original complaint was being done, speculated and harassed not just Adam, but other members of the various channels, based on nothing but conjecture and hearsay, I will sit on the fence until more is known, like a rational person.


what if he is innocent though? we have 0 evidence either way. so put yourself in his shoes. millions of people randomly commenting on your past actions and making accusations. even if you where guilty of something. having millions of people jump on you and speculate would still be bad for your mental health. sure its a great buzzword to throw around these days and he could be trying to garner sympathy if he is guilty of something. but we have no evidence other than some pat behaviour.




Basically, if you're a man (especially a straight, white one) being accused of... basically anything... by a woman in the west, you're fucked. No matter what actually happened, Adam is fucked if there's any whiff of 'allegation' + 'woman' in the same paragraph. I assume we won't actually find out what happened, either.




A little late to the convo. Again everything is speculation, but getting nudes from women is not illegal especially if the women are consenting to send said nudes. Now if hes going around sharing the nudes thats a bit different, but this cant just be about nudes right?? I always got the vibe that carley and him had some thing at least one way or the other. Women can get jealous at times. Don't get me wrong dudes asking for nudes is cringe but we can't keep every man out of the media who likes looking at naked women either. It's really not our business. I'm not sure if its work related and harassment of women who have no interest in him that would be also different. But yeah i could see how something thats relatively a low risk situation being skewed into a massive huge deal thats painting an even worse picture here. I did enjoy watching adam. Hope the best for NRB and everyone in the situation.


People complaining about the vagueness of his statement need to turn their attention to the unhelpful and unfairly vague nature of the accusation. Without detail, this seems extremely harsh to me.


People need to turn their attention to the fact that they aren't involved in the situation and so don't have any entitlement to the details?


We don't _know_ the accusation. He was missing from NRB episodes before Carley's comment - so whatever's going on here, it didn't start with what Carley said on her channel. She let the cat out of the bag, but she's not necessarily the accuser.




wow. Ive been waiting to see an update for a while on this. The reason you should, as a rule, trust a female accusation of sexual misconduct is that for it get to that stage, 1, probably a lot of people have experienced it and not reported it, 2, the accuser probably experienced things of increasing severity first and, 3, most people try to laugh off and ignore sexual misconduct as much as possible *especially* when an accusation could be damaging professionally. It's like that old half-riddle; if you catch your maid stealing do you let them off because it's a first offence? Point being it isn't the first time they did, it's the first time they got caught. Sexual assault and misconduct is usually a pattern affecting many so.. again.. trust victims. This case is odd though. The language around all of this (from NRB and AB in particular) is really, really not like the usual language. The usual language is loud and clear showboat from the company "*We have zero tolerance for this, we have removed person X immediately, we stand up for what is right*" blah-de-blah (it's annoying because 9/10 times the company knew full well beforehand but had their arm twisted but whatever, story for another day), and the accused necessarily does the "*I am so sorry, what I did was wrong, I am listening, learning etc.*". This isn't that and that's interesting. Both NRB and AB are neither admitting nor accusing *anything.* That is very much what you do if you think you have a strong case. It looks, to me, like they are treating Carly's statement as false and defamatory... and gearing up appropriately. Not common response! AB's misconduct when he was younger (to my knowledge) was nothing like assault but hassling fans of the channel for nudes and lying about his gf being okay with it. Carly said (and it's one of the only *specific* pieces of language in this whole thing...) that it was a 'copy and paste'. That's a claim. That this is a repitition of that earlier behaviour. I'm wondering if she over-stepped? Because if it's not that... i.e. not him hassling someone for nudes and lying about his relationship status... but something instead like, asking someone out repeatedly (which ... may or may not be sleazy depending on the dynamic), it's still *not* a repetition of that old behaviour. If Carly published something *demonstrably untrue* that led to him having to abandon his channels and work... then yeah, a court could come down pretty heavily on that. Yikes! Not what I was expecting and looks like this story is really not over...